Show Beware aware o of Worn Out u Cars ars r r q iS i rI r- r I r S z S 1 l ln n 1 1 r r 1 1 r 0 r r wr r. n 1 r- r r II has been beon said aid that the proper i place tor an n antique is in the home and that a car like a dollar bill be retired from rom circulation before it Ills is down to the last shred That many automobiles ire re failing to heed such sound adIce advice ad advice vice Ice is shown b by the great number of ot motor vehicles that are tre found to tobe tobe tobe be in poor mechanical c condition they are subjected to testa tests Figures on the Inspection of automobiles au as gathered l hy by y the Travelers Travel ers Insurance Company indicate that three out of ot every ery four cars examined are in poor or even bad mechanical condition Such show that 29 per cent of or th the tha cars require brake replacements o adjustments that tires are in fair 0 or poor condition on 56 per cent of or the cars ear and that car lamps require rEplacement replacement replacement re re- re placement or r adjustments in 63 pc per pcr percent cent of the vehicles Testing the mechanical con ll on of cars seems to be necessary because ot of the apparent unwillingness of f owners to keep their cars In sa sau e operating condition In an emergency emergency enc ency the good condition of brakes tires tIre and other safety appliances may be the only onh difference between een a serious and a minor accident Batter Better Better Bet Bat ter too much vigilance than a lifetime lifetime life life- time of or regret |