Show Medals Mailed to Spanish War Vets George A. A Seaman deputy secretary secre- secre tary ary of state and n a Spanish war wal veteran vetran vet- vet ran eran eran has mailed four medals to Utah Uth volunteers in the war with wih Spain The medals were issued by the state slate of at Utah years ago but approximately 50 0 of the soldiers have failed to ap apply apply apply ap- ap ply for them Those to whom the medals were mailed are arc John A. A R. R R Tilson Tison arid and Lewis Larson Laron of Los Angeles John Mcteer Long Beach Charles A. A Nielson Nielson Niel- Niel son on of Monroe Mr Larson will also get et the medal awarded to his wi brother broth- broth or er r George O. O Larson who died in service service |