Show HARPER little ona the 5 year old child of mr air and mrs hyrum harper passed away on tuesday the hie after an illness of two weeks funeral services held from the harper ward meeting house tuesday tile the speakers were geo ceo whitworth jos gibbs C ibbs geo may alay thaddeus wight and jos H yates all made appropriate a and nd comforting remarks and kindness and sm sympathy pathy were on every liand hall mrs martha allen alien an old and much beloved resident of this place passed away last wednesday the cause of her death being general debility she was one of those sturdy faithful and god fearing pioneers who braced the desert in order that they might worship god according to the adlet dictates tes of their own conscience among the speakers who expressed sentiments of respect tor for the sterl sterling ing traits of character of the deceased was R L Fis fishburn liburn of brigham city mrs airs allen alien was the wife of jule jude A alien an or old resident of this place this community is shocked in the slid jen detthof J D wade of brig anra 1 mr wade was formerly for meily aresi ares dent of this place lie he also taught school hero here a number of bears ears and was untiring in ills his efforts to assist in the character of future men and women miss hiss eva youn youngberg berg of salt lake city was the guest of mrs airs hadley and family luring during peach day A democratic primary met last mon aron lay day to name delegates to the county convention on oct loth the farmers in the north end of the district are busy delivering a huge beet crop |