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Show OGBEN DAILY COMMERCIA PRICE, FIVE CENTS. OGDEN, UTAH, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 5, 1890. VOLUME IV. NUMBER S6. CoL LiviAgstoa, ia reply, said it would siderwl straight, but by it Le would t utBd or f &u. be brNt to keep tbou oaa separate ogwu-tatiu- e IWv-II- m dl f aa at prtwet but Lh-- y eaould What the rM kirw.t to thU, aUmpUijs f rviernue more ckaiely and out, fee enure uae of f urtbw drukMoaT arrest oa a xuaa fur riulaUua vt the upon BMsmnunm of pubbc Atrucdutftr'jULrfo:kBJ. Loamy- FIVE St EX KILLED BY THE COL--but and laata-ttl141 lavs, .rv. 11 rrecwiBieodad with him," OVuuii "aaay ETTLERS NEAR THE HOSTILE kJled by lb maa sought to be hrrtbl, THE HORIZON UKS PE1GHTEC nLottlnt, -ana f: eternity nh other r.atanal bodies Liiu." fco-- a sortie cf ix T j ' vl wut-ify LAPSE OK A I5LAT FURN ACE. 1 iR THE !EI11 LEII'i.K. bd oo preiimiakry iaiintKm brfures 'L-- 3 CUl XTiiY GRANTED ARSIS. dlaurder :l Boi vuOaklatMICL. tuUoSfd. quit-- t id icaswtrateuf the till, the lean wterview with aa Aaaociatal Kaaliy rriUiL llnaly said nothing i. It u cwruumy aa promptly reprwentative this after aooo. DotUw Afrrrd to. rouil clir. l.i tleieruuoalioii Iodt- - Fire in a Iltubarr Flat Cue the IVese Davis JUt rkury Uou;jroiii nozu;!y ia the governiuefit Tiie F.leeiion Bill Characterized l-4id a rail of the national Ut ter a as bo greater e,'ale l e IKr:.L ho have committed laurovm ioc ui Iive-T A Lu of ! a Inure ULirh t.ivr. I'arurll eoLfereuoe to be hi-lrVU. 23 Best, with tl'BB the RiaW.ty jf the pirtr; yrt fc prot-uloia of Puyi a a Scheme to Capture purpot stopping t&iked of defjiu it. a view of f Ttuirg a r.ew uartr had H .: Heroic Death. to Rtire. be Dot flMHiiU out court eral Il'jiiorjlly otly Demur retir Dutrie!. been draaa up. It eudorse the Aili-a- a lhre would be tuojh ta'iu?ir-hibut o4 even be uut ui e piatforu a.k;ptrd at HL Louis and p ia the ho ip-aa tatwity couru. luctf trial in stat rJ W ill Kret tir t utuniltr, tut E- late ij by a EiJ- iovit ait orgHniuttoo ia sympathy to as rtatea-Biiolu- T rcrww jmri PTae!l to lak (jli!in.Qr (u4riM a4 Th IVm.is Kill liw. 1 U lb? Ua kill will fcitw otiiM, uenjontto seud delegate to 4'incinna'lL It lay as that f l.vtl. Then Healy tUdrra Killed ia a rvsd rriN th ki;l( U Srlrrt lit or jurors for tt! purpose ca laipeaiug f er Takrs kt OpMrtitit; to Vest down four proixiMtivxui with reference deread uf I'smrll's ej-. n--portion f a I l al TW Aawruaa Lraftte raif lh atlmitiuaraiKto oi uw.t. oa Ki-T- ht Hi to the Dktaotuil reform ia finance, livered at hi birthday banquet six auorarfy wunit-heFederal ia th tried and Ik j I'kita. rUne. ia iu msg . iml oa FrlrraJ Jauirr. fcftw month the tardea It lraii(.;irUitKn, lacd ul Ubr. Furiclerview, adoiimbtraMMirt Mji a minor eleuae. the 4. At a caucus tit is dec Larin th ittdfiador of the Iri-- h I1L, Dec. 4. In the Illicois ther thaa this it content will cot Dee. ana the State Jourr, of laws, LjsiKx, the twn reso4. Dec The joint Waj.h:s.tok, made Davia ttlh&iic with Steel couiiMUiy'a works today, a b!at te public yet. laws thutuBelved in Biany di4rKt wul morning of tha opnjoeo ts of I'arut U a parU'aad euimag the lution on the Indian question the coiiveoti.a would undoubt-wil- y liladstona. again have little ret-t- . The thought out for Supreme court resolution was ad.ptd not to fept tha a bio d in the placia; of a Ar angry duel of word fniloaed. furnave which has beea taken up this morning an J Ham ley urged reeentlv decided that there m a ptt Clancy couiprouiise, which would be Healy tu ket in the field in I'he re posting I'iircell'a went remark reair, auddenly fell to the gnnind. the neoossit y of prompt action. Yoorhee of the L'nited fcitate.' about (iirfdstoae end btiiohiug by bsk witlumt warciag. Eleven moa were at call wdl not be tthe Nati-ioa- l offered at todiiy's meeting, but to fori quoted an interview with Governor Auiunoe but Iw oin uUUvl broke "Who the alliance" ignature) ing, ac when the six on t aud work inside, It it not the dutr of wugreaa to pro matters to a decisive iiue forthwith. Prirocll and Nulaa both excUitued: Foster, of Ohio, ex member of the work in thirty u alhacce slate and perhaee The happeoe.1. noon to -further met at nationalibts of this The of the unioo. Iridentfumat-- linings were pilel upon all Tha CiUdsUrtie letter." to tieat with the Sioux, ia hicb --vide bv law for the here and at all t lines; in consider the question of Parnell's leader lliere u considerable indignation Healy retorted: "It iriiJie.1 from the ach other in a confused iieap, mingling Foster said the whole trouble via due to peace'' every the prosecutions lor violations oi eiei- ship. All the Iribh members in Lundoa stench of the divoroe ourt." correnjKiulenU over the failure of with tlie dead aud dying workmen. among the fact that the Indiana were starving, ton laws in aetwal districts, couvu-tion- s Parnell replied thi.t if the Gladstone Relative tf the uufortuuaU - the pree committee, which aa to give men quickParnell attendance. in were occupied letter hail not been written the alliance out information, to terform it duty. A (five them enough to eat. he said, and andDleasof iruillT have baeu obtameu Iv L'kthered kUut the scene of the d in a large number of eaont. As an illus- the chair. there would be no furthar trouble. would have been maintained. vigorou protest waa made to President renewed to rescuers the and aster urged l"olk today, the policy of the alliance After a lengthy debate on the Indian tration, however, of the difficulties met defeoded GlftJctme. He said efforts. After the meeting had been called to Healy men hour half a the Within that gentle- bad taken out eight bodice, r ive or tb seems to be one ot atricteat secrecy. question the joint resolution was in such prosecutions, the district attor-in order one of the members read a niam Parnell had 'amended so as to apply to the states of ney for one district rejwrta that man's mud. unfortunate were dead, and the other hairs with gray by the Cttholu and now wanted Irish three orth ana south liufcota, yoiuuig ana a certain county, a number of festo issued yesterday the The Death Roll. in aiiarenlly fatally injured. The that Ireland, in hierarchy declaring violawhose citizens were convicted of Nebraska, and paseed. ia hand, to go killed were hat members, we mm, Dec. Xels 4. Dr. Jededtab. Larson, i Wash Loos. me ot oi tn reveiaiious (iui It Parnell sucMorgan introduced a joint resolution, tions of the election laws, the county consequence Htai IL - GlhdsUme for terms. Baxter, surgeon general of the army, U 0Shea divorce case, w hioh convict I'ar- cumbed he was ouly one man gone. The John Pederson, Theodore Laroa, which went over until tomorrow, appro court order4 all tinea and uell of one of tha gravest offenses known heads of fafally injured, l'at Killien, who was stricken with paralysis on leader had been N'ereuck; priating f3.U0 for the invefctigation un assessed against them ia the United Krickson and August Hwanson. Peter and society, the Catholio of stricken off greater der the orders of the senate aa to the Slates court to be pid out of the county to religion at the block before now for Monday, died thia morning. He never a man cause of the trouble among the In treasury; and in another county, a num Ireland cannot accept as a leader Ireland, but the Irinh cause remained. regained consciousness after the attack. continuance his that TRAP. DEATH A dishonored; wholly manner a like dians. ber of whoae citizens in Hex ton said he had listened to Healy Lord Thomea London, Dec 4. cause me wouia the in such imperu to leadership The elections bill was then taken up were convicted, or pleaded guilty with reyret Would Parnell resign, he Francis Freemantle Cottesloe iadead. of Ireland. and Pugh addressed the senate 10 oppo offenses in tho United States court, If Fire In a PMsbunr Flat Cannes the liord Cottesloe was twice secretary of majority voted for the The reading of the manifesto was asked. the the sition to it The bill, he said, was never iCaX) was actually paid out of the county Gladstone reply? the treasury, and also secretary of war Losg of Two Lives. I'aruell's with oppo by cheering intended to be put in ojieration in the transurv uikd auoh tinea and costs in greeted Parnoll certainly. and chief secretary of Ireland. He waa , 1 o'cl.ick 4. nents. About Dec. Pirrsiu-Bofor them UU asked for further explanation, .Republican districts. It was founded one day. These facts Barry year old. which his offered amendment, Clancy in the flat on one proposition, and that waa selves." be and Parnell vehemently replil: "I have this morning a fire broke out difference of view the in nrovided. officers of election Two Sluggliiff Matches. state that the with distinctness that I will not owned by Dr. Dickson. The lower part Gladstone and 1'arnelL that the stated answer." might be watched, guarded and SEW MEASURES IN' CONGRESS. tween further give Two bodies store. San Fkancihco, Dec. 4. Preliminary is occupied aa a drug nartv whins be instructed to obtain overruled because they were Democrats. and Harcourt, from of the out are Morley Gladstone, taken about completed for tha finish fight building, been have I The whole conception of the bill was of Silver before any further consideration of the NATIONAL LEAGUE OF AMERICA. Stewart Desires Free f a transparent and audacious scheme. and New Orleans in April, between Cor-het- t, at the Mr. of those janitress, Irvine, L'land Wants Greenbacks. mam Question, iniormation or me ue- Ban Francisco, and Slavin, of i having no other end or purpose than the ot husband. her from the bill of 18SG, made by The Kxerutlve Council Meets in Lilt- to Sow It was nearly 3 o'clock before the fire Australia. Jack Domsey goea Fitzsim-mocapture of democratic districts ana Washington, Dec. 4. Senator Stew narture ia his suggestions affecting ns eoln Today. Hiihduod. No mora bodies were Orleans in a few daya to fight their transfer to the republican party in art today introduced a bill for the free Gladstone Irish of the constabulary on January 11. all the occupants are ac and found, congress to be used in perpetuating its and unlimited use of silver as money. the control 4.- - The exe,utive Dec Xeb., Linoolx, and the settlement of the land question. counted for. There were about forty, upreniHcy in defiance of the will of the A nrolomred debate took place on council of the Irish National League of and ; people. It amends the first section of the pres many had narrow escapee. AFFAIRS AT PIXK RIDGE. amendment. 1'arnell intimated that America, comprising President Pitz- 3 Mr. Irwin perished in an attempt to Gray obtained the floor, but as he did ent law by repealing the clause limiting the took the if responsibility the party to 'not desire to speak this afternoon, Blair tho purchase of bullion end requires ot Lincoln, Judge FiU.gerald of rescue his w ife, after giving the alarm oft his shoulders and would insist upon gera'd on the other floors. Mrs. moved to lay the elections bill aside un-'tEverything Quiet. cAxwIsrv at tha treasury to nur the liberal loaders promising to carry Cincinnati, Dr. O'Reilly of Detroit, M. V, the inmates ih tomorrow and take up the displaced iu an attempt to Dec. 4. At army headquaroffered at a the acceptable home rule bill through Cannon ot Omaha, and SocretarySutton Irwin was suffocated CrncAC.o, bullion all silver chase the slalior bilL building, three commons in the face of all opposition, of Lincoln, will hold a meeting in this r wh tho entrance to the Gen. Miles reported that ters " Hoar gave notice that after today he price not exceeding one dollar for was toniyht. The is loss building $40.0. e ana twenty he would retire from the loadorship. He city tomorrow. Judge Fittgerald, who The indicate tha; everything advices all today fire no with would endeavor to press the elections hundred and seventy-onescape four stories high, ia quiet at the scone ot the Indian, groins, pure ailver. asked the meeting to accept Clancy's is now here, today cabled the following and no watchman. bill without having it laid aside for any tivealsohundredths re alliamend9 tha third section by to Parnell: "No hasty action ot the On . Th department of public safety will troubles. resolution, whereupon, he said, the other purpose whatever until the final It ' quiring the secretary to coin at least ance beeween the Nationalists and Lib- cinnati parnell brunch misrepresents TMvMAnut the.ow-uato- t tha JUwiUiuc Tote was reached. the erals would be renewed. the Irish sentiment. You have ever been his failure to put up fire escape accord- iliRK TROOPS FOR PISE RIDGE Cockrell objected to the labor bill be- two million ounces perasmonthjafter mucn more aa 1st of July next, and Healy refused to submit to Famerl s faithful to Ireland, while Gladstone, until ing to law. ing taken up. and after a number of bills hoUjb tha He declared that they lately, was among her oppressors. Hence, The First Infantry From San Franstipulations. on the calendar were passed, tha senate necessary to redeem ai 11Weasnry . ouinun. Killed. even bovond the lines or compro- the Irish race rejects his dictation and were Two issueainpurcns8eoi Instantly cisco En Route to the Scene. adjourned. In the house uiana introaucea a oiu mise suggested at yesterday's meeting. demands your retention as leader." Doc. 4. A south bound 8poeial to Tss CoMMKBctAb. St. Louis, or me treasury Sexton declared that the majority oi House. requiring the secretary to prepare a new series of treasury notes, members were firmly determined to adRan FnANcisco, Cal., Deo. 4. In reChicago Sc Alton passenger tram was Will (Mioose liis Memhers. IK Washington, Doc. 4.- - -- In the house commonly issue to called greonbacks,and here to the main question and would wrocked at Jacksonville, I1L, thia morn- - sponse to telegraphic orders from Cen4. Tho committee appec. Lo!don, in of amount business the to the morning them in sums equal simolv. vote that Eatnoll tust resign IjvtJjinygiBhed ,r. Fred Siita of Tekin, III., and tral 8 eh First r national bank notes from time to time, was circuiauxi mis aiiernoon pointed by' the naTTonalist meeting sent J. K. Riffle of Kansus City, were Regiment of Infantry left here thia idge or surrendered amendment for c,rlWe to Gladstone a hiin to that to redemption letter jflhctjtfect Clancy's open asking killed. Half a dozen others every guardian, conservator, curator, lation. 4a .sric'no6oi has bin rejected. Inquiry proved there negotiations for the future home rule hill. nstantly morning by two special fast trains for tutor, or other judiciary agent for the Bland also lntroducedjrt to finish. rz" . ins a truth in the rumor. Uu the con Gladstone expressed his willingness to I ivere hurt. the scene of the Indian troubles at Pine of a ' of the pensions embezzlement the issue of a series the seconf er trafWhe latest phase ot the situation interchange views with the commitUMs. Six Lives Lost at ;.. ward. The previous question being ing Ridge Agency. The Quarter-Maste- r to raeefany detlcieaa for Jne bids fair for an agreement, a committee but reserved the right to choose the notes bill revenues of the , ordered, yeas, 113; nays, 92; and the government. ir'ire-ambl- e hnvinur been appointed to wait upon members with whom to negotiate. London, Deo. 4. A fire broke out in Ogden has been wired to have twotraina in readiness to pull out for the oast impassed. to a bill that recites a doficiency and endeavor to obtain from the work house at JSewcastlo-on-lynOn motion of Morrow, the house went in the revenues is now threatened and Gleadstone, mediately upon the arrival of the troops assurance desired THE LEADING oy MARKETS. him the jrarncu It last nitrht in tho womans' dormitory. .1 into the committee of the whole on the the country is not in a condition to bear ThA committee consists of Parnell, Sex' in that city that not a momenta un- -. children was crowded with women and nonsion appropriation bill. anv further taxation. necessary time shall be lost in the transton, Healy, Justin, McCarthy, John The Union Pacific Declines in Will who caused a dreadful panic. Six lives fer. Morrow explained that the bill approPar and Power Loamy. Doasy, wore lost. Street Good Prices in Wheat Private telegrams received here priated for the payment of pensions nell will take no part in the negotiations Capital Gossip. officers and others would indicate-tha-t $133,173,000 to be distributed among before 4. and the most appointDec. The Gladstone A with New Town Destroyed. York, Dec. 4. Representative 054.615 pensioners. This was the largest instead of tho grnvity of the situaWashington, Parnell asked of ment the committee, Was in Wall news Street busitoday number of beneficiaries ever provided McKinley today introduced a bill in the the tion being exaggerated aa seems to be Salina, Kas., Deo. 4. Half the meeting for an informal show of for in any single item in the status of the house similar to the one in the hands on Clancy's amendment. This from abroad and it showed tho situation ness jwrtion of Brookfiold was destroyed tho general impression, it has really beea presented United States. It was estimated that very lightly pictured in the published disclosed the fact that only Barry and there is so much improved that the this ufternoon. the gross cost for the United States of senate, providing that the present tariff Chance continued to hold out against bank of England has reduced its rate of reports. Hie commandant newspaper these pensions for the year 1839 would law shall not affect the operations of the the amendment. in this city has instructions to hold an Catholic School iu Flames. Besides Gladstone, discount from 6 to 5 per cent, while the believed Ho there each. 8203.40 averace other regiment and artillery in readiness Hawaiian reciprocity treaty. the committee will also see Harcourt C rices of Amorican stocks were much would he no deficiency nest year, Pittsburg, Dec. 5, 1:15 a. m. The for transportation at an hours notice. JSoble has been paying cor- - and Morley, and endeavor to conclude igher. Domestic ndvicos, however, Socretary He and lloor. church St. Mary Magdalen Catholic were not so encouraging nnd the Cooper of Indiana, got the siderable attention lately to the subject tomorrow. reviewed all of the charges made against of attorneys fees in pension cases, and negotiations in earnings in the Union Pacific school, at Homestead, Pa., caught on fire decided to entrust committee The Storming: at Pine Ridffe. Commissioner of Pensions Raum which is formulating a plan by whicn claimRedmond, Sexton and Loamy was an influential factor in the course of at 1 o'clock and the church is already Doc. 4. A special from Pica Omaha, formed the baBis of the investigation last ants for pensions not represented by at- Healy, The market opened higher, but with the conduot of the negotiations prices. destroyed. There are no hopes session, and asserted that they had all torneys may be placed upon the same with Gladstone. It is reported that at after the first fow minutes, the weakness totally says:- Zero weather and a driv- -. Ridge side. The on either for the been proved. The pension bureau should footing as those who are. In speaking a meeting of bis adherents last night, was the ruling feature until the final convent buildings is now burning as ia also the ing storm of cutting sleet prevail here. he presided over bv a man above criticism today of attorneys' tees, Secretary XNoDie Parnell promised to abide by tho decision hour, when there was a slight reaction house. It now looks as if three The troops are hugging their camptlrea dwelling last the and above reproaches. During expressed himself with some warmth. of the majority of the Irish members on from the lowest prices of the day. The other dwellings near will also go as and the Indians are to had freezing in their gone campaign the commission The pension bureau, he said, is now the value of Gladstone's assurances. Union Pncitio is down 22. (ilovern-men- t there is absolutely no water to be had storm conShould the present tepees. Indiana and had invaded his (Cooper's) issuing between fourteen thousand and Supporters of Parnell are confident closed Petroleum, steady. January on the hill. tinue, and particularly should there be a district. The commissioners' only excuse fifteen thousand certificates a week. Gladstone's assurances will prove int hat he miffht defeat Coopers election This means heavy fall of snow, the ponies oi the Chicaoo, Dec. 4. In wheat a large that attorneys are receiving A Heavy Damage. Indians now here, and wtiose nay The couimissiooer had come to Indiana every week out of money appropriated adequate.PARNELL AND HIS DESISE. business was transacted and the feeling McGinn 5. The has been, stolen by the hostiles, woukl PirrsBtRo, Dec. to prostitute his high office for partisan to relieve the necessities or oia soldiers was considerably unsettled, the prices At the opening of the meeting today ruling both lower and highor than yes- cracker house, Jenkins warehouse, next die of starvation. At best this winter ends. He (Cooper) had great veneration an amount estimated between $150,000 for the pension bureau and protested and 8375,000. A large number of cases Sexton denied that he ever promised to terday's closing, opening about the same door, and Harris drug store, were dam- will inevitably 'be very tough on the life aud as who have bowed their neaus that the institution should not become were adjusted under the old law, winch Parnell to retire from public to tho amount of 1150,000, copper-face- s yesterday's closing. Prices quickly aged by fire 1 ..... to rule in tne present K!a I.1 . i .atr - vum the I.. government nit a spawning place for corporations, or a allowed a lee of 52o. The new law al said he only meant that he should retire advanced . The operators took ad .iiirm at an euny noui u.i the instance, while their nsojf rebellious and stall for the sale of patent rights, nor lows but $10, but even at this rate at- from the chairmanship of the party. caused chemicals of ot sold Bnd advance the vantage freely. An explosion on the fat are brothers Parnell proceeded to deal at length The living nhniild it be presided over by a "niori- - torneys would realize $150,000 a week, thieving several some declined with then wall to fall, severely injuring 1)4, prices land. of the with the Clancy proposal. He decided fluctuations advanced hnnd and malodorus politician," likened I look over the lists or attorneys, 18, eased off, and firemen. himself to retire closed ' hv & rnmihliean paper to a "bad egg." The hostiles are still making every added the secretary, "and rind many of that he could not bindGladstone's higher than yesterday. Resee could was that effort to strengthen their position ia the reply. he until New surprised Killed on the Rail. Sawer. York, 050,000. are men who, upon their knowl them 305,000. Shipments, ceipts, av been had granted - bad lands. They have the squaws Cooper should make his speech at this edge of law, could not practice before a His position as the leader of the Philadelphia, Dec. 4. Jamos Hel- e work digging rille pits along all point The Pope to His Bishops. time, before the case closed. Cooper country justice of the peace, but hero him not merely leader of the nation. whore the soldiers are likely to coma forty, Wm. McGowan and Michael had said the committee had abandoned in Washington they manage in a few party, but the Rome, Dec. 4. The pope has issued an were instantly killed this afternoon They have all tho cattle they have stolen nnv further investigation, but it baa years to accumulate a million dollars or This had been derived from circumstances in which, speaking with the encyclical address to bishops engaged in by being run down by a train on the well in the interior of the region for prounderstanding that the more acting as 'attorneys' ror pension tection. ittoA Khould hear further testi claimants. greatest respect, his hearers had no the movement. He explains Reading railroad. mnnv thin session. Sawer fujther de mission of Cardinal Lavigorie and the Senator Quay introduced a bill grant THOSE NAUGHTY INDIANS. THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE. After speaking of his services in as- expresses thanks to tho soveriegns who nied that the charges against Raum had ing all persons on the pension list or the and prejudices soothing been proved. assisted in the work of tho hereafter placed on it, who lost both similating But ot They Ran Away from Home and Now After further debate the committee eyes or both feet, or who were otherwise of discordant eloments in tho Irish eonferenco. In addition he advises con Thpv Favor said: Parnell . ; i the t world, oi.vi Want to Come Back. rose and the house adjourned. in tinued efforts throughout East a a Africa, Consolidation. oi missionary siuu pension totally disaDiea, there is no man and announces that he had instituted also to all persons who lost an "i'ou know and I know month; ses succood 4. afternoon could who At the Washington, Doc. 4. Gon. Schotield Ocala, Dec. ATTORNEY GENERAL MILLER. an annual collection on behalf of the arm at the shoulder, or a leg at the hip, living, if I am gone, Irish of the the a telegram from Gen. Brook received feelings in a alliance reconciling repreto movement taken of an delegation lost be the who to sion those up $90 a month, and sllawarden to the proposals. 0. ot below people the of En arm below the elbow or a leg Kansas this afternoon saying that forty lodges on the feast of Epiphany January He Vrnlnins the Difficulty senting the Citizen's Alliance Aa von wish to withdraw from me this 855 per month. To those who lost knee. Colonel Livingston, of Indians had loft the Rosebud agency were introduced by I think it only reasonable forcinar the Revenue. Laws. Willing- to Spend Money. a hand or foot or have been totally dis- responsibility, those on the since tho removal of the camp across all made and should addresses, of judgment that give Georgia, you 850 per month. The toDec. 4. constitThe Washington, Dec. 4. Attorney Gen abled ia the same, of benefit government London, tho for White river to the edgeot the 'bad your substance of which was that their further that persons who matters eral Miller, in hi3 annual report, sayi bill providestwo uents. Therefore I submit this resolu- day introduced in tho house of commons lands," and that there aro strong sympin shall disabilities interested more was or contracted deeply toms of disintegration as about half the accept no homo rule a supplementary estimate of that vigilant efforts have been made to receive a sum per month equal to the tion, that the party immediate farmers' of 5,000 the movement; the success control of seem w illing to come back to the it unless Chinese bill gives disabiliexcluding all of tho were the for legislation enforce total of the rates into the that both bodies practically work Indians Gen. Brooke also says thut from t.h police and power to deal with land. for tho purposo of inquiring agency. no of saw ties mentioned. in the westorn part of Ireland, ing on tho same line, and they By the immigration. their intentiona as to Mr. Gladstone is capable of working to situation can all he gather from the failure of the potato reason why merchants, trades, druggists, the of the Indians want to the treasury department, it is believed secure a majority at the elections which arising majority in unite not reIrelanJ. for Seed should Pototocs promoting for for and cross the to etc., making preparations hotmontof the attempts The war department officwill render him independent of both crop the distress among tho inhabit- this movement. They asked for a comeback. been frustrated, as have at commons lieving 4. In If the Dec. much Conservative you are and ial! parties. London, Irish gratified at this intelliof oonferense to committee throw mft to him. iret my value by se ants ot that section. tempts to bring Chinese directly through motion a that made gence. Balfour parliament between relations closer for ports of the United States upon the vote 5,000 to provide seed potatoes for curing a pledge of a satisfactory home thA Citizens' Alliance and National Alii Will Not Affect Them. The Dreaded Hessian Fly. Pacific. In regard to the of Ire- home rule bill" cultivators land distressed ance. The request was granted and a the is it earnestly at amazement of the judiciary, Par ornresned 4. A iTaalv Ammidown Dec. New YonK, not be from ittee appointed. Delegates Sprinofield, 111., Doc, 4. Rejiorts of now far ad land. The Beed potatoes will hoped that the legislation nell's speech and protested against add- Smith, dry goods commission merchants, ttA New York workiogmen's reform the l oiiil not be Dermitted to fail. It given the people gratis, but as a loan, crop correspandents of the Illinois haw conditions to the Clancy resolu assert that the failure of the Ritten- and league ad state board of agriculture show that tho of enforcing the and any one paying the ready money ing league withto the difficulty to wanted he said, regard would obtain twenty per cent, discount tion. Parnell, Manufacturing Company will not dressed the convention, saying, among II y has been discovered in the v the question on the leadership and house law, tne anorue m""""" rev This is only a small part of the meas- draw cause any trouble to them, lho firm other things, that mechanics and laborers Russian rule. home on discussion "The enforcement of the internal elec BnhaHtiitA a fields in nearly, if not all, of the counties to much as wero the upon com government Rittenhouse be to in taken dependent ures in the city the had no interest by onil the United States exget neither straight conduct pany further than selling its products, tha industrial condition of the country where winter wheat is grown. The not meet the impending distress in Ireland. They could done is ..airrht. Q HU'Offl from him. tho rdroady tion lawa is particularly resisted. Several He of nv tent damage be should and other and public Ammidown was a large stockholder as the farmers were, spoke of railways Maination8 of officers and witnesses, known. Parnell replied that he had given his but in tho company. nt i mned in i? the execu works to be undertaken. The appro eligible to membership in the alliance yet cuu was noi it answer. Heregretlea for and asked was approved. Of Lniteu the orders and priation inua dime the w4 yr. Kuta, oceurrwj Within the Laurt tea day, a Oeputy auar- - A of aw GLEAM OF lnilE MM liHED a fr0llr y J.-L- n Iiat du-btrg- - iu tbt j Ho-1'iQ- l'c d a puo-isk-- J. U-- ft tl-r.i- te h la ire-IUr-ard l'nitl iu preai-dentii- pre.-nle- j ft eoni-mii&io- u ma-on- ry prest-natio- e eek le ui il i - fr , AJ-vmo- e lted-mon- se x- .... ew-liu- anti-slaver- y . anti-slaver- y ... anti-slave- !,, T1 |