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Show OGDEN DAILY, COMMtRCJAL: 8 L H, Wallace, Fine mo. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, ftk M Taa Ill Hote K4, jera liisses, V So hi ISiitw, Ji Kouwio, X Caaraa. liric- - A BAD OUOX. Hp Xrarlj Kill a Wife W illi II i l'liiruu Kavoi and it- - Weapon. Surgeon Wm. A. WLfl-- r of the 1'iiiteJ State marta y bcnjiiul strv"Ks, ami Li wif er aJiJ.oJ iih a razor ia the hand a ttTtt burglar thU eveoing. They tea snJ aeregoin bail j'u-- t fitit-ln-into another routu when they found th burbr oaliu'r ktoking through their eC.r'n. The d.x-to- r grappled with him and was ire Uing the beet of hiui, a hen the rvr" tlrew a rtror and began elanh-i- r rit'ht and left with terrible effet-- t Mra. Wheeler rushed to her buebanda aKsistaoca, but waa toon slashed in a terrible maimer. Though faint from fcwe ct blood, she nwhed into her huiland's room, Mtrured hia tistol and handetl it tohuiL Vho burglar broke away and 7,ipoil, although the doctor think one of the ahota he tired bit the man. The doctor and wife are not fatally woundeti, but will be liiid up eotue little time. The police art warching for the negro. Nmx)iJt. Ku D"- - 4. J Atterbury, IKhsm & Co. OTcr Hata, Gloves, Your hair is full of Jar.drulf. whih without injury to can only be the by Skookuui Iloot liair Grower. IIoHery, Handkerchiefs, At prices to astonish rou, 3tX Twenty-fift- h street lioxcm. W. W. FUNGKE. FURNISHED ROOMS. LARtiE AND ULfcuANT Kt'R-- I tilHi ro.i;. phi1 f a uii 7 rvA oaable, ruraor iliii and Lutcula aia, lauwr IX)K KENT gt Uo) W TH HAVE NEARLY ONE f f hundred different kinds of Heating Stoves in stock and can suit almost anybody, both in style and price. We propose to keep at the head of the procession and will always make prices that will satisfy our customers. liloi-k- Take it arKk l!Kuairvr Dr. i Tonic. Knglfh Take It lfore lireakfast. Hen- Damtt-li-M- ley's The great appetizer, tonio and liver for liver spei-ifirgulatr. complaint- - Itad Uut in the ruouth on sriwng in the morning, dull paiua ia the head and back of the, eyes, tired feeling, dizziness symptoms of liver complaint, llemeil- y- Dr. Henley's English Dandelion Tonio. Get the genuine from your druggist fur f 1, and take according to directions. The celebrated chemists whose opinions are above the price of gold, tell what they know: June 29, 1800. San Deab Sikh: We have male an chemical analvsis of "Wisdom's liobertine," obtained by us in the open market, and And it to be free from all poisonous or deleterious ingredienta,con-slitutin- g a harmleea preparation for the face. Yours truly, Tuos. Pkicb A So, Annlvtical Chemists. To. Messrs. W. IL Wis.lom A Co. c e Fkai, Hot Sprinsr. You can go to the Hot Springs by taking the motor at the lirooiu Hotel cor- ner, at ":.j0 a. m. 10:20 a.m. 12:55 p. m. 3:18 p.m. 5:'Xj p. m. 9:20 a. m. 11:20 a.m. 2:(6 p. m. 4:25 p.m. BEITMAN BROS., Money to lean on real estate on two to five years' tiuiej security must be Inquire of C. II. McClure, Federal Clerks ofliee. I Dr. Tbiele t.n renx 1 to H'A Waeh-iqBeit door north of tew avenue, . Iirooro Hotel. . Lending ho'el of Ogdea. First class ia all ita ajiiiointineiita. You can get back to town the same Mk. H YowrxL. Prop. way every hour. F. W. LAFRKirra. Socretary. will fikoxjkum Iloot Hair Grower tea. Iaiim your sculp and develop a new O. K. T. means Oregon kidney sale For hair. of by druggista. growth Money to Loan. SOLE AGENT FOR Vi ma (joda, Watch brae, sx-J- Shirta, etc., Underwear, yt.J-y-.'-'f- Carving St U, IsjLkUi. Chants, T A IVku, Nearly 2,000.000 MONEY on 8.VLE J and brtwwo Adam Wab-inirto- n. xr foot $12&. U loU bntwooa city and Nob Hill, each 00. 70x3Mon 24th, near Lincoln, per toot, &S0. ZfO icra went of city ; rood for plattiiw. tl'O. 165iiVI, corner of 27th and Jpfferxin. J1T,(X)0. 1 jSitU, corner ot Vth and MadiMa. tXJMK 165x1:0, corner of SMh and Monroe. fllKJO. lHlxliC. corner of 1Mb and Quincjr, fSXD. 2S)Txl:ti corner of tid and Jarkvvn. $4.00. 3S lot on Van Bunion, near 2Kb, all f7.000. 51xX on 26th, near Washington, S10.0U0. acre, outb, clone in. $!0.UUO. ti 17011 RENT A good store svenue, and Twenty-fltThree and a half years lease Twenty-fourt- lputjntlM; MAKERS Two kim on Zfttb Kt. near Jaekxw. tlTMX. Two acre on 3Wb St., near Quiiiex, KUU). Fit acrr on at k, sear Quinrr, S lO.OTO. Tweotyooa acre near I'oiwuitjr per acre, h h room One Price Clothing House 3G2 m ii IM on if 1 n j 1 1I T SI i 1 apMiiniisninpoods SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES. between streets. for sale St. Woodmansco Bllt. Twenty-Fourt- h at ,all and see me If youwnnt good inTmtmonta. II. MITCIIEL, Xo. 2406 Washington Avenue. uart of tiwciiy; Taoiatir liiuck, At e. and Lutc-A- IOK ut REN'T-Elee- aut (ttnla. in fuunb and Lincoln lH'P. KENT- a fureubni rooaw. lauuer ioiock ; our. 2 - Nicely fju uytU ,t fu raided roona fi ta-- r ; cue. 1 went f in TaniM-- r biucli fourth and Lincoln. rent, nritable for vtorinc HASKMENT-Fand iivMtUw. AjHy Mum A. Tanner block, cor. lancntjr-foartand Lincoln are. C P. KcKUaua. or T 1IA1E OODEX, 1TXAII. Makaok rKANK MONKUE. MOXSTEIt SHOW. m MENC'IKO WEES Jlonday, December I. MUX Trade Mark "Tlie feltic M.wula." Kl'LUVAN A W ILLI AMS in their OrUfinal Specialty -- Ha lid" an Urixinai Idea. Kirt ApiwaraacirfMISS JENNIE KIXBALL. The ik'auuful aud ll'witcliiiii 8ourtna. Kirt Amiearnace of the Talented Little MADI.UNE VIAKSHALL 4VHLA A ST. ( LA1K, tnlnHfucinK biuKinx, Daneius, etc. First Apfiearnnce of the Petite SnK and Dance Art ho, M ISM JENMEt LA YTU.N . A DrawintrCard. MIKE WHALES, That'a a. WALDO WHIPPLE BILLY KENNEDY, SinxerH, lkHnoern, (omediaiie. America" Favorite Dancer, SllSS PEABL AHD1NE. I)ashiru:SerioW.icti. MISS OHACE 11 ON" . . ROE. MISd BESalE C'AKLTOX, v First Production in Oadon of Mike Whalra'a Extruvattnnza. IN HOT WATER. a bargain. Uncqualcd. L. Cigars areEVERYWHERE. FOR No. 2441 "Washington Avenue. in Use MOSr I,XR curut liih All Goods OGDEN, at Sold : : CHICAGO PRICES! : : UTAH. : Introducing the entire company In the eaet. Note the evening' performance befin at 8 :ll ftbarp. and Fifty Cont.. Popular Prlcee, Twenty-FtScat in Iloxoa Fifty (.'ents. w LEWIS & CO., PIONEER EWELERS, J. -- Can Furnish You Anything You Want in Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry, AT REGULAR EASTERN PRICES. Wo buy in large quantities and are able to sell goods much cheaper than any firm in the west, Our Holiday Display of Grold-Heade- d f 'i CASES Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry UMBEELLAS Gold and Silver Of Every Description, NOVELTIES STERLING AND PLATED 501 SILVERWARE, KM . y . LOOK FOR STAMP ON.CYEIBCJSASE. And Opera Glasses Will be the largest and most complete ever Been in Utah Territory. We have employed the most skillful workmen to be found in New York and Chicago to do our diamond setting, enjxraving and repairing. Call and see the many useful and beautiful things we have, wliether you buy or not, as we take great pleasure in showing goods. STo. 2463 Washington Avenue, Ogden, Utah. OF1 THE BIG CLOCK. |