Show UUh Congress of Parents and Teachwould be required the readiness-o- 'sary because the money if not paid some years ago by the ptffchase by J plans so that employment" might be '"out of the J2000000 fund set aside the state of land in the area involved also spoke during “The total cost of this project will Mr Noall furnished at once and tffe ‘reasonable Uvill be repaid from the money raised-be $47000 of which $46000 will be the afternoon discussed building adexpectation of the financial ability of by taxation" On the record the state has at pre largely unskilled’ labor' furnishing ministration and commented on child the state to pay - On the latter labor laws declaring they worked for point Governor Blood ent about J2000 000 to go before employment in Box Elder county on a the social be'terment of ctvldien Week basis for J50 men for transmission: writes tn his letter-oreaching the limit of its bonded inMrs Hardv praised’ Granite district This is by reason of the approximately 180 working days “As security for the aforesaid loan debtedness work r association "The fish and game department esthe governor as provided in the legis- fact that while the debt limit has lation passed by the second special dropped due to a decrease in as- timates an annual revenue from this lauding th'e cooperation of teachers Dr Smith urged the with parents session of the legislature of the state sessed valuation the sinking funds project in excess of $10000 and in 20 principals to of Utah 'copies of which act are here- have increased at a faster ate view of the fact that the project is in cm"bf Consumer Drive to individual case so to appended proposes to tender to the harmony with the policy of the state Invested Funds to society of Utah to preserve wild life and is ofxjalue helped said public works administration the ' The Be Completed sinking funds are all Invested near the location'ind consistent with speaker in the afternbon Utah in denom potes of thq sta'te Problem Child in bond of the federal Discussed wasAnother sfeteff Utah ofbond or “ Irving T Nelson a new member which upon project the state all of of the Gcanite high school faculty September 10 has been we recormnepd the Uriited States government as a municipalities at Preliminary Meet which are rated at par in making the that the state spent who discussed his plans for orgamz liorrow the necessary loan said notes payable in install- valuations None with a few minor funds ib beautification club among ing ments together with interest upon complete this project requir in Granite District school children as an aid to citizen BOISE if)— The N R A has put be- the terms established by said federal exceptions Inof trifling amounts has ing a sufficient amount to be set aside defaulted there principal though shipfrom fhe revenues of the 2000 find 3000 men to work in annually tween emergency administration of public have been several cases of delayed fish and g&m£ The institute will open Thursday to take care He works department L F Parsons executive secre- - Idaho schoo child” interest 9 in Granite the at the formed' payments high "problem am of the interest on the money borrowed inclosed a legal memo'There eswill auditorium continue and through The original program submitted by and liquidate the principal within the background of discussioil'at a meeting taryof the statN R A committee randum signed by the attorney gen In addition to a series of timated Wednesday upon the basis of eral of the state of Utaha to- the the governor’s emergency committee number of years required by ihe fed- of Granite school district principals Friday talks the Granite Teachers’ associathe county compowers of the governor of the state on public works totaled $1 440000 eral gov&npnent” Wednesday preliminary to the an- tion will nominate officers to be reports received from of Utah to pledge the faith and credit Certain additions have since been Other Projects the mittees elected laterm institute' nual teachers’ year made the of to the the opening of the state and thus guarantee by revision report by Other projects recommended by ’ Thursday’ speakers will include He emphasized that “this is a rough committee sufficient to Increase the the committee federal public works adifunistrall to the governor as al- Thursday Gus P Backman secretary of the guess ” but commented that it total bv $72500 the repayment of this loan " Jf on offered R Speakers A of Hart as commerce and now suggestions chamber contained printed "an understatement FillhTr Additions made to the program as ready The legal opimOnof the attorn in the state's application to the fed- - helping children adjust themiclves tolfed-eraengineer: State Senator Her than’an overstatement" general Joseph Chez points to two ougmnlh vubm'tted and nrmted ini eral public works Un: men Maw B the of at dean 0 administration bort are Ada county he said has put ociety Educators’ suggestion were acts of the special session of the lego The Tribune include-of Utah Charles H Skidmore Lummarized as follows and 500 men to work La- by thosp of Rulon W ersitv lituie as giving full authority to superintendent's residence at the Home economics building at Utah augmented Clark juvenile codrt judge of the state superintendent of public instruc- ah 250 men and Shoshone 100 men pledge’ the credit of the state to the state school for the feeble minded at State Agricultural college at Logan Third district and B H Robinson tion and Dr Smith mostly in the mine the national government One pf jjSiese American Fork to cost $7500 cost $325006 of the juvenile court comThe state is about 90 per cent signed secretary A similar amount for a residence Jo the Granger bill as it was known at the University of Utah mission Both told of court efforts up to the N R A consumers’ agreewhen it went through the legislature at the Utah State hospital at Provo at Library Salt Lake City to cqjst $550000 to- ment Parsons said estimating that cooperate in the handling of degives the g'overnor in the language-o- made necessary by the conversion of Custodial’ building for males at the linquent children the drive would be completed by Septhe attorney general "the power the present quartets of the superin- Utah State Other speakers at the forenoon sesTraining School at Ameritember 10 to borrovT any and all moneys tendent in the administration build- can Fork to cost $100000 sion held at the Blaine school inUntil the drive li completed h deemed desirable by him from the ing into a hospital operating room to heataddition the ofcluded N A Jensen attendance Dormitory and said no action is contemplated on United States or any of its agencies and other facilities at School for the ing plant deaf and ficer hnd coordinator: Irvin S Noall IDAHO FALLS Idaho (JP)— Heber complaints of violations After the Construction of a dairy and ideal blind terms required or allowed" upom-anat Ogden to cost $165000 of the state department of education § drive he said “there should be a setand the sales tax act which among building at the Branch Agricultural of the present adminis- Mrs Rose Peterson school nurse Su- 3 Grant president of the L D Remodeling when everyone other things appropriates to the gov- college at Cedar City to cost $20000 tration and main building at the Utah perintendent Calvin S Smith and church paid tribute to Mrs Deseret tling period a time accustomed to the N R A" Then ernor "$2000000 annually to be used “This building” says the report “is state hospital with related Mrs John K Hardy president of the Taylor Austin 74 wife of Heber C gets necessary he said “is the tirtje when complaints and expended by him for the direct directly in keeping with the purpose changes to " provide for a rece Austin of Idaho Falls and a pioneer must be sifted” relief of the needy and to administer of the Branch Agricultural college ward and hospital facilities together June was 15409 18700 skilled of woman Utah and southern Idaho and carry out the provisions of" the and is a needed facility in connection with the Installation of electric wirand 12900 unskilled in at funeral services here- - Wednesday CLUB HAS PICNIC with the tyoe of education furmshed state's two recovery acts plumbing fire escapes 'etc and Utah county as against a June load of afternoon President Grant came here Members of the Ocean Park cluik at that institution It will furnish ing FUU Authority to provide for safety and sanitation 4457 cases 19800 skilled s by automobile to attend the services which consists of SalJJjpJjgwome direct labor at the site of construc- of the s and 13 840 unskilled present plant to cost $117500 in We- Mrs Austin died Monday in a local whp spend their winters The attorney general finds the legis- tion of $8600 indirect1 labol in Oceaf elselature had full authority to enact such where in the state $7400 and it will Education and trades building and ber county where the load was 5964 hohpital from a heart ailment Cak held their annual picnic at the state industrial “ cases 1201 skilled mandays and 840 Leaders in the L D S church from Park greenhouse laws and adds' at and social s Liberty park Wednej of school at skilled labor at Ephraim the throughout the upper Snake river val- day The unskilled Ogden to cost $128000 "It Is therefore my opinion that provide 1720 and unskilled labor outing was under the sq of Weber of 531 June gymload Remodeling college Sanpete county since the legislature by statute au 1120 ” being ley attended the ritqs eulogizing the pervision of Mrs Kate Shill who wa( s nasium to safer egress to relief cases 1720 skilled and life and work of Sirs Austin thorized the executive branch of the reelected chairman of the soeial cow of a wild life “sanc- cost $15000 provide Construction s 1120 Cedar at for unskilled Burial was in Rose Hill cemetery mlttee government to incur indebtedness on the north shore of Great Addition and tuary beof Snow Iron load the of Utah June rebuilding City county here public purposes the governor Salt lake at Locomotive Springs s and The library of the late Maharajah college at Ephraim to cost $15500 ing 522 and 2000 skilled has the power to issue the notes of Wild Life 5400 new Installation of water a Box The automotive industry consumes Jam Sahib of Nawanagar India was unskilled Elder in system a Sanctuary the of from the slate Utah'for loan We also recommend" says the ad- at the U S A C Logan to cost county which had a relief load in more than 80 per cent of all the rubber sold recently in England for only United State government under the June of 146 cases consumed m the United States $5975 emergency public works program” visory committee “the construction $50000 of Park Memorial Remodeling If it were not for the provisions of of the necessary works for the divertthe Granger bill it is held "it might ing impounding and controlling the building at the University of Utah to be that the indebtedness would haYe waters of Locomotive Springs upon utilize space now used by library and is constructed to cost to be paid out of the $2006000 set lands now owned by the state of Ijtah If library aside" under the sales tax act But for the purpose of creating a wild $25000 Amount of Labor life sanctuary to be Used for the the opinion concludes: '“If the loan from the United States propagation of migratory wil4 fowl The program would provide it Is government is to be repaid with and for the propagation’ of black estimated 27200 skilled s in Loand 24000 unskilled moneys other than the $2000000 'ap- bass propriated as above set out then tht‘if' “There is attached to this report a gan where thetftelief case load in memorandum outlining this project June was 1904 eases 39000 skilled loan must be within the bonded of the state under the provisions of which wii represent- the completion and3f400 unskilled man- necesThis is the state constitution pt a fish and game project started' days in Salt Lake where the load XTk QJygg 2000 f SCHOOL HEADS Senator King Flays Ickes for Delays on Public Works Plan FOR INSTITUTE ' irrespective of tech- -' meal objections that may be raised Those state projects have been pending before the Ickes board more than two months Not until the public works board acts bn them is it Justi-ie- d in criticising the states '"There are hundreds of state coun- -' ty and mumcipaf projects now pending before the public works board but the first one is yet to be approved 1 resent the criticism made by Secretary Ickes and turn it back op him ps the mao who more than any other is responsible for the failure to date of the publip works program to accomplish that great good for which it was intended” loans be made f WASHINGTON Sept 6 Ickes today announced the allotment of $7462050 for public works projects in 10 states to produce more s of wuik than 2200000 The principal allocations were: nine for 74 Indian projects-istates $250000 for waterworks improvements and Eau Claire Wis $913000 for sewerage works in- the metropolitan sewerage district and more for a small bridge and work in Madison Wis Of the Indian projects $940550 was allocated to various Navajo reservations $327500 went to Pueblo reservations and the remainder in small lots all over the country man-day- $135-00- e Blood Subnjiitd List Of Building Projects" An “essential' state building pro- gram'1 estimated to cost $1512500 was presented Wednesday by Governor Henry H Blood to the federal public work administration as Represented in Utah by the advisory committee - of which W J Halloran Is chairman and by R A Hart engineer lor the public work administration The state’s share of jthe costs of this work would be financed from the y ’ nationat-ad-ministratio- The building program according to iic governor’s emergency committee on public works which prepared the s schedule VouM provide 109620 of employment for skilled works men and 89500 for unskilled labor in Utah counties where the relief load in June of this year The total state total 28933 cases relief burden on that date was 37098 " cases Distributes Money It Is estimated by the state committee that $620600 would be distributed directly tn lahor employed at' the site where the building projects are constructed while another $537 4Q0 would be paid to labpr in this state but not at the site in the way of preparing materials to go into the construction The other $354500 would" go Tor materials purchased outside this state and for costs entering into construction including contractors’ profits which cannot be classed as unemployment relief The program Is submitted as a building program which can be placed underway within a short time aitef the federal public works administration may make the money available The buildings are chosen from departmental requests totaling as being the tnost essential of those requests and as entailing ex penditures which the state must nor mally undertake within the next five years Jobless Center The governor’s advisory committee in making the selection also had in mind the geographical centers of un employment the types of labor that man-day- man-day- one-ye- ar SWEET- ROS-E- SURE PIRE' JUST LISTEN TO THAT KID StNG- - l latter-name- ACT-- MY DEAR - LIT-TL- E fl d LDS Head Speaks f At Funeral man-day- man-day- Rites s s man-day- man-day- man-day- man-day- man-day- s s man-day- man-day- man-day- man-day- s BELIEVE IT OR NOT man-day- By Ripley £ s man-day- man-day- s Playing' Annie for A Softie IT’S AjGREAT Y' -- 1 LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIET THERE’S POKTUNS by $350-00- sales tax of 2 per eentnow beirr lected The proposal Is that Unde Sam under the N I'R A will grant the state outright 30 per cent of the amount necessary to finance this programLor $453750 and that the state will repay the remaining $1058750 of the amount in installments on such terms as may "be fixed by the gatlon” the senator said "I shall that those municipal water e tf ‘ insist Jobs Report Says Parent-Teache- Gorernor BIood Subrnits UfahBuilding Pro- gram to Utah Representatives of Federal Projects Administration (Conttnuf ! f rom Pale One EFFECT PLANS f ' To 3000 Idaho Men BUT sjr YOO CAN’T HOLD THAT CIO ON ANV !Q NJ RACISM G’S A THAT’S YOU A WHAT SAV-HER- E- TAKE LOOK AT A REAL R0Sf-'- j2 WHY CC This is SLAVERY- - YOU DON’T HAVE TO GIVE THEM A CENT- - r SURE- - WHAT OP IT? THE ACT tS PAYING PLENTY- -I SLIP ’EM FIFTEEN OR TWENTY A WEEK TO KEEP ’EM QUIET- NOT A YOU’VE GOT WOULD STARVE WITHOUT HER AND SHE’ LL IF THE KID PULL S HER THE OLD MAN HOOKED ON THAT CONTRACT - MUSTN’T CHANCE-SHE’- A SOFT HEARTED LITTLE FOOL-TEL- L THE SU2 MAN SPOIL ’EM T zf OUTY STICK NO MATTER WHAT Help Wanted WINNIE WINKLE THE BREADWINNER WEIL I’D Like TO GET a LITTLE FARM RELIEF MVSELF AROUND HERE V ALL YOU'VE BEEN TALKIN' ABOUT ALL RAY IS THAT COUNTRY HICK "DON FRASER’! - ftLACKHORNE o! Union Slaved 3o games of chess SIMULTANEOUSLY WHILE blinpfoldep Siamese 'Cantaloup Raised by VAkt£vmMtCo N EXPLANATION OP YESTERDIY’S CARTOON The Nickel and ihe penny—The nickel welching 77 16 creins consists of 75 per cent 48 grains ng copper while the Is composed of 95 per cent copper Thus ihe nickel with 57 87 of copper contains mbrg BRINGING (FLa DUALLY BIM RafrAim OHn4 YOO'UW NfcvtR SPNCS B'M AN YON C TO UAIlr HOW THAT I HAWK YMSW I’M CaOINfs TO CHLOROFORM YOO-IUJ- IT 4EWKL& YOU IN THK FRONT SKATOF YOURCM-OPCYHt THROTn8 AND SEND YO- U- PUMfelNS AND WMBN YOU'RE YO DESTRUCTION FOUND ALL CONSCJOUSN6 To PIMD HIMtSLP iOUNO MANOT AMO FOOT JO LOOK INTO THE KviL LE£RIN&F& Of TDWNSKND ZANDE- R— By — mmat uava You DONE Y 0 MY CHAUFFEUR T IN HATS THC OR THIS- - MKANN& YOU t I FIND OUT tOOM SKNOU6U- - - r UNTIl M- lICY MI UP THINK bim aOUY on a AND KlUSO J from hkrk! jUt-- V laa01 & retail of this metal than the cent (45 grains) Commander of the 'Ret— When the liner Rex steamed past Ambrose lifeht In the 16 and hoisted the early morning of August blue ribbon for the fastest crossing ever Francesco made her proud commander Tarabotto musingly recalled his first cross- - UP FATHER (RegtJ Pat Office ng 36 years ago On that occasion the old Monte Moro crossed from Oenoa to 8abme Pass Texas in a tedious voyage of 54 days The Rex established a new record for the Atlantic crossing in 4 days 13 hours and 58 minutes Tomorrow Old Funny Face By George McManus V l |