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Show June llilrl.n.. It Is very ttisy to ruiio Juno chiikens nnd wluu scYctul hnudre.1 ore rulMd thtynrol.ry profitable. At this llmo of tho )iar ll.er'o will li plinty of loni, whi.tt und otlur craiu for tlio l.unles of hungry il.iikeiui, m.d Jul o chick, lu uro noh-d to pick up all of this wnsto nut tirlitl. Moino good ralurs alwn)s do i.i.in.1 Juno hutched t hickens for 1 ri. ! IngittKk, buiiuso wltli plenty of grain and bdg-l to tat, and good suiihhii.e, th. y get such n start in lifo as to ro ducu lino healthy stock. If iluanllnesi nud rjrefulnesa nro obsericd itrotind tho roosting l Iaco icry little bs rlll U. eijictiii.i.Mlf torn Juno iliicktns, while tall) spling chickens die off by the domi. As tho summer go. s nbng the brood ing stiK1). shonld be s. l.-ctil nnd the otliers sold, Most of them should bo soldbifrro ll.o mjikets gel tholr over et cl.li.ti, but n f. v7 of the strong, it nud qulfk.i-t growing on. h xhonld bo salid forlito wintir r it. rs Juno dilikeu ruling, brcnuso of Its slmplem, can tltu. Iw i.iiuleitry jiotltuble Annie 0, etslir In Aimrlrau CutUVJtuc |