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Show WASHINGTON NOTES. jH Na oniclal llf.ono I'rom rorcl;o,l.'ir alfB frunirnts In ltRsrd tu ll.o ' iffilH Mlrrrl'onrrrrncs. KftlfKH ' 'itsaaV JUOTICC HARLAN ONC OF THC SiH DCnlNQ AROITnATORS. ' 3, flB MauusumlrrN Oli.rrTnlloui I'pou 111. . I V l'lisliilllro .lii.ro.rlallon i! I llH '"" i'lffli nni-riihtu ibs mi I r! Jy iPsH mm tiii. Ai'irAi. ' KBH lllm l,..pFr. ,. ii,,.,i.u.i k M Maun... .nurrnrr. I .3 ! asiiimitiiv, May II. II Ha. ' $ !H slatnU 1.1 Hi. Trrasurr Drnsrlmrllttlils l, fSsH arisniooii that mi iDlclal rrsiisa lu.l ;i i-UTsH U.n (rrtlvl iion.anr uf Ilia lor.lRn n Vnlfll OTcriiiimnls Inrlu.i to Join U.r.llTr 4 kiHBl cnulcrrllia. Tliu IxinJu.l .rrss Jl- "HWSM I tteli, lantalnlrii'Uoschsii'ssUtrniciil ' ItnfJHH that llnelsnU will send Jclri;alts, UtlsH crratp.1 un sur Mas, for III. lesson that ) lISlHI lsltlraiuranrs nro also recrltrl fiUuHI lrsinollifrii.rirniaeiiti.,ai..llb.I'rrs. fUf!H ilsnt l.aj ilrlajnl Ilia Iwianro ol for I JnJiHI mallntlMlnns far tha uionrtary run- ' flSlsH fsrsnes until altir lis lial rscrlvod iHnVBI Batlt'trlory suuroucr. thai tho prlu Xfltln ill si i:uruiean uo.inlrlis woulj la 39isH rrprrn ntuj. 'Ihn Invitations wrrn I d!H inallnl tarn tctksajro, and tlm rt- M!sbH on.isiny bu Iwsod for al any tlmo, nRiEHI 10 UAH. lull 11EI11MI SKA. ' KnaBl Tlm HocnUry gf Ibo Ksy today ' KH onklrtl Hi. Vorktowu," Mollliau," UlVJuHl "A.lnis"aiid"lluili"lua.ll for i'urt HvmSH Towmcud fjr llrrlnnrs. iWrfl AllMTIIinSi. i'tSII Tho rrosllcnt his under ponsldora I wStV tlon ll.o itlt-cllo.i of two arldlraiors tu I VfSlsWll rr.rcDrnt Ilia Units 1 Htalra In tho ' twWMiml itltlsmfnlorihollrarlusjsra.iiioilion, ' fiSHni and It Is said that Ihu aiaiuluijnls ' JpUm RB will lo auuuuucnl i.skt wrrk. Tl.o qB KsVj Indlratloiisar.thatnnvof Ih. arbllra ME' tors will bo Jusllco llarlan o( llio . ISS: iml Hujirsmo court. TtW ftfll lllKl-OITUII'ICKArillUI'HIATIO.NIltM. ' HI, lV rusliuailrr-GanersI Wanamsktr haa , QHi HI srnl la Hatcr Crlip a long Irllrr, fll tonlal nlltt; soma obferTallonsursin tbe BBv UK IKMtnllko a.irorrlallon bill. Tha IUi jfBJ lustiuastsr us-nurul says lliat llili bill NaS hSJ lor thu fliral yearr-mliuirJunesO, 1893, jSmi VII will sorlouily lmralr Iho rusUI soirico '' 3DJ! THI und rriull In irsncral dlnstlifsctlon XSti Ml Ihroui'ticullbu country, llosays: "1 l.nal' B litem II lily duty toemnhsils. to you ."mOl fll Ibal crlpplliti tho oratloBs of the do- arHLHI imlmmlby wltl.holdlnctb.nrc.'Siary SnH annrniiilallons will not only Impair Us 'flllHI tlllclrncy but iroTrnt In earning! iJSjiDSB fsrtshsdo'stdln my rsport." flB'91 A TUl'MI. I'.liBfH Th.olsctilutruittsnsir lb. luljtct . 'IHifiSa f trsoluiloti o( Inquiry oflVrsd lu iho tvr 'VldH llnusoby C'rsln (Tax.) calhUK ou tho Vj Jt ' JBpS allornoyt-rurral for Information tolaSl wbclhrr Ibo l.dlaon J.lrctrlocompany. flSllfl tho 'ri.oiuss.llouiton l.lrctrio com SnflSS pany, or tho Usurral I.Urlrls runi- Blnfl juy hato violated the anll-lruit aot THffiSl in submitting projoisls for lighting 39tSSS the World's Fair. mB8B oi'ivai o Tu nil BiLvrn l eau oun. Jn&gSJH ll.rtl (Malno) today prun-nttd tbe ' JHsTiB rroiturthemluorllyofthe ways and SlHaV lilrausconinillteeopnt.sll.K tbo iassa-e VBn cf tbo bill to admit silver-lend or. free sHHH of duly. ISBSK inn BUii-Tiii'Asvnr mi.i. ' fVM$ Tl.o sub luaiury Ull, which has fltol loin Loforu tbe camnilittu on waa JsHSrsil and luranssoaio lime, was taken up tflsaV taday, und Biilvly auiuorlad to muve ' JHlflj nrtlersiiceio tliHcurumltlre ou baok SBBm ' Ing and currency. , 2HH A III ClblON lOR BMOME. fflRl Iho House cmumllln-j on elscllone nHK fcasdcclitnl Ibal Hl.ouk, llrpulllcau, 1MHI thu slltlns mrmliT lu tbo r.nniylva SIBIsmI l.la rontrste 1 tleitlon oaso of Jleyuolds 'flml. vs. fbonk, la cnlilled lo his seal. 'HlaWj I kll.Vtll I UKCIIASKfc, Sffl The trea.ury dt-artuitnt today i.ur IRBlis! cbsird '.'U.T.U.SI ouacia of sliver at sM'mfi fU.87.2 0 U.W. 'bWEWiU IimIIsik llrltln. ..lll.rs oir Tl.lll ffiSfflfl ICansak On v. May 11. A special to ftSlioXll Ibe Jourr.ullioni lluibrie, Otli., iaj: !UH!fi! Coru.urriiuy tvitlvetl dlsfiutchra lo flH day from tl... ism rvallon aiatltiic that '!llwd luo Cbiyruuts wero ell tbalr allot sWllXit mruls aud tlllvluc the white settlersoll lllllaflU r their claims. Iho Indians assert that VUsjOH lluy l.evrr slcniU the tleaty for Ibe SHuh Bslesf Ihu lands, aud If the while ssl JBHlffl Hera dou'llravo III Ull da)s tbey will iBufiSrH U ilrlvin out. The Il.olaoa are all IHSll aruieU, and the aettlera waul troops. SBkmtS loiittiillnn el Anelrlll Urdrr or ilJsKHTl' lllbrlulaua. J SSffiii Nlv Ol.l.v.v.NB, May It, lsry j'MsBlJ Htatu In the Union was represented lu " VHUKI Ibe lllib biennis! and thlriyel-litti uBilfrl auuual (onveulioii uf tbo Aiicliut .aSTlrnl i Uldrml lllbernlam, wblch aiicrnblud faRllVJ here lodaj , Alio ri prtienlatlvi a from MlnttiSfl Cauadn wero ireiei.i. Natloual Dslo lfillHl calo Wllbore tailed tbo c'uvenllou t) I ?SJhH ordir and Introduced Mayor riu -sWluf3 latrlck, whoiiteuJed lo visitors the ajftuuii iKsitlalltynf thu rlty. Wither, ro aVMkfE sondsd. A commlttse on credentials jtVMIliiB waauppolnled and a recess taken until .'MUlSJ. 3 o'llotk. When tl.u couveullon ro IWlaltll usitmbled tbe committee reported. itMiiU stallliK nil tho tleljates. Various I Wlili-'K! workllt"! conimlltees welo apolnteil ' W$mlW& and the convention tbeu ujjourned ' wssuKl until tomorrow. After adjournment TihIk ll.o ikleKat.s, with Ihrlr wlvis and ililMH' daiiKhlris, weto nlvcu a cairlago ride SMcHI ; abuulthuclly. jBUlSB , Olbollt. llol.l ll.ellii., ''HHiBK 1 hl.w Vuiuc, Msy II. Airellmluary IMKIbW I meeltni; of Oatholiu cleriymvu aud 'aSjKJBjIf lawmen, forconslderlni; the plsn of u vlVlfl? summer assembly similar lo tho Chat JBUfill ' uu.iu i summer school was held her. Sbm! U ', t.Hiay, Tho lomuilttce ou orcnnlis u'kylj ' T ' I tlourjubmlittd Iho draft of a roustltu fltKNiv k' tlon, wblili tvas adopted. Carlotou flsHfl 11 v,'. 1.1.1ml, lu tho HI. lawrence, was I ' EI T" stliclidaa tbo plaio for the retreat. It BHBi'Jii; Is 1 roHisud to ibauxu Ita name to Car. i;Sn ill rolltou, In honor of t'harlea Carroll of f (BfJI W V. (.ariollton, whoslicued IholJeclaiatlon jHKil'.a of 1 Ddu) t udence. and call Iheatsembly HP1lr. b the same name. 'Ihreo weeks shall JSIitGi cnnitltulo the termof erjournmentfor . llnjlJlQff the tuning suniu.'. uurlnc which lilrHilJj Ibt.o coursss of If iris will bo de- 1 1 fM'SSr Hvond. '' 'Tllmtf- If mul"m " '-ejsgBtHiiiii sj)WslSBHjBJ |