Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE THURSDAY MQRNING POINTS'"'' Balances Books Recorder Council Asks Aid NEWS FROM UTAH FIRST PROJECT HEARINGS SET CARBON STRIKE Lower Bail Refused on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism — PRICE Charles Guynn and Charles Wetherbee organizers of the National Miners Union which recent ly conducted strikes in four Carbon county coal mines were arraigned be fore Justice J W Hammond Wednesday afternoon1 on complaints charg mg riot and criminal syndicalism Preliminary hearing onset the riot for Sepcomplaint was tentatively tember 14 the other case to follow Immediately unless the defense presents a valid reason for postponement Guynn pnd Wetherbee were arrested August 29 on the riot warrant and released the same dqy under a $5000 by Joe property bond each furnished Rebol Joe Sited Steve Potochnick and Joe PrezeL Guynn was taken into custody at Helper on the criminaland syndicalism Wetherbee chargd Tuesday night was arrested about 8 30 a m W ednes day at Helper Bond on the second Charge feas placed at $10000 each the prisoners being unable to furnishforthea sum Thd defendants pleaded reduction In the bail but County Attorney Walter C Gease insisted on the larger amount The criminal syndicalism comorplaint specifically accuses the two ganizers of urging and teaching members of the National Miners Union to blockade the highway leading to the Spring Canyon mine to prevent men not affiliated with the N M U from working The alleged offense was committed August 23 A similar charge has been filed against Paul Crouch another organizer and Harold Huff district president of the N M V Both men were arrested last week for riot the former furnishing a $5000 bond and Huff a $2000 ball They had not been picked up Wednesday night ojn the second GRAND JUNCTION Colo Sept fi' P) — Officers reported today that 70 head of stolen cattle were found yes terday on tHe Larson ranch In eastern Utah by cattlemen state band inspectors and county officials The brands had b®en burned over orcut out m most cases but the jobs were badly done and easily detected On one bull a bar triangle brand of and ficers said had been cut-oburned so as to make the VF brand of Thomas Larson The cut part had been sewed up with fishline Other brands changed were a diamond dot brand into a half diamond brand registered by Mrs Lewis Larson the brand on rattle belonging to the Myrup Cattle company had been changed from a P to a PK and a lazy LK had been burned over bar-tw- o B the invfes into a tigatOrs said The cattle belonging to the Myrup Cattle company were recovered with the exception of three head Twenty-sevehad been rebranded These cattle were stolen from a pas ture officers said 50 miles from the Larson ranch Thomas Larson one of the alleged rustlers is dead as the result of auto injuries incurred in an auto wreck while he and his son were said to be leaving the country Lewis “Dude" Larson a son whjk is wanted by Sheriff Skewes of GiWnd county disappeared shortly after the wreck and has not been found A warrant charging grand larceny is held for nim and warrants have been served on a brother Ed Larson and one of Larsonfif riders Bob Dick'ett Sixty cattlemen from western Colorado and eastern Utah attended the cattle rouridup on the Larson ranch n EX-JUD- GE mm charge Sheriff S M Bliss received a letter Tuesday from the 'Cover dal Pa' unit of tha Communist party protesting against the “terror" launched against striking miners Tha letter did not carry a signature Tha communication demanded “the right for these miners to strike and picket and join tha union of their own choice” Tha Communist group also demanded that all “terror” be stopped and that the arrested miners be released immediately OUT post Simon Barlow Files Peti tion for Candidacy to Commission Greeks Disclaim Part in Strike Creeks of Utah at a people are taking no part in disturbances In ther Carbon county coal mining areas Pe-te- R Marthakls national vice president of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive association asserted Wednesday ’ The statement was made after Governor Henrv H Blood had received a communication from the Greek Workers club of Philadelphia urging that asserted “martial law" be withdrawn ' from the county Mr Marthakls said his association Is in no way connected with the Greek Workers’ club SpringVille Plans OGDEN— With reports gaining weight if not credence dally as to who will be who In the city primaries October 24 preparatory to the final elections November 7 one definite announcement was Issued Wednesday and that a candidacy for four-yea- r city commissioner Simon Barlow former City judge filed a petition Wednesday to have his hhme placed on the ballot for commissioner The petition bearing the required 100 signatures was filed with City Recorder J C Littlefield Mr Barlow has been a member of the bar since 1922 He received his elementary education in Ogden and attended Northwestern university at Chicago two years He became a court reported in 1918 and served several years before his election as city judge He took the bench in January 1929 and was city judge four years Community Fair Bank Suit SPRINGVILLE— Plans are progressing for one of the largest community fairs ever held here September 19 and 20 committee chairmen reported Tuesday night AH displays and the major events previously held at tho high school will be held at Memorial haft and surrounding grounds Teams from Sprlngville and are eligible to enter the horse pulling contests arranged by James Wiscombe who announces a generous purse for winners o! first second and third places Tha athletic carnival promises to ba an outstanding event as does The D U P community program rello room will be open during the two days of the fair Demurrer Arguments Continued OGDEN—District Judge Eugene E Pratt Wednesday continued until Saturday morning arguments on demurrers of officers directors and heirs of former directors of the Ogden State bank to the $2500 000 suit of liquidators against them The bank failed in August 1931 Those who demurred to the second amended complaint IncludeA P Bigelow G L Becker John N Spar-g- o Edward C Olsen H M Rowe John K Stevens J E Stone O A Parmley Albert E Becker the J M Sc M S Browning company Rachel T Browning John Browning and Louie B Ford - Marker Ilonori Pioneer Worked Of Utah CEDAR CITY — Dedication of a monument honoring the original iron workers of Cedar City featured the Labor day celebration here Monday with George Albert Smith president of the Utah Trails and LandSPtrks association presiding Speakers included officals of the association Dr Howard R Driggs New York Dr W H Stucki and John D Giles William R Salt Lake Palmer M J Urie and John Chisholm Cedar City Mr Chisholm an official of 'he discussed Steel corporatio modern Iron production this vicinunderthe ity and reported work in takings at Desert Mound Othe speakers confined their remarks to the appreciation of pioneer efforts in establishing an iron foundry here Two original pioneers of the county were introduced by Mr Smith Heber Benson of Parowan and Mrs Elizabeth Wood Leigh of Cedar City The marker was unveiled By descendants of the original iron workers and included the following young girls of the community LaPrele Barn-so- n Helen Lunt Carol Walker Phyllis Flannigan and Georgjk Hunter Music was furnished by the Singing Mothers of the Cedar City Relief societies and by a male quartet Scott Matheson L C Miles M J Urie and 'Leland Perry The marker bears Inscriptions to commemorate the events of the iron industry and is made from scraps of iron smelted by the early settlers It is erected on the exact spot where the foundry was located in 1851-5- 2 now in the city park on North Main - 6 Clothing Store Proprietor Dies ‘ Yon Of Heart Attack Tell Me WANTED TO BUY ADS Speedily Found These Wants - Yhere I un boy trailer e cow or bebz burazt Tee thru folk used the “Wanted to Buy Col 4 ot the Went Adel Ad Found TRAILER— lot Calls— Wenud— Trailer for oath muet be a tala Wasatch 1002 bar- - 6 COWS Answered This Ad— Wanted— Jersey cow mutt be first-clabetween l-- t yeare old Inquire Mr Flan420 X Hit nery Bt Ann’i Orphans or Ml Hollywood ere after I o m 8v Bought Leather Belting— 3 Call Will Mur-rbuy uaed leather belting law Call aj Found Ills Car—8 Calls— Will par its each for aultabla auto Ht 1071-Redondo are Ad Finds Will t Hr R t PUMP—Look— pump and preuure ’ buy automatlo for home use 1041 S Ith Kaet Finds Furnished Family Man and Was 590 rooms Ret Box Hz House— wife deetre turn home about ncuthcit location preferred H-Tiib-T- 54 OGDEN— LeRoy Buchmiller former Ogden clothing merchant and resident of this city died in Chicago Wednesday night following a heart attack according to word received here Thursday Mr Buchmiller was born here October 8 1878 a son of Michael nI Alpharetta Keyea Buchmiller He received his education here and as a young man entered the employ of the He later Fred M Nye company worked in the clothing store of Adam Kuhn h Brother and eventually formed a partnership with G Morris Flowers and as the firm of Buchmiller A Flowers they operated a clothing store several years After the dissolution of that firm Mr Buchmiller was traveling salesman and his last employment was with a clothing firm in Boise Tdaho He leftOgden In July for Chicago to visit his daughter Mrs Cecil L Jensen after visiting here for several months Mrs Jensen is at present in Ogden visiting an aunt Mrs William Treseder Surviving are the daughter three sisters Mrs Nellie McKinney and Mrs O M Runyan Hollywood Cal Mrs Fred M Nye Ogden and two His wife died several grandchildren years ago The body will be brought to Ogden by Mr Jensen arriving Friday at 9 20 a m va Union Pacfic Funeral arrangements are in charge of the long-tim- J Mayor Overruled By City Council In Firing Workers ROCK SPRINGS Wyo —Three men lecommended by Mayor P C Bunning for dismissal weie reinstated Tuesday night by the city council Harry Lahge city janitor had been notified of dismissal the day following primary election August 22 in which Bqnnmg was defeated for the Derrio-oratinorrfination to a sixth term At Tuesday night’s meeting Peter Xr&nquet fire captain was suspended by Bunning Sam Ryder patrolman had been suspended upon his return from vacation When these dismissals were presented council members refused to confirm them and recommended men under fire be retained for the remainder of their terms which expire c January City Attorney A L Taliaferro was instructed Tuesday night to draw an ordinance annulling the law forbidding dancing and gatherings after midnight Ricks Collegians Play Islanders REX BURG Idaho ffl — Coach Clyde Packer of Ricks college announced Wednesday he had complet ed arrangements for a home and home football senes with the McKinschool-eleve- n of Honolulu ley high The first contest of the series will be played here October 14 this year while the second will take place in Honolulu in the fall of 1934 The Madison county chamber of commerce and the Shriners’ lodge of Honolulu cooperated In arranging ' the games Football practice will begin atRicks September 11 L ’ -- y Mother of Veteran Railroader Dies i h street Friends may-caJoseph Graham ll at the - hofrie of of Hellatlay Thursday from 10 a m until 12 noon Burial will be in the Murray City ceMetery ’ Jofpar Chris-tophers- De Milfa Drama Wins 1 Approval-A- t the Capitol -- ON STAGE AND SCREEN ORPHEUM — On the stage Fanchon bait I ake City Fntertainment tleadauarters! LMABCUS THEATRES and OOQti9AUOHT Marco revue with 16 Sunkfst beauties Jordan and his Canines Duffln and Draperr Pat" Westland DetCtiatnthe On the screen three Radio Rogues Will Rogers In Doctor Bull “ a ttWtl ON THE AUDIBLE SCREEN CAPITOL— Cecil B De Mille’a “This Day and Age ” with a cost of 5000 players PAlAMOUNT-lar- y Cooper In "One SunTHE CAST with F& Wray Franday Afternoon Garrett Charta BLcfcford ces Fuller Neil Hamilton Rosaoe Karns Judith Alien VICTORY — "The Oood Companions musiGay Merrick Steve Smith Richard Cromwell cal romance with Jessie Mathews also Don Merrick Eddie Nugent Behind Jury Doors " with Helen ChanHerman Harry Green dler William Collier Jr And 5000 Others RIALTO — James Dunn and Sally Ellers in Directed by Cecil B DeMilla Hold Me Tight A marker commemorating the trek with Frank McHugh June Clyde of the Donner party through Utah a A epened-Wednesda- GEM— “Gambling hipM with Ctrf OfanT truly unique picture few months before its members met Benita Hume Jack LaRue Glenda Farrell at the Capitol Cecil B Emergency Call" with Bill Bovd death in deep snow of the Sierra DeMllle’s challenging "This Day and STATE— William also Oargan Wynne Gibson Nevada mountains will be erected in ” It is an Spencer Tracy in "Face In the Sky" with of Marker to Commemorate Famous Donner Party ' tie the sear future by the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks association George Albert Smith president said Wednesday on his return from a tour of southern Utah and Arizona The monument will be erected during the next month Mr Smith said Mr Smith and other members cf the association dedicated monuments in Pipe Springs and Fredonia Anz and Cedar City and Kanab during the trip TWO THEFTS REPORTED Bernard Allen of 857 East First South street reported to the police the loss of a suit of clothes taken from his home! early Wednesday morning The theft of- - watch and a black coat was reported by S V Jardine 1204 Fourth— East street Wednesday to Attend convention Forest Corps Man the dourtship of it Decade (Gary Cooper) Faculty members of Westminster bashfur ‘Biflft’HTH the obcollege will hold their annual picnic The town belle FJWray sois dazzled and Mon- ject of his affection their first and meeting Saturday that he is he bv recognize" tL'tdevOtion day preparatory to the opening of the college Tuesday for the 1933 season lfl(fered hlm by a moie demure girl - City students will register fer’jrrilI1cP Fuller Ned Hamilton is t’Bsh classes September 11 and out-o- Ww'nj Biff’Tjrfrognnt which coders a number 12 students will register September reseals the twists of fate The college dormitories will “P0 t)iat constantl bring the two couplesalso on SeptPmberl2 It is interpieted in believThe faculty and administration of togethei able'tvle and is dnurting entertainthe college for 'the commg year were ment throughdut iti length announced Tuesday by Dr H W in a rollicking Sloopnagle and Budd ’ Reherd president ' of the college They cartoon a Stoopnorraey” comod are as follows Pictorial and Paramount Paramount Rev H W Reherd president P L soundness complete the program- Stevenson ripan mathematics Flora Latin and Oreek Ethel Maddux Mary Ardrey English public speak Star Theater Showing mg Rev M P McClure Bible 4 Charles Baker Norman social sci Sign of the Cross' ence debate Leland O Underkofler Zalinski S chemistry Agnes ie French German Mary L Richardson Spectacle is piled on spectacle in psychology Rosa Bird Marimon pnn Cecil B DeMille’s pirture "The Sign cipal acting dean of women English of the Cross” which cpmes to the Stf Eleanor Draper history Carrie Back screen Thursday Thousands of playJohn R Watt biology ers take part in the gigantic and color-fu- l Spanish Mvid pictuie of Rome In scenes zoology botany Lewis Stearns social science J Byran Patterson athletics all its Pagan glory being portrajed Vertise C Ficke physical education The film unfolds the whole pageant Louise Bowman Engle voice glee of Rome in the time of Nero with ffll club Beulah Frances Clifford violin contrasts between the palaces of the Mildred Watt Bickett patrician Romans and the humble orchestra Christians piano organ Lou R Paden librarian hidden abodes of the earlvCircusTdaxi-mus Almira Dodge secretary to the presi- As a climax there is the its combats with its gladiatorial dent and assistant treqsdrer Jeanne W Sickels house dean Ferry hall fierceo wrestling matches between Mrs Lewis D Stearns house direc- black mert ahd animals its battles be its tor Foster hall P M Pontz treas- tween Amazons” and dwarfs urer business manager: Wenonah Me chariot races and its featured event— the feeding of the Christians to the Gtian bookkeeper cashier The college classes will begin for lions It is spectable never exceeded The cast is a superb one headed bv the school year on September 13 such players as Fredric March Elissa Landi Claudette Colbert and Charles Purchasing Agents Will Laughton More than 7000 efetras are in the picture Resume Monthly Meets used A comedy cartoon and newrS comthe new program The first monthly meeting for the plete 1933 34 season of the Purchasing LICENSFD TO WED Agents' Association of Utah will be FRANKLIN Idaho— A marriage liheld Thursday evening at Keeley’s cense ha$ been issued to Frank R Inc 268 South Main street Jones 43 Nephi Utah and Elfi Wives of the agents will be the 32 Salt Lake They were honored guests' at the meeting and a married by Justice of the Peace A H moving picture of the annual outing Jensen of tlfe organization at Lagoon will be shown AT SALT LAKE THEATERS two-gam- e Bertram IVWilIis of 1189 Roosevelt avenue senior' in the school of business at the University of Utah will leave Friday for Chicago to attend BOISE (JP)— Bruce Warr 23 of the grand chapter congress of Delta PI international commerce Oakley C C C worker who was in- Sigma He will be away two jured la£t Friday in a truck accident fraternity near Mackay died m the United weeks The sessions will be held SepStates Veterans’ hospital Wednesday tember 14 to 16 inclusive His back was broken in the accident SWALLOWS SNUFF Several others were injured but none BELOIT Wjs Sept 6 OP)—Gus Ancritically Warr’s condtion became alarming derson 30 of Rockton told the court it was dizziness caused him to Tuesday and relatives were sum- drive his car that that — he accidentalway moned His father Edward Warr and other relatives were at the bed- ly swallowed his snuff while drinking The combination made him beer side izzy he testified “Ninety days" said the judge Dies of INS A request lor eppperaUOn with the Council of American Industry is sought m a letter sent Wednesday by A C Rees chairman of the council Into H I Harrunan president of the Public Works Official United States Chamber of Cfcfecnerce spects Proposed ImMr Rees asked Mr Harr5§h to ‘U’ — provements accept and— promulgate tile dect4ra-tioof principles on industrial relations which was approved by the council at its recent convention m H G Chapman of Washington D C western engineer examiner for the Chicago ‘ Since the United States Chamber federal emergency adfOiThistratlon of of Commerce has recently reaffirmed its position on the open shop and public works spent Wednesday l asked that proper interpretative ference with R A Hart state eng' clauses to the labor section be put in for Utah and Nevada of the public all national codes’ Mr Rees' letter works administration said “it would be clarifying as far At the conclusion of the conference as the public is concerned if all in stitutions and agencies that favor such Mr Hart said there was nothing to a program could edme to an agree announce but that various problems meat ai to what really constitutes of p’ubltc works had been discussed ound industrial relations During the afternoon Mr Chapman “It is the belief of the council that with Mr Hart and the executive board with acceptance of this declaration' for Utah and Nevada composed of jointly iy the council and the United W G Halloran Mayor Ora Bundy of States Chamber of Commerce much Ogden and Sylvester Q Cannon vis of Utah campus of the present confusion which exists ted the Unn-sitin the public mind as to what consti where it has been proposed that a lutes sound industrial relations will public works project for a $550000 h be automatically dispelled Further brary and $25 000 worth of improvemore Jt will set aside the hair split ments for the administration building ting interpretations on this subject’ be Winitiated H Bailey of Sterling conferred with Mr Hart Wednesday to secure information on the forming of a corporation to provide a new waterworks system for Sterling in Piute county A delegation from Morgan county fpsied of O R Stuart members of Mrs Mary Ashby 81 mother of school board and J R Tibbets David Ashby veteran employe of the school superintendent discussed a Oregon Short Line railroad aM well $113000 project for improvement of knowrl in Salt Lake died in Detrgit he county’s school system Among the Mich Tuesday according tp word re- proposals are additions at the Morgan ceived in Salt LakejJVednesday high school a water system at PorAt the time of her death the folloV terville and at Peterson and imat the bedside children were mg provements ’for a lower grade school David Lorenzo Mrs Irene Burrell structure at Morgan Mrs Anne Mae Blackburn Mrsy M TWO FACE CHARGES Wisdom and Mrs Jennie Mitchell t Funeral services will be conducted Two men were held in the city jail in Detroit Friday for investigation Wednesday night after they sfesertedly beat a woman at her heme 439 Cottage avenue The Victim of Bull Goring men John Hughes 38 and Joe Clow-ar- d 28 were arrested by Patrolmen To Be Buried Thursday L B Gifford and Evern Peterson Funeral services for James J The woman Lola Brown was treated1 Schelkin 68 of 2021 East Forty-eight- at the emergency hospital for cuts South street will be conducted and bruises Thursday at p m in the Holladay L D S ward chapel Mr Schelkin was gored to death by a bull Monday morning while caring' for the cattle at the home 6f James E Moss 2059 East Forty-eightSouth Positions foe FulleriNeil Hamilton and Year Announced Frances Reroe Kai ns Setback in the “Mauve Injuries inspired story youth Marlon Nixon interpreted by hundreds of enthusi- STAR—’ The Sign of the Cross ” with Fred astic young players Vital drama and rlc March Elissa Lndi Claudette Colbert Charles Laughton anti 7500 others spectacle as only DeMille can conceive it embellish the story which draws' to solve the situaits characters and incidents from real gers leads them tion in their own way The amazing life scenes (which climax the picCorrupt politics and the flagrant spectacle Diacts of racketeers seen through the ture are a distinct triumph for who has definitely idealistic eyes of youth create a star- rector DeMille proven that modern times can tling dramatic effect as the picture as much cdlor and drama as the yield Bibgets under way High school boys lical days from which he drew mawho look forward to clearing up the terial for his great successes “King mystery surrounding the murder of of Kings” and "The Ten Commandtheir friend the school tailor when ments ” Boy’s Week gives them a chance to The Mills brothers entertain in one hold the reins of city government of their novel and screen soon discover the power of the under-worl- acts “When Yuba diverting the Tuba boss whom they know to be Down in Cuba" onPlays the supporting guilty A sportlight and Paramount bill Judith Allen a charming girl dis- sound news also are presented — covery of DeMille plays a high school beauty who unwittingly leads to the tragic killing of a student She does Gary Cooper Picture some unusual acting reacting to her Ends Run Thursday role with sensitive skill Billy Gilbert Fuzzy Knight and Bradley Page are effectively cast as racketeers led by the ruthless Garrett (Charles Bickford ) Tbe futility of appealing to the law wjifen brought home to the boy aven Age CECIIlDiMlLlE PfctSANT -- A PftramQant rietnrc With a Cast of PLU5 501H) —— Radio's Greatest Sensation THE MILLS BROS ' Screen Act Sonnd Newa Sportlight Weber Kindergarten Registration Starts OGDEN— The Weber nursery and RBMUM 569 Twenty-fourtkindergarten street was registering pupils Wednesh day Alice Child and Dorothy Lan- caster are in charge of the institu- tion The instruction classes began Wednesday mornfor those who ing registered Tuesday Nursery hours are from 9 am until noon and the kindergarten hours from 1 to 4 p m nursery-kindergarte- n Two Banks Granted e Kirkcndali-Darlin- WHT WAIT and WISH— When a “Wanted to Buy" Ad Gets It i Iron Ore C at Fund OGDEN — When one phts one’s own money in’o government! funds to ba! ine accounts one mav find that it tikes a long and steady pull to get hat monpy back in’o one’s own hinds Such has been the experience of Mae F Bramwell Weber county re eotder Beiig one who likes to see both sides of a ledged read the same at the botaim of trhe final columns Mrs Bramwell placed $tjGl6 of her own cash into the county tll and now it vull take a favorable opinion of the county a’torney to reimburse her When the Ogden Sta’e bank closed $161 56 was on deposit in the name of Mrs Bramwell as Weber county re order It was a public fund but the bapk had riot posted collateral secur ity as is required by state law In July it ws ruled ip Second dis trlct court that the county's claim for that amount was a preferred claim and the court drected the bank liqul dators to yield the cash When that ruling was handed down Mrs Bramwell allowed her purse strings tcrslacken and release the AH $161 66 into jhe county coffers for the sake of balancing books And the Weber county commission Wednesday took a cautious course and asked County Attorney John A Hen drtcks if it is all right to repay the money to Mrs Bramwell She probably will get the money but with no interest and the books will still be balanced street " On OGDEN— Enthusiasm the Qver prospective burlding of an irrigation dan? at Pine View on the Ogden 1" Ogden canyon was memii- when ably increased Wednesday actua allocation of water fiom the projected irrigation system jvai begun for lands in Weber and Box Elder counties group started the de tail work netessaTv to completion of arrangements for the construction of the project Those in the gloup are Reid Jerman chief field assistant to the state engineer George D Clyde water supply engineer at the Utah State Agricultural college Logan Hermon J Craven engineer for the executive committee which has been working for federal aid for the dam and George B Taylor of the executive committee representing the farmers The federal government requires that all waters from such a project to be used as a supplemental supply for lands already under irrigation must be allocated before actual work on the project can begin Wednesday's development followed closely upon an announcement Tuesday by Mayor Ora Bundy before the Ogden Liona dub that Ogden’s further growth proctically will be impossible unless the complete irrigation of Weber county and adjoining areas is effected through construction of the Pinevlew daur ’The mavor said that not onlv would the project result In increased water supply for the farm lands and for areas in the eastern and southern por lions of the city of Ogden but it will cause a decided incrcnsel'in the flow from the city artesian wplls because of the “cutting In" of tt)w below the surface of the grriund considerably below the point where the Water is now taken from the wells The increased flow "will be from second feet to 18 1 2 the present 15 second-fee- t he said He explained that the cost of construction of a huge pipeline through Ogden canyon would be shared by the project m te rests and the ytnh Power and Light The power company alCompany ready has one pipeline through the canyon The mayor said the Ogden river project' has been advanced ahead of all other pro Jects n the state except the Hyrum earn in Cache county He jraised the committee for its cease-es- s efforts toward realization of the plans of those interested in irrigation and supplemental supplies of city water Recover Cof to lUe story of of GSrv Cfooper a true’ tnarm a luckless romancefilled humoi and pathos Tho picture r repeating the success of tho stage plaj Its cast is capable And well eheMWj featuring Fay Wray College Faculty UXENGINEER CONFERS Woman Meets Difficulty When She Tries to ofAllocatrn Oplen Jpk Dam Water Undertaken ly Group Of National With Own Money WORK STARTED FOR CHIEFS IN' SEPTEMBER 74933 g mqr'uary For the first time in its Wstory ancient Barnet (England) parish church tower has just been opened to the public Government Loans WASHINGTON Sept 8 OP)— The Reconstruction Finance Corporation today announced the authorization in July of a $15000 loan to the Lewiston Utah state bank and a loan of $5500 to the Parma National bank of Parma Idaho NOTED SINGER DIES VITTEL France Sept 6 OP) — Marcel Journet world famous operatic baritone died here tonight He was 65 years old 2— BIG FEATURES— 2 MARION SPENCER Mixon --6tracy -'- FACE IN THE SKY “EMERGENCY CALL” With BILL BOYD 7T TC7 jri® THATH6 06 luxe- - 'THE STARTING TOMORROW mviQj§irNf!ti'( Last i h t o o u' 1 mm ga wBLrac companions Tanefal lilt 1 A SHIP1 With FREDRIC MARCH and CARY GRANT ALSO “THEJJRAND SLAM” With PAUL LUKAS and LORFTT4 YOUNQ “ with Jcm Cary -- —with— QDONALD COOK— MARY H Grant ASTOK B WARNER SPECIAL! RING CROSBY fn -- SING MNP SING" (Cartoon— hurtltp— ttxw GDDD riKDRIC MARCH IIISSA IANDI CUUMTTI COIBOT AUflUS lAwnoa AMft 1399 QTWIB8 Romantic Matthew PLUS Stark Realism Swift Drama! PLUS Comedy Cartoon Rom 'BfDiD JURY DOG'S Rrlen Chandler Wm Collier |