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Show Tr V JW4T IV k, j a.'i ,,.. MV.'ifj j' - - - - A - TEE DESERET SPLENDID.ERIZES TO REWARD BEST MEN IN TURK DAY MARATHON ! . l NEWS SATURDAY NOVEMBER Eugene pari-inutt- rl Might Call Cobb Busher According , tlir doubles Do you have to turn her over by hand" on cold mornings? ? - , J lo twings nan ColdTSfeather3 two-milli- fr bt pe If you do it is a sure sign that the oil in' your crankcase has thickened and will not splash or pump readily. Not only does it make starting difficult, but if the oil cannot get to the bearing surfaces the needless friction is wearing away the metaL That will be costly. g Xvery-ituett-w- nd , nose For safety and economy Haynes beat the gate, arnrthe colt along, under, no preaanre, to for and place- horse The 701m gsteF Appears th4k and baa beaten' tha in training His six jbeat t easy vlctortes in the past month have I j thiswiJI w j axle broke and he earn home, wtth the rest of his buddies in th second Another veteran. section Flochloi e'end live y for the place whLe Archie Foulds filly, Founder II, accepted the small end of the purse. Kxars wins go over the mark, and his owner. Madame Edmond Blanc, has refused a million and a half for the on of Hrueur. Leigh fteaaalloa. Trainer Eugne Teigh. of Legtngton. Ky w ho.. was making coffee money in aiming events and feather handicaps with a string of staged the sensation of the Autumn meetFo- - a ing week eyary Yankee don ai lit Paris had received the wireless that t h colt Kpinard (spinach) would carry home the smoked ham hiw first time out After several false alarms he was announced we a sure starter with a flock of ducks in a maiden event at DewttvHle, wtth the going full of lead He opened at 50 to fore Eddie Havnc (Newr PorkJ, lad rld-for Ldgh( had shown hts mount (the ribbon the public were yelling for him Al 3. Anti 2 laiJ j Peabody In Francs was on Epiu&rd 's M 1 Leigh, Trainer, Stage Five hyndred and fifty millions wrre bet in the 84nff By Al Warden, C during the first six months, ojrmtoafeat. a loss of 130 millions under last in Nov 17 American Jockeys ARATHON running and modified marathon events yfAr's reoelpt fir the same period PARIS, trainers completed a successful and the west are plunging forward annually in j Utah Three proprietors won over a recent the Autumn T-wheij year Closing million In purses coun-- 1 fieviral others brought the m popularity in the sports realm and indue time cross lost that mufh in plunges. to " "d at ,lle Haint clud ,ne will nodoubt take their plao in the front rank with track"',son Matt MacOee, of Co non Ky , O Neill, of fit Louts, tacks th-- H other athletic events in the Beehive state. In this state, consider- theFrank Jockey i Ed ward fourth straight European cham- - ' head do Rothschild got home first with able interest is manifested annually in the Deseret Gymnasium pion jockey medal on his vest and eighty-tw- o UiL of barons ponies oold saddles for up weather Matt and his fami y will Winter modified event of five and. one quarter miles and the classic ters During the season Frank quarhas Neill with In O. h&int Morlta In 153 'em kicked for firs' moneys; no exception, for 1922 promises to half a hundred to the od over i Guy Garner, of Gentervllle Iowa 1 hi official five arx! ,a luarter nearest rival, the Englishman,' who younger brother, Mac. is 01111 weighs in ataned In Salt I.akDe George Bellhnusq it urofl In the States has signed up rbtlfig with the Franeh heavy fan. for season with the Indian another .err, her (I, 1013 with Herbert William Led Cate, I'rince Aga Kahn William Duke, Five trainers got lhe gate- whan rf the Olympic Club of San Franeico or New York, will train Wetls)lle IT. laid aside smoked winner Tie trefte.re.eFThe course Xer the same tiaWt In a and tnund flop the oata mlrrores 11 ami r, nil Trt.iT flsyTn-fof Thomas Murphy I'hlladolphia. i .. ronii - Fred- WHllamr forrr Img Island, the course 4 trainer for The American proprietor, who has Keen riding over the jumps K A was MacComher. among the rioi it for e eral years broke Info flat ones Thev didnt not held T that with a win on a goat at fi 1'urJrg 194 the event w ... racing but tfr 1 The bench at the New Tork 1L- - first c lassie was t.ged under h of Horse Aldermen held him re t bar redeemef i sponsible when hi was-Black ,(iii.pic. of the Salt Lake Commercial found talking to himself atharry Deauville; eYealng I uh tie event in 191S and since that a handicap by a after American Jockeys won orr half ' tine being featured hv the lieaeret Major League to Profit by long winning the flat races run in Frame this g rnnaMum General disappointment Tirevalle In year circles to Give due showWhich the poor breeding New Rule three-ing of this Was . Ted Johnton Tast season e years etars have failed to Rookie a Chance. UP jli bl wfarlM .until th--- Once Paec Sctter.- Ratnua, afte K Demy 1 fewn by A 3oiUy-fmn- c a , Arc half of Tnnmph prima donna temperament and poses fttnk BY WIIil.UM rMVl-KTv o events wer pullet! off tn ISIS for a time exposure at the tlagfilt Jn i ( U S Hports Service ) linns singed Nw ear s day snd lay louU othrr on Twmkgn4 led him In bv the hack nllev of Utabzppe4 FRANCISCO, Calif, Nov. 1 Hrry of the niversffyrace Kefallrv. a courageou while on of SAN the rity Babe Cobb. on Tar collertad tbe half million-fran- c Ty you Imagine Hire at tbe hart of th non, the tilt staged little lane JEiaa Grand Pria made and had tourers won or that ha tnvered k no taming, hat there the or Rulh of bnw the day other atrllan llghts any rfn ImposxtW in thesea two races o the national pastime being dubbed Wth a perfect rfav and fast field " by Wll th original record established 21, u Ikld a bunher ams was shattered October on Fan. chamth. Paclfio eoaat are arguwestern b Ted Johnson, former Johnson ing and talking on the recent decision j pion long dtstance runner turned the course in 2d minute 20 of the Pacific of a aecond from taking rtie former mark Coast Baaeb&l) j MIwn Kreehalrn won the 1917 aevent direct-- 1 37 from league fast second 29 in minutes, ora, which ftcd In No ecnts over tk coursa wer neJd effect can make In 1J0 Ale Hoggan to 1MI and 1919 of the High finished first in it any major and 27 seconds ri lnut a Robc-- t leaguer Martin he peer of all runners and hoWer of the buaher" In the tormer a w distance champion, light of thblr TTsiTty--o- f irPnois- star, esuibilshetr tho present record for the course last decision under hands down Tuikey da 19 Martin 5 won a specified con. seconds takin sn minute and from the record made dltlon. tv In 1915 l Johnson uae Ty Cobb aa a hypothetical cate, or you can aubatl-tut- e Martin Holds jour favorite star In (lace of One Leg on Trophy. Cobb The Coaat league has ruled rty taking the 1921 feature Martin In 1923 the clubs the league won a Irg on the Pvscret New trophy, that bfien jjC8XL.xnlyiiafi eighteen, major the leg the previous wou 1y Alex Hoggan or experienced players' and two must tVith Martin and Morgan In the fray combe bushers Bay for example Cobb again this season considerable petition should be listed fihouid either In through with Detroit and he goes of these men win the event ihtjr will grab thfiIacret Now s cup infordistance IolA class B league team, thia aeaaoa expenente of 1923 Id 1934 he wEl be eligible to running stamps him as a big favoritea play on a Coast league team rated as fur this event Hob has developed has s good head a busher wonderful stride this happens and knows the game from all angles and Cobb play Suppose with one of th many he ehouU From past performance minor teams for th season The romp home in the initial position One man expected to give the cham-pio- n climate of that locality restores Cobbs and vim Melvtn and is The of Coaw youth vigor. competition plenty Freebairn, winner of the IS17 event league decides It wants Cobb in 1924 Freebalrn, a former ' U athlete has and It has a perfect right to claim him been on the coast for the "ast two and use him. not as a major or class years and f in crnid.tion he should be AA player but as a buher " able to step the distance off In style A number of fffst rlass runners have Some Busher, Well Say. heerr uncovered in the Deseret GymIt is the one big joke that the fans nasium classic Nathan Tolman, one time famous are talking of out on the coast. The " roller at the IT T C ut Logan finished player limit as above stated was made aeoond to WilHama In 1913 by the league directors to give the Ted Johnson fur many year the wesundeveloped players a chance, but will tern title holder- hd an annual hobby that be the result. It is a cinch that of grabbing first place in the gymnas- a manager is going to use a busher" ium eient Cobb or any ofher In prefereng Lew Berry obtained his first big like know htlge of running in the modified to a genuine busher" if the said Cobb or other still retain some of his forevent These men are onlv a few of the big mer ability runners of the slate who gathered At th it the fans consider that the their first experience in tlyts modi-- - Coast league plajer limit Is helping irT the major league magnates The new Vtth the distance running game in- - condition is considered even better in popularitv annuauy the creating Deseret Gxmfiaiium run In coming than the draft In a sense It means enr 'vi develop Si to one of the lead- that each veur each teem of the Coast the Mate Runners league Will ha ingom t eVtnts if an to get rid of two of turner of the its t rs as the' can on carr eighstate are expected t lAke part in the teen men and the 'experienced rim. which should go down in coning blithers who stick a reason with a r retold thart as one of the greatteam autonutiCillv become est ever staged expert-a- t With a fast field and with any kindcnced the end of th season uf fair weather conditions Martin mav fh0 next 'eii(in two btiehers ' haveand to, ... Li, pushed sutfiilently to snaiter n .thu .fl,rel,1g '' I; r on) ,,t lO- - rati;JLrlu,'uUl lil-- J -- VTpri-itPd TOm In thi way Interesting ' nxtcen p las era. or Lao from each of v.lney peifurnicrs the eight club will be forcecFlnto the Tin pnis follow 11 rl2c Deseret News Trophy Cup majors or retirement from this stand-- I last be won twice ard of ball It looks as though the 1st prize Roy Heath Trophy (up majors air having men framed for Won once. them on the coast and thn big leagues 2. id pr ze Ashton Jenkins Tup jwill reap the benefits Jrd pr ze Dayne 1-cup A A IMedart" T?rtxe cLh More Than Ruth. 5th prlre sweater Courtesy of Weshe.u d a lot that Babe tern Aims w is the highest priced pUyer in 6th prize Jersey Courey of SpaM-j'H- h but out cm'ther lwcific coast ings rmm nK 33'rrbe,sh p by the hr ait point mg to Bnl Kenworthy as cy PL firet nunc Hoj pc. who sighed once upon a tua because b b' J- Mh trr?.k4 ti rt. - ro jriry of - vne imuv.daal bsr-et- i by Judge onhy Tmthrr to languor in the hillk.-d- fe gome and then u, am lie: Lan- C M 1 vear F 9th j r K'enworthv had his title a mamp on cue artist to young Jake Sthaefr ts enten d in the o 44r') jjen, enu-t.p OA contract with Portland, present worlds tuitroarm ntljj th hopes of regaining his lost turf Is ,m , The vthlcn had to be paid. He re The playing of the veteran RnviOre afr Referee, Milliard iit,haa been the feature of the aeries itavmona Drived $s 100 for the season. Vr?fh '4 He thU week and there arc many who look to sc Hoppe regain, his title. lKHt Barnes which r,,Hve,i ln my 'T?r TTtYr i,ady if. fiTVNFhBD MJN4 PEKBi ILVt E. UTAK f !i c t I'i'orp il ii, I , J,DX2od . rs t L Pfir jf&m 'H- - ?i n jt v ifrt in 2 5 . s Elevej kiifkw umifd ki tiie twee far Jack 1cr pBiiic nicj-- than Jiuth .fitaafont Jafleskva ha Uflfiz L.cra en the itanrl- Derby, run bU contract. "Kenworthy the amswir driving poscr but anwnMMijr wtetr nawnumi f" w iK'isfdsr jsmlectr'T'nn at-- sirdner, N. K W p I veil j has not done a in bieball s.nce bv m ten4 rhrn Nwrvk. vnh the trv- wa tirg in Is chief at tbe the tardmnl flaw mnrldne Ju leLtndis landed hinand put him swu in h ha ked (Vmn (lirre lerrrtht GERMANS ACTUALLY The betting was 2 to agdint out of the wiv All ho Sid wav to (be flanks, and that k v.here errs eleven third !)ge ! ta 1 5 In ( on htvtdk ami Nwak pUmc collect his pav check each month SHOWING INTEREST j tu be weak s; ih t Californio. ( zs4nm CM waded the Judge with room enough jpas troop of ma!ry between uim g Use ... - XT n r--- Rnccy&iij&nuhdllail Kentucky Sensation Of Autumn Meet1 BetweenHeats By BII t Cl HRU. International Newt BrrrW O -- American Horse Racers Show Speed in European Contests Frank ONeill, of St Louis, Europes Champ Jokey For Fourth Time, Registered Considerable Long Distance Running Ha Progress in Utah Du ring Recent Years. 1922 18 VICO Motor Oil It flows freely in cold weather. 1 Yis I HI SMITH - A- TO it I by RLFIMINC Ca FEELS SaltJaJU City 1P0L00IZE Veteran Billiardist Domg Fine Comeback .iu Guaranteed UTAH OIL Hoppes Playing Feature of Cue Tourney o TtefinedV to the famoua pedigree run baek American stallion, Boston -- nt TEAMS HICH SCORE . western- -distance rlir. BERKELEY, Not. lj Football coach seldom expreas regrets, when their team run up high acor but Andy Smith t the of1 California, broki the rullnyrs!ty aid he was not Klnd when hiswhen he charges piled up l r olnls while playing the Washington Mat GoMge team last Unbelievable as it Saturday seein the Californians say they may dd ntrt trv for a high tally. PEPKFLEY Calif, Nov 11 Atout The overwhelming sore came unmith said, and I am football expartcdlv rt.'ran' an nc tin m tbiit i am narliHrfrirr VrTT 'n nd w glad of it 1 Line neer felt o nrry he Iot NrjllTrTf t.v g'aduit a n Hr- t nmr y ,nlr, ,in n!y k .V. of idlifornia' s,ty Ciimpion tctm did for my friend. Gus Welch, who iOachcs Washington btats Wehh next ytar the los i ahfrr a rooter Drsp.te is a square shooter and an even break are potjook'Lg h.EJLdLa n.zny lean dti luck weruirt bsY . made him . . the gridiron years for th y have faitv ui .. coach cou seorfnd aid in thts vear s ,avt of frB,hmen andiam Fiven Caltforma the hardest m An.lv a to put lf0yea.r winnng ombmaion Breaks were against Welch from ability on f tld the time he left Pullman with his Several of the players to, go hA team, and today s ecore waa not rep- wlth cMorrui three years and resentatlve of hi eleven The team pUed on the 1920 eleven which won were was due to arrive here Friday night lhe tllU t) of i9Am cru.hng a to glva th chance to r6t verj, westerd ondf.r boys opponent ard defeating from their trip Instead, they en Big Ten conference at gtte a wreck near Ashland and qIo a... ftB ,inv d,d not arrive until a few hours be- Kradunt th, ,Ur, T0of fore the game Twill be the aliform fu'lbi ks A knnw-- . rvflln "rf", 'Lake Mor-.and An me could hsve Both condition- - no fljr ln i(!. enri, w, ,,c up s better battle than Washing- - djtlon to Mulr lo,t pjt B,, H.rkev ton State did last Saturday tent, r and rapu.n Gallagher, Krbal.i l.ave Among quanerba.k no alibis to ,RATr' congratulated Smith the others to graduate are Dean Pest and left with his team for Pullman and BelL of the fullbacks Loss means that JaiJc Witter whoprobably was a SUPERIORITY OF fjllback in 1920 and a t'ukle ,n 1921 will return to Us f love the brickBRUIN REDUCES field. A star who n expited v make is J nMv Dxoi cf this GATE RECIEPTS the varsltv wnu is goon at (years freshman team Ptarce is runn.ng kcking or pa-- - nx of California The University O Rrlen probably will be at the suffering the penalty of having too and eaaon good a football team. Inasmuch as nd positions next California varsity made up moatlv R merely 4s a question of how big at score they will run up and no ques- - of second string men showed Mme of will1 Its Involved as to whUh team power when it made 61 pomts tion the attend- - against the srorg be the ultimate winner Mat Tb f rht stnrg ance has fallen off All critics are team lM Saturdav men ran the score up to and then predicting mat when California and 111 turned the football nachin- - over Stanford meet that the former vvtn b three touchdowns and up th substitutes who pi.od up the the circumstances it isn t likelv ance of the score there 11 be any great overflow demand rr ata to the contest Gut f 1 -- I i 1 11 i kewpa-Marti- a fa " Gloomy iron-boun- d tor 1 juag-m- rfit I 1 IN FIGHTING AGAIN FTTis o. cor A r N'T! cat pmiftr v iv Hr x mcr has in Germany that be- - the ifii tf,Pi, t.l fans pnrt Pihifc at each of c ( b and it was. stated the I have been even de dl greater r i itxrT the ttr fTr Thar n the evening and lete ' w. , l.ajU-If-c d were kept Awav by f t e t 'f getting muin'ght trains home - hec I, aiitntcrvsteid In the Vc o err a' jf i m erive which Hans r.. t !" P.i ixMiiumiyn heavy -- v e?gMhad Irxigr-- wfth n'rr Jin' who Samim AnTini providc u '.r ed rf the evening in his c i Samson ia r t ,( jii I en a sparring partner pr e Drn-e- ,11(1 to have nial -.hr d such fightei ucaint n Tom (ti' rn tnd Kid Norfolk S'iTon a smpr'etl the spectators bv and an aggressiveness rbow inc pro with the sluggish rresty maneuvers nf th. native talent Although lighter than Hugo xs Ily. .a HavarJan of mstder-rin- g Todjmh-Cn e In Germany, xpe the American kno ked hi opponent down so often iu tvo rounds orening t th xu end? saved their lajen the oher eight rounds f'rhter from In the towel Brelt ntrater wberwa af immediately isxtrcd a LiHfng to the winner ami it WwS atceptcdi of matin. r Barnett a roa fr i r v 1 T ( I V . 1 eontr-iMtui- ii , "yse.j, 4t ueeaib 1' ur' THE BRICK ARRIVES ON TIME. it A'-.- Pan-Asi- D CKb'nt Church Sentence Given Auto Taker (Bv The Asociated LOS AVGELKS, Nov tent! chun h nnte each JJTflJtl- - Sunday for lmpHtr! upon John Kozma. who pleaded guil'y to having taken for hs own us an automobile whuh h found parked outride a chnrrh three vears waa the sentetrr , v play-z-r- Press) . Iiuw Axery. the superior entirtr-in sentence, that this is In ping Jf wanted way a pun1??hmpnt. to punish you. would send you to Jail But sending voi to church will make a better citizen ot you I Mother of Eight Held For Killing Husband (By The Associated Pres ) LUCERNE, B C. Nov. IS Mr. Fred Frve Is bold by Hie provincial poise hereon of murder lay her hutmnd at their home at Teta seen Jatire Cache, near Lucerne Mr. ADDF.il 8rf.rHTIOX. that tfr lead man had Frjp decl-irePnsHftena, Calif., Is famouv fop Ha annual abused and her their , children, ylRht of Lmm. wliki in tar'll is famoua Cammtl os a eff yon want year ambfwtla Ia for the football game oteged In ronJurtioH long Time, dont rod H, M a newspaper and that she shot him In wHIi the rrst of the program. a additlotuU tip b iun t lead It. The trayedy occurred Thursday night. e-- I i no X ft-wa- ; -- v Isnt Any Ylcnderson, football "Tdomy Gbs" lh 1 boutUern aliromla aavs ni' erjwty not like h,v nicknam and hopes that it will t The Coronado CaPPnrnia. Country relegated to oblivion There seems to dub is an advocate of Uarhihg the he no tendency on the part of the to shoot" and football writers to take Gus seriously yojng idea howabout the business of going allowing the bovs and girls, to learn golf Tournaments are arranged for chanre of outstrewlnx- It the juniors who are children of the members and every possible encour- Cities of Northwest agement given them to take up and Inrn the game properly This is a Preparing for Hockey rreaure which whh the foresighted w PI tend to produce s goo!In Hekew it th fee ontmue n duK thw the atd keen t for northwest and such prooer direction and in the 1'aclflc golf map Under Seattle, iortland, Spokane tuition there H no reason wbv bovs cities as etc. Victoria, already are pitting ready and girls should not take the game for is all a the coining winter be the if matter seriously, which mut In each team plays league which gfmut are to excp In It, and under the a dozen or th ir,pre games dur.ug a seacircumstances the rreens and son are entered the finals when upen should not suffer anv harm To a set of garpe against Whether or turn them loos to pick the game up sum of the eastern team such a f wHhouV proper direction would, XtTi treat wtH- be- pinyed rtbaitw-- ir he ef system-nttraM- bhail 1 lar rt Too Fond of Monicker CORONADO COUNTRY CLUB GIVES GOLF LESSONS TO KIDS t - inder ttie FTogrnn nf th Bolshv ibt as rttuited to the govKmoa would China, and ernment, irovide a sieamg for communi-ti- c dethought and inst.t iti jns velopment tn give a Japnntse social n volution and fin illy .liter the collapse of J ipanec fmperi!m in the a of the iViif t a I.oKhv envifts aimed at the oVueratlon of the capltalivtn civilization of the 21-- b j ?tr , i nk ii v M N.-b- et i 1 v 1 - - y 1 Yr -- the The ated Press.) UAMIIMITON Xo. IS BoI-- s ahevism iSrdmpa.uL ou China seeks control of the c t As a weapon c against the wtst a eroding to pars received today bv ogtnc.es of the gob rnnunt Widespread growth of influence the Russian soviet in China w.ts re-!y ported together w.ih th formation therr (f numerous aoemtiuns of Chinese students end JmeUectua's tinder sut h names ma th anti- f hrstlan vnretv he New Tide the inr, Rellirious C't ml The Urrnei ih rf Kail Marx ruh te M ' Rampant in China 5 M u-rv Reported to be -i ycaj-haTi- ng 1 Bolshevism is fm - it a. -- By Herriman |