Show SOCIETY H Visitors Mr and Mrs Airs Harry Sprouse Mr and Mrs Joe Moysh and Mr and AIns Mm Axel Birch of Roosevelt lt were visitors at the home of Mr Air and Mrs Airs Roy A A. A and Mrs Airs Guy J J. J Hollenbeck last Sa- Sa sa-I sa Supper Party Mr Air and Mrs Airs J. J E. E Nelson entertained entertained en en- I Friday evening ng at a supper supper supper sup sup- per party the tha delicious delic delic- delicious ious supper the guests enjoyed contract Guests were Mr Air and Mrs Harvey DY Dyer r Mr and Mrs Arthur Brown Mrs Airs Ernest Schon SChon- ian inn Mr and Mrs Roy A. A Schon Schon- ian Mrs Nina Burger and Air Mr r. r and Mrs Airs George Georg C. C Kohl Contract Club Mrs Roy A. A entertained entertained entertained enter enter- members and guests of the Saturday Contract dub Club at her home homa last week Present were Mrs Airs R R. R M AI Pope Mrs Airs Nellie Muir Aluir Mrs Airs J J. J E. E Nelson Mrs Lawrence Pack Mrs W. W D. D Bishop Mrs Airs George Gcorge C. C Kohl KoW Mrs Charles H. H Selch Mrs Ernest S an Mrs Harvey Dyer Mrs Airs Nina Burger and Mrs Airs Arthur Brown Wednesday Club Mrs Airs George C. C Kohl entertained the Wednesday bridge club at her home this week with th the following following follow follow- ing lag present Mrs Airs W. W D D. D Bishop Mrs J J. J R. R McGuire Mrs Airs Harvey Dyer Mrs Airs Lawrence Pack Mrs Airs Ed Wilkins Mrs Airs O. O A A. Halstead Mrs Airs Jack Young Mrs J J. J E. E Nelson Nelson Nelson Nel Nel- son Mrs Lynn Bennett Mrs Airs Nina Burger and Airs Ed H Hart High scone score prize was won tivon by Mrs Airs Bur Bur- ger Travel prize went to Mrs Airs Pack Guests Guests at the ithe Lotus Fisher home I last we week c were Miss Calista Colton Col- Col I Col-I ColIton ton Mr Air E. E J J. J Young Sr Mr S S.D. S. S I D. D Young and Mr Maeser Young of Salt Lake City and Mrs Airs Erma Y Colton of Vernal Four generations generations generations gener gener- of too this Colton family w were ware re represented Sanny small daughter daught daught- er of the Fishers her mother Mary Colton Fisher her grandmother grandmother grandmother grand grand- mother Mrs Airs Erma Enna Colton and her r great grandfather Mr Air E. E J. J Colton Sr Mothers' Mothers Club Members of th the tha J Mothers' Mothers club w were re entertained at the home of Mrs Margie Peterson last Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- Thurs Thurs- day evening with Mrs Airs Luella uella Powell assisting Mrs C. C H. H Selch gave a review of the book Euthenics dealing dealing- with the influence influence influence in in- I fluence of environment by Ellen I Richards Members Membern present were Mrs Airs Selch Mrs Alice Baker Mrs Airs Ferni Fern F. F Mrs Frances France Hair Mrs Airs Alice Allee Hansen Hanson Mrs Leda Law Mrs Alta Mrs Fern Merrell rrell Mrs Verda Moore Mrs Carma SaC r Mrs Airs Beatrice Thomas Mrs Airs Vail White Mrs Vivian Wilkins Mrs J Jean an Hoopes Mrs Edna Smith Mrs Elva Bennion Bennion Bennion Ben- Ben nion Mrs George Tingley Mrs Airs Mildred Carman and the hostess hostess- es |