Show local and other matters prom FRIDAYS DAILY J JUNE ume 14 provo A gentleman from provo prove says about that flourishing city crops are lovely wool to run the factory is accumulating and plenty of cloth of excellent quality is being turned out notice I 1 will furnish famish a copy of the laws passed at the last session of the legislative assembly to territorial and county oft officers leers and justices of the peace upon application by mail orin or in person bevz bevi P luckey secretary of utah ter salt lake lafee city june 14 1878 accident mr jake heusser heter gunsmith gun smithy smiths yesterday morning met with a serious accident he had been repairing and cleaning an improved winchester repe repeating atin 9 ridle rifle and was testing it with a cartridge through some defect I 1 in n the working of the lever lover be before ore the cartridge was seated in the chamber of the gun it was accidentally exploded who tho ball went vent through the barrel and entered centered he the floor within an inch of another workmans work mans foot while the powder po wadei flew back into mr Heu asera face blistering and hurting his bis left eye seriously he Is unable to be at work today to day he Is under the treatment en t of dibenedict Dr benedict Benediet water editors deseret news some time since a numerously signed petition of people residing on the bench north of the ward asking the privilege of using the surplus waters of city creek was presented to the city council it was referred to a committee at the time but what disposition the gentlemen composing the latter body have made of it has not yet come to the knowledge of the petition petitioners ers has the document been shelved for or tabled or what DRY DON salt lake city june juno 1878 we believe the committee have deferred their report upon the petition alluded to until the efforts now being made to obtain an artesian well on that highly situated locality reach a definite point one way or another if good flowing wells are obtainable they will constitute the most feasible solution of the question of water for the bench land sheep bonds bends in the viel vici anity of silver creek and chalk creek are sorely exercised in their feelings over the sheep herd question last season about head were pastured there cleaning the ranges bare and rolling rolling rocks down the sides bides of the mountains upon the marveled tarve led roads herds arenow are now being heing driven to the same bame locality and a gentleman who resides ellesin in that part of the territory expresses the belief that the settlers will become so exasperated that trouble between them and sheep owners may probably be the result he also states that the sheep are frequently driven so close to th a settlements as to make them nearly as great a source of annoyance as would the advent of a moderate abarm of g grasshoppers ras shoppers those having the charge of sheep herda herds should keep their flocks as distant from the settled portions of the territory as practicable we advise those who feel themselves injured by the near presence of the sheep to commit ni no overt act in the matter if they seek a remedy at all it should be a peaceable and consistent one A veteran this morning we WO received a call from brother samuel who is now a resident of orderville derville Or he RIO expresses himself greatly pleased with his new home the people there live entirely in a united ca without individual interests peace prevails and the prosperity of the place li Is gradually increasing brother is conducting the tanning shoe harness and sad dierna dle die king departments of the association cia tion having had a long experience in those branches of business brother Mu Illner is a veteran elder of the church he became identified with the latter day work in canada went to at which place the prophet joseph smith smithy appo appointed him on a mission to hla hia native cou country scotland where he opened up the way of thi the gospel in Renfrew shire that was thirty nine years ago he was followed a few months subsequently by elder orson pratt who did a an 12 extensive work in that land build ing log up and establishing many branches of the church brother Is still a hale bale hearty old gentleman FROM SATURDAYS DAILY ju jurn jhn je 15 rockville bishop smith of rockville roc Koc kville kane county is in the city there Is a good prospect for fruit there and the other crops look promising rockville is a calion canon town and its resources are naturally limited there being but a small email area of land available sudden death deavil A private telegram has been received in this city from chanab kanab stating that elder lev levi stewart steward died at that place at am yesterday very suddenly elder stewart was wag an old and faithful mem mom member ber her of the toe churchard Chur chand much respected in the community ladies ladles quarterly conference the quarterly conference of tho ladles ladies relief societies of this stake will convene at the ward assembly ravas Boox nasA ut ap 2 pm on an bau Bat the lust all interested te in the progress pre gress gresa of the work are cordially invited to attend the several branch relief societies are requested to have their reports on hand to present to the mie meeting ting A water squabble the ogden junction has an account of a fight between two men named palmer and Messervy at plain city recently I 1 ya about water rights palmer struck tho tha other man with his fist and subsequently with a spade Mes seroy in return for these questionable tio attentions flung palmer into the ditch and held him in the water till he promised to mend his way ways it appears the water had th the e effect et of cooling him off stretching it A respectable man who is in poor health asks whether there is any general law to compel persons who travel about the country selling goods of their own manufacture to pay license the reason for the interrogation is that himself and family have made up a quantity of fancy articles which he has been selling for the purpose of making a living being unable to do bard labor in a city in tooele thoele county he was waa stopped from selling unless he took out a license in answer to his hia question we have to say that the matter of license Is regulated by local or city ordinance not by general law however parties like the enquirer who peddle their own owa wares are scarcely ever interfered with the spirit of the law not being intended to apply to such we are of 0 opinion pinion that the interference with thia this man seeking tomake to make an honest living instead of being a burden upon oh others ers was stretching the ordinance in e beyond its spirit and intent home lom industry should bo be encouraged instead of being retarded in cases where persons buy and sell merchandise itis different grand musical entertainment we are pleased to announce that on the anniversary of our national birthday birth day there will be such an array of musical talent both poth vocal ald aud instrumental displayed in our large urge tabernacle that the tha most refined and musical ear may way anticipate a rich treat the tabernacle in which this grand concert is to be held will seat people the price of admission we are informed will be 25 2 cents for adults and 10 cents for children under 12 years of age to all lovers of tho the divino divine art this great musical treat will doubtless constitute the grand centre of attraction and the admission fee being so small email mid and the tabernacle so large many frol a distance will no doubt avail themselves of spending two or three hours on that memorable occasion the proceeds of this concert will be devoted towards pushing forward the tabernacle now in course of erection the building committee therefore extend a most cordial invitation and hearty welcome not riot only to the citizens ot salt lake stake but to all who choose to attend there will be no need to go from this city for entertainment on the great national holiday that terrible cyclone we have seen some richmond missouri papers containing a description of the terribly destructive cyclone which on the oth dinst swept through and destroyed one third of that city the detailed description of the great calamity is fuli full of horror the destruction of life limb and property was immense no definite or correct conception could bo be formed of the addair affair by the necessarily limited descriptions given in the dispatches those who met death by the fierce and irresistible cyclone encountered it in ono one of its most appalling forms the papers give a long list of the killed and injured and another of the destruct destruction lod ioD to property noticeable among the killed and injured are the names of parties who took a conspicuous part in mobbing Dg driving persecuting and killing the saints in that section of the country among the killed 19 is is 19 captain W 11 jacobs who be longed to the militia militia of the notorious governor boggs which took a murderous part against the saints in rn the same list is the name 01 ol marion marlon baji ball son of james ball a blacksmith who used to boast that be he put the frons irons upon tho the prophet joseph smith and others among the injured is isab J B hines son of one of the perpetrators of the horrible massacre of haun haunts IS mill joya wieta aitta ax OL wite wile are also among the injured ballard used to boast that be also bad a hand band in the same cold blooded murderous anair besides we notice that david whitmer who was prominently connected with the church in its early rise and one of three leading witnesses of the book of mormon was seriously injured in the list of damage to property we observe that the estate of jacob whitmer deceased was injured to the extent of 1250 the house and furniture of david whitmer was waa destroyed involving a los loss s of 1500 1 I 1 and whitmer cob coa livery stable was damaged to the amount of 1500 the hand band of the lord is visible in this visitation and all concerned should seo it repent of their bin sins und turn unto him with full pur pose of heart I 1 FROM MONDAYS 10 DAILY junn JUNE 17 discharged at a late hour on saturday night the examination of dr A B spinney charged with procuring an abortion for alice M tod todd wab was concluded resulting in the discharge of the accused the evidence of the prosecuting witness not being corroborated by the testimony of any other witnesses district court Blon bion monday bionday day june lith james carroll garroll vs A 11 smith order heretofore made appointing I 1 L A brown attorney for defend ant is set aside EL F williams enters his appearance for defendant wm L pickard vs A klopenstine et al judgment by default for tor plaintiff people etc vs wm G wil liams larceny with count for embezzlement bezz lement board of trade the people of bear lake county idaho have organized a board of trade the off meers officers are president james H R hart vlee vice president george osmond secretary and treasurer Frea surer H 8 woolley C E robinson H is woolley audr nude ande H beers have been ap pointed agents of the board and authorized to buy and sell the object of tho organization is especially in the sale of stock to dispense with middle men and deal directly with the eastern markets by this method they will save the large margin heretofore accruing to agents from the east who have visited the settlements bought up stock at a comparatively low price and shipped them to a distA distance nce uce the operations of the association will as soon as practicable extend to articles of farm produce as well as cattle sunday school elamin examination tion the ward sunday school held their annual examination yesterday d a y fj forenoon the meeting house was filled with smiling happy children and their gratified parents the exercises included singing by the choir recitations reel reci tationa readings essays short addresses addresses and dialogues by the pupils which were delivered with a degree of proficiency pleasing to witness and commendable to the labors of those who have had charge of the children childrens training A hundred and twenty prizes were distributed to the children for good behavior and merit in the per formanek fer for mance manee of their duties the school is in excellent condition due to the effort efforts sot of superintendent phi phippen apen and his bis assistants the committee of arrangements on this occasion were 0 H gold geo R emery and A parsons news from abroad A private letter from elder joseph bull now in england states that the second company of this seasons em was to leave eave liverpool on the dinst on the thess thesa S S montana elders claridge CI and steele returning missionaries are with the company the third company of the season is expected to leave on the dinst on the 8 S Iv nevada evada those composing it will be mostly scandinavian din dina avian viane elders john cook and L D young utah missionaries will return with that eom com company parly pally elder J J thayn left liverpool on the S B S wyoming june let for cana Caca daon his way home he has been doing some preaching and visiting among his relatives in england sister bull who accompanied her husband to england has greatly improved in health since her arrival in that country base ball the secona game ot of elm vim heason beason between the red bed stockings and for the championship plon pion ship of the territory ed saturday afternoon on washington square and resulted in a victory for the former by a scole of 9 to 6 the interest in the contest drew a large assemblage to the grounds to witness it and the playing on both sides was such as to elicit the admiration of all who saw it it was a much closer match than the one played on decoration day and hence more exciting to both players and spectators three of the original series of five games remain to be played if it the red bed stockings win the next which we understand is 19 19 to come oft off on the ath of july the question of the championship will be decided in their favor as they thoy will have then won three out of the five if the desprets Des erets are to retain the champion ship they must gain three consecutive victories from present appearances pe arances an event not very probable much interest I 1 is manifested in the approaching climax calders farm on friday the dinst this favorite resort will be a scene of mirth enjoyment and festivity under the auspices of the fourteenth ward sunday school when all the children and older people of the ward are expected to turn out in force to enjoy themselves the price s of admission are very moderate but the poor who are unable to pay have been invited free of charge and will be just as welcome for thoi e who furnish their own conveyances 15 cents for children under 12 years of age and 23 25 cents for all above that age will be charged for all who ride rido in the carriages furnished by the committee for children and for adults will be required the excursion will start at tit am the day will be spent in utilizing utilising uti lising the varied means of amusement afforded by this popular pleasure retreat and music dancing insi boatin boating gr feasting and kindred sports will be indulged in the will return early in the evening the committee have spared no effort to make the occasion a happy one the sabbath school children of other wards with their friends and parents are cordially invited by the 17 i ommittee committee i to participate A fight about 10 on saturday night mr B W carrington accosted mr J 0 graham near the theatre and requested him to accompany him some dis tance as he had a matter to settle with him they walked followed by friends as far aa as bt st marks F chool when mr graham refused to go further and demanded to know what the other wanted mr carrington responded by stating that he intended to thrash him at the same time throw mag tag down hla bla cane and telling mr graham |