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Show The Dixie Project And Dixie Area I 2 Hilarious combination of Pehrson and Brinton. I can think of no single development that will do more for sustaining the economic betterment of Washington County than the Dixie Project, said Dixie College President Arthur F. Bruhn in response to Dixie High reporter Sally Olsens question about his view on the project. President Bruhn, Fenton Terry, manager of the Big Hand Cafe, and H. C. Thomas of the St. George Chamber of Commerce are all agreed that the 5 mill levy on Washington County tax payers will be more than alloged by decreased power rates. Said Mr. Thomas to our newsman, Dan Steven, "Most of the people who oppose the project are older people who feel that they will not be here long enough to benefit from the project. Mr. Thomas pointed out that the forty- Dixie Project bill is now in the hands of Secretary of the Interior Udall. If approved by him and the governors of Utah, California, Nevada, and Arizona, the bill will then go before the Congress. Bills in congress that have been there for years waiting passage are the only reason the bill may not be passed this year, commented Mr. Thomas. Mr. Terry is of the opinion that the Dixie Project would be the means of building our community to that status that would enable our young people to stay here and organize profitable business. When f that asked about the a population accompany might growth. Mr. Terry told our correspondent, Phil Esplin, that Although this project may bring in some people of lower standard than bur own, I dont think this is any real argument against the project. Dixie Heaton Is Coed of ihe Month ' , V? V two-year-ol- d Traveling Assembly Hits the Roads Congraluations Sophomores , Congratulations to the Sopho-more class for winning first place for competitive assemblies. The of Sophomores able commissioners amusements are Joan Esplin and Dixie Heaton. The theme of the original script which was written by Joan and Dixie was Jack and the Beanstock and featured Belly Jeans. The show which captivated its audience had a good representation of its class members participating. All who participated are to be commended for a job well done. Although there could not be more than one winning competitive assembly, all other classes are to be commended for their assemblies which were of good quality and wdre highly entertaining. Winners for overall assemblies, for the Fall Quarter are: first place, the Senior class and their assembly which was presented before college began; second place, Lambda Delta Sigma and their Christmas assembly, featuring a little match girl. Congratulations all! Aliention All Men Beard Growing D Day The Contest starts this coming Monday. Register in front of the Administration Building Monday. Registration fee is 25 cents. Monday, February 5, seventeen college students hit the road for Dixies annual traveling assembly. They were gone four days and traveled to such high schools as: Beaver, Millard, Juab, Payson, Lehi, Grantsville, Tooele, Davis, Highland, .and Murray. Some of the numbers in this well planned show were, a fashion show directed by Mrs. Deanna Bentley; Don Browns Body, a humorous skit; a scene from the show, Gigi; two piano numbers, deep purple; a boys trio with guitar accompaniment; a vocal solo, Sunshine Girl; and many other excellent numbers. Students traveling with the assembly were: Roy Pehrson, Salt DIXIE HEATON When you first go to a ball game at Dixie Junior College in St. George, Utah, you are attracted to a cheerleader with dancir.g brown eyes and auburn hair. Her vivacious smile and engaging personality tell you immediately that she is popular with everyone, so you ask her name. Its Dixie Heaton. You soon learn that shes from Alton, Utah, that she is the daughter of Bishop and Mrs. Gil Heaton, and that she was bom June 28, 1942. Dixie applies her abilities to helping on floats, programs, and dances. She has been a cheerleader both her years at Dixie and also has served as class commissioner of amusements for the same length of time. Dixies chief interest is George, but other interests include sewing, cooking, swimming, horseback ridDIXIE DATELINE I like to do ing, and dramatics. 16 Dixie at Weber, everything! she "And I exclaims. Peoa; February Merrill Brinton, Lake City; School Play FAC, Oration contest. love it here! Dixie College loves Ross Hurst, St. George; Joan February 17 Dixie at Ricks. having Dixie Heaton too, because, St. George; Abe Young, as her name suggests, she is a February 19 FFA. St. George; Ruth Ann Hafen, St. Ec. 7:00. Home 20 February Grantsville; representative of the enthusiasm George; Diane Johnson, February 21 Region Forensics and genuine friendliness of the Ramona McArthur, St. George; Meet at Cedar City. students here. Lolly Thomas, St. George; Peggy Delta SigFald-mFebruary Karen St. George; Hawkins, Is Bountiful; Scott McGregor, St. ma. 23 Boise at Dixie, St. February Peterson, George; Randy Dance in gym after game. George; David Moss, St. George; Congratulations are in order for February 24 Square Dance FesPatti Robinson, Salt Lake; Suzanne Carol Spendlove who was choMiss Mar-vli- n tival. and White, Mesquite, Nevada; sen 8:00 26 Concert Dance Battery Bs National Guard February Hinton, Peoria, Arizona. Carol is from Hurricane, FAC. Queen. Credit for this excellent assembly 1 Psi.-is a freshman student and March Delta Utah, eoes to Dixies first vice president, 2 Band Concert, Sadie this year at Dixie. Her attendant March in who Marvlin Hinton, really puts at Gym 9:00, Re- is also a freshman at Dixie College a lot of time and work to get such Hawkins Dance Tournament at this year. Miss Kathleen Blake was Basketball to gional and ready assemblies organized chosen as her attendant. School. Cedar City, High goriff-raf- e, Carol Spendlove National Guard Queen - |