Show lightning speed col wilson was the telegrapher Ac accompanying compan ying tho the sprince of vyv vya wales les and his suite while traveling through illinois the party had haq occasion to coosaia a rall rail railway way aud and the eight sight of the telegraph poles and wires excited in the prince and bis his suit a desire to place themselves in communication with civilization once more the colonel accordingly adjusted his pocket instrument but soon found that in ane one direction the wires were down and casting his eyes along the track he noticed the source of the trouble by means of a f nield field telescope aboul about half a mile beyond 1 I guess ni 1111 1 mend the tho break said the colonel in the presence of the tha duke of newcastle have ave you the wire to do it with inquired his grace i no answered the colonel IM but it I 1 guess ill dil send for some but sir or said the duke somewhat alarmed we cantrowith with we here a day or two while you send to the nearest station bleh bleb which bich I 1 funder understand stand ia is ten miles away for th mhd 1 repair repairing dg material 1 I 1 ill repair the break brenk mid arid no noi nol detain you longer than the tj time you od wiil will require to dispatch your zurich returned return ed the colonel and while he was still talking to the credulous duke to whom he had given no hint how th mhd repair isas was to be effected a train came in insight in a twinkling in it was as upon them and aa arlt asit it passed llla lile spot wiene wiebe UR party patty was con gre ure greated at a tremendous burst ol 01 ged a coil of df wire was thrown from fill the baggage car and in half hall an hour the break was repaired the duke duhe after referring to the fact as a most striking of what was wag known as hs fast ameri ca cd and even after the simple explanation pla pia bation of the trick trick he still thought it marvelous and add could only havo have been performed in amelica the case was simply this A As soon n as colonel wilson founie thel the wire broken and while in corm corn muni cation with the nearest station in the direction in which the wire was unbroken he had bad given or orders ders to put a coil of wire on the next tra train in with instructions to throw it offet onn at the point inhere be found making halt evon even while he was waa giving this ordera tha answer was wag returned ano train is now in flight jand and hence he be cou could ld calculate that it would reach th the point at which they thoy were ea camped ca ped in less than half an hour it fis fas was about 20 minutes later he ne heid had the tha eoll conversation with the duhe duke and hence awas it was that white they were still talking badr the matter the train came in ta OR sight ht jh JP northampton hey they bey are laugh a uga inh iny ln at a well known young man mau because he 6 i recently aptly ski shi said sald id when ba bantered baut a te red ered about lis ais b is afred affection tion for a lady whose heart i another cde ide cant cadt I 1 admire e ber her her bet J as ayouk of art I 1 |