Show So Red The Rose A Dramatic Romance This of a widely read novel is in its entertainment entertainment entertainment entertain entertain- ment conception manner of ot narration nar nar- narration ration and audience appeal Es Es- Essentially it is a dramatic romance the background for which is the tragic turmoil of the Civil War and the way in which that strife wrecked the lives and fortunes fortune of ofa a proud old Southern family Practically it at t is three stories in one One chapter deals with the romance between the hero and heroine roine the second with the famEly famIly family fam fam- ily Ely h head ad as its symbol details the tho reaction of the South to the war and ana the third is iq a heart touching portrayal of the Ule courage fortitude fortitude forti forti- tude faith and sacrifice with wJ which ch the women of the South met and combated the trie challenge of war While the menace of war at atmospheres atmospheres at- at all action it is not actually actually actually ac ac- a a. war picture inasmuch as n the scenes of combat are arc but few yet their potent menace always makes for complete and understandable understandable understandable under under- illusion The leading players in So Red The arc are Margaret Sullivan Randolph Scott and Walter Connolly Con Con- nolly It rt will come eom to the Cozy theatre Wednesday and Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day April 8 and 9 |