Show PEACH EXPERT IMPRESSED BY HIS TOUR OF UTAH STA alfr Cl Fr I 1 IA ir CONSIDERS conditions IN THIS STATE IDRAL foll FOIL FRUIT f RAISING Stan stand clig iff cilc son of 0 J 1 11 II halt hale tile lic largest grower 0 or peaches in america has been in making aling a tour lour of fatall fruit districts with professor R S Nort luup of 0 alie lie state agricultural allego at logan LO g a it sir mr liale hale came caine nil IIII the way froin r connecticut to see lee tile the early caily elberta peach grown by J 1 11 II gleason of 0 ausville kaysville Kays ays ville at tile gleason orchard te he met anict professor tin up who v tool took him to logan brigham city through I 1 cacho cache valley bear river valley and blavis county they reached salt sail ake and will today start for provo to lo see the orchards of utah liy god has beell good to utah said mr liale hale the soil and climate here are ideal fro fruit growing gro yilli if I 1 were not tied down by my interests in the east I 1 would like nothing better than to try my hand at fruit growing here utah apples beat anything iny thing I 1 ever raw paw in all my travels through ii the united states tile the trees are aie large and free front from thed which or in ili other states must constantly fight with we ve have only the codling enoth nere here lemar kod J edward taylor secretary of th the estate state board of goiti culture tul ture but as we know how to handle bandle the moth it is harmless hart ariless you might say that it ie has been denion it is ir a good thing that you understand the moth rejoined mr air hale it lias has a appetite it will eat C at MOTO than the tha home folks when I 1 cattle came to utah said sir fr hale efale 1 I thought I 1 would stay about fifteen minutes but they got me ine interested te ie and I 1 liae hae now been hero here ellve days and arn am not through yet A man cant say too much about for the fruit grower the lisiate licia te Is perfect the soil is deep ind aid fertile fe itile it contains contain elements suited to tire the nourishing of at orchards with growers in ILI the east must supply then iou have the water and are ble ale to control it that is a big thing in butah utah orchards aids owners should de yote their attention to high grade grada products oro ducts low grade fruit cannot profitably grown here but with your soil lour climate clini ate and your water there is no acue for growing low kw grade fruit salt lake herald Ilor ild |