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Show THE DIXIE SUN February 16, 1962 Hew FFA Officers Xty (?" "WW V-- "If'zw-yvwy'''- , "Sf'ny'S' s I Yhat You Can Ticket Please ' Joan Esplin The Competitive Assemblies the past few weeks have shown work and originality. Seniors had a fanciful tale about a greedy Queen, sparked with unique scenery and beautiful costumes. The Sophomore version class presented an of Jack and the Beatstalk. They featured Belly Jeans and the hilarious combination of Pehrson and Brin-toFreshmen came forth with polished Singing, stage pictures, and script were outstanding. And the talented Juniors, last Friday, whipped up a colorful, frothy bit of nonsense nursery rhyme with the best costumes and scenery yet. All the assemblies showed talent and effort. Returning home triumphantly after a tour of the Northern part pf the state were members of the Dixie College Traveling Assembly. After seeing it today, I can see why the kids were a smash. Especially loved Don Do To Fight Communism And Preserve America Alert yourself learn the true nature and tactics of communism. off-be- at n. Ban-Gri-L- ' J ? W' 4 X , ' &&. fc5jiaoa&. 42 w FFA Officers of the local chapter are: Left to right Linton Kirkland, Hiland Kirkland, Douglas Cox, Harold Taylor (advisor), Morris Carter, Glen Esplin, Alma Holt, Dan Myers, (Reporter, Ronald Gub-lenot shown.) r, Dixie FFA Chapter iSomemaking Respect human dignity communism and individual rights cannot coexist. Inform yourself; know your country its history, traditions, and heritage. Combat public apathy toward communism indifference can be fatal when national survival is at stake. Attack bigotry and prejudice wherever they appear; justice for all is the bulwark of democracy. J. Edgar Hoover Browns Body. Director, Federal Bureau The Diary of Anne Frank playof Investigation ing tonight and Saturday night. It is a real experience in PATRIOTISM IS EVERYBODYS See it. It is the first production to JOB! be presented in the Little Theatre. I am disturbed about the number of students who tell me that they did not see Blood and Roses. It was a high class vampire picture, possibly the only one of its kind! It was directed by Roger Vadim, discoverer and exhusband of B.B. Annette Vadim, his latest discovery, starred in it as well as Mel Ferrer. The color and photography were exciting. The Vampires were not too vicious and the ending had an ironic twist to it. These movies are very rare; you should have seen this one. Tryouts next week for "West Side Story. The Dixie chapter of the Future Do you feel tired? weak? hungry? Farmers of America is now in sesHow a long has it been since you had sion. That was Glen Esplin, Dixie senior, who is president of a good, balanced, appetizing meal? the Dixie chapter of the FFA club Have you ever thought: My meals arent balanced or even appetizing for the school year of 1961-6with him are: Alma Holt, any more; I think Ill get me a play-goin- Working vice president; Hiland Kirkland, cook. secretary; Linton Kirkland, treasNow this brings up the question urer; Ronald Gubler, reporter; Dan at hand. How would you like a Myers, historian; Doug Cox, par- cook? There are many in Dixie liamentarian; Morris Carter; sen- High School and College. There are tinel; and Harold Taylor, advisor. short, fat, fussy ones; little prissy FFE degrees that may be ob- weak ones; tall slim, sophisticated tained in the chapter are dairy ones; and more. many farming, livestock farming, poultry At 2:00 each day the most heavfarming, forestry farming, soil and water management, crop farming, enly smells come out of the cookfarm management, farm mechanics, ing lab in the science building. and farm electrification. These de- They are even good enough to over grees will be given to the most take the bad smells from the chemqualified persons who apply: The istry lab. highest degree a member can get Maybe youre wondering why is that of American Farmer. To get an American Farmer degree, one there are such good smells at 2:00. must have been an active member The reason is that Mrs. .Hannah of FFA for four years, have qual- Wells has a good class at that time. It seems this good class has ities of leadership, and have at least one thousand dollars ($1,000) really been learning a lot. For instance, the girls have been instructinvested in farming. Doug Cox, parliamentarian, is en- ed in carving meat, cooking short deavoring to obtain the state farm- ribs, frying lamb chops, fixing fish, er degree. To do this one must and making all kinds of salads. If have been an active member of this doesnt whet your appetite, FFA for at least two years, have how about cake, cookies, custard, good qualities of leadership, have and all kinds of candies. up to date records of his project If you think this is all theyve for the two years, have participated in affairs free of pay that better learned, youre wrong. They have the community, and have at least also learned how to fix garnishes, five hundred dollars ($500) invested plan a nutritious meal, make decin farming. orations, and many otner things. Lose Your Shoes? If anyone finds that his shoes dont fit too well and happened to be at the sock hop last Saturday, it might be well to contact Dale Hunt. It seems as though Dale was the last person to leave the dance Saturday and when he went to put on his shoes he found one pair left, not his own though. The shoes are almost identical to his, black and size 11 y2. He is presently sporting them around school as they fit well. Dales phone number is OR i. Make civic programs for social improvement your business. Exercise your right to vote; elect representatives of integrity. g. A T'l Vv - If you should ever be in need of help for a meal, dont hesitate to call on one of the 24 girls in the foods class. Their names? They are Karen Blake, Sue Leavitt, Betty Beacham, Sheri Reidhead, Betty Jennings, Marilyn Adams, Judy Strickland, Schnet Stevens, Donna Graff, Vicki Frei, Bonnie Bingham, Joan Helm, Margo Talbot, Sally Olsen," Linda Ruesch, Gwen Harper, Brenda Bracken, Gloria Wilcock, Lasca Alice Rice, Bowman, Dorothy Jones, Clarelyn Reber, Allene Arthur, and Stella Carpenter, class is where you should be. Mc-fairl- 1 1 vi- '.Vv.wWXiSvia xnwoUxxX , y Furture Homemakers are: Left to right and Margo Talbot Sally Olson, Alice Jones, ; |