Show MART REPEATS SALE i i Some Small Smal Gains Gams Offset by byI I Heavier Decline Holiday t I 0 on Friday L I The local stock exchange has deded deeded de de- de- de eded ded Te to take a layoff in honor of ofA A braham Abraham Lincoln consequently there fi be no call cal on Friday 12 Though trading was somewhat nore active Wednesday than during Ithe ore he t first firt two sessions of the week thirteen stocks changing hands In Inore ore or less sizeable blocks th cearly prices of or the week repeated them them- Wives rather monotonously 1 Chief Consolidated was again at 32 rentS cents but with sales at 2000 shares doubled East Est Tintic Consolidated changed haged neither its it price prie nor its it vol ume ume from Tuesday the price stand standing standing ig ing at 24 12 2 cents cent and the sales al 1000 Tintic Standard dittoed its is Tues Tes lays lay's record with wih two small smal sales at Silver Siver King Coalition Coalton reacted o 0 a fractional decline In the silver siver with wih a drop of 3 at the first all and a further decline of 10 cents l to La t at the second Though Tough copper receded further to toI tom m tn I all al time low of 6 cents cent the new rop had no effect on the price of talker Valker The stock held at 62 cents is S on the day the forthcoming shut shut- l iown Iowa of the mine was announced The Te picture was brightened a little Ite iy Or the advance of Eureka Bullion Bulon rom roni 18 12 2 to 19 12 2 cents Crescent gle Oil Oi from 3 to 3 4 1 1 cents cent and ham Metals from 1 4 1 1 to 1 I 12 2 Sixteen thousand New Quincy held he days day's sales record |