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Show - Sr 41. sar, ,s ss, ss sossslesssssess,10- - sOy asskso,,,,esool No; ,4,, ,,,, sit --- - c . ' -- .41' ,; 7 4,, - ,Z , 4, 4'4 N. 4.4. , -- . ,...t.,..,v,1--1,. 1. t t..t :, , '. ' , 1..,. A ,......S"., i ,i, , ' 4.'''' $i,., . t vv,..- - 'Cr . , . At 7' JNE'IVS THE DESEICET , IMIO,MP ,) LO:GAN PROVO , Dreamier CAtrrier Delivery sheeldi he reverted te Lemma Carrier Deyertnteet. The Deseret News. Shit Lake CUT. Si illarvoy laymen. Tel. , Fre& Marsha Reporter. Irregular Coveter Dettvert Provo Carrier be reported to The Deoeret News. The Department. P ale Lake City. or Oliver- kteserey, 1BL neprrotatative. RAMMOSOCU. Reporter. e ?Hoy . i , - &IU1ESATIOSAN - 4r4;t2,71-44040- ..41, , i', , 1 ,,k.. ' 'LOGAN.. Nov,. 18.Mra--. Luna Yannual, com- - Thatcher, ilk widow of George W. ,, pRovo,. muniti dinner under the direction of Thatcher . and one of the most highly the Provo Cliamber of Commerce will be esteemed women in 'this section of the died 'shortly before noon Friday. held at thellotel Roberts Tuesdai,!siate. Nov. 21. iit 7 3(3 p.m. Preston G. Peter- She Mad been III for some weeks- past Unexpected. son, chairman of the- state road- cool- and the end wag :lira, Thatcher- daughter of Preat. miesion. will L'e the toastmaster and Deal ,,f Salt Lake EliY, Brigham Young and Mary' Ann Angell J. theste 6roc.- young. was born at Nauvoo. EL She manager of the Utah Wholesale arrived in Salt Lake City with their will he the company. ry principtall ., A pent the win- in, moer, latil, baving speaker. of 1847-4at An interesting musical program has terShe Quarters. was marriedWintr, to lir...Thatcher. at air been arrangel.eArnong Speakers the stu.- the Endowment -- AWLA.-L- ill 110dri I:ens; nIttlaat Provo Lake for about eight g high I and then moved to.Logan, where Young and Mr. Thatcher was with-th- e Logan ' branch of the Z. C M, I.' After restding . Life here a for Lack of Religious couple of veer,' they moved back to to Logan Lake, In Colleges Referred to 3 ince.1107, salt where thereturning family has lived Ten children were born to Mrs. rnovo. Nov. ...,.1 8.The teacher's Thacher. seven of whom are living at is the at university 'toner tro. Nellie May Blair. Los Angeles. sminary C th problem of calif ; George W. Thatcher, 3r., Mrs. ; Nettie T. Anderson, Brigham Guy Milling Cetl. which .. - Dr. George It Thatcher. 11;s. MathrVn T. Thomas, tee- es the greateat Mrrt. Lima tl RrinihaLl -character , rarreT arid PhyliA T. world. the in problem all of Logan. Mrs. Thatcher ln.. the 4iseueet3n-- - Prof. Snicker, reared tow grandchildren. ,....,..,-,- .., in her said that opinion, Ate. Reynolds Mrs. Thatcher has one own brother, feeling is decreaming rather; living atpreeent,.....teria ... ...........,,, ' religious than IncresSing. 'Wilt ' bedin Mown-ed'NewYerk coln "the Ph said, that professors Funeral services will he hell Sunday lege ere afraid to speak in a positivw at 2 p.m. In the Logan tabernacle, , way about God. end thatAt oftenl they, Bishop Wfll,am Worley of the Low' ee-- , First ward will have tele a fling at If ilig4Ori charge. were, ..,..t on ethical and not religious subjects. to Phe said tbat sh had been unable find anything in the college to build OCTOBER REPORT ISSUED up the spiritual life of the astudeats. histori- Dr. Melvin r. Merrill gave --.- i -- g.al sketch of the colleges. stating that monasof were the Dy C01111 TESTING C110 outgrowthe they teries and had been intended oripentlly 5. ' to prepare men for the ministry. and i , Pot for contact with the practical world. Nev. e Le nitro Prof."-B- :, tir. Cummings expressed She Richmond Cow in association has the were Testing there many that opinion out the given achoola who did not reject Christianity following report of its ..,.:.:f...1 but did not accept any present inter- - operation for the month of October: - Preletion of it, Jfe Said that science Cows tears& SF cows having -- an, is replacing metaphyeles. 1 average milk production for the month 1 of 671 pounds and an average fat production per Month of 23 9 pounds. Eight New President Named by cows produced more than 40 pounds of Franklin Parent-Teacher- s fat, and 83 produced between 30 and 40 pounds for the 4 month, The record of Ruth P the eight high cows Nor. 11.Mrs follows: !glow,. of V has foPon elected Owner's aesoc the Cows the Parente...Teachers reeldent Lbs. Lbs. ..........4. Nome. F ra nk lin school in place p IV Allik. Name. Fat. , a . Mrs. Monroe O. D. Merril1 . snow white.1352 Poulton. reeigned. 52.7 Yuman has been elected second vice O. D. Merrill. SUMO TCo.: Mrs. in place of Ferrer. TX 1476 47.2 - president Merrill, Nell The association met at the Franklin O. 864 1 45.7 in a social Albert C, Fisher, Lady building Wednewlay evening C. 1074 150 more Albert Inez 45.1 were Fisher. than at which A parents . talk on the pant "061 and Pres. I'ond Brothers. Doll 43.2 present. rot students of the Franklin school J. ION Leo 41.0 Hendricks, 1 Mrs. Was Putman and short given by 1449 40.5 L.,CHendricks, Flossie : eches were 'leo made by Principal ', Powelson. Mrs. Poulton and Thn following tabulation shows the George 3.11re. Ferrer. A talk on recreational six herds. with the number of work was .given by Dell Webb . in cowshigh in each. with the average milk charge of the recreational work of the an0 fat production foT ilkett gow. &Imo, , community Service essocletion Of the the average feed cost per cow for the City. Supt. IL A. Dixon also gave a month of October: short talk. , r 4, , Milk. Fat Feed Owner's , I Nov. , The, t lir .Vi. 11 4. - I ' 1 - PI , . i74,-- ig,WtC!.0"1:41,4orUp,": f Zir:;.- - it 114,1.-il- -- At.' ,kMr. otonew', as toot" fm, im Pomo Do Lose Dodo on the ygooksi.. II - mark cryour sooknotto. .,,,, - , , I, , Look . - i ICiirie.Ver4.0..pii: ol .V.,-a:a.,:- . kkoo.,,,, . t - The73eds' pring - - - Someone said, We are a strong race; if we were pot we would be dead, because of the way we abuse ourselves." This is a fact. Despite the fact that wc -sleep óti tectsprIngs chat twist the spine mid cramp the muscles, we manage to live long and do a lot of work. presen4---cliscuss- .. - . - ' . -- eha-pe- 'mdiscussions - 1. itc.t R Jobsu.sust. you, Wrste la and we Do Lew Boosournc . litfit I 4 1 'Vs tit szporkima. not the bei matireu.aori nukes ail Ms Offemicaf tyr 1,11; 1 !! - e - m . Merrill Caine Livestock Co Pond Brothers A. C Fisher C. Z. Harris It. L. Robinson D. "Trade in Your Old One" 25 14 17 12 9 7 963 577 1014 728 787 691 30.8 $5.10 26.6 2.89 28.3 3.57, 23.3 6.90, 27.8 3.26 37.3 3.57 - ' $5 1 Sliding Scale for,Beets IT LOGAN, Nov. libThe Cache County Farm Bureau met Friday afternoon lot the purpose of discussing next year's After a good deal of beet contract. debate a motion was passed favoring the eliding scale rather than a flat irate in the contract Pressf. Ephraim Bergesen of the State Farm Bureau. urged the growers to devote their efforts to building up the sugar beet $10 Monthly , COPPER , ! 7 - Mar? . 4Mi-- MO , wili, Z ''....S.--- .. :lb , z..., , el::11 .........1 , . I - - - - . - . - , S1.25 JO-I- n. No. ttekiTNellierKelly I love You.' American You ItenthiA Me of My Mother.' Henry Burr. civic.-fittanis- No. ISSI413Haraesieh....pa1 Tear. Over Notbtag at Great White Vt'ar Orchestra. API me Quartet . 1ati45.- -4 Wish I Could Shimmy Like Mr Sinter The Viralitiaso. Gee! But I Hatelo to Go Home Atoneto n Trot. . 75e- :., , i:, HteFox Trot, , 750-- - . , y' - Victrola-s-Exclusiv-ór- 9 ICCIletiLIRIE01:3 Phone Was.3275 ' 150 Main St. -- Nest Door South of Pantages Theater. H13E111E111 - - ---- -- - - - S. Garments - CAR .. frult--segi- , . - -''- Weather Report e Wholesale Price - . ,. Compasative New Building Asked by Idaho Tech at Pocatellol -- TERMS .$2.50 el ac t - ;., . , COST A MONTH CASH-$2- .50 LOGAN. Nov. ttf: , l' MORE igill2f -- : ... 75c --- ch . ' .. Tito Great White May Orcheat.ra. Oars M. Your HeartTa Trot. Great White Mar Orchestra. l'irsialino:-10-inel- 75c ..,. eh No. The - ' 10.1a....... Paul litrbiteman sad His Orchestra. Trot. Trot Ito..littati4.TonsotrowFox You- .,..,.. the Morales. No. 111410111Tbree ollock be Smog by Jobe bleConamek., BEE BRAND r , '6U-171gre-1CF4- t WILL 'N,,,,,': - Level for October data Imial 'lonelier Nev. as. Mt. Ternmaratures. I - .... ..... t , Deg I Increases S hghtly yesterday ...; I (Special to The' Newsl t'll?!asnmourrrth'hisiVet 1774 .,...1 (Speciat to The Nes,) . William lb libSenator POCATELLO. Nov I.Needs for a 1,,,4 Mil morntriC V, C: CYLINDER TYPE him by the ''. King at the banquet given I new 3!rar f building at the Idaho bov.st tha month last ( :y The v''' Young Men's Detnoeratic club Thursday 3 Press.) t,h.s 'north, since 1474 Technical are 1.,nest. Institute in 11,nwo administhe. the criticized 1 Harding 4.4 tor rotiorday night. Normal wA5tillNilTi IN. Nov. iii.The levtl r."11.-T7:4444-Hhiennud It. . of l'. reportFrazier. Just NO if tration- and praised that of Presidcnt4.: . ,I , ye.te,r,by forwarded to the ii,itird of educii. PI ' ' 'J1,1'1111 Wilson. der wholesle If," tho, tor eteney prii el 4)4 COMIlintlition. Thu e tost;ding ig ilisred to house Atoomirratoti clefirir-nr1 iTs Seentor King scored the administraOthers ein,e Ji.n I .10;crag,1 z.,, or i per cent bIgher the scleut.lti laboratoriee. tion for calling an extra session of Conand c,f the del ism:du-Yin Of Galvanized Metal ;... Co artmehts amend the gress; than in Septewhe Englii4i and ,e- ;...21ti. Orlohnr ht stnr.,yt'rLaiikn.t...Fra.r.41.1 Wilt and to rasa the ihIi subsidy ; '0'.77001422J.1 c;141; ,k' -lieyszetirprokirra,-411.entre- tt TrCh.: a.n.m.' : : : txtoe.ri:imiiitatnat,ittiheetalcchq.thliaatil mons niuttralbetedn- : a:, 4, ; ol enrceends,. ot V.,":17, FM thePreftlist other scheme to tax the people and , ,, .A.,t I In l'unitet;tV titans"- money in the hands .of the Inter-- 1 the past live years. increasing ,,,,,,,,, b, , ,,Ls P,tsivrature at 6 p m. yelsmonths. Advances ' during And Best Washer Made. este. from 401 to 1219. E. P. Oldham also lauded Prest- !It trptte et the fat that the institu- - v. ., Pr. None Other Like It. deti " .h'' dent Wilson. Senator J. W. Funk nLie.11;44-4- 4: rd a, a.. . A. J., I- ioneer of 1848 Dies I.:: tho recent olontion was a ""r'ture. 7 : r. ...... t,f(talgtr;:inort its the laat b:enn!um' It;a1:,1, F,re :tll north F,irs, West street, prior has You Be the Judge. from the people of the state . . a wa8 declay' tetihnical to the funeral. in the Interment will ,be At tta't-o Home ileit Smoot. methods invoked Senator by or City Brigham ttr4thant Cily cernetert,'. We ore sure of the decision re7at,proother speakers were lir. W. W. Mr-til- l. ,inch ; pt r t.. nt. priaLna certain sovernnient al& an t, W. R. Renard.. C. M. Barrie, WtJ. (Special to The News this biennium will be closed without ' SPIA14411 IIIRT1111. FORK Th. I if you once see it. ' Jo- liam Edwards. Commiseioner-elec- t lot group. inciud!ng a technical deficit. BlilGIIAM CITY.even Nov. 5PANI.S11 , ,,, alit It itt ha- -, Nov. it and Mili for that niontit F,,P.K. br,t pooh lb Olsen and John Evans of tie,- - Sharp Fife, St, mt.! teed.. ... 4,,,,,, plomer Of I,4N, d:ed den. Tho Democratic quartet and Prof. at.r;t;uticcd last. the 11Dril' ,,,,,,,4 ,,,,,..,- fhb,. troth ......- I TO eottoroeert and 11'..;.,.1,,w,,.al. ',other. GUARANTEED , I coot T A. 1 Carloads Sonthwielt rendered mtssio Airot. at his home here Frtitiy of aritnents. luVing hont,F: Sr 1.1 Mr.'' of 0 20,27 vy ......, ;3:'.,',;! 1;,,,;,..,.. Ja:v i J.,. A N Sorensen acted as master O, cure- incident to eld age. For the past eight L.Pe Ituasel,f' Mr. and Mrs. Charles' to i.t1:,1:1,;t.zt. Idaho Products Are s, I niotiles. to MI and M rs.' Bingharn: tittightt-r.. years he Las been on invalid I WPIATIIT.R 0134ERVATIONN ah,,,n lirimitail and Mr.. and Mrs. Dry IVASII QUICKER wa-Mr. btoitt!ttg i teem in Scotland routonab an.' hoinie turntsh- Fife in 15 Months a LOGAN MATRON MEN. Nov. At Inspected I li. July art 3,22. in . , ifIg I and 24. !SAIL lie restdod In Sait Lake un- per cent. - ,A It h h Ulrieh Leh.-- ! t LOGAN, Nov. 4.4..s amt.. I I 'Special to The News. ) after him marriage In Isg2 to Mre. Weather Forecasts for ' man of the ,.. tho int,hti proatiels ad- ' Tenth walfd died last night-WASH CLEANER ;11.,L;IT: -Nov. 1" then weid to Tilly 1,1 cvnt. 1:11.1 .. Funeral aervices w1.1 be held in the Uhmtwt J"ilr Nov- - I, 1.!,:Z. t,,,i the InspeoLioni !aw it11I .0.ght4,4g na;;;ttnal$ ,. he "lho'irkedoc,sUl, Next vy eek Annouriceci 119:L. Lifcreat,e4 ,01 ,,,.?,'', is ,Tenth ward Mitred- en'Snoday.' Nor, '19.""hhe . - 74 et rvIce of the Iteho Vtat4, 411,4rtnit-ritt: ' 3 - -----'"" at , 2 ,p.m. MM. Lehman. was barn 'In-- can" ...", ' ''' t)T cifr Of Hilr'w41'!"'-'-"1Coates , , t of 14.- ""f'111',rtnellits i N'tyros. Thp. A Switteriand in tett! but 'bad' been a NI,V. To', 12,HWeather P4';:144'44 On 4..httl!,-1, as idren suivive 1 4,11 44,4 - Mr), .rosident., t747--- 1 4, firignem mar,- - of the le. months' work kstaed : : Mr.. Joh:, F. City: Joseph Fife. end !1,,,,,,,,e Ti misou ..m.,i.,,p.. 111,riotrir.,4.f.!Nniti,,,:l., .1sand Roy F,f. ! I Naughn, tioden, J. Ih'(;::ett;4,a, t a' it.,sFa - and eottier t , . 1,1.4bo. It . '' Mont!,,, 't Spanish Fork Kiwanians inurley. and colder ciorezfter. t;,..''t fling St he, 101 e nto a ho...h AI o the 1 peie.ts u,rtirn (Arm." sell kv and 4:2: troomain ,,No,i.irrtThi,eir,i:nxitit, iO4." Name Committee. ham Cltv Third ward. and memliLr;gof:.::.:t....,-:rh 1, (11) 44 these cienerally fa.r and 3,nr ITni .: t ttr ,1,,tirl,,htioriciL:01.1e: i ,:. , the gnat-Ursr It wTtic loc.a.; itritniiit-the mountain. . .... ' (Special to The News ) funeral, Sunday. Nov 14..0, : p m in 1,! uthert, Itnekv 24 p!a- 34 .7,4 1 Ch.vOnne , Third ward i havd. The , 2 ,.....,................ ,t1 r elr:os, enet a may .tS 4 ,: . FANISil FORK . Nov . 12 4,. 4,i eh,calt, !.t.ii.o). 1)tneraily fair in Cali- 44 t Iona for electing officers for the year , i'a"ifi 444. 4, 3:1. r a. Itwal 0 1 t ui;..1 ;,1 in .... 19'23 were ma Fork the Washington Spanish by DOLLY TYPE ttnn meeting omal ; 1,::vt anis club at the koreg, t :4 evening at the Cozy Chlme ev, 4 'L 2 q Trsday L. --- - 1:,1:111 , Jun ,.. tearooms A nominating committee of 21 ...... 191 2,, a totioall: Ive. wam apphtn-te.,.. I Itt'tna..11,-..- . 0 32 1,: , ail, km C H. Tothu rst, C.! A. tlardner, William I 42 ..... ' 4: :1 Itensen, J. A. Brockbank, and (J. Ray K.,sas a , 1.11,14er 4! Hales. 171 l . COLDS IN, CHEST 4k Anit.4,61 to so osi ''' "1 voted Th club lk '1.11 40 :a record In favor nf the Union Pacittc . ,,,,, ts, i System.- - in the Tait controversy. t New - g F : ; . Under the eiesest.se of t; Hay Hales Free- S'ample of Wonderful 1 -. ; I;,-,;.1,,,.. 1,,,:". - a program wan rendered whi,h includ.11 44. sr 41 .04 , Epee yen,. inht. h elli ng chest. T..ealie Grooms 2' uaaha ed ciaaate daneing by N. 1 flame 444' the pain. Itrenk up th e rongentioni Stop Phoen,x , . ..... Feet of the Spantab Fork Mali nehool, two 4' P .a,.1"',.a.,lia4.,--c,il1,,,,o4ett1 p,..,, 4,, tt, in jtratg- ghbri vo,alliniepa by William Grooma and two r I n tit". Ore. Paf!anct 4', $4 3' Treatmeut Williams, Miss Pr. tvy aclinar ItIsry plan ;OA No Interest Charged. . ' lt.d 11; 40 45 Itatol .01 City ..... .,..' Jemerkh Itighea presided. Pepper Ruh." lx 'the cold rent- It- - rn cr ! tity.10ernatIonal News Elervlee,) 21'....1 f';" . IIMMEN10..., 441y that hying nitileieet relief, It 1116 Louis. St irl ' I N we tza: Kan., Aufferer !,,,,I-from P Every Pyorrhea. ,ENA. !Qt. Paul .,. $) not hurt you mil. it certainly seernit to Nebo School District to t; an Dfiluto . 4 ing and Uleera1 Gull..., I,rw.,-,.- . tr..,..;h tii violat:ng tht, Kari.,aa industr!al .., .' 4''' end the tight netig and We Sold t dill(' the congel- San Francium con..tf- - rsurt and : other 1:11,v dis!aieil SIPd POrP:1011 114; William Allen agthuu. :,, Members Elect Board tnrotoh. Three Rants Pe right out &Carload Last Month. tions of the should aocept th,., r ' ham eentfle 0' 4 much 4a . Nothing pee- ' l . 'offer without &lay. tz,,.,,d your itame 1.A... Emporia c(Iftor have been or. ......--- -Plarl4an 33 ... 3h. ta!etratintr heat 1.5 re,I concentrated, (flpeelal to The News) Sed when 340 34 address toaray to Mooreit Ltito)r :',4(e.el d.IgItt''''t l'T the attoeneY gent34, .11 heat nocetrates rIglit down Spokano ..... .... , I THEONE MINUTE No,c The t 14,ANisit FoRK. into colds. Tomionb , 42 44. 41. 0 71:4. Kailsatt City. ,Mtt. Pears office. itwas slated today. The hirIt,ept schotit!atories. Nebo of Cow r.f the ...41rd education the of ' museleg and Wits hirtrion ..... - 4 hnpuritiew pores Is Sure Some Washer 44. Slotlff joieto relict cromffo at once sort, Wtwoollwleeti district, has called a sneelat tzetzool elee-- 1 and thy' Will II),111 ;.n.; tt,ample Tr. at. at:tion. of distilissal, was taken with a 42' In' daily use of Cutkura Soap and oc-The moment coo held liee.'Stii, 1922. to elect ment, postpaid,. alis,dltsiy (ree. Judge! 'he cunsent of Goernor Tttictorotroto ' ..., 2tt' Red Ailed whe ilmnisP, it, 2its "04 p,b yr ri.ei tne tin apitly atonal touches of Cuticura OintI. which' tnmembees in prec-inc-Alec its mt tits f,;r ;)otir-el- f tre,, n,IS told that the ging heat.la In thremo general hin ment as needed. They are ideal lot minutes the eongested rota tartar at I at p. re. etudes the towns of Springville. )13- - booklet and hiatcry of rem,irkebl e!! stronger cam-a- on attorney' Fn snot tsarinas" to test ythich thr oo Moms lid $ the toilet as is also Cutkura Talcum tomorrow at I:21 a. la. through through. When you era pleton, Thistle. Clillaly and Colton; pre- cures. This )1Ortle trea'ment 1st law. 215 State. suffering frost a cold, rheumatiara, tot powdering and perfuming. Was. 5050 1clited 3. which inelotles i 110 tz)nnill Of ,n'Idnrfklni b y simple Itenti-strtlany leading W hlteil alltged violation contacted f d hy 3 neck or sore muscles. I stiff aackstie, ,cit. ilenjaynin and Salem: and and Doctrks as lows eve,. wwa, lino Ivry 4011001111114Ab A detrOn atl,lbr litatt by jorrx premice-'(---5Which Inelintea Sillitriplitn, being the most effi- - of posting placards expressing. trympa"The House of Service." her omierbos Devi str wen 64 awe - Rield oglo-r tryn years b tsh oPartmon::1 flub. trrenia day 1 meat tnethod knovim. to COntr(d these! thy with. striking railroad shopmen Iti- Osoungeog li eautight ike1,..:14 ?sin rentkic, Goshen, Elberta, Vert and method of peas for London dru g store. shelling ' I Sma shaves tritium lat-- t mil& Vidvati. I . nr-ced. drta3 cOnditiorn7-,Attsummer. , I markets. I êr.i.t known.Adv. - tob y , - Y it 7:k , . t I Senator King Guest Of Democratic Club , .... . t' TREED st ; , . , ry. , Thursday by W. H. Wicks. dfrector L. D. of the bureau of plarit industry. the itiVigUrati011 of the ...rahas department ke. April l 1919, the --td..., MS 11111. .11,140 to. -1- 111ITTMENT IS hay the report tates talles andmore than 20.0e0 cars inspectof the t.lkit .4z411.1.0F;ss II.. 18?'''7 ed frorn,,July,.1.21.. to Novemt, Pr. 4922. ears. 13,20-potato Inspections totaled cars: 2,961 Apple Inspections totaled (Special to The News PeachTP, prunes, 2219 cars: Pear., kiani01111, 5: POCATELLO. Nov, -.."-.s, daily SS; cherries. 46: apricots. 2: miscellane'''' Nsts....allotment of refrigerator cars In which lettuce, 155; bays b3, and , SERVICE! DOUBLE to ship perishable fruits anctvegetables ous, S. will be nearly three times what it hail So. 115 im a henry winter been. according to word f ) wPigi-I aiia with double back Thursday at the office of the public l Ank lour DealerOr 1.011111a111 uttlittos commiasion, and announced by Made End Guaranteed kr 1111. Sweeter, a member of the- corn- renstessz CUTLER BROS. CO.' mission Where in the past 64 cars Pan Lake Cdty. Utah, N ur I. Iti'd. 341 Main St. have been the daily Ointment. t he to- Salt Lake roe Salt Lake City and VnityFair tal number will be increased to 143. increased numbers of cars be- - night and Inroday, not ninth chal,g, in it!rrtgan Arriving tit Granger. Wyo.. Thurs.- rersture and state and railroad offitliala be. UtahFalr tonight and Fwlitay. take about three days tnb e tants in teniparatuto. tday that 11, will...WIC and Sur.- vtitte6.4- t, Far 1,uthraatern th. Western tiltier the istal4anh be avail- - day lair &older tonight-ablfor loading. toe Displayed in our Windows, Special Cache Farm Bureau Favors DOWN , I ION ID i . , ...h k - , - I t ... 14,: at-th- It will 41011M, 111114k.,11-annranra'amrvtstnanlgnnAgtontaomnfiour lo t Release ,.. ,- i ..AgEllp -- i ''''t ,' , "602 Coltman St." . 11 ''stot.i.41'N21114:14:1 ii ,, , . t-r-- . ,I (Special to The News.) POCATELLO, Nov.Ig.--A- n industrial conference of commeeial. cial and .agricultural Interests from 181 counties In southern and southeastern e Idaho met chamber of 'commerce' ' hall Friday afternoon and organised the Idaho Freight Reduction associa-1- . tion and elected W. L. Shattuck of Idaho Falls president. and C. J. Carlson. Idaho Falls, ateretary.,apd passed, the-- following reeolutions: We. the people of southern In meeting 'Resembled at Pocatello, Idai this ll'th day of November, 1412, do; hereby charge that freight rates on all Idaho 'products have become .out of all proportion to cost Of 'productiort.an& the car shortage ilq unprecedented.1 therefore. an immediate and drastic re-- 1 duction in freight rates is necessary. and adequate ears to haul our products to market must be forthcotning, in order to continue our economic, life. Therefore we hereby organize ourselves together in an association to be known as the Idaho Freight Reduction, ags,,tiation.- There will he a board of directors from tacit division one to be electeo from each county represented., J. A. Harbour of ..Twin Falls. W. L. L. M. Earle or copeland of Pay,ette-an- d Idaho Falls were appointed a commi4., to confer with Union Pacific and S. L. oftimCs and the state utilities t'I in regard to a new freight schedule. . --- .. ' ., one who tan. A t RECORt! VCTOR.I - anti its relation to Itt.alth" Also Sun. os : Them at CLARK'S Today! If your dealer can't supply will tell you 1 ------ ... ' -- -- ';' , t , 'rODAY--Speci- a! - , - 1 , i . momonnomommomme Wry Latest Big HitsHeir Factoralic2t. 111..-Th- I, ' J-1-.4 k,, , , , At, - - , ' - But if we really slept on-- a bedspring built for rest, how much more energetic we would behow much more we could accomplish:You on prove this by - displacing your uncomfortable, sagging bedspring with a De Luxe. It can't sag or tear the bedding. It is interchangeablefits either wood or metml beds. See it at your dealer's today. Kinney-Rom- e Company salt Lake City .' 4:1411r--" '; 1 vitilolpritN,, . HO W eue.-- NEW OfigANIZJITIg !;li . -- - . "REX 44,,,,, . 1:71mmonnal! - - - ) k. -- -- ... 4 . (Si1.r-tettr- Wonderful Glowing Health Through Refreshing Sleep - unive-i-s11- A ; . Z.?marvelous. . 4,UXURIOUS - , , "Dear Sirs--- -1 have heard yotir station several times and I wish to may that you are my supreme. unever favorite rivaled,station. ,heard yet or expect to hear, for two .reasons: Tour excellent mod.,tilatton And- cepeetaity- your choice of music; . "Most statiions have a few of the artists rave for hours on 9,000 cycle notes and trills., or else lecture on bow to make hair nets out of old phonographs and a felt hat Your music is of and un- good choice. popular, adulterated alth variations. eM- set is a 5.000 My receiving meter met with a change over to abOut 6,00 meter set, both using crystal rectifiers. 1 am working for a second class license now or my spark set Would greatly appre- elate a description or picture of your set. Your speed in getting to . ' -- Longmont. Colo,. Nov. 14. 1322. "KZN- - Deseret News, Salt Lake City. Utah- , 1 -- - d N By Colorado Man 11111L-1111- irtme. - - - - K Z N Coneerts Highly Apprecia tett, . - s- 1922. . i ) illo 4-2- 18 , l' I , -- NOVL.11BEIZ 1, - A, . 19 1.mkAltilk f1 It! , ... 1,,1 1. ?!NONEEll ICIMAN Or PLANs ElltimBEH ,td Li, , 1 I - tint k . ttli-- Tetreelat - .,,,,,,,. r I librtr , r SAVRD'AY 71,5VAniti - - 647 I fire-proo- I -- 4 . I.i Et.i-t- ' A,,,-.10...p,- t '. I ! - . Blithest. '. ill'I' I. 1V . i bb4u:ibb wI),..Y, et....Tmn .;.;,,,, . ' (..,;d84.31.2', otpisdirneogdhtil2intzatt8 PIta"nt ; - nu '" ' 1 rii To-- - . ' irths - , a- - ' . i n;v:,:tr'hF,ef,,r,Lr . I . . 3r4 t- -- L. A FREE TRIAL WILL PROVE IT a ,,. - i - , . : L. 1 . ; F I - . I citt Ced . I fi. ,.. . - ,.Il .., - V.:, 6 . ...... : i 4.:, pppra I) . ! ..,..7.11, 1 r ,i . etCas aiainst Guaranteci lie -- - - )16 I etures. Inductri Court N olv can Be unan-lmol- l : tl" ISMISSea 1. f.l.! .. a lL4 F- 1 Wig! 1 ..... - - - . ,:lthi , r- " - .. I Make Cuticura Your Daily Toilet Soap , . .t4V, 641;; f . . '. lntohe DODGE BROS. - . " - -- 74 I 1.. -- - rr a-- i : I 44-1- -4 tr..A....7...7.1.....-......- - , t .11. . Weekly I --- ."-- .1 - . $1.75 .71 . . Sta4t44444--,.....44.-.- ' i , A It''' - till:i- 4. , DOWN . Vi- , orrhea .,. : -- - 1 ONE niNurFR 1 4, --- - i ,..- -", , pew...AI-ELLA- , ,- . I t i I I , , 1 , r 1 . 1 w .. Jfayrro41.0motwriR.Ildribwapl.eyipruaRre:141. :Pitecpkapentsyrt -- . . ; , 41 ' i.). t:.,44..:. , 'Z , , Vt I.O.Otta ' - t . - - - . -- -, - 1 .0" : ;, - - . - . . - . - ' . . . . . ... , - - , ' - , . , 1- .... v4; - |