Show VI Military Promotions have been aw awarded these these prominent army men of Utah and await confirmation by the United States senate Lieutenant Colonel Copley o Enos left of the cavalry and the division division div div- 0 ision organized reserves and Lieutenant Colonel Shepard L. L Pike commander of the Thirty-eighth Thirty 0 0 infantry at Fort Douglas both have been made 0 p colonels 0 0 pt p- p t AL 44 A 1 1 4 4 TJ N 4 Commander of Infantry Officer in Cavalry Reserves Are Advanced to Rank of Colonels in Army Two leading military figures in Utah have been promoted from lieutenant lieutenant lieutenant lieu lieu- tenant colonels to colonels in United United Unit Unit- ed States army anny and are awaiting confirmation confirmation con con- of their advancements by bYi the senate according to word from Washington D. D C. C Wednesday They are Lieutenant Colonel Shepard Shepard Shep Shep- ard L. L Pike commander of the Thirty Thirty- eighth infantry and executive officer at Fort Douglas and Lieutenant Colonel Colo Cob nd nel Copley Enos unit instructor of the United States cavalry and executive officer of the Fifth district Third reserve area organized re re- re serves The latter unit has headquarters in the Vermont building Lieutenant Colonel Pike came herein here herein herein in August 1931 to take command of the Thirty eighth infantry replacing Colonel Howard C. C Price who was transferred to a command in the Philippine Philippine Phil Phil- islands Lieutenant Colonel Enos first came cameto cameto cameto to Utah in 1921 serving a year with the reserves He was transferred to other duties and returned in August 1928 having been stationed here since |