Show i PERSONS wishing any information about land matters should ad dress T C bailey balley land agent salt lake city who can generally save settlers the exp eap expense ense of a trip to the land office information free iree stamp w 20 A ils only a cold 91 has foot thousands to premature graves stops up th avenues of the sy tem a d e must mua result neglected mot violent used to remove the obstruction taken timely a tow few dowes awes ot of tarrants seltzer ent will carry off naturally the cause of the suffer Euffer jug and save daddi mouths or even yelm years or of suffering SOLD br BY ALL DRUGGISTS SWEET swi SWE T ri mit mil chiw awarded highest prize at centennial exposition for foi ine cheling qualities and and ians lans tong ting char aar ade er of sweet sweetening sweeting ing and end adsa adAa flavoring the tho bet iver made mide aa As our oar blue bine strip trademark trade mark if Is closely lose iose on inferior goods see fee that am best w m VT 7 lug lag sold br by all dealers deelen send for h kee tee to e 0 A JACKSON jb A co lilt rt Peters petersburg burc burg V LOST nn FRIDAY june rth on the freight U ON train from bountiful 0 or between ha h depot andt and this office a GOLD goud CHASED ear BAR DROP the tilde flude will be b rewarded by leaving it at this ofilio tl 21 wo NOTICE f r HAVE in my one dun riun colored mare maue branded nik on left shoulder spanish brand on lefi left thigh black mane inane and tail which it not clemed claimed will be sold june sith at 1 at the th astray pound manti mantl sanpete county 0 T JENS HANSEN I 1 district june 13 h 1878 68 daw dew NOTICE T HAVE in my possession the following I 1 I 1 described animals one little mouse colored MULE abou 12 years old branded jun JUL and ri brand on left thigh and spanish brand on left shoulder it if not net claimed within 10 days will be sold on thursday june 2 at two 0 I 1 p m A M SLACK district june 10 daw NOTICE r HAVE in my assion the following L described a onsbay one bay MULU MULE 12 years old branded II 11 if combined on left thigh and illington glIT on left kit shoulder V one chestnut sorrel maer MAEE about 9 years ald aid branded 71 on lef left t hip hips his a colt with her one sorrel HORSE 4 years old roan 11 strips 1 1 down left shoulder Eh black spot on clr right 9 at hip white whit a face and bind feet ba baand ton left hip P ono one black MARE MAEE abacut 3 years old branded J jr r combined on left thigh horse COLT branded B H ou on iott loft thigh about a 4 years oldy old oid stripe la in face one black binck yearling horse COLT white in fore sorehead forehead bead branded ka ron kon on left hip one bay yearling horge horse COLT white on right richt hind bind toot oot cot branded X on right thigh one rt an MARE i 4 or 6 5 years 0 1 4 two hind bind feet and face white branded VIL VI on lert left thigh has a colt one bay HORSE lor goc 5 yean years old three white feet branded bran fled W on left thigh thighs has a lump on lett left JAW ono one no red about 5 er or 6 years ed old upper slope elope la in left ear car and under half crop in right brai brat ded dwi with wih brand wand on left hip also T with spanish brand on leit left ribs droop horns one dark nd STEER about 6 years old oid brown face crop and hole hoie in right earv ear under bult hulf crop la in ion left branded 0 6 0 on hip and ventson vented on leit shoulder two dew laps lapa cut down it the above are not claimed aud and away before saturday june sa 1878 bo soll at atio datray pound Poun dat at loam 10 am J district levan juab county utah june 1 1878 daw in tho matter 0 of the estate ot of ingabard erickson Erick son soD deceased LL persons having claims against the tho A ALL aln bald sad deceased are hereby required to exhibit them with the nece esary teary vouchers within ten months after efter date datel to either of us at our respective c tivo tive rest resi residences deuces dences in mill creek ward salt lake county and territory of utah JOHN F E CAROLINE ER N administrators ot of the estate Esta teof ot ingabard erickson deceased mill mih creek june 10 wit NOTICE elst quorum of seventies ihn members of the quorum of rhe I 1 seventies are requested to forward to the Secre secretary tary iary ol 01 the abl abi ve quorum immediately th ir full and anil complete also aleo their present places of residence by order of the council address eli A FOLLAND POLL AND secretary d I 1 w bt salt lake city EXECUTIVE NOTICE in the matter of the estate of eich bich aird jahnson dc ceased deceased OTICE is hereby given iven ivan that tho the N i received letters t from the pr bato bate court ot of malad county IT T to execute the last will of the I 1 late richard johnson andall andali and all nil parties baving having alms cairns 0 ald aid said must present them with the proper vouchers within 10 monias from date dato hereof to the undersign n ed at bis his nce lathe in the town of holden olden II county of millard tor wines wi nes esmy my hand at holden hoiden U UT T this this day of mav may A D 1678 WILLIAM W I 1 A M tro PRO BERT JB JR executor NOTICE T HAVE in my possess on I 1 one ode bay HOUSE about six eix years old white bite face faco lame in right shoulder shou shob ider lder branded resembling L M on left th gh one roan CALF about 6 maths m mabs old no ma maks ka or brads visible sible if I 1 the above are not will bo be sold en on thursday thuri day june 1 oth ath b 1878 at ten a 9 m at iho tho estra pound in this city NA josrph HORN it Ds district triet S L city june lith 1878 daw NOTICE r HAVE in my possession possess foa loa one red and white COW 7 or 8 years od old braud cdon edon on right hip jj als ais G on thigh oc oft left ear one roan and ras ray cray yearling yearline COLT brand bi and resembling or gr on left lert hip one baya bay 2 year old MARE MAKE branded letl left thigh V white strip in face one on sorg sort borei sorel borel elg ell yearling horse COLT on iott left birb e if sald bald animals are not claimed they be sold june soth 18 1878 8 at 8 9 a in at my cor rat rai L A balley BAILEY district pound keeper nephi juab Co jono Juno 10 NOTICE T HAVE in my possession pos I 1 one roan BULL DULL 18 months od dd otle one dark red rots 8 r IS 18 months old one white teer 18 months old one re ro 1 and white H UK elfer eifer feb FER 2 years old one brindle and white while heiber beiter I 1 18 months old one roan HEIFER 18 months old one red STEER with line back bacic 3 years 61 old oid d one red null BULL with spot in forehead 18 in nabs old toe above tock stock took if it not claimed and taken away before satu satui day june 1878 will b sold to the highest bidder at parowan carowan pound at 10 a 8 m JAMES J ADAMS district pound keeper r karnwan Par owan nwan iron county june dw w IES les NOTICE HAVE in my possession I 1 ons one ted rod COW COWS 3 or 4 years old oid emall hite white spot apo t in forehead fore hrad brad brand resembling pi djoi 0 j right hp also aleo resemy lug A al L on ris bt ht t ide under slit in each ear has a calf with her one red COW 3 or 4 years old oid hole bole in right richt ar ha 0 and andert it in left ear car brand resembling resemy ang ing KD RV on lest lett hip has lias calf with be ber her one dark akred red ned COW 4 or 6 years old oid crop off left iest crop and in right ear car branded W on left hip has calf with her one black and white HE HEIFER helfer I 1 FER 3 or crl orl 4 years om old white in face white strip neck white belly aud and nank bank 9 white spot on rump white ring around tail tall branded b n d on eft side ft of neck meek A V on left hip brand J 1 en on ert ett eft born one red I 1 lor or I 1 3 ye rs old in left ear brand resembling ja com eom baled bli bir blied ed on left jef t hip laic combined on right bip hip one red brindle HEIFER 1 I or 3 2 years old crop off right small swallow tork fork and in left ear branded V on left ribs ill iii illegible sible gible brand rn left tb moulder one red rod about 2 ymara yeara old bran I 1 ed r on left hip crop ald in left ear silt slit in right ear also U H right bide side if it not claimed ibe ine above will be sold bold at the pound at moroni co june juno IS 12 1878 at I 1 10 0 a TO jos jom L JOLLEY district pound round keeper city jono juno 8 lead CHESTER mm ARMS tim COM A ja alfa zalo ufa ivoun lih flon TION IN PRICES sweety agist model 63 model 73 model 78 sporting rifle kinc octagon barrel 23 27 35 69 c t 23 S 87 27 3 an ra round bound cc 22 23 25 32 00 carbine 20 24 27 every T variety of metallic ammunition at lowest market rett S E 29 1 for FOB ean winchester repealing repeating arms anns co NEW HAVEN CONN or 21 24 BROADWAY NEW MEW tork wa OSBORNE harvesting MACHINES W 4 ltv toc 1 A A f 1 aa L these justly celebrated harvesters are avain again in to the tiel flen I 1 and offered to the farm farmers of 0 utah with th tb as assurance urance that the enviable rt acord cord they hare won il 14 bo be fu fully sully lly liy Eu stained the coming season they embrace all the latest improvements and are suitable for every condition of crop or surface 0 11 E etl EIL R R 1 asto T 0 6 Is acknowledged to to be betha botha best combined REAPER AND MOWER in tho the territory 0 9 vj fuk 1 F I 1 universally a favorite reever it known THE F 0 OSBORNE SELF keind BINDER F R Is a perfect success rod bod la Is onrod on red rod with the greatest fi confidence it does the work ot and bud bidding EO satisfactorily and eo well that farmers will flanly buy it and consider the pur pun clause urice urlce lle nie lie they ever made in harvesting MACHINERY THE COATES SULKY tar rake BAKE the simplest and best in use for particulars call on or address 3 A JJOHNSON JJOHNSON flaw salt balt lake city TH THE mm DORN denim ml TOBACCO COMPAINS hi casa eoga 1 this 16 ounce army pound is marked into 16 equal quai spaces li 11 x li each space representing an ounce it being justly divided the consumer is satisfied with his allott ment meni I 1 and the retailer janows that he has given neither too much nor too little as he is liable to do where the lump is not so marked this lump also renders it unnecessary for the retailer to have more than one package of tobacco open at a time as he can accurately cut any size lump needed from a 12 ounce lump down to a single 0 thick pocket piece it is the only plug of tobacco marked for the benefit beile helle fit of the dealer and consumer all others marked with tin wood leather or other tags or in any other manner are ara so ly ay for the benefit of th the manufacturer it saves interest as a single package C gives the dealer the sizes he requires it is not necessary to keep six or eight open at a time as is usually the case the manufacturer is able to make a better chew in a pound lump than in a smaller one for forthe the same saine money ko no loss can accrue from froin change of styles or variation in hi pricel prices most dealers know by bitter perince ex how great an advantage tage this is it is manufactured with the utmost cam care and each plug ping is perfect in chew and style for sale by all wholesale de dealers alers |