Show - THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER Companion of Judge HEAR CLERIC’S silt STORY RAPPED ardi -D- escribing DETROIT Spt 6 as “ pack pi lies" recent charges of misconduct made by the Rev banking Father Charles- - E Coughlin against him E 0 Stair- - publisher of the Detroit Free Press today told the grand jury investigating bank closings here that he did not want to "bandy words with a man so devoid of truth and honor as Father Cough one-ma- - Hearing-Tri- al Trikf rrir i club air Hi blue coat had pearl — Vincent Geb-fon- s his gray flannel trousers were otherwise known as “Machine Impeccably creased and his black and white shoes were gleaning Through - Lske Trlkn-Chi- - Sept-- Detroit Publisher UU1C8 ' tg Report on Finances - 1933 ’Machine Gun Jack Revealed as Golf BANK PROBERS un”- - X - Stair's testimony came as the grand jury whichfor three'Shonths has beffli Gun Jack McGurn whowas arrested for vagrancy-a- t the OJympia Fields golf course August 28 while he was trying to win the western open chanr pionship was put on trial today After Several witnesses including six members of the Chicago poljce force had testified his reputation was bad and that hia only known occupation was "hoodlum and gangster" it was announced by McGurn’i attorney Benjamin Feldman that the defense would prove the hoodlum was once upon a time a golfing companion of Judge Thomas A Green the pre- out day although the jurymen and the witnesses and attorneys took- - off McGurn stuck tohis coats their Selection of the jury proceeded slowly the gangster’s counsel asking each man whether he Was prejudiced against golfers amtather equally relevant questions Sergeant Charles Welling told of arresting McGurn in 1928 in a hotel and finding flrearmsin his room “ McGurn was freed Ion a charge growing out of this arrest arid At tor-- ’ ney Feldman protested that the admission of Weiling’s evidence was improper Judge Green pointed out that siding jurist Asked’ informally about' this lhethe new vagrancy law makes a man’s judge admitted it wqp true reputation as welj as his deeds a fat "1 was playing at the Evergreen tor in prosecution and held that a course fee friend" he with Welling could tell all public said “jjnrt we met another twosome' The seventh witness for state One of the additions to our foursome was Colonel Henry Barrett Chamber- was Geb'ardi ' I did not know who lip director of the Chicago crihie comwas and we played along together mission He testified (hat while he might happen to anybody on a golf did not know McGurn he had heard of his reputation a a machine gunner course About the costume of" the' machine hoodlum and gangster and that his or gunner gunner as the organization had a file showing just case may he was the true country what it was oo oua cakt ‘ Inng-halre- $39 75 i - CO A " Bandit Felled By Woman Found IN GAINED CASE To Be Murderer WIFE ACCUSED - n fe i£F vV VVT" andiilenT-upo-kdviee-- seneTKd -' ef detec-tivessal- - M Pe fill sui and r rvti: f H to Arh to ' All wool crepes are luxurious with d black marten trimmings This coat had a deep shawl collar investigating the closing of the First-hNational and the Guar-dlan National Bank of Commence re holiOpened sessions after a three-daday ‘I don’t wahlto bandy words with a man so devoid of truth and honor” said Stair when-askeby Prosecutor Toy if he had any direct comment to the make on priest’s testimony "Father Coughlin could have obtained the facts but he did not choose to What he said about me was just a pack of lies” The militant priest long a severe Critic of Detroit banking methods had selected Stair for his most bitter MEADE Kani Sept 8 (UP)— The criticism in his testimony Ue'£Irged Widow of De- - bBdit ha was subdued yesterday Sportsman the publisher who also was president by a croquet malet in the hands of of the Detroit Bankers company with diminutive Mrs Anson Horning was Murder nies Charge he were knew signing reports which identified today as Irvin Thompson false and declared he had published an escaped murderer from the OklaTalk Refuges In his newspaper faked records purhoma penitentiary r -- porting to show Father Coughlin fenSheriff Joe Cnvin of Enid Okla gaged in 'stock market transactions announced the identification He said SPOKANE Wash Sept 8 He had declared that Stair was “one accused of the murder of Thompson wms one of the band of of three men doubtful of escaping fed-her husbandDr James I Gaines three men and a woman who engaged! erad indictment” for their part in 21 sobbed three Enidpolice gun battle! Banka Gaines Lily" — in a machine — banking activities previous to the Tier ceil in' Mondxy bars of lfwimdrTtnmrgrnhe MttitfVbarik boFtdsyrFebruary " Mrs I" Anson t proved the bandit’s the city Jail today Denies Wrongdoing I’m Innocent” she downfall when she swung’Ul hjrnas absolutelyStair’s reply to Father Coughlin’s cried - of ft- pienic he menaced membersher party with a pistol and sought to steal became mute’ Hia companions deMrs Gaines was arrested last night an automobile again In his several hours of testi- 21 days after her serted him when the mallet- wielder sportsman wealthy mony but confined himself to pre- husband was shot three times as he :ot into action senting documents and testimony from his automobile at his Thompsorierving a life sentence which he said showed that no wrong- stepped home A warrant charging first de escaped from the Oklahoma prison Bankers had the in occurred doing when officials gave him a pass to go murder was issued when company which was the holding com- gree Willis B Garrett a friend fishing ' pany for the First National and other confessed to '—i police as he was being Units altfer a suicide that revived attempt Names Governor Barber Another witness Peter J MonaMrs Galhes once offered him $5000 —— ghan banker attorney andprpmi- ttrlriirherWlAbahct: T I or Examining Board “ttehr'Catholic layman mentioned in Father CoughlinV testimony as one The attractive widow's Willingness of the three doubtful of escaping in- to talk In the early stages of the inROCK SPRINGS WyO— Mike dictment appeared oh the stand but vestigation disappeared the moment Rock Springs barber has confined himself to the brief state- she was charged with the slaying Apostolos ment that Father Coughlin was “mis- Previously she told officers that she been named a member of the state barber informed” in charges made against found her husband mortally wounded Lesl' Aexamining board by Governor Miller him He did not refer to the priest in the driveway of- their home after Apostolos who has been a barber She by nqjbe but nailed him “the wit- - being awakened by the shots insisted there had been no marital here 12 years since 'he was 12 years ness" David-soStair explaining he served as presi- difficulties and that she knew of no old succeeds George James formerly of the board but now dent of the banking company without one who would want to kill him as a fugitive from justice sesalary said government officials had In the face of these assertions De- sought informed him the First National was tective Captain James McCarry said cured of embezzlement from the lobarbers' union and from state advent even after the Btate batik holi- he had aworn statements from two cal women that Gaines had confided to funds according to authorities day them he Intended getting a divorce Thought Conservative SCREEN PIONEER DIES He detailed hit own personal ac and that Mrs Gaines had “acted OCEAN PARK Cal Sept 6 (IP- )-! count In the bank Which he said was queer” when the subject was distnore than $100000 He said that If cussed Funeral services for Duane Wagar the First National had reopened after Ona of these women was Mrs Har 58 one of the first actors to quit thei the bank holiday it would have earned riette Andrew an attractive brunette stage for motion pictures will be conHe died Satbetween $7000000 and $8000000 this whose apartment Gaines left ten min- ducted here tomorrow year He said that before the Btate utes before ha was killed Police urday night - holiday First National officials be- said her statement told of her rela advanced her money to rent the apartlieved they were “leaning over back tlona with the sanlpractor over a of about three weeks during ment had bought her clothes and wards’ in conservative management Monaghan had' been charged by which he visited her apartment five jewelry and had promised her work! Father Coughlin with being partly re-- or six times a week She said Gaines in his office sponsible tor conditions leading up to the closing because he was an attorney tor the Institution ’ Previously Ralph Stone chairman ot the- - board ofthe Detroit Trust company a unit of the Bankers company group and Donald N Sweeny former president of the First National appeared before the jury Stone denied there has been any “kiting” of checks In the bank as had been charged in testimony offered by Senator James Couzens (R Mich) Sweeny said that the report of federal bank examiners to directors of the First National had hot showed the institution to be In at serious a condition as the report made confidentially to the comptroller of the currency by the tame examiners bank-Detro- Fashion Front with our selection 9t j We7ve mad’e ' tfo manufacturers in the country We said— “we want the fashions this season is going to be remembered by”— and here’s what they sold us You can’t blame us jfor being proud of proud as you will be when you wear any one —or all of them this-selectio- nas (Auerbach’s— 'VI 3 Floor) n 1 l'! - d Auerbach Go Statesman Raps Bunglers of War -- Campus LONDON Sept 6 (ff)— Millions who were killed In the great war need not' have met death declares David Lloyd George in the first volume of his war memoirs just published The war he Insists should have ended in 1916 and It might have been decided by 1915 He characterizes the allied strategy In France in the earlier stages ( the war as a "sanguinary mistake" which nearly lost the allies the conflict One feature of the volume Is an outspoken attack on Viscount Grey then Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey for the part he played in that Office By coincidence the book is published as the noted Liberal statesman is lying at death's door Iir the course of his narrative Mr Lloyd George lashes the war office again and again for "mental and a “pitiable lack of in- itiative" votes go to VISOR BERETS " Poison Liquor Held Boy’s Death Cause - ROCK SPRINGS Wyo Lincoln county authorities have joined Sweetwater county authorities In investigation of the death of Frank Bergant 1$ Superior Wyo member of the C C C who diednere Saturday as result of poison liquor This action is being taken after discovery of the fact that the youth purchased the whisky in Diamondville near Kemmerer while en route from the camp near Alton to hia home tor Labor day 5 be at the head of the class regardless of your schedule if you remember it taltes points and feathers visors and bloused fullness to make the Fall 1931 topnoteher! You’ll Black 1 Broun Tokay Mole Dundee Eel S0FTEES for SCHOOL Just arrived! a complete line of newest Ideas in softees for school wear— In ± all colors 10 59C (Millinery Salon — Second Floor) $198 i Fire Gong Stay® Silent While Fireman Weds Steel Blue Gem RINGS ' 'PHILADELPHIA Sept'S an Frank L Esperance kept an eye on the alarm gong—but not in tye hops it would send him racing to a blaze On the contrary he was death-lafraid it would ring for he was be-fng married in the fire house to Catharine Wallace - Wedding bells were the order however and tht fire V long kept silent y M-e- 1- rv 2 for l They iparkle and glitter and shine till they moat pop out - otthelr II you mountings can tell them from s diamond we refund your mnev Blrt'i-etonand wedding rlpgs too es (Broadway Entrance) Only 4 Dayt Morel if |