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Show OIWES Lis interest to pay THE COMMERCIAL. eooufh ikJ'krt lor iLrm lixm If bMO, tL njIruaJa pruBptly fjUlrf all tLe Lu Oupu aaurt c-- a M FRIDAY DECEM13EK 5, DAILY--COMMERCIA- Lav the new ii&e whk-Prw bad protaise'd Lr. H mr. iu4 tits up Ull about a year and aw to lars Iiaba vbea h L refuted b pay aJ another sua m bow pending. of ail res will aeaa prosBr the tents of bis praaafUers profl. Vrt tLa extern speculator wLu Fau eoisaf a ill 'the uxxj 1 about bail lh tern eouiJ aut toll a oWid ut eura fruea oca of perity f Jf tL Wtt aul 'pass to eLaritabie insutuuoes. httt UibU Liint-!- rk-- oq the cocu-alawyer ssuJ today that tLeyoufc tuiTo. Vuwm The&s was never a better time for prk that do aot jirld the pruduct-eaaa exet uted a C1 nearly two years f ia o.devwLuc'fcil property be miht be placibg nx-realty. a L:ieg. Tba fartbt tm that V UTAH. OGDEN. '- E. IL COKKriJ- -, f MNSY iXMES b r FKI01T. lii'EJtB arottf. Blindly perLaj It, Y n induwv-ineeUtoth- 0-de- n SSToa mm wholesale jv I U to a youcg woman nanI piMedBooker, who has been Li La athvas to eorrtx-- t it uf the JJuubtVes euoie of the aches t UJ. t ti-- I The lault ' MJW4, gweru-BM- tt ItM taraaett are ' tt fcl lltIM lu. is aot dwiigaeJ as a kaa institu-Uoa- . Vet even for this phje of the v aaalk. DstiwoA ia tU city at 3 the tar&wr thauielves are oot arfiLatk-A 11 . . -- l A . AH 4a rpofiiUe. They have Urn aoeus-tutue- d i to blhc the United State treastin. ham. of Wall street, ury run at the and a sort of adjunct to that den of financial sharps. They Lave teeo it at very opportunity rushing to the amirt-anc- e THS GOLD BELT BOAD. of banks. They need help more Wall street does. They need it of throe thaa ia the Lata Tbo gait tore than the banks. iU papers pubth IWp Cut The farmers a ill get down to business lished the ctaUueot that Otfdeo bad a ia due time, and if they absorb the dem- otber an J promieed fl'.,ftO projectors to ean them agoges it will lesre the old parties gropfrom tLa original project sad induo ing fur new leaders. th transfer of their allfgienoe. TLLs taUMirnt was holly faliia but it acted MORE MEDICAL DISCOVERIES. as a stimulant and that was its purpose. Salt Lakke now has another schema So far as experiment has been ab!e to that has btD Bientionwl before in these determine, the discovery by Dr. Koch of column, and once aain is using t)fden a method of curing consumption is sus as a scare. This time the eaee is not one tained. The effect of the lymph, the of pretense. Ok'Jtu ia entitled to the composition of which is a secret, seems road now under consideration and a to be all that the eminent inventor of the facts claimed. The proper presentation people of the world unwill go far toward securing it cover their beads to Koch. They look Thin road, according to the Salt Lake upon him as one of mighty and benefi plan, is to traverse a trackless wilder-cea- s cent achievement for more than a hundred miles. It It is now stated that Pr.Koch believes would hare no local traffic for all this he can subdue other diseases that that enetrute a distance. It would finally have heretofore in a great measure bafrk-section of Idaho, and doubt U se- fled medical skill, and borne their viccure an important through traffic. But tims to the armies. Diphgrave the natural course of this road would be theria is mentioned asby these, and among through Ogden, and Salt Lake knows various fevers so malignant and infeccirthis. The object in the atwurd tious that they are dreaded more than cling through the desert is to words can portray for their coining poravoid Ogden. To accomplish this Human life is now tends death. is end Lake Salt perfectly of longer aver ago duration than it was willing to bamboozle capitalists into a few generations ago. Everything tendspending hundreds of thousands of dol- ing to prolong it is looked upon as a lars on track that in itself can never Life is not all sunshine. This blessing. return one rent, but that could for the universe is not faultless, and the creasame money be constructed through a tures inhabiting it rail against their enfertile and thickly settled country in vironment, but always they cling to it which from the first it would be certain The tomb is so absolutely cheerless. of immense local business. There are such dire possibilities con It remains to be seen whether capital nected with the uncertainty beyond. can be confidenced in this fashion and The poor mortal righting against odds whether Ogden is going to remain idle, for a bite and a sheltering roof yet while it loses what is naturally tributary wants to stay. to it and can only be lost through stupid Ia there a limit to the extent to which inactivity. maladies may be overcome? Surely it is not to be that suicide, violence and FIRST OF THE TEAR. old age are to remain at last the only The beginning of another year is al- methods of exit And it must be re most at hand. It should be to Ogden membered that Dr. Brown Sequard the most important of its existence. It thought he had discovered an elixir that should see greater steps taken in ad- defied old age. vance. MubUityjfcJtving as never before. It should see a knowledge Citizens of New York have forwarded ofOgden's resources scattered abroad. a protest against Russian cruelty. This It should see the people united and en- speaks well for their humanity but it is thusiastic in every sensible scheme for not likely to have in any degree the delocal improvement It should see new sired effect Russian cruelty is beyond business houses established, new manu- any correction save from the hands of factures inaugurated, old ones enlarged. the people it now enslaves. The particIt should see avenues opened to industry. ular occasion of the protest was the pros It should see a new rail connection with pective hanging of a fair young woman Idaho. It should see the city kept who had darod to hope for liberty. In habitually clean, its homes beautified, all probability the girl will go to the and everything conducted on a scale be- BcafTold. The Czar and his creatures do fitting the present and prospective im- not hesitate to gibbet women, to starve and freeze them, or to whip them to portance of a great city. These are some features of the es- death. To appeal to that quarter for sential development that belong to 1891. mercy is like asking an iceberg for a Other years will open new vistas for pro- tropio flower. The only hope for Russia's gress and achievement, but the work of men and women is in the complete over1891 will be to supply a foundation so throw and extermination of the present broad and deep that upon it can rest a ruling family, root and branch. future of which Utah can be proud. As the citizens of Ogden look back over The management of the Grand Opera the year just ending they can see mis- house is to be congratulated upon the takes, and seeing them, may profit course it is taking in discouraging ticket Have they been as public spirited as speculators. To sell blocks of tickets to duty suggested to them? Have they brokers is not an uncommon feature of not relied too much upon the energy of openings, but it is one that invariably their neighbors? Have they not de- reacts upon the house by arousing the pended too much upon the location of indignation of the public. The Grand Ogden to bring them a prosperity after will be full to hear Abbott and good which they deemed it unnecessary to shows will always draw once a suitable reach? place for giving them be provided. Let the citizens of Ogden be together on a workiug plane all through 1891. The financial situation all over the is becoming easier. Fears of a country THE THIRD PARTY. panio have passed away and every indiFrom the vantage ground of enforced cation is that money will be coinpari-tivel- y plentiful in the near future. neutrality Utah views the political field. The sight is an, interesting one. It pre- Fortunately western cities felt little of sents a new array of political warriors. the shock that disturbed financial' centres. The tightness in the West was A new party is in the field. The two old parties assert that there due to a foeliBg of apprehension that is no new element contending. They has no longer any reason for existence. claim that the faction that pretends to be an element has already been captured Presidknt Harrison seems more by demagogues. This is a misfortune friendly towards silver than he once was, that has marked the career of every po- but otill he is not to bo counted among litical organization. If republicans and its supporters. He might not veto a free democrats were to oust the demagogues coinage bill, but he is not anxious to pass wearing their respective colors there judgment on e measure of the kind. The would be startling gaps, not in the pri- Fifty second Congress if not the present vate rank so markedly as in the high one will force this duty upon him. The places. The demagogues will go into successor to Mr. Harrison will favor free The farmers will coinage. politics till death. simply get a share, and perhaps they Therk is no assurance jet that the can manage their share. When the farmers protest against the Indian trouble is to be settled without If sottled peacably and decay of American agriculture thoy are bloodshed. not talking idly and the words do not minus any punishment for the leaders, come from demagogic lips. They are not the truce will only bo for a time. It is protesting against the providence that worth while to make a safe and permaoccasionally sends them short crops, but nent job of the pending negotiations. against the power of money that is hostile to them, the power of legislation Idaho's statesmen are wondering whore that neglects or oppresses them. When the lightening of legislative favor is to a farmer in Iowa, Nebraska or Kansas strike. The desks for two Idaho senahas good crops he can not sell them for tors await occupants at Washington. iu y euaje-tLifi- I- 1C9U. Wyoming drew bactrti for the past four years. lj-Lkb mean that be is death of Krk reiuove all claims of in KG. widow oo the taUs,thra tenia' no already am bilious for WAjusESof e the ehort Was kwue. A CHEMICAL TASK EXmiHES. Taa rain has proved that Ogden's streets are not kept in the condition they should be. In some instances ooctrac Tbrf Zen Fatally Injartd and Other Mubtly. tors have beea extremely careless and e iinpasfci-blmade practk-allCisoixsatl. Dee. t-- By the explosion thoroughfares to pedestrians of a tank ia the chemical works in the eastern part of the rity this morning two The Irish famine just now is attract- three men were fatally injured andniak-; The tank was used for slightly. of more interest than the squabble ing yellow pruasiate of potash. No ooe ing ahk'b Parnell is the centre. When a knoaa what caused the explosion. The call comes over the water for money to fatally injured are Louis Schlusa, John Fehl: those slightly, John buy food, no one cares particularly who Print v. James Wecker and Sidney Clover. is the leader of the Irish party. A Famous Stallion IkaL Almost daily there is a report from Sa , Dec 4. Senator Stan some quarter of an attempt at train ford's famous sire. Electioneer, trotting is too Of course To , y j f The Larjrrst C y Manufacturers ia Utah. ' j S ; Factory and Saltvjoomg, FRASi-ihco- good Conftt-tioaar- j dd WALLAYENUK,OGI)KS 2327 wrecking. banging yesterday. for any wretch capable of such attempt The Fly Cops at Fault. However, it is not so necessary to devise methods of punishment as to catch a Kaksam Citv, 'Dec. 4. Detectives are few of the miscreants. purzled by the theft of t lO.OtO worth of diamonds, belonging to Mrs. Kirk The Iigan Journal is after the Un- Brower, from a private box in the safe ion Pacific management for the misera- deposit. Out of SLirht. ble train service afforded Logan. The Journal establishes a clear case and The Il.w;rt, Dec. 4. The final intersome of 51 r. Gould's assistants should ment of the remains of the late king of remedy a state of affairs damaging alike Holland took place Unlay ith elaborate ceremonies. to the city and the road. Politics Views the Meseage. Brick layers near Butte working for Grand Junction Ster: Taking it altotG per day, recently struck for f", and gether there is little about it that is new S1STKR. are out The man who can earn (G per or out of tho general run of presidential day at a trade has every reason for con- messages. Butte City Miner: The document is gratulating himself, and striking for It more simply means that the hog ele- neither surprising nor remarkable. is a plain recital of events, w ith a meament in his nature is dominant for the gre sprinkling of forecasts for the future. time. Salt Lake Tribune: The President's H IV it is a most able document the Sekator Wolcott of Colorado Bays message and clearest that has emanstrongest that President Harrison if given a chance ated from the White House in many would veto a free coinage bill. Perhaps years. he would but it would be worth while Lincoln Journal: There is no waverto give him a chance. Certainly he would ing, no hesitancy. It ia a manly expreshave vetoed it had the opportunity oc- sion of sound doctrine, and in every reStyles, Most Trimings spect is worthy of the chief executive curred several months ago. It would of this republic. be interesting to know just what effect Pueblo Chieftain: It is a concise, election has had upon his opinion. carefully written document full of valuable information upon many public I & t Yea, Anxious Enquirer, the Pacifio matters, and is flavored throughout w ith sound doctrine. will republican genuine, will and be be Line it Short built, No. Avenue- Kansas City Star: As a whole the more important than a mere through road from Sioux City to Ogden. It will President's message is disappointing behe has adopted the stereotyped have eastern branches that will tap more cause form of condensing department reports than one important shipping point Do and dealing in generalities at a time not worry about the Pacific Short Line. when a recent political revolution in the country demanded more specific referLet Salt Lake do the worrying, ences to the causes which produced it Denver Times: President Harrison's iSomb commepts FOU THE second annual message, delivered to s n essage, clipped at random from repre-congress yesterday, is an admirable state ntative exchanges, demonstrate that paper, it is lucul, terse, and elegant in It is plain in its statements. It in active partisanship there is nothing dictien. forcible and direct in its expres is clear, in I r. Republican papers see the docu- sions of opinions and declarations of at only wisdom, while the other policy. It is unequivocal in its recomsile can find nothing to commend. An mendations. diHelena Journal: It is a clear-cu- t, average of the two sets of opinions would bo about correct rect, logical, and convincing document. " He coins no fancy phrases and makes no ' so much g attempt at the HE WILL SEE FAIR PLAY. in vogue with a certain president, but he states his convictions and the facts The Jfew Reform Governor of South relating to the present condition of the government in a clear and unaffected Caroliua Outlines His Policy. manner which any citizen can underGovernor-elect stand and appreciate. Columbia, S. C, Dec. 4. B. G. Tillman, elected on a reform Denver News: The message of Presi! ticket composed of the Farmers' Alli- dent Harrison is respectable in matter ance and other Democrats who wanted and commonplace in tone. It is com a change of government, was Inaugu- prised principally of statements about tho governmental transactions of the rated today in the presence of a large past year and the relations of this coun crowd from all parts of the state. In his try with foreign nations. Every intelliinaugural address he referred to the gent reader of the daily press is quite well informed about the matters which election in the state and said: s of the message in "Gratifying it is to note the facts occupy which attended this election and which telling. may be regarded as a political phenomenon, which was a surprise to all AND COMMERCE, of us; our colored fellow citizens abso- FINANCE lutely refused to be led to the polls by their bosses. When it is clearly shown New York Monov. by the majority of our colored voters New York, Dec. 4. Money on call easy, that they are no longer imbued with closed offered at 8. Prime mercantile paper, 6 9, Sterling exchange, quiet. Sixty-iu- a bills republican ideas, the vexed negro probuomauu M.ao. ear surer l(U!i. lem will be solved and the fear of the return of negro domination wiil haunt Bonds. us no more. t'Can I not pledge in your behalf, that NewYobk, Doc. 4. Government bonds closed we white men of South Carolina will as follows : stand ready and willing to listen kindly U. 8. 4's reft'd 120"t;rj. S. 4H's coupon .103 GRANITE AND C0PPERWARE, CUTLERY, ETC., OF S. 4's coupon . . . . 121H Pacific 6's 109 to all reasonable complaints, grant all V. U. S.'Ksreg'd....l03 just rights and safe privileges to these colored people and guarantee fair treatCopper. Lead and Tin. ment at our hands? 4. Copper, steady. Lake, New York. "We whites have absolute control of December, $15.Dec. Lead the state government, and we intend to Tin firmer : Straits, S28.&5.dull; domestic, $4.65, retain it The intelligent exercise of the Telephone 211. Nos. 24G8 and 2470 Washington Avenue. Boyle Block, right of suffrage, at once the highest and most sacred privilege duty of the citizen, is boyond the capacity of the vast majority of the colored men. We deny that all men are created equal. It is not true now, and it was not when Jefferson wrote it. Bnt we cannot deny that it is our duty as the governing power in ( I nc wixyrate-- .) South Carolina to insure to tho indiblack and vidual, white, the right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness." Office, It is now believed that Senator Hampton will be defeated by Irby, the Tillman candidate for the United States Senate. MILLINERY. Fashionables Select 3IISS R J. KLIXKKNMvAliD ft rn mrmniTm K II i illinium; Aim I UlJIj imi J u m For the Litest Attractive anu Artistic Designs, tall on MISS E. J. KLINKENBEABD SISTEB. 2351 Washington SUBSCRIBE DAILY COMMERCIAL "hne-wntin- Only 75 cents per Month. Subscribe for the Weekly Commercial WHILE TIIE "INDIAN SCARE" three-fourth- Is troubling, the people in localities some the People in Ogden are Buying Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, I Miles, Strevell pees Spendthrift Dead. Philadelphia, Doc. 4. A private dis- patch received here today announces the death in New York of E. Dunbar Price, whose wealth and extravagance has made him well known in this conn try and Blurope. Price was born in this city in 18.V.1, and by the death of his grandfather in 1S67, inherited an income of $42,000 a year. Immediately he launched into wild extravagance, one of his fancies leing a racing stable. In 1882 he married Miss Sarah C. Burton, but in a few months she returned to her father's home. A reconcilliation was afterwards affected, but in 188G they separated finally. In 1888 his wife tiled a bill to compel the payment of a monthly allowance of nine hundred dol- - Ulmer THE OGDEN ABSTRACT CO. First National Bank Building:, Washington Ave., Ogden, Utah, A Young: ' & Is Baking DANIEL fmmm Iliad in imiiona of Homes M Xears the Standard. Its superior excellence proven in millions of homes for more than a quarter of a century. It is nsed by the United States Government. Endorsed by tho heads of the Great Universities as the Strongest, Purest, and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. in Cans. New York. Chicago, San Francisco St Louis. J ,rec2nized w eber county. authority on . land titles in Correspondence solicited. ITAMER, Mnnatrei'. CITY MACHINE WORKS, W. K. HOLLAND, Proprietor, Practical Founder TiMU? 1SO-1- HTZ 15f,M. Twenty-thir- d and Machinist. bet. Wall and Unooln. PomP. t, I will furnish and awet Bnfinei, b "on and do my work n the best manner. Gener. machine work and revalrtnt promptly attended to at thop. |