Show £- - 115 - THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE THURS DAT MORNING SEPTEMBER 7 1933' 7 L I OBITUARIES Tonnes J Tonnesen Christena J Tonnsn 73 prominent L D 8 enureb marker dird it the family rendrnce 34e East fourth South street Wednesday &t I M p n ef Infirmi- 4-- - BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OBITUARIES ties incident to aye Mr Tonneeen horn in Denmark De Wmbefr 1ft 1860 hot bad lived In U t a h since 1M) fonaeveral as employed tears A Ilansen BRIGHAM CITY— Mrs Chrtstena Anderson Hansen 72 died Wednesday at 11 a m from ailments Incident to age at the family home 240 North First East street after an vat illness of two nonths Mrs Hansen vas born October 11 1M0 n DHmarSv a daughter of Andrew and Marion Nielsen Ander- or the Silver Brothers sonShe emigrated tron works as a patto Brisnam City with tern maker and later her parents in 1868 vas employed as a residing here 65 years eablnet- - maker at the She was married to Standard Fumlt u r e Eras i us P Hansen of oempany ahere he this city November 4 served until he vas 18719 in the L D A forced to retire benudowmerit house in cause of 111 health six Salt Lake- - He died a months aao number of years ago the She was gctlve-4Surviving are bis vldoV Mrs Anna D organisations of BrigToontaen and tea ham L D 8 Fourth sons and daughters ward where the served as president of the Y y Frier Hymm Anna Robert L M 2 A more than Cheater A 20 yeafs Asnea Charles Elea- n hof and Walter fiurmtiig are the and Mr - Dru- followings sons and Mr Tennetea Of Ell Mrs Hansen iilla Corteee daughters Mrs Meda H Haws Mrs Callie H Larsen-MrEdith bait Lake later mill of Brigham be announced Hem H E Hansen Ernest and aervlcci Jen jKiir§l City Mrs A Anna H BaieMos Ogden and Hansen Sslt Lake Thirty Lawrence and Melvin James grandchildren 15 two sisters Mrs Annie A Jensen Brigham Perle-Wl- ti funeral aervlces for Melvin James and Mrs Sophia Kellron Shelley City 84 employe f the accountin'! depart Idaho two brother James Anderson Deer Mountain States Telephone MA e Mont and Andrew Anderson menialllfcompany and son of Jemes also survive Teletraph ru FerlewiU manager of the Graybar El otric Funeral services will be conducted Sunday company of Salt Lake were conducted Wed& at 3 p rn in the Brigham L D 8 Fourth U Ward chapel with burial In Brigham City nesday at I 30 P m in the Tenth BL Cnild ward chagwL with Bishop Thomas cemetery ' preaiding Th invocation wks offered by Bhhop Dr Included Joseph Dhnateiison Speakers Enoch Larsen Dllworth Walker professor at the University of Utah and Bishop Child Musical HVRUM— Funeral services will be conand numbers were given by Idary R9elt ducted Thursday st 3p m In the L D 8 Alvin Keddlngtoh Andrew K Jensen gave First ward who chapel for Enoch Larsen 88 from 'the benediction at the family home died The grave in the Mount Olivet cemetery heart Tuesday trouble was dedicated by Bishop Child Mr Larsen wes born In Hyrum March Mr Perlewigi died in a local hospital Sun 38 1858 sen of Peter snd Oell Larsen day following a heart attack He has spent most of his life here snd on his farm In Pocatello tiller He married Nielsen Orell March 7 100 Mrs Marl Emil Swindle Besides hl widow he Is survived by two Mrs Bert Brown Hyrum rnd daughters of 38 Swindle a Kmll resident Charles Hyer Lewiston two Monro died In a local hospital Tueiday Mrs Cless Mrs Clarice Jensen snd s step-so- n He u night following an operation Allen snd Ernest Orell llr-ruOhsrlotte Mrs brought to Salt Lake Tuesday afternoonson Mr Swindle was born In Monroe of Charles H and Emma Swindle and had been a resident of that tectlon all his life Fitzgerald During the World war he served with the Xlghtr-ewht- h dlvlglon of the field artillery OGDEN— Funeral services will be conductSurrtving are his widow Mr Hazel Swindle and the following gone and oauehtere ed for James Fitzgerald Friday noon in the Vester Keith Maurlne laVee Rae Shirley Lindquist Jt Sons funersl chspel of Under the the John Charles Yvonne Max and an infant direction of Bishop R R Brown Perleuitz Charles James L D S ward -- wefc day for funeral servlcee and burial The Umi and plaoa will be announced later ! ij mhi ’ r hT-"‘1- ‘1 Burial will be In the — Annie Green Larson Matilda Peterson Lundgren OGDEN— Funeral Green Larson wife Matilda Peterson Lundgren S3 died at the of Lars A Lundgren family resldenee 3H8 Seventh East street Wednesday at p m of Infirmities Inch dent to age hi Sweden An fust 34 1851 a daughter of Peter and KathShe had lived In (hr erine Bwenson United Stateg for the last 40 years and years ago stmt to Salt Lake three Surviving are - one son Joseph Lundgren of Black! Mm widow Rebecca t Lake and teles Cal and on of Midvale — services for Mrs Annie of Clarence P Larson will be conducted Friday at 3 p m in the L D 8 Sixth ward chapel Burial will be In Ogden City cemetery under th direction of the Lindquist 8i Born' mortuary Outger RutvanJ DGDFN— Funrsl sthlce for Outle? will be conducted Friday kt 3 p m In th L- D 8 Nineteenth ward chapel BurJAC will Be In Os dm Wty cemetery under the direction of the Lindquist jc Sons’ mortuary brother Peter Peterson DmheViClorlIdlladay Airmail Pilots Report Forest Fire Near Spencer cfc eii emsini '‘"Va11" SVSWiaiiig Funeral acrvicca for Duane Victor Holla-da- y son of John L and Esther who died at the family Olsen Holladsy IDAHO FALLS Idaho— A forest reetdence 184 West Burton avenue Tuesday at 7 p m will be conducted Thursday at 3y fire in the heavily timbered section mor-utrm at the Lindquist about 15 miles northeast of Spencer 3138 South State street Burial will was reported raging Tuesday by airfollow In the Wasatch Lawn burial park Th chlfifwa born In Balt Lake July 37 mail pilots flylijg between here and 1830 and 1 survived by hi parents one Great Falls Mont Not accurate estiYisirrrRuth Holladsy and five brothers mate of the extent of the territory afLee Richard and Brent Sobert Donald fected could be learned here ail of Salt Lake Approximately 50 fire fighters under the direction of Targhee national Charles forest officials were reported workWord has fust been received from Be art-da- le N Y of the death of Charlea Kunz ing to control the fire late Monday Wind changes and dry timber and hueband of Merle Van formerly of Belt Lake who died Ausuet 38 of double pneu-gpo- brush prevented any general headWith hi family IJr Kuna had been way and Tuesday an additional 50 visiting with relative in Lewlsburg Ohio men from the Osborne Spring C C C and had ton to visit With his wife's lister Mr Waldo Mldgley it Bcarsdale H Y oanip were sent into th4errilory to assist the fire fighters and her mother Mra Mary Van He M survived by hiz widow and two chtl dren who will return to Denver BUrlal took place st his former home In Lawltburt ECAL NOTICES Ohio Kun " John Conrad Flittner United State Department of the National Park Service Ogden PROVO— John Oonrsd Plittner 71 retired Utah September 3 1933 Sealed bide will farmer sad sardner died Tuesday at hts be received at the office of the Bureau of horns 134 West Second North atreet from Publlo Roada Federal Building Ogden i a heart attack following a short lllnaai Mr Plittner was bom September 33 1884 Utah until 10 o'clock a m Beptember In Evansville Ind S ion of Henry and Ms 32 1933 for constructing or Improving Tie O Cronenberger Plittner He received Ms 10960 mile of th East Rim Road and dueatlon In teh Evansville schools and In South Entrance Road Zion National later years took an active part tn clvlo ae Park Project No "NR" 3 4 and 4B He aerved for many year as Jus tlvltles t the Zion National Park tics of the peace at EvaaiaviUe He married (oiling) within at Princeton Washington and Kane Countiea State Ellen Weaver of Svanavlll Ind April 8 1877 and tn 1853 the family of Utah The major item are approxl He was a member of the mately 10000 cu yds unclassified exmoved to Provo Provo Community church cavation 123 cu yds unclassified exBesides hi widow four eon Mid two cavation for structures 14300 tons 0 Andrew Plittner daushtert suryive crusher run top course 1000 tone suppleInd I Fred FUUner XvansvlU atone or mental crushed crushed Mrs and gravel Mid 1 John and Arthur Plittner X M Baker Los Angeles Cal and Mrs Jer 33 cu yds cement rubble masonry 180 O O M Pipe 100 Un ft D Hsndley Provo on brother Prsnk Plltt-ti- lin Oliver EvsnsviUe Ind two slstem Mrs C Q Pipe perforated 24800 Evansville Bussinghsm18 and Mrs John Selb tone fine aggregate plant mixed 8360 srandchUdran and four ireat-- bbla and ind liquid asphalt type MO-- 3 930 bbli ‘ rpunrJsSrVlei wilt be conducted Sun liquid asphalt type MO-- 1 1600 tonesov-e- r material dustlem screenings 43 daye day at S p m in til Provo Community roller operations 290 m gal watering church with burial In Provo city cemetery under th direction of th Deseret mor 30 ou Yds gravel backfill over perforated ft - tuary Richard Ercanbrack service lor Richard Blaine Ercanbrack 10 aon of Otis ofL ana 885 Julia Bsrtholemew Ercanbrack North Fifth West Mreet who died Tudiy will b honpUal kcl morning Thureday at 1 p m at the Provo D 8 Third ward chapel Burial will be Provo city cemetery under tb direction Of the Deeeret mortuary The boy died followtnf an operation for A ruptured append! He wae born in Ooshen Mey 38 1833 and same to Provo with hit family In M38 are II parents Survlvln besides th ' brothers and sister Kenneth Ercanhrsck ball Erranbrack T Pleasant Orova Rett ' Lake Harry Ercanbrack Mammoth Cle-- ment Weldon Le Orsnde Reed “Wiley Orant Junior Leth and Julia Ercanbrack Provo and Mra Klva okelberry Ooshen PROVO— Funeral mi— Maud Etna Patten ' - PATSOW— Mn Mtud Etna Patten 13 wtr of John A Patten died at the family hom Tuesday night after an Illness of four days Mrs Patten wa born at Hebron Utah March 38 1880 a daughter of Thomas S and Loulea Hannah Leavitt Terry She had lived tn Payjoa 14 yeare and had been on active L D S church worker She le aurvlved by her husband and tlx one and daughters Vein Patten Taey Oal Sidney Ooranel Keith Lillian and Hannah Patten Payton her mother of St George three brothers Edward and Jed Terry Littlefield Arts David Terry Dene two sifters Mrs Bunker Salt Lake - Mrs Exl Blake Mary St George Funeral services will be conducted Saturday at 3 p m in the LD P First ward chapel with- - Bishop W A McClellan in eharae Burial In th Parson cemetery will be under th direction of the Claudio Funeral Home 1 n Amos Henry Hazel ! pipe 1 only water plant or plants for project 300 cu yds binder 1000 cu yd ml haul of binder Where plana and specification! are requested 810 deposit will be required to Insure their return within IS days after opening of bide Plane specifications and proposal! may b examined at th following addressee: U S Bureau of Publlo roads Federal Building Ogden Utah and Associated General Contractors Salt Lake City Utah Th attention of bidder 1 especially directed to the provlelone covering the tubletting and assignment of the contract The attention of bidders Is especially directed to the alternate bide which must ba submitted In case the bidder desire to offer any foreign articles material! or supplies B J PINCH District Engineer BUSINESS COLLEGES “ v f - §TEAMSHIP Thru fit L D 8 Business College Invites you lo visit COVIY’K Dept their school at60 North Main Wore 444 SO Main for- ACCOUNTANTS' GRINDING BALLS & CASTING BUS LINES WAdSTAFF' accountant 33 PLE8SMAN Grinding balls manufactured by W 5053 Wet 3480 Utah Iron Works 715 Woodblh BFE HIVE STAGES Park City Orahtevllle Tooele Leave! Tern Sq But Ht W 1S A D V E RTI S I N G&ART GYMNASIUM COMMERCIAL 4k Advertising Art Service SWIMMING CABINET®! MAKERS dancing games class ok-Register C VaAderende 329 Brooks Arcade Bldg now Deseret Gym Was 1434 AMERICAN Planing-Walter Schmidt 135 80 SthWeat "Was 7247 Mgr AIR CONDITIONING HATTERS SSEph A SUNRAE Heating Co W 1st Bn 822 go Complete htg ierv Molji Wal?40 WlrfTEHOU8B Clnrs vice Latest electric CAFES CAR BARN' CAFE dt Hatters Del hat renov 58 HEARING DEVICES Under new— manage- ser- E 4 6a 7th E Hy ‘ PICK a rib at Jerry’s Shack Utah'S ONLY THE DE FOREST BRAN8FORD APTS Audephone distributed rear South Barbecue 22 E 5 So W 8793 by Weit Truss Sc Ap Ail th comtorti of a home with none Co Med Art Bldg of the troubles f a house So Temple Was 3026 and State HOTEL RESTAURANT OTTRS CANDIES CAttLTON HOTEL FURN APAR I vf t 4 DOLL HOUSE Co Our motto Is clean HOTEL Restaurant Inc Complete line of Make reservations now for winter month dishea 1518 8 Mn H 4184 Aits for Pryanco" glassware Enjoy the comforts of a home lth hotel linen quality dt serv actum in town 140 East S Temple For GLADE Candy Co mlgr Bf fine Clhdiei Try zBldg Specialties 120 W Bdwy W 4718 843 333 6E see our call H Was choc 8 frfefyatluns Hflmpty Dffmpty HOUSE CLEANERS c vfEEDITH Apts 4 outside rooms NATIONAL Houiecleanlng Co Painters and New ranges refrig 160 1st Ave W 2224 CARNIVAL SUPPLIES Was 4256 66 P CL-P8 NOVELTY Co Balloons novelties APARTMENTS— FURNISHED U decorat lons atc 1355 Bo 5th E H 613 HOUSEKURNISHINGS Home-llke well fur- HOWELL modern HEMSTREET Bros spec' In rugs curtains 255 nished EJHho Was 1027J Un-fCARPENTERS sheets blankets etc 146 B Bt W 6333 KIMBALL Best lacatlon Furn' or C A NASNEK ft CO Carpentering and 150 No Mai n Wt- 5880 2277 H 704 ICE CREAM Dr contracting Highland - 3- mod fifefTspts 118 up Claud HAVE your bldg nd alterations done right FRANK ERATH 'ICE CREAM OO 5 N lit West Tourist spec Ice Ann It costa no more A Lee Was 8154-R- r 908 So Miln W 9843 Cream Spec eam ARCHITECT bo 950 8 Main NEW Oriental W 9801 It's smooth dellc Ice cream made CEMENT WORK W K WARS Architect Spec in modernist designing 810 U S ft Tr B Was 7728 DRIVE8 cdwlka wtrprf ornamental fish INSURANCE ponds patchwork Otles Bros Hir 7237-- J ARTISTS CONTINENTAL LIFE INS CO Investment annuities and life contracts For service CnEMISTS— ANALYTICAL SMITH COTTERELL Advertising artists on Insurance Call Clyde Armstrong 510-1- 1 Was 3277 Season Bldg GRAINS Poultry As Dairy Feeds analyzed Pred Kennedy Frank Ralph Davison Peterson Laboratories 222 8 W T W 5389 Knowles TE C Jorgensen Conti Bank ASSAYERS APARTMENTS 501 Bo ALONZO F BARDWELL Exp 30 yrs Colo Was 489 35 ynn Ut168 B WJT Chill df Tamafes since 1901 UNION Assay Office Inc O Bex 1538 BRANNING'8 Retail ft wholesale ‘103 E 2 So W 7363 163-- 4 Bo W Temple C S COWAN Mir Samples by mill receive CHIROPRACTORS prompt attention 180 8 W T Was 4114 a DR Arthur W Olsen Palmer Grad T$ AUCTIONEER neurocalometer service Clift B W 3607 DR NEPHI COTTAM THAI EB m Pslmcr graduate 7 Bid' - Was 55a niHeiasc Sftftttfn get r ICC- -7 PYLER dt LARSEN Spears Painless system AUTO BODIES 3 Consult free 305-- 8 Felt B W BUB" WARBURTON Body dc Fender CHIROPODIST! Rebuilding Duco refinishlng Deal with those who serve best 116 E 9th 8 H 8424 DR B L Blackham Foot ailments "eflmT- STEEL BODY WORKS Gland Aiher man nated elect 515 1st Natl Bk W 3788 W 4041 657 So Main ager cniij 'p iSTOMzrHofrsns'totoaii i services for Eliza American Express Co 24 W IB W 260 Simons Ckark 60 will be held WednesThe casket day in Pocatello Idaho will be open at the King don Lees MorROSENWORTH Pattern A Model Wk 319 W So Temple Waa 378 tuary In Salt Lake Thursday from In 11 to 12 SO © clock WANTEP Interment will take in IhgjBalt Lake City cemetery place PHOTOSTAT PRINTS RArftothV" new uncrowdd mnnr profession pnwd ilvewlie PHOTO Blue Co Written printed or drawn DON — Funeral weview for Francis A Don widow of Hkrry Don who died in Los trained men for its good Jobs teliriaion subjects reduced duplicated enlarged servicing and Ant e lei will be neld Thursday at 2 p m aircraft Blue Printing broadcasting McCorntek B W 3020 In the Kingdon Lee mortuary dhapel Actual shop work on merchandising with Silver Maple Circle W O W radio equipment Free employment ser PLUMBING & HEATING The easket will be open fromi to earn part tuition vice Opportunity Inter-menJO a m until time of eervis Electrical Col- SANITARY Plumbing dt Heating Co Spec Free catalog Wester In Mt Olivet cemeterr til hot water hg sys 142 Plum A W 2885 lege 133 Regent st Balt Xake — DEAL services Cheater Funfral for John AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN to oall oth STIRLING Plumbing Co Our chr Is 91 Deal will be held Friday at 12 SO p m per hr on pimb rprs 373 State W 3005 SaJt Lake and Ogden grocery trade Ago Wil room the the in of unquestlonableref-erene- e Joseph drawing Must furnish 3545 HARRIS DUDLEY Co Prompt aerv Used Ham Taylor Ine 125 North Mam atreet to ability experience and u Fidelity Itxturea teas 143 E Ind So Waa 1098 L Mendenhall Jr of the FourUi ward 8 bond neceeeerp In character ‘ STATE Plumbing A Heating Co Quick effle L D 8 church Sprtngvllle will offiwrite full particulars Box answering ser We aim to please (6 Ex PI W 1937 Y-ciate Additional graveside services wlH TribnncTelfgram be held at 3 46 p m at the Evergreen M M Plmg Co Plmg htg gas lnstal eemetery at SprlnrvlHe Utahi where In EXPERIENCED tlslaetluii guar 634 Oaftleia Hy 3040 retail furniture salesmen terment will take place under the dlrec SUN HEATING Ac sheet metal Purhaces Apply in person between 16 and i tian of Joseph William Taylor Inc o’clock at room 461 Tribune build- elnd repaired 439 IE 9th Sn By 8136 fidKERSLEY-Fimer- al today services ‘for PhyK BEACH REPAIR CO ing Bring references t Plumbing and heat-In- g Us Eckersley daughter of 400 E 3rd So Was 6644 repairs be will William and Faye Eckersley held Thursday at 1 p m In the Oar-fiel- d HONESTyvCieancut man with car ho eQ PRINTING live on 115 to 120 weekly Future asward chapel Friend! may view sured 601 Walker Bank Bldg aitef the remains at the LindQulst PARAMOUNT PRESS Fine commercial 4 p m until mortuary Wednesday Interurban B Was 2949 ptg Depot and at the homd 123 Fifteenth ave- MAN2pm OR WOMAN repr wahtfd in fverp evening and nut QarflflduWMpesdty town Excellent opportunity - Desert RUPTURE SPECIALISTS Thursday until 12 odlock Interment Co Highway Highlands CaL Products Lawn HERBERT DEANE M D No operation Burial in Wasatch park needed Akron met Med Arts B W 2220 HOLLADAY— Funeral aervlces for Duane 22 son of John FOfUVIEN Victor Holladay RADIATOR REPAIRS Lyman said Esther Olsen Holladay will gCHOOLS " be held Thursday September 7 at RADIATORS e oia-- Sept” Cleaned and Rep Wallace UTAHarbfTISonegr p m lq the Lindquiat clal tuition rate until Nov 1 earn while jWeld A Rid Wk 60 Bo W T W 2641 mortuary Bishop Alma Ktoteler officiatWe help our atudenta find you learn RFO C" HUGHES A Fenton Radiator Spec Friends may call at the mortuary ing 161 atreet 851 Park poaltlona Hy 4982 prior to the cervices Interment Wa- “EARN WHILE YOURegent LEARN BARBER TNG satch Lawn Burial park 118 Moler Barber RADIO SERVICE Regent iat College WILLIAMS— Funeral services for Frank E ’ RADIOS tested free 26 p c off on std tubes Williams who died September 4 at 25 Granite Furn Ex 712 60 State W 5451 Battle Mountain Her will be held on POSITIONS WANTED L 1 Rickm the 8 In Thursday at p REFRIGERATING MACHINERY MALE etts mortuary 344 East First South street Interment will be In Mt Olivet DEPENDABLE student will do any kind of BAKER Ice Machine Co 538 So State Wes 4032 cemetery Automatlo refrigerating machines work for board and rra Hy 6249-WORK wanted by dinner and fry cook Box RESORTS 7 Trlb -- Tele pLORISTS MINT RESORT We feature Cigars 7417 E 2nd Was So II light lunches T'coKifnMrTwE H 6191 67Q B 9th 8 FEMALE HELP 26 Phone day or night Wax 3400 Bldg OCCIDENTAL Life Ins Co ot Calif For zee Lohman A agency Connection Tnompion 525 Newhouze Bldg W 810 PRUDENTIAL INS CO OF AM W S Payne A A ioc Ut -- Ida Agcy Kearni Bldg LINCOLN Nat Ins Co E M Crandall gen agt 710 Conti Bank Bldg Was 908 INSURANCE OF JERRY W CROWLEY ALL KINDS FIDELITY A SURETY BdNDB — Ketntx Bldr Wat 2313 KANSAS CITY LIFE INS CO W O Hunter Mgr Ut Id A Nev 303 Cont Bk W7563 BUSINESS Meu’e Assurance Co "It Pays All Ways" 701-7McIntyre B Was 3647 E J KIRKHAM New York Lite Ins Co W 1258 The policy matyes if you don't EQUITABLE Life N Y Cont Bk B W 1998 J H Harrop mgr W F Bmlthraxst mgr male help rr ROOMS IffHOTELS s” AUTO SERVICE MEDICAL DAIRIES REMEDIES SHOW CARDS gURIAL VAULTS preferable for cooking said downfitalra work Address Box A-Trib -- Tele COLE BROS iorlfiniV dV'ri) wiitrprooi giving age ref and salary expected cement burial vault M7 N it W 6397-- J OPPORTUNITY student to lor earn living expenses while attending 12 AND FOUND OST Henager Business college Write for into 1G8UEBB and ientmainers must fS’over 21 tinder 28 Colombo Chicken Inn P Reward 8 Ashby 1370 Fillmore fit O Box 1156 McGill Nevada Hy 7109 WOMAN for general housework in exch&ugg BAG— Black beg containing Wealing api for good home 463 5th ave parel bet Tremonton and DoWney WOMAN tb do cleaning In exchange lot Reward 419 E 3rd 80 Hy 7555-furn h k apt No dependents W 7099 bil-looTIRE— Yellow steel truck wheel LADIES tint novelties home spare time tire lost near Zion's park Reward tool learned 7ft W 4th 8 Call 10 to 12 Notify Tt J Burr Pjovo Utah R D 2 EXPERIENCED Bgx 47 girl for counter and car service Swim Inn 861 North ind Wist DOG— Female Irish setter lost near 17thBo OIKL for gen housework Reward Btate st Hy 6856-good home Hy 1611 Princeton ave IH39’W PURRp-B- lu leather lost on steps at 521 E 2nd So Reward Was 2586 Apt 37 FOR WOMEN 27 LOST Kf Mirror lak-8- at night lunch kit Reward S Ashby 1370 Fillmore at gCHOOLS foreign uiSilSR!rr?¥t:'filiFO Hy7109 OHIlS'S red tricycle lost frem-to- th and 7th East Reward Hy South 4226-- R 13 pERSONALS AMFitf'pTi'rorariTTsu? 13c iru 16 QETECTIVES AMERICAN Detec Assn Legitimate detec tive 401 Utah 8av A Tr bldg W 3928 fOOT SPECIALISTS roTirTToELKTsoTVelt Bldg treat both feet 31 tool toe nails foot adjust 17 Complete corn W 2128 17a MEDICAL Products Co delivers food to your door Hy 1184 prod-uc- FINANCE OFFICE EQUIPMENT BCHOOL UTAH-IDAH- O SUP CO Every-thln- g WINDOW SHADES Bhade Co Everything In Our window ahade clean-lnNess B Was 3523 WIPING MATERIALS for office A school 166 S St W 6134 6 end up on Discount Co STERILIZED Cotton Wipers Inc Our OFFICE Service A Sup Co We have nothing 602 Eire Thompson Bldg wipers keep your mechanics' hands to tell We only repr 83 W Bdwy W 9975 clean Our goods ship everywhere 306 Bo 4th West" Wes 6031 KELLY CO We carry complete line of FISH 33 W 1st Bo W 4160 supplies LOCKHEAD FISHERIES CO 431 Exit WRECKING 7th So Hy 4481 OFFICE SERVICE HIGHEST CASH PRICE for that old Bldg Main Builders Sup Co 3500 8 MnW 8419 BUSINESS Service Bureau Public Btepo FLOORING service auditing mlmeo A Bookkeeping ALBERT V CH ASTON Walnut graining multigraphing B A Farnsworth Notary H 2879 floort beautified electrically 419 Ness Bldg Public Wat 4198 FINANCIAL pers notes t j ' $550 SUPER Window window thade guar sat HOTEL SEML0H s NATIONWIDE SERVICE 187 SO STATE PHONE WAS 3303 IDAHO FALLS— ELY NEV 4 houra faater to Ely than any tranaportatlon— 3 hour faater to Idaho Falla than any other but 110 ROUND TRIP ELY 'NEV MaJad 12 85: Pocatello 14: Ida Fall It Member N R A We Do Our Part Nearly BROS STAGES Large enough to aerre you— Small enough to know you PHONE WAS 1064 or SE HEMS CULLEN HOTEL— WAS 14 OPTOMETRISTS W H COAL CUBBISON Columbian Optical Co SUGAR House Coal Co "Lobb’s on the lob" 333 So examinations Largest ind In S E 1140 E 31 Bo H 2530 Opp P Q - Wat 6360 Scientific ey Main “furnaces' ORTHOPEDIC SPECIALIST DAVIS BRACE CO L C Dayls Mgr No 2nd West Waa 2268 411 OSTEOPATHS HARRY PHILLIPS Orad Am School of A 8urgery 500-- 1 Atlas B W 3578 OA8 AND COAL FURNACES Sugarhouse Lumber A Hardwares 1174 Esst 21st Bo HV 6S4 FURNITURE GRANITE FURNITURE CO LOWEST RATES IN TOWN ANQ I560IFRI8CO DENVER 700ICHICAOO BONDED AND INSURED 108 I 1 00 2000 WINDSOR HOTEL 227 80 MAIN ST 1532-- GIRL of excellent character from out of town wlihea a place to ear' and room wlle attending achool Waa 1812 CAPABLE young lady dealrB poaitlon In motherleaa home Waa 7712-DEPENDABLE German girl deairea houae work Go home nlghta Hy 4821-GIRL 28 good cook aecond maid or child nurae Waa 2082 Mlaa Miller WOMAN needa place to work for room and board or work on ranch Room 309 332 South Weat Temple RUCTION SALES wThTawTs A TUESDAY SEPT 13TH if) 30 A M w will tell the entire contents of th 1933 model home 1755 PRINCETON A Thla home wet lurnlsh d with great thought and care the lu the very beet money co children have been in t) a home and everythin la like new " and hall completely furi room large Wiltoi tuffed living jeflET set high grade piano magarffie standa end tablet davenport ARble floor lampa mirrors and othejr DINING ROOM LarweWilton rug walnut dining aet landscape mirror vase and other work ol art BED ROOM Large walnut bed room aet made bv one ot the best factories In U S Bed vanity chlfforobe night table bench and chair lampa large Axmlnater rug bedding plcturea etc BED ROOM Large rug bed deak and chair chlf forobe dressing table chalra etc BED ROOM Complete bed room set rug plctun etc Another bed room equipped the tame HALL desk KITCHEN Oral rug chair mirror Hotpoint electric range tabl cooking utensils dishes etc etc chair MAID’S ROOM furnished all- - beds have Completely new D Luxe springs with beat mattresse Thla la the beat houaelul of high grade furniture we have aold this year Positively not shown belora sale Please do not ask or try to tea this home before sale day th W H ADAMS AUCT THALES M DERRICK °UASYWA8TfoA3?T2lN- - AT CO 49 EAST gHDLEY STORAGE BROADWAY (rear Community Market) Largest lot sold this season Ail goes WITHOUT RESERVE PARTIAL LIST QOROEOUS SOLID WALNUT VERY LATEST STYLE BEDROOM SUITE WITH DE LUXE SPRINGS SPRINO-FILLED ThS MATTRESS la a rare suite USED THREE MONTHS walnut dining suite 1 dining suite mohair living aulte NEW VERY FINE ROLL-AWA- ? oak BED monkey etove 1 VERY FINE PLAYER PIANO end also upright OAS — beauty HAND CARVED LIVING ROOM SUITE FOR drawers chiffonier ruga and catpeta dressers clothing! curtains and drapes folding cots ADD! INQ MACHINE rockers din ng and kitchen chairs 3 A- -l CASES Plcturea fine ta of bcSka wardrobes 80ME ANTIQUES several lruit larden porcelain tables cushions chine brocks ANTIQUE sewing OLD WA? NUT DRE8SER- -A RARE ONE fijl a davenT PORTS GA3 PLATES pzby bed tor bird cages and atand beer bottle tSi Jw lamps Phonographs library tabl gaa heaters alelgha dlahei and utensils H08TS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION1 Pub-1- 1c and dealers do not mlaa this sal THALES M DERRICK Alirrrrnai ADAMS AUCTIONEER I486 SO STATE BY 4000 WAS 6925 a s I GREAT WESTERN STAGES f TRANSCONTINENTAL SERVICE NEW MAIN Depot— 371 S Mein W 4343 Lot Aniele 1560'Phoenlx Aril See World'a Fair at Chicago 112 Everything to Furnish tha Home Quality Always the Best ROUND TRIP-1- 34 "We Beve You Money" LOCAL couple large car detlre 1 paaaen-ger- e 8UGARHOU8B Furniture Ixchsnga Furn AINT paperhangtng 1150 "up Cleaning return or 1 way ref Chicago bought sold excheng 1084 E 31 B H 36110 roof painting For estimates Hy 6583-- J reaa Leaving few dayt Waa 8350-J A ROCKWOOD FURNITURE CORP TRANSPORTATION to San Franclaco for 2099 80 11th East PARTIES LUNCHEONS Hy 1478 one Hy 195-MARIAN LOIS Party House Club meet SAE MONEY— But Ticket Share Expenee OPTOMETRIST partle weddings lunch 875 1 1 8 W 6591 S L TRAVEL BUREAU DR H AVERILL 81 Weat ind South Eyes examined glasses Waa 8000 fitted 1058 ired 21st Bo East PAPERHANGERS rfpi COLONIAL FLOWER HOUSE NRA 8191 or H CLIFT CRACROFTs Painting decor A 870 E 9th S Phone day night STOKERS 366 No 6th W Wm 6056 TRAVEL Bureau— Private cara Share nt McCOY Btokers — Gibson Refrigerators plan Alao Insured buaea Dally Hom Appliance Co 2122 80 11 E Hy 4544 PHOTO STUDIO Information White Houae hotel W 6238 DRIVING to Bolae and back In tew daye SAGR18 Photo Studio Everything In the STOVE & FURNACE REPRS Can take 1 Write 141 E 5th N Provd photo line 30 pc saved on fin 174W Main Utah ORATES water Jackets Installed lining DIETS Jt REEVE Plumbing Co Plbg ehop Stove aold for reprs Southeast Store A TRANSPORTATION to Butte or Great ea wheel Quick eerv 121 E 2 So W 1883 Furnace Co 1117 X 21 8 HH71 MU ord Falk lot 1 750 11 K 19th So PAINTERS 29 ipOSITIONS I GRAHAM Music Lyc Bureau High-cla- ss talent for any event Hotel Utah W 2454 f a 8 JfesMAKiNG SCHOOL 27a 27o siages EXTRACTS AND SPICES of Beauty Culture Beat In the' weat 3rd fir Ezra 'Thompson Bldg Waa 70 EXPERT massage Franco-Amr!chgent 132-R 315 23 E 1ST SO Was iSSsTER makes girls lnSepSJdSnTuttmg VERY best massage hot bath al rub Atla and fitting 444 E Bo Temple Was J1613 Hours 10 to 8 Bldg room 328-3NEW method massage 130(4 West South SKIN ANALYSIS" Temple Wat 9968 Hours 11 to 9 Eva McNally MASSAGE— Elec treatment exper nurse 403 8o 2nd E Was 8298-- R San Francisco dem reg nurses dletf PLATES' ts to (65 fillings II tQ 13 cne treated: complimentary outlined Dr Hudson Dr Thomas 511 Bcott bldg akin analysis 428 Temple Sq Hotel NEW scientific management: massage steam bath 159 S Main Off 205 WANTED MISS RENEE expert massage and bath 10 to 9 P m Apt 313 25 N 1st West FEMALE DRESSMAKING alterat4orXcoaGTHne3 WIM TO REDUCE Hv 4363-by experienced aeamatreaa CAPABLE lady dealrea apt houae or hotel maid work: 30 rra exp Hy 70C6-PRIVATE lessons course S6 results guar Prof Thornton Was Springs W EXPERIENCED waltreaa want! poaitlon Hy rf WATKINS wanted YOUNO GEORGE T BEAN auto repairing 8how cards A Naib SUPERIOR gland tonic recoin for piles KIRK Kard Shop Superior Grade “A” dairy DRObtKERR'S -at Riverside Drug 880 W 7 BoW 3363 Keith Emp Bldg W 2022 Res H aigns Waa 8667 3883 DR GRIFFITH 1865 Bo State specialist Covey garage products Hy 3280 YpeclaUMJormro?'CaIi ADV posters window displays Orant Mldg MOYLE Ac MARSH Auto Service Quality FISHER DAIRY U S Accredited herd "We mtt Booth Main it Wat 6514 TOOLS MECHANICS' ley-R130 E 113 first 3rd So Sentker S Main W 3032 Wat 3433 own our own cows” 2891 8 20 B Hy 3738 tools WaWASATCH Dairy Farms Grade "A" milk P ft C and other high-graJRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES 18 AUTOMOBILE TOPS SIGNS cream and buttermilk 48 8 13th E H 17 satch Tool Co 1767 So State Hy 7209 WESTERN Signs "If It's a distinctive elgn WALT BLOOMFIELD Top At Glass Co Tope U 8 ACCRED herd mod fed Inspec herd MINING SUPPLIES we make It " Free est 53 Rich 8t W 4515 ea good at new 74 S 2nd E Wee 4619 Bteenbllk Dairy 8 N Acl4 W Was 7603 412 80 6th W Waa BOGUS SUPPLY CO ‘ AUTO SAFETY SERVICE 2413 STOKERS New and tried supplies DENTISTS IRON FIREMAN STOKER 8TEFHING Gear Brake Wheel alignment UNION DENTAL CO Honest work honeit )f A MOVING-STORAGE O M SAFETY BRAKES OO 62 I 4 So W 3206 Whiteley Better Plmb A Heat Co 213 Bo Main Wes 1126 prlce For service call Was 1480 406 So Btate REDMAN VAN A STORAGE CO AWNING Beat place to store household goods DOGS AND PETS STRUCTURAL STEEL Most modern system for your protection SMTH' Ai ADAMS mfg of tents and canvas WAIT and See Kennels EAST— WEST-NORT-H— MUTH Champion Bos Dependable van eervlce INDUSTRIAL Steel & Iron Co Steel wind Expert packers 325 Edison St Wag 1654 good! ton Terriers 8287 So 8tte Was 1085 orn iron yk Weld 475 W6 8o W 4062 WAS 1483 BP ERE Tent Ik Awn Co Mlgr of tenti and —FAST— THRU SERVICE A MOLLERUP Moving and Storage 155 —NO LONG DELAYS camp equip 370 Bo West Tem W 6365 DRAPERIES AND QUILTS TAXICAB SERVICE So West Temple Was 1 562 BU6SK’ VOOUE Drapery Shop Specleltze in down HADLEY TRANSFER Mov GREEN’CABS are INSURED For A 8TORAGE —FRESH LINEN BEAT OOVriS anappy BAKERIES 34-Was 5707 quilts Const Bldg service call Was 7 7 7 7 6k flreprf storage 49 E Bdwy W 1176 —RAILROAD FROTICTION ing BETH ANN Home Bakery Housewife's only —GUARANTEED TRANSPORTATION SAOLES Mov A Tfr Co We move anything Was 10212 rival 388 1st Bo DRUGS THEATER EQUIPMENT 207 8 W T W 2067 752 Pac Ave W8207-WEST HIGH Bakery Try our paatrles flret THE Sc Med NEW Arte Pharmacies GEO HEERMANCE Prescription Co S A Scenic Dsnrs J85 NoSnd West Wag 10319 LOW ROUND-TRI- P RATES 66 E B T W 3013 Opp P O Wes 6098 MUSIC prod drap seen eqp 341 E 5 8 W 7372 Home-maO K BAKERY TO WORLDS FAIR AND CORNWALL Drug Co goods new mod UTAH MUSIC CO See our Radios Pianos and East 9th South POINTS ALL OTHER Hy 848L ern store 8534 3234 Highland Dry TIRES Hy W 6271 163 E Bdwy Refrigerators MAIN DEPOT HIILCREST Pharmacy Reg pharm Acr FEDERAL TIRES Wasatch Batteries Co BATTERIES Hlllcrezt Apts 170 1st Ave Was 3865 123 East 4th South MUSICAL INSTRUCTORS Waa 2746 AT 77 WEST SO TEMPLi WASATCh'baTTIRIES CO Prest-O-Ltt- e Tire Shop vocal Inst Sing be MARATHON For ftilles "of (Temple Square Hotel Bldg) 123 list 4th So Wag 3746 distributor ELEC CONTRACTING & SER HUGH W" DOUGALL smiles gee our tirea 502 W 4 No W 9606 Was 1818 happy oo 508 Const Bldg HOKANSON Battery Shop Battrlaa gei WAS 1366 Contracting Service Sc O E Refrig McCtiNE--BchIn TIRE Supply Co Jno Used tires batteries A lot Instr Art Music eratora starter lights 889 8 WT W26176 ELEC Salt Lake Elec Bup Co 60 E 1 Bo W 631 CITY TICKET OFFICE: Open every day in yr 549 8 fit W 4007 music drama art danc 200 N Mn W 2118 DICK Wolters Elec Co lOt South Mein (Kenyon HoteD 880 Emerson BARBER SHOPS TYPEWRITER SERVICE Hy 4146 Electrical contracting applncg PIANO WAS 1369 YOUR Barber Shop Satisfied customers our Co TYPEWRITER Sales Service Rebuilt STERLINO FOGELBERO spec Hair cut 33c 334 State W 3346 ELECTRIC SERVICE mach like new Est free 128 S Bt W 3423 Instructor In the "ART of PIANO PLAYSTATE St Barber and Beauty Shop 10 spec SUGAR Bouse Elec Const Sc Flxt Let your 10 Templeton Was 2157 ING" SPECIAL ROUND-TRI- P barbers Haircut 26c 317 8 State W10018 elec worries be ours 643 Com av H 2827 LUC1LE B Swenson VACUUM CLEANERS piano Inst W 4263-- R K FRESHWATER ELEC Co "We Wire 'Em Private class special normal training BEST bargains irf guar vacuums Terras BEAUTY SHOPS FARE$ Rite" 347 Cottage Ave Hy 613 1608 So St Vacuum Shop MRS Clarlbel W Wallace Plano With Utah Hy 4231 A CRYSTAL Buty8alon Barber Shop State Fed Music Club 431 E St W 611 8 Perm Waving that brings 4 35 MOTORS ELECTRIC Haircutting PRESTON IDAHO VULCANIZING Plano Club Mem Nat FedMus Clb out personality $14 I 1st So Wae 1433 UTAH 4 10 FRANKLIN IDAHO Effle Johnson 1647 Princeton H 3 651 --ft “VULCANIZING New A Motor ft Armiture Shop THAT’S RIGHT” CAR DESERET Gym Beauty Shop POCATELLO $5 35 In Deseret reSc rebuilt motors sold Motors bought TER TIRE A VULC CO 40 East 4th Bo MRS Lucille Morrison Thayne Teach PI 70 FALLS IDAHO $6 Qrm Building SI I Black Mgr W 9910 wound W 8 Wtnegar mgr 540 St W4483 ano 30 yrs exp Stud 436 8 4 E Hy 8571-- R MEDICAL Arts Barber Ai Beauty Shop WASHING MACHINES We UNION PACIFIC O W REID private group teacher training make loveliness lovelier Med Art W10318 ELECTRO PLATING APEX Sales A Service Co Ironers Vacuums New rates 33 East 1st Bo Wat 7098-HARVEY'S Permanent WaveShoppe 81 171 Our AiTA "PLATING Sc ELEC SHOP Anything STAGES Bdwy W 4460 washing mtch 534 Felt reputation Is our guarantee PIPE ORGAN replated Visit our shop 245 8 St W1559 Was 5072 Bldg WATCH REPAIRING :OAST-TO-COAST MISS STAGE Mariam Derr Bishop Pip organ A 6iAllLUXE Beauty Shop Laura Duke Opr ENGINEERS Good watch Plano Spec Trng 3033 Alden St H 7280-- R 8URBAUGH‘8 Jewelry Store 14 W Bdwy W 10074 work suet chair coache reclining sleeper 165 So Was Sc 6217 State KIMBALL Sc ULLRICH Civil repairing hydraullo TRANSPORTATION BEN KAATZ Beauty Shop GUARANTEED Pioneer ladles' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS consulting engnrs 433 Ness B W 634 barber Flneat buaea Inspection Invited 369 K 9th So Hy 8693 WATER SOFTENER WORLD'S SPEC FAIR EXCURSION OUR Musical ofInstrument ARTISTIC Beauty Shop Per wev Ann Rob Repair ENGRAVING 8tp HENRY JONES Co comp pumping elec fers you unequaled facilities for Renewing arts Hazel Farmer 211 K 7th So H 1001 serv elr cond refrig 8 PO PI W 7835 UTAH Engrav Co Zinc etchings half-tonwell as repairing your Instrument We ai color plates prompt at 120 Regent W 5184 can 6ILVEHPLATE that old BRA8S trumBEDBUGS EXTERMINATED LOS ANGELES pet or cornet lor as low at 18 00 CHRIS WEATHER STRIPPING ffE8UIT8 GUARANTEED IN 4 HOUR8 B LIN8CHGTEN JR 317 Constitution CHAMBERLIN EXPRESS 39 Ofl Detroit 24 50 Denver Weather 8trips and Calking Was 3146 Bldg EXTERMINATOR CO Inc CITY 17 00 10 00 Kanaaa City Ban Fran saves fuel Ouar life bldg Free est W 730 823 MILTON AVE Express Sc Tit No dames Welt HY 4130 Y 17 00 14 00 N Omaha 74 W City Bdv W 9805 mgr Bund MUSIC & LYCEUM United State Department of Agrlcul ture Bureau of Publlo Roads Ogden Utah Beptember 3 1933 Sealed bide will be received at th office of the Bureau of Publlo Roads Federal Build-lnOgden Utah until 10 o'clock a m September 22 1933 far constructing or Improving 13307 mile of th Heber Frultland Forest Road Project No "NR" B3 within or partly within the Uinta National Forest County of Wasatch State of Utah Th major items are approximately 4790 tons crueher run top oouree 20060 tons fine aggregate plant mixed surfacing 7103 bbls asphalt type MC-- 3 1080 bbl asphalt type MC-- 1 1810 tons cover material 13 days’ roller operations (00 cu yds binder 1200 cu yds ml haul of binder BEVERAGES 400 m cal watering 1 water plant or MARKET INN Dealers in best bev- plants for project Where plaoa and THE 63 W 1st Bo erzses Wes 10064 specification are 'requested a 310 de- OI8EN 833 So 4th West Co Distributing b will to Insure tbelr posit required 6664 W Distributor! Becket'g Products return within 13 days after opening of bids Plans specification and proposals BILLIARDS may be examined at the followings adNo 3 Eist 3nd South dressee: U 8 Bureau of Public Roads Phone £nil0r?ji Federal Building Ogden Utah and AsNational billiards" tight lunches sociated General Contractors Balt Lake dnux a clizrs Only modern upstairs City Utah Th attention of bidders I billiard parlor 316 So Mein W 3 91 especially directed to th provisions covering th subletting and assignment of BLACKSMITHS th contract Th attention of bidden PHILIP SCHONERT' What w fix etars It especially directed to the alternate fixed 343 So 1st West Was 2419 bids which must be submitted In case the bidder desire to offer any foreign BOOKS articles materials or supplies B J splendid book service Bt PINCH District Engineer tjie BOOK CO 44 K So Tem W 697 4 ' CHESTER HOTEL Fireproof low rates Excellent serv 125 Bo State Was 6633 312 MO garage lnc Hotel Little 185 So Main St NEW DEAL New carpeta new paper new furniture at new low rates 315 mo tree gar Peery Hotel 110 W Bwy derrick auctionffr 4 5 Vi W 2nd Hn NSW SALT LAKE HOTEL All outside rms hot water every room 2 50 up bath 34 up dally 50c up wk WILSON HOTEL for athletic Hdqrs 32 E 2nd So teams 98 yas CULLEN Hotel Stockmen’s hdqrs Cent lo Reas rates For reserv ‘call Was 14 NEW Ute Hotel m blks from bus dlst N Main W 8738 Crt srrX-VBe- a rates CHRISTMAS CARDS NEW Wasatch Hotel Week or month rates All outside rms 78 W 3rd 8 W 2931 WHITBHOUSB Hotel t?8 8 W Tem Jack La 739 Bo State In Utah J FRESHMAN Our repair dept remodels Ac VauwxmgT wk moit W(l J5l0 Best ac W 5233 Cash paid fof used cars makes all kinds jewelry 317 8 Mn W 8801 MARION Hotel W CLEANERS it DYERS eFTem Sq Rate by SOUTH State St Auto Wreckage Coi 3300' PARAMOUNT 112 Ac Dyers or mo wk W how Cleaners day "Not ' 8 Tem W 650 So State Hy 8838 and 1833 So State Hy‘ KEYS LOCKS & SAFES ' LAK HOTEL cheap but Bo Qaojp 903 8 1 W W 2458 8039 We buy and sell used cars dt trucks Rooms and Apts "The JACK 89’W FLOWER Bdwy Specialist 48 HOLLYWOOD P O PI W 10303 GlnrwAt DycriW satisfy APEX Auto Wrecklni Used parts NRAle£ Wat 5926 M P Hanten Jr Mgr 717 N 2 W W343I vice 889 8o State Wat 4894 First-clas- a HOOFING clean CAPITOL AUTO PARTS CO TlreS parts for VELVET Cleanlng Shop LACE CURTAIN CLEANING 80 No State Wat 885 ROCKY lng 1050 Bo State all cars fountain Roofing Co Est 1920 Jly 3704 AMERICAN Clnrt Arrryes Clesning for LIBERTY Park Lace Curtain Cleaning Co Estim free courtesy Compos plus We spec In lace cur 704 E 9 S H 4058 built up and gravel roofs Call Wasshlng77 E 2nd 8x particular people 257 -BaltTakst co—37 ’Girthing arByrtniFRANK 8 Auto Parts Co Used parts for all "LAUNDRIES'” “RUGCLEANING cara Tires dr service 745 8 State W 3391 rein in bui’"36S E 9th S Hy 4661 A service for every ROMNEY TOM’S Cleaning At Pressing Shop Men's PALACE LAUNDRY Rug Cleaning Co 8060111811 In 748 562 E 4th 80 Hy purs ny kind of rug service J21 8 W T W 307 suits ladles' dresses 18 8 W T W 8418 AUTOMOBILE DEALERS LAUNDRY Try our family service PPANK MARTIN CO rug upholstered furn MORGAN SUPER SERVICE MOTORCO CO0MB8 Cleaning At Tailoring Co Service STAR 902 Jefferson Was 3686 At satisfaction 1630 So State cleaners Hy 7K6 aasured 308 S St W 3316 Authorised Ford Dealer Auto Spec - Wes 625 So State ROYAL LAUNDRY 3189 Highland Drive Hy 2180 3824 SAND AND end Service COAL GRAVEL Quality ERWIN MOTOR CO 4788 80 State "Buy More leisure houra H L FISHER Co UTAH Fuel Co Judge Bldg W 430 Prod MURRAY Laundry ln Murray" Hy 3415 All kinds and sizes of for women " 4200 8oufh State Hy 012 sand and gravel 51 So Ind W W 6685 Castle Gate Coal "Stored Sunshine" AUBURN Oars Jorgensen's Hyland Auto PEERLESS Laundry Snow-whiclothes 165 I 1st Bo Was 1450 Service 3 COAL AND WOOD famous for qua! 1184 E 21 S H SANITARIUM AUTO MOBILE RAD IA TOR BATTLE CREEK Sanitarium Baths ma: JONES Coal Laboring men's coal yard LUMBER other treat Red prices Judge B W WESTERN AUTO RADIATOR Co Radiator JSagleAtBlack Dla 8 No 4 W Waa 7297 Anchor 144 Motor Ave Was 4204 STEWART BROSI COAL CQ Call us for ANCHOR LUMBER A COAL CO Spec SAUSAGE stokers are best 2250 So Main Hy 4540 coal land A gravel 170 W 17 So H 1916 AUTO REPAIRING MODERN Sausage Co Smok saus PEACOCK Coal Atcy "Bootless & cllnkls fresh MACHINE meats whlse ret 229 8 2nd W W 4126 £nOPS coal 8008 Newhouse B W Rock Bpgs ACE AUTO SERVICE We sore In Franklin Cadillac La Salle Dodge and Pl- PAY cash and aave For cleanest hardest SERVICE Machine Shop Expert machln-1- st SCALP REMEDIES 50 8 Ind West Wat 5056 spotless coal call Carbon Coal Co W 3373 ymouth 451 So Main W 1523 W 5533 HARRY L BIER auto repairing Hudson For "ABERDEEN"— BEST In the WEST McGEE A PARRY Machine Co Gen rep NATURAL Oil Remedies for dandruff bale work all mks much 405 W 8 So W 3971 ness fall hair C E Rasmussen 428 Clev Essex At Dodge zpec 349 B 2nd E W 8373 VALLEY FUEL OO - Wes 3048 JOHNSON At 8ANSOM super service Chev-rol- ct SERVICE COAL Co Quality Coat' Su-MASSAGE SCAVENGERS 601 Bo State W 4150 3650 specialists perlor serv 334 W 8 Tem ETHEL G MYERS Wasatch Springs Wae CUT RATE Scavenger Co HOOGAN At SUTTON garage Body fender R E Simon 7141 A W 7513' "Health Is Success" COLLECTION AGENCY Prompt aerv 1510 S Redwood Rd H 2006 expert! Pen Rep 378 SWT W 10334 MCMANUS Wasatch BORNE At WRIGHT auto service Dodge EQUITABLE Adjustment Bureau Masseur Collec LIEF SHEET METAL Chryiler De Soto tpec 814 B Bt Hy 3885 tlons L M Leitiell Mgr Boston B W 4350 Springs Was 490T (Men's Bapartment) WASATCH Sheet Metal Works Heating air MEAT AUTO SPECIALIST PIES CORSETIERE condlVng guttering 95 P OP1 W 2604 GEO J DUPONT Auto Specialist "Since CORSETS Oirdlee Brassieres fine under-thlng- e DAN MORRISON 8 Meat Pies served at CARVER Sht Met Wks Everything in sheet Was 7677 metal skylights etc 134 W Bwy W 6297 1907" Live! at shop 26 E 7th S W 4332 your favorite lunch counter Makoff 60 B 8 T Wat 2038 WsU?8 19 TICKETS PATTERN MAKERS GARAGES Garage dc Auto Laundry Open all night W 10088 your commercial training ACCIDENT AND HEALTH GENERAL REPAIRING H1NAOKR Business College 46 E Bdwy Visitors welcome Positions for graduates EASY Wazharg Vacuums fac MUTUAL Benefit H At A Assn Comp cover-agrep Wringer local claim serv Cntl Bk W 8745 COMPTOMETER 8chool offers short Inexp roll 1988 11th E H 3111 all makes training Posit avail 420 MrCor W 6300 title ur i' 41 pUNERALS lv CbAR’K'W’-Punert- ABSTRACTOR dOOD prop titles set god loans Expert Homer 404 B man W 5602 t ji pain to Serve You Better Cain Maria If Yon Lose a Dof—the Cook QnltSjor You Wsnt Traveling Companion Call — Get Results Same Day' The Tele MOW Traders Qualified WHO’S-WH- O SALEM— Amo Henry HazeL 78 A resident of Salem for 85 years died at hts hom Tueeday night HU wife Jan Bolton HaseL died lour yean ago Mr Hazel wag born April 30 1855 tn Xngland and emigrated to Utah when eight yearg of ago He was a pi onset resident of Salem He la eurrlved by a eon and daughter William John Basel and Mre Martha Alice Beddoee Belem one brother Andrew Ha-a- el FOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT Salem l grandchildren and 11 great-- i BEER Fixtures Bteemtables Cooler' C grandchildren T bonet John Vreeken Co 273 8 W T W 7468 Tentative funeral plane are fob senlces to be conducted In the Salem L D 8 chapel FREIGHT LINES NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF Friday with burial In th Parson city BROKERS Stockholders of Oimnlson Sugar cemetery 8 L Bingham FrL Line Dally ierv BondNational eo reserve ed America of hit 84 W Fayette Ave Wee 6804 Company Stock Bond Grain Notice le hereby given that a spePpt WtsJDO 343 So Mein C FUNERAL DIRECTORS cial meeting of th stockholders of HA VENOR PETT A CO Member S l7's Ex Gunnison Sugar Company has been Spec OGDEN— Mra Busan Mortan Cain 78 37JLEaat let South in local esc Newhouse B W 3085 NEIL O'DONNELL Wae 848 wll of John Cain died Wednesday at 8'80 called and will be held at th RIIK'-- Ac CO duly Broker a m at the family home 2175 Jackson Mlplnr stock office of th Company No 909 Flrat Wet Dooly 3138 Bldg avenue following a long tllnesa FURNACES National Bank building Salt Lake Mr Cain wae born In Indiana on March BYWATER A OROO (Torrid Zone Agency) City Utah on th 2(th day at Sep- BOARD AND ROOM 33 1867 and came to On dm tn 1928 from 1933 'tember at th hour of 10 o'clock Furnace! cleaned and repaired New York City Her only eon Irvin Mot- 144 W Reas fetes Also turn Bo Temple a m for th purpose of considering 57TrM Was 2238 Led her In 1926 Surviving are the 391 So Temple Phone W 1003“ unbend and a ball-iletROUND OAK FURNACE AGCY "It It end acting upon th following matMil John ter mtothe bldg w sell U” 1174 Wright Richmond Va listgo) Sq BOILER REPAIRING The Lindquist Ai Bone mortuary le In 1— To amend Article VI of th Artt-cl- e NZW ih useH boiler Day At Charge of funeral arrangement Acme eerv night of of the ComIncorporation — " Boiler t He ft 531 Bt' Co P"' Rep W 4288 FURNITURE f REPAIRING pany to provide that preferred stock- BOTLERfiL Unks weldtnt flue 8 epee results B PETER BTONE Furn rep refln upho) holders of th Company be given votBeck ISielson UndquUi H 1808 f 1H 1686-840 1 1 So W 3829 Mllfly Antiques rttrd If and ing right given to tlx such MAPLETON— Funeral for Mra BOOK BINDING tights and Mar Beck Nielson 78 services FURNITURE-USED widow of Afit-- oi 3— For the transection of such oth-- ef BOOKS rebound Nielsoa who ded Tuesday at the borne of Speclellie'ln NaU deoe MICHIGAN FURNITURE dbHET5 mubueinee as may properly come Mrv Bert Whiting will be HP blndlng F p BrheHer 363 a 6th 1 H 7193 ni loss Mgr 430 80 State: Wat 3148 ducted Friday at I n m In th Mapletou p before the meeting L D S ward chapel with burial in Jtver-- X of order the Board of By Directors BUILDING OFFICE FURRIERS B R BLUMBERO Urn direction of A ?ndr 'Jlne!nelr3 Secretary DrolTBIdfl Headquerteri for mining enjf GENEVA C Hicks "The k mortuary Dated September T 1933 BettlnKittVie A mining so for ofliu tnac call w 20ul ' 8 Best Prio " tit East let Bo Hy 5331 Susan i it - YOU CAN MAKE MONEY w k SAVE MONEY BORROW OR LEND MONEY IN THE WANT AD I |