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Show CURB ii:iv:!T?:i',,'S:ir THE STATE RANK OF UTAH. C&rnrr Mam anii fimth Tttnjfo turrets, &ttt lAiht O'y. CAntmi - anoo.ooo, n.. i-. ....-, - t 110,000. llt.tll ,. cutT,.,..M..,tKMwtLw;,dY.rnKov, m r,,.,,..,. Diitnoioum J.ell r. mi, CMt s ptrlm, Wm II. Ilo.t VtpM T Cltrten, Aunmll.lieeoa. IrttVY T.tlor, Ipclcrr rltw.ee, I'lilloT.ltri.worltl, Kllit. Uerru, K,M Winer, ll.trf A. Woolltjr. CVmmfftial JltiUltff I. mil 111 litmrukis. Jmuri PolielfJ lmr1 and 5wtU. JAY O . WBMPLB OOMP'Y ?,7a5v.Vr. NEW YORK. wJiiai'lVc CHICAGO. WINDOW SHADESISPRING ROLLERS ARE THE BEST MADE. Sold by alLVoalcv Thfim OooiIb are nil Hand ZTartr, PU H R6 i DR. WIUIAMS INDIAN P1LH OINTMENT H R VI U H 1U rtiro HUnJ, IUwxilnsandlUMniclllrt ltabwrbath iJ HI m XX. tiimor.Kl1nTftth'iltrblneatoiio(taruunpon)Uce(clrrii $ m f-fl V InnUot rcili f l'rovtrrd onljr for 1 11 ami ItcIJnc vt lln 111 tJT X 1 rUatdnnrtA Kftrr bo 1 wurraniH. Jnro Loen, ol 1U W n fA afeMTilw, K Y.M7M "Ur wiiiiiMii4UB motDU X BL. Wa vkJtY aTiatourMnoHitr jrartof lUllDrtnr" HiMtytlru7fint O ftZa E3B r MntbymtJloureetlptcI prioa CoctblsiuiafL(UtrlK. FOR MAI.K V . C. 31 I. OHUCI IM'.I'l. ft-ajTHE POSITIVE OURtzTwM KaTlllTiaiell EL7 CllOTUERD. U Wirrn at, heTi. ITIoeweultlJ Vf FTlI (YON A HGALY, (erz m ietiioeet.t.et. ciilet. U ritlfSTS TICITtO BT MIIL coinotviiu. itt . f. unit nit'til utitti. cutiti lit. ujii e BHE'eAiy 2ici!!i2i? SppiCAiE rgMigig ;:s '"'--t e .-U. tlT--tM -ddlM CllltAUU MULl'ciT I blr.in- CONWAT CABINET C0'3 Hardwood mantelS Tilt JIB ST 1KJ11I ironLv nAiaun nnuj, Tt.pit sut.tt, ereetiw at.ta.llT ll. I"! tail lit;, kiiLa, tUCMl IUH tit 11. '" .r. jr. morsj: a soys, COAL AND TJM1L CVwenf, 7olr JUtltr, Omemesfnt JJtul, r IneJ., IVnnl Urick Jor pit im?), AVwer iiint AWIimj llef,e(e. onle. tn. Haiti ai , teiai..n HulMlm, l.leiihon. 911, tall take III,, ll.U ED.L. HUNTLEY'S $10, $14 and $18 Suits, toil MTN HI lol'lllo. Write in tt ont nd tnill Ptod jou qn rto n umi ) t rnwli. i :U n tn.nttmtal blank r,. lti mtur ItUIS. wrrl coudt mi ruiralm wuiktukDililp toil lit liijt1 tMlik, AT, MO mimI fcll. llnjipf r'od itnfltj" for niti anil In tar, r im nt i lie tLah any uifatr In our hn ta able ti to utfrr niinf cin harcama unat ptorlibl Mr aar oinrr heuie Alt yooiti marteil In riala 0xnn.a One jrira tn alU UAnryrclnndnl at all time It food ar aot altkfrKlorr. Arldr. I ll.snt ,f r). S4t and y ,Vmr Krtvl IIIILJOO DEEDS AND MORTGAGES. Conformablo to latoot Torrltorlal Statuto for salo at tho DBSERET NEW3 OFFICF. RRBADV EFEptJEg. Tlin nonoml ICdlttoUt Crilirgid ind l-nprovid, of thli nnl xoillcnt work, hit littlr bun publlihed ind Ii nou For ' -Sill it th. DESEnET NEVS OFFICE XI U Altaoit IadiiFniabl to Xrtry Home and ForelgQ Missionary, And la a dMlrabl aoqutBllioa alto t Jtry Btuilat of Theology and other Mtoa who Tilaea th tneani of ad ft oatlof and dafendlna; Scrlpturall and IllitorioaUy th Piinulplva of Lha Orvat, Tba wlahtrt of tht compilers, that tb work b pibUnhftd without profit tout U within th rah of mvry iran d-tlrlof d-tlrlof It. harw lMn atudlad In thli M well m the flrat edition, and therefore no dlioouQtezofpt for ooat of poaUtfe la el lowed to dealara. The book U hound In four dllTereal tjlea and tent postpaid to noy addreo atthefbllowlnc PPTPT7Q 45 conte, GSonnts, rlUUliL). tG oonto. and 91.1U nxisrziir wtrA.o-rjian. GrWiynT. LAOEM lir.En, ALE AND POrtTER. lrhel.t.l. nd It.iall. ejiTjriRT tovra imnr. vLVAsv.'.nr.Mi'.Miir.nt Tbtl e .1111 etrrr a Ceuplttt Lite el eoeiunea it rter ne CrAe rul. lietv. Ou. tfi.r. I'prlslir. Mill, Hand, lllp. I'antl, T. lion. rrnnlnr, tn.nria.t, llalebee, t'.ioL, llrl,.., .te. al.u 'Clrcalarboth SolidA Cblse PolDtTootlt And TRIUMPH, Tor fell en Trttt liu, its tre lelllaf tt luirtit rjiiciM tiia.v lieu. AltearullSlockotlhtir 'Jl,mn.4' RASPS ind FILES el..ettS, I TB. CJ. &X, Z. Unllko iiis Dutch Process (M K Alknlk's Ash, Oilier Clicinlenl'i $tfS fr atatlon of IIJatfTlV. HAKER & CO.'S I preakfastCocoa lit I In til fur "" . f'j lll I 'JhMrflMfarfellm L'iL'f I I LI '(rr",i"A' Cocoa mid ". TT wir. ani t't far more rc. nomlcal, wtlng tttt than tn cent rwii. It it dllcliiua. DOurliLInc, aaJ riflir Sol J ajCrofin nrTatra. 7, BAKER & CO., Borclieiter, Matt, PEES k ? fey p OMAHA. MB. Graefenberg PILLS. Thoy euro Hondncho, Dll-llousnoss.Llvor Dll-llousnoss.Llvor Complaint nml lndl(i03tlon, Nolgrlp-ItiK Nolgrlp-ItiK or nausoa. Thoso EP JL TT i X-i S Tono up Iho systom nntl rostoro Itoalthtotlioso suf-forlnix suf-forlnix from conoral tlobll-Ityanci tlobll-Ityanci narvousnoss. Sold by all drurjylsta. 2Gc. por box. Best for Women. GRAEFENBERG CATH8LIG0N Cure nil forma of l'enmli) coinplnlitttt, wiukurHS, nor-voiiuiiods nor-voiiuiiods unci gcnoml tlcbility. Bold by nil tlriiSK'it--Z. ('. H. I. Uriif Deiit. Mlioletalo let. FORGED TO DO IT! i NOT A CASE of CHOICE BUT MUST ffl Tho backward season compels us to slaughter raaaa our Spring Suits and Overcoats right flfll now; our loss your gain I bSH MEN'S QUITS AND OVERCOATS, ' M In ltlcb Woi.le.1., .Sett Cheelott, Nol.bj- Ttreedt enj Htnilwrao C'attlmere, Irt all tLo latett rroTlillPK eliadee, eucli at wotkI, nut ' H tobtceo 1 roerne, loa irreeat aod irrayt, for eeml'dreii anil butliieet LB trir, and lllacle Ctneluta fnr pru eetlonal men. .Votir eliolce and LB 1 lek of orcr rio itterne for u. Cannot lie matebed oltewlier. !Hai PARENTS WHO LOVE THEIR CHILDREN H Certainly tltlre then) to apjar In new prliifr attire. thought i.1 of jou and joure fi.oro'n alx mom hi ago, tid orJerrd maJe tho B Ittiuu llnta of dreaa Irlcotf, rich worUl. lietidouie bliif-Jack H jiihia CluiLn, Ctievtota, Caanfmern and Inrwla aud hoiiieopuna, In , jH Ibe tcrjr tot aud latest tlcr bf rhlldrrtu an 1 Iniy'a nuarfn, t( two ilm, and lonrf pant atiita. 1U aulta were niado to tell tor ' iH M.0J. 7.0U, p,W. flJeW, Ut.M erJ $18 00 fach. Hut wo ahall let 'laaaaaal 'mi co at (&., i.W, U7, 10.v), fl.'OO and)15(U. WIe mothor M tio wlh lo hao Ihelr tlolUra du a Uuublo duly, will tall etrly 'aaaaaal tlita fwk and tiuko thlr clcotlona and theitbj aocure tho bartaina. ABOUT 500 MEN'S SUITS, M In ill tlie lateet tijl, and imterlalt, will so tbli week for tP), )10tV, IliW and llirj. Til ee eulta htvo beu marknl down from . laaH ttilim, J1IIW. IIHIW and film. M) lltlMIIUH. bee lUein dl.p.ije.1 XaH In UUIt WINIHIUH end male Joor egleelloii. fiH 01, 03 and 65 MAIN STnEET, SALT LAKE CJTV1 Pi BUTTC, OGDEN, SPOKANE: TALLS and DALTIMORC. f AN IIIEISE VARIETY I SC THINK OF IT I j& A BABY CARRIAGE 1 H.D1HW00DEYFURN,CD. I |