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Show THKINMN MM! AMMtll'lMll). On the Snd Inst, a bill granting Aruetkau riglstry to Inman line hteamere passed the House of Iteprt-ssutatlvca Iteprt-ssutatlvca at Washington without op-sltlon. op-sltlon. The bill went to theHenate, and 011 thu Olh Kenslor Frye, of the Commllttu onComnurco, resented a unaulmous report In lavorof Immediate Immedi-ate consideration. Thu bill proposes to make Ibo "City of rails" and the "City of New York" American tbli Jurt ns mueh ns If they were built In this country. This means Hist the Innuu commercial flag ! to be transferred trans-ferred from Knglnnd to America, und In future Inminllnu steamers will be built 011 the Ilelaware, and not on the Cljde. Tho bill was putsvel oil tho at plication of tho Inman compauy, and on cundltlon that two new shliu. be built Immediately In this country. The movement Is causing considerable consider-able Irritation lu l.iiglsiid. Mr. Ismay of tho While Mar Hue (rival) brought the matUr before the Hojul Labor Commission, In session on tho 4th, In Loudon, and state 1 that, In his opinion, It was an attempt to recruit American shl lug with tho tit lp of thelliman llr.e. Hlr Michael lllcks-llench laid Ihe departure w as a daring one ou the part of Americans, He cjutci.od himself unablo to see how It was (wsslble to Americanize ahlps dying tho Iltltlili flag and enrolled In Ihe Urltlsli Naval deserve as armed cruisers In the event of war. In his opinion complications must Inevitably result, aud tho matter will be brought clllclally beforo the llrd of Trade. Then the Admiralty must lako action, for an American vessel can not alio lai registered aa of Hie llrltlsh Naval Iteacrve. It la no inlet on thla side that the U. B. Nnvy Department endoivored to obtain thee vessels duilog tho Italian controversy, an 1 again during the Chilean Imbrogll. Tho llrltls'.i (Jot-ernment, (Jot-ernment, lo view of these facts, has withheld the spcelal subsidy for mall service for nearly a year, amounting to 1105,00). If the "1'arls" and "ew York" now hoist the ritari aud Hlrlpea aud haul down the Union Jack, this sum will be sscrlflccd. Tho chauge will strike Juhu Hull In a teuler spot. When theso vessels were being lull!, thollrltlsh lnstrtortookspeclilp)lii to see that tLiy wero toustiucted' after thu l-st models (tt purposes of naval warfare. Tholr machinery Is below the watir line, aud Ihelr coal bunkers are Utter r.uardod than Is usual In merchant vessels. Over two jearsngo, In bis first annual reort, the Herniary of tho Navy, Mr. Tracy, said: "It Isrlifilcnlt to Imagine a moro effective effect-ive coniuisre-e-.lesiroycr than the steamship steam-ship 'City of Paris,' armed with a Uittery of rapid-firing guns. Mho can steam oer tllknotean hour, and onn average t'1'1 knots from luad to land across the t-lantlo. t-lantlo. No man-of-wiir 'could oecrlaka hert uo merchantman could escape her. her. A licet of such cruisers would sweep an enrtny'e commerce from tho ocein. This fact Is well understood In Hit rope, and slates that aro unprovided with n convertible merchant licet arc pn paring to msot tbo poaslhteemorgciicy by psrtly protected cruisers that are substantially sub-stantially aa fast at tho 'City or Paris.' " This, perl!ars,eii lalus why Congress was eo prompt In acceptlug tbe application appli-cation of the Inman company. |