Show ITALY READY TO CUT MANY WAR DEVICES Also Proposes Revision o of Laws of War Governing Governing Governing Govern Govern- ing Civilians JAPAN DELEGATE SPEAKS Declares Nippon Prepared to Cooperate B By P. P L 1 LIPSEY JR Associated d Press Staff Writer GENEVA Feb 10 Foreign lo-Foreign Foreign Minister Minister Minis Minis- ter Dino Grandi Grand of Italy and Ambassador Ambassador Ambas Ambas- Tsuneo Matsudaira of ot Japan presented the last two of the disarmament disarmament disarm disarm- lament ament proposals of the five great pow I ers to the world conference today The young oung black bearded Italian Italia foreign minister believed to be th the youngest delegate to the conference brought thunders of applause from th the floor as he read a long list of war implements implements im im- im Italy stands ready to scrap The list included capital ships submarines submarines sub sub- marines aircraft carriers heavy ar an- tillery ta tanks talks ks bombing aircraft and Chemical warfare weapons He also proposed a revision of th the laws of war to protect civilian lions In international quarters alter alter- I ward the Italian plan was hailed as the first proposal for real ment Ambassador Matsudaira chief o othe of the Japanese delegation assured the conference In the shortest speech speed by the representative of any lof of the great powers that notwithStanding notwithstanding Standing the unfortunate situation in inthe inthe inthe the far cast east Japan is as eager cager a as ever to further the cause of ment FA FAVORS REDUCTION He said the Japanese dele delegation had come ome to cooperate with all the powers and that Japan favors a reduction in inthe he the size of battleships and the caliber of ol their guns reduction of tonnage ol ot of carriers strict limitation ol of the use of all classes of war vessels prohibition of air bombardments anc and of if the use of ot poison polson gases ases and bacteria August Zaleski Polish representative tive i presented a plan for moral dis dis- dis armament He said Poland Polan l would offer a formal program under this head later and that Hiat Ambassador Hugh Gibson of the United States forcibly reminded us yesterday the best guarantee guar guar- antee of security consists in our neighbors neighbors neighbors' neigh neigh- bors' bors good will Signor Signer Grandis Grandi's address brought especially enthusiastic outbursts if 1 applause when he said his country was willing to prolong the London naval laval treaty to o do everything possible toward bringing about actual disarmament ment and to abolish many of the most important items on armament pro pro- grams He delivered the address without a single gesture resting both his hands gracefully upon a table REJECTS THEORY He said Italy rejected the French theory of security to precede ment Without disarmament he added there can be no security He accepted the German demand that oth other r nations disarm in the same proportion pro portion as Germany is forced to do under the treaty of Versailles He said Italy Itah in favor of was prolonging prolonging pro pro- long longing n the Washington and London naval agreements as proposed yesterday yesterday yester ester esterday day by Ambassador Hugh Gibson of the United States He said he viewed the present conflict in the far east cast not with the tragic irony with which others view it it but as a n warning to tous tous tous us all The address of of the Polish foreign minister advocating moral Continued on Page PI Eight IT ITALY At Y READY TO CUT MANY WAR DEVICES Continued from PAre Pace One mint to improve national relations involving mutual assistance of nations na Lions was identified with the dominant dominant domi domi- nant feature of the French program My country he said happily supports supports supports sup sup- ports all proposals calculated to make countries of bad faith shrink from Cram the risk of aggression Observers said they saw in this move also a reflection of Polands Poland's te fear u of her neighbor soviet sov sov- soviet iet Russia The equipment of ot Japans Japan's army is Js far less efficient than that of modern western armies Amb Ambassador Matsudaira Matsu Matsu- dairy daira said aid Our air force he said is still in the making We are arc far behind many other powers in civil aviation Japan is prepared to do all within her power to contribute to formulating an agreement fair and equitable as well as practical and economical economical eco ceo through which limitation and reduction of armaments armament can best be bec c effected with assurances that national I safety will not be impaired and that all parties to the agreement strictly I observe its Ils stipulations ns I |