Show FRUIT GROWERS BANQUET last saturday evening it at the utahna hotel the fault growers association banqueted mr air C T more afore of the grand junction fruit growers been superintend ing the packing of fruit here this summer as a token of appreciation for ills his valuable services covers were wera laid for eighteen and a spread prepared which was lii for abing 1 fiig after partaking to the fullest capacity speeches were made by the following james jensen alma avei iverson Iv eison son geo IV watkins if S larsen I 1 john 11 christensen J W francis Frinc ls X N J valentine all of 0 whom spoke in fit praise of the work of all more paying the gentleman hag high compliments as an expert fruit man mail and aiu gentleman mr ali more afore iu in ie plying thanked ilian ked the he association for tho the kind treatment extended him and for the good things which had been spoken encouraged the fruit Ci growers rowers to keep heep up tho the bood work begun INN season and assured them that success would eventually crown their efforts those present were C T moio aloie abid wife john P christensen Cliris and in wife geo WW atkins ind and wife tames james jensen aud and wife if 11 3 larsen ind and wife alma iverson and wife T W francis and wi wife e N J valentine and wife and M W T divis davis |