Show ily liy 11 w 10 consideration of the riv river erand and harbor appropriation pria tion bill waa was resumed and cockrill favored the appropriation for the mississippi pi river improvement c commission and said it a thor was first necessary blaine all ail allison bon son and withers wern worn made mide new confreres contreres con freres on the army appropriation bill and the senate resumed the river and harbor bill Spen spencer jer ker said it nov pow appropriates 0 as it ift came from the house it appropriated sargent called fr thedeas the yeas and arid nays days on the amendment increasing the he appropriation for the harbor of I 1 harleston har leaton 8 9 C frow from to the committee a amendments ants were agreed to reducing the appropriation pria tion for the galveston from to striking out the appropriations of for improving the white and st francis rivers arkansas increasing the appropriation for improving river louisiana from 5 oooo tos to S fr Thur hurman naan caan presented a petition from the ladies of Lg rallie bounty county ou nty ohio protesting against legislation which shall deprive them of their rights by establishing woman suffrage adjourned 11 IL 1 I 1 I 1 i washington 4 10 lo the tho paragraph appropriating for public printing anu and build building irig 1119 W was passed over A tal debate sprang up on a motion of candle candler r to increase the appropriation pria tion for public buildings at atlanta atkins opposed it alad aad ellsworth fi thought that now when everything bics was cheap and meg men suffering through want antl anti was a good time to complete public bui bul building buildings ldina over the country atkins said the secretary of the treasury had bad insisted that in there the reduction of estimates and that f falling I 1 t oft oil in in the revenue the annual deficit would be GOO instead of foster edster advocated the completing of public buildings now I 1 ittner said that unless congress did something for the laboring men beyond tomfoolery and u cry god only knows what wa would uld happen harrison charged the committee on appropriations ions lons with incapacity members could not sAfely go before constituents with mere pretensions to economy sparks twitted twisted harrlson harrison forsa forba for sating basing aln he e was a business man he lam haM lad had supposed he was a clario elario net player in a marine band hand jus juit t laws were the remedy forthe fon fot the suffering durham duham said the trouble came from people crowding round cit eit cities le while they should be in the beun try and earn an honest living as all could do cries so bo they looked for government aid when they should be tilling the sol on western prairies and supporting their wives wres and educating their children t said he would take secre seem ary Sher shermana mans sinking fund ana and put it on public works and give back to thu the people if necessary ary the taken from them by stealthy resumption blount baid the secretary obe oue obeyed y pa thelah th the elaw flaw 1 i cannon kaid said in his country they cared for their poor and taa tan taxed 4 themselves for it they tey want yant lobo taxed for the poor in other states candler amendment was adopted lol iol to 61 and the committee iose rose rase hewitt sparks and foster were madea made a confer conference eilee ellee committee on ol the ar army my appropriation bill recess necess till evening washington II 11 there wpc wp a good deal of confusion this morn ing in id regard to the order of busine business Atkins aked whether I 1 in order to suspend the rule rules Q discharging tho committee of the whole from further consideration bf the sundry civil bill and put the bill on its passage the speaker answered that it would cox of new now york I 1 said fhe hie he fib I 1 vi would 0 uld filibuster against th the tho motion i finally the house we wenta n tinto vinto aiato committee of the whole on the eun dry civil appropriation bill r 1 A AMERICAN na ER 10 A lct wt washington s HINGTON lo 10 at 4 the potter putter committee examined timethy timothy grim mid fid ih clerk lu in the office of secretary of the senate senitte who aid bala he found by searching the files a paper authorizing thomas thomaa C anderson to act as messenger to bring tha Loul loui louisiana blana returns he produced a paper purporting to be sig big signed by all the electors elijah L manager of the washington atlantic and pacific telegraph office was the next witness butler examined him sharply upon his failure to bring an original look book showing the receipt and delivery 0 of r certain telegrams which vitti witness oss said he could not find butler said h be had bad some memorandums dums taken blom from another book in the office which he said wa was s the bo bok ak he wanted as it was the book into which the original pinal w was s co copied pled pied butler then asked for a certain message which witness bald said he b believed 8 had been eaten by rats rate as 1 hau bad been stored I 1 in n a closet along with ot other herold heroid old oid papers which were no not i considered valuable and which it wais was found had been largely destroyed by rats an amusing examination then followed which ended by butlers butler butier producing a cheek cheis mark of george buiani Du dunning nning aning dg night cerk of the company on february 1877 date of the messa message e butler had bad asked for bitne witness ss identified both check mark and telegram which butler had bad and ald nid bald baid t ald aid in answer ti to butler that he be did abt believe ho he butler stole the telegram ram rsm from the office butler then produced an dh answer to the first telegram which witness also said passed over his hia wires february 25 1877 to lieutenant general thomas L t moun Toun gand alfred D leei columbus ohio confidential at a conference of southern republican republicans southern rn i unionists and bouthern southern Bou theril whigs the following expressed their wishes wishes and aud what is best in their judgment tho the new era expected by tb the tho 1 inauguration inauguration augu ration of governor hases Hayes has already created gread great barino harmony wi between the ibb aforementioned elements they greatly desire lo 10 non sectionalize the party parly politics and remove the bitterness and jealous f le ies les of the races in the south as shadowed foreshadowed fore in hayes ietter lette of acceptance in order to effect this it is ne necessary I 1 to have a complete ch chanke change ange in the cabinet officers the faatu cal cau ial al national elements of the south by political I 1 a party creel creed are the old line whigs and jackson democrats it is thought that from this element it wa would u ld be wise wise and proper jer to fu make a cabinet of counselors from the south and southwest the following names are sugg suggested isted by this conference ex united states stites poole boole north caroline a native of that state an eminent nent lawyer and a moin moia moral christian gentleman his appointment would be conceded by our southern democratic friends to be an excellent one at the same ti time the republican betla senators tors while preferring West as their chief choice would be well satisfied with poole next the hon hou john hancock a native of alabama and raised in in texas a man of or character integrity and ably an ole eld jackson tc son union democrat who left bib hia ila native tive country to join the unit udit united ed states forces 0 to o conquer the rebellion next colonel it T of kansas kanbas city ads re representative v B manof manor man of the fouth a union coid soldier sold i e r from the great growing and rapidly growing southwest a thorough republican republic sni ani with experience as an editor and legislator 1 with extensive personal acquaintance throughout the south bouth with the people and their wants neli nell next it is ia thurbit thUg bie bit by many of our oft new and old friends that it be a wise and powerful policy for governor hayees to call to his cabinet council general joseph IS 8 johnson who was flir an old line whig reluctantly engaged in the southern rebellion always the opponent of jeff jett Da david and neglected by him next 1 we find that neither neithel governor 1 alcorn leorn nor senn sean senator hamilton 1 af pf f texas have any friends on either side bide if who IV ho ai are inclined to push puah their claims 5 on thie the ground of policy in other words they have been beell un to 0 both parties par pai ties next senator ken keti of tennessee an old union democrat is is discussed favorably by many and perhaps would aid as counselor in caping a wise policy for that section in cour conclusion lu sion bion as the great effort of the is to truly in heart harmonize the south take dway away sectionalism and bitter contest idest of races and build up a domi nant conservative party it is suggested that cabinet officers from the south Bouth and southwest be selected fro tro from in such men as ex sena tor poole of carolina john han texas oi or general joseph E johnson virginia and colonel B R T missouri hice rice govenor governor hayes and submit the above and ans aus answer by this line BOULDS baider BAKER secy columbus ohio feb 2 26 6 77 To I 1 Boulds baker secretary onre care bugbee washington your lengthy telegram was just received on my return here governor hayes is absent at fremont he cewill will return tonight to night a and no your telegram will be submitted to nim him s Si signed gued THOMAS L YOUNG cox I 1 do not see gee how that has any quy connection with the subject matter matten of bf this his investigation butler I 1 will supply thep ther connection before I 1 get through thomas JB roach clerk h in t the be appointment office of the post postoffice office department was called in r order lu to give information as to the appoint ment and payot pay of boulds baker as special agent betit but it seemed witness had not charge of the ne necessary cenary books and papers and that thid be did not know know anything about baker cox suggested that even if wl witness t had charge chargo of these books and papers hee hoe ho should not have been required to bring them butler why Cox Having been head bead of the department myself I 1 should have regarded it as a very great breach of duty if any subordinate took away any portion of the records without my own I 1 should justify the head of that department in doing eo so butler so should 1 I but I 1 should also justify a person subpoenaed to produce them in going to the head bead of that department and saying I 1 am summoned to produce such books and papers shall I 1 take them and go and if it the head of the department bald no then ihen I 1 should expect witness to come here and say gay I 1 have not bi ought the books because the head of the department told me that I 1 should not and the moment the head bead of the department sald said that there would be two courses open to the commit ee either to 0 o bend fiend forthe for fon the head of he the department or to bring him be ore thet tho houte for interfering 0 with ahe witness caw ll 11 bio sio 1 sed sad the tho idea that the books should u ibid te from hhorn the head bead of the department frederick B lilley from the lw department 3 next came forward with two books which edW to be not the ones required the witness states stated however that he knew baker as special agent firstin first in the spring of 1877 never saw him about the department before that time and baker went out of it about august 1877 these witnesses were directed to briba full evidence tomorrow to morrow regarding gardi tig the appointment of baker and also of george A howard formerly merl meri y assistant t secretary of the electoral commission adjourned SAN FRANCISCO lb 10 A carlin nev nov dispatch says adjutant general adamson Adam nevada is 11 here with arms and ammunition en route to tuscarora where he will organize a volunteer force for the of that part of the country indians hi having commenced depredations in the neighborhood bett sett settlers lers are seek refu refue refuge e at stations along the line IWO of th the central pacific the british bark athelston has his just arrived from newcastle she boa bearded tiled a japanese junk found d drifting in 40 deg north and 1 deg 44 min west those living were three sailors and one passenger but helpless all the others died of curvy scurvy 1 ex exposure and starvation theau the junk left the tho island of jesso 0 on a coasting voyage october and andaas was blown seaward by a gale on november was wag dismasted distasted dis masted feinne which time she has been drifting about the ocean NEW ORLEANS 11 A laredo special says A courier broca brought ht news yesterday to the effect t hat that col alegria and government troops attacked revolutionists under galza aijala at a placed called los lios padrones La diones drones 40 miles milts north of new laredo laa Ija redo and after a severe engagement completely routed them making many prisoners and capturing arms horses borses ete etc many are reported killed and wounded on both sides but details are wanting there was great rejoicing in new laredo on receipt of the news MACON ga gall gaii 11 during er near dawson Sund bund sunday pLy miss moore and mrs smith were killed by lightning and three others in jn the room were injured leavenworth IL last batur satur K t day gep washington one of the most prominent of the nez perces prisoners at fort leavenworth died of consumption he had for a number of years occupied the position of herald of chief Jose josephs plis councils and usually presided over their religious ceremony nearly every id indian dhan than in camp attended the funeral which was after the indian dhan than fashion it is expected that sub suh chief yellow bull Espo prather and Haza klutt will return 11 from the north about july istl PO E 11 dennis alias bucky donnelly Do of schuylkill county a molly maguire was wad hanged to dayl ilay for the mulder of thomas Sa sanger banger riger in 1875 washington 11 the committee inquiring into the alleged election frauds in louisiana and florida resumed its session today to day chairman potter had received a letter to stanley matthews accompanying the subpoena stating that it was liot not the desire of the committee to in any way with matthews duties as a senator and that there would be every disposition on the part of the committee to meet his convenience in respect to t his big time ilme of attendance at the suggestion of cox cos the whole subject was wab laid over for the present james E anderson supervisor of registration of east Felip lanu lahu parish la was wag recalled and questioned by cox relative to the appointment of his brother in the philadelphia customhouse custom aliouse witness stated that his brother was appointed by general smith appointment clerk in the treasury department and still retained his position by cox I 1 desire to ask you a few questions with reference to the original agre agreement between you and weber do you remember with clearness your meeting with weber about the time the original agreement was executed A I 1 do AEs A Es Is wn it ot truey as his a matter of aa act c that you only ach ech acknowledged that ht t paper before a notary and alid abt weber A it Is not Q did not some one after the was made write u the words and D A weber it at the end of the ac A no sir gir A after the ac wa waw was made was not the ciali namu name e of D B weber written chiae chereon 9 ul A no sir by rd beed did ever say to C any one that th the 1 ietter letter written by you to ri rahe herman aman was signed by A I 1 did not Q did you at a any n yi timo me say you hau had a letter to written by stoughton r A I 1 did not Q aanon among g the letters sent to the ne new york sun syn w lon july 2nd and which one of the bherman sh erman lutters letters was waa am h g the gumbei A the one ohe on the tho he |