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Show X i THE BOX ELDER NEWS ADVERTISING Tbe News reaches all parts of Box Elder t ouuty, sod as au adtertisms medium la unsurpassed. Bateson application. JOB PRINTING Tho Nbws Job Office is one of the best equipped in the state. All kinds of printing ueatly and promptly executed. . Devoted to no Party or Faction But Just to All, VOLUME X. BRIGHAM CITY, BOX ELDER COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1905. Personal Mention. A POINTER. our Celebrated Ball Bearing XX Acme Washer, It does more work, better work, with less work than any washing machine on the market. Do not take our word for this, but call at our store and see the machine and be convinced for yourselves. You will also find that while It has no superior, It is not so expensive as other machines of this class. . STOPPED AN ELOPEMENT. GOODWIN Referee .Sheriff of Box Elder, With Ogden Officers Interferes With Brigham Love EXONERATES Finds no Proof Social Success. Affairs. We have a full line of choice Valentines Come in and see them. Prices from 01c to $2. FINE FRUIT est an action in the First judicial district court. The evidence, in the Gorinne Monday on business. opinion of the referee, did not sustain Hyrum Jensen of Bear River the charge. S. L. Herald. City visited Brigham last week. Business Growth. Jacob Hansen of Bear River We were compelled to take Gut the City was seen on our streets Satcity and county directory in order to room make for tbe immense amount urday. of news gathered during the past Bishop John Larson of Garland week The directory will be paid Brigham City a visit Satnext week and if business keeps as it has done for the past two or urday. up three months we will enlarge our paMiss Hannah Brunker of Wilper by cutting out the patent iDslde lard was visiting in town last Satand printing six pages home print. 21 Acres, 2,300 Christensen Full Ind. Water Rights. Knudson. & On sheltered Springvllle, town. FOR RENT! UEaEt-aa!.- 1 Art Gallery Compton's .A. W. COMPTON, the very-bod- Commissioners. The Bank of Brigham City . - i Gar Load of&r NAILS and BARBED WIRE g CHRISTENSEN KNUDSON. - s, high-grad- ( HAIM C- - satsfactory.U FURNITURE CO.:: High torney was refused. MOTTO' ROWING, NOT DRIFTING. The application of J. F. Christensen supervisor of Elwood for $75.00 to The High School students have made road for a good record during the first half-ye- pay wasgraveling road on Deweyvllle granted. which has just passed, and It is Hill Tbe clerk was authorized to pur their aim to make the remaining half-yeof the school work even more suc- cbaBe a new desk and cabinet. cessful. The able instructors are J. A franchise was granted tbe IndeS. Bingham and George N. SoreoBen. pendent Telephone company to put up Miss Nellie Barnard spent Saturda; poles on any highway In the county. and Sunday at ber borne in Norti Upon request of E. R. Chase, S. F. ward. Thompson was allowed $10 00 Because of having to undergo treat- montn to aid In the support of ment for ber eyes, Miss Ellen Wheat-le- family. of Deweyvllle. was obliged to disThe application of Tremont Liquor continue as a High School student. Co. for liquor license at Tremont was e Tenth-gradstudents have The granted. the study of Shakespeares MerC, W, Goodliffe, representing the to chant of Venice which promises Box Elder Paper Co. asked that, tbe be very Interesting. county priutiog be given to him. George Zundel of this city is making Tbe return of the election held at as an Eleventh an enviable record Tremonton Feb. 1st to determine the grade student. It would be well for question of incorporating the city was others to emulate his example. duly canvassed and the result show Monday, Feb. 8th, the Ninth-grad- e for and 33 against incoi porat-lnstudents were given a written review 49 votes J. Otto Pitt for mayor 43, for in algebra. We have had a number John Shumao 49, L. D. of unexpected reviews recently, there- councilmen 48, G. M. Winzeler 49. Samuel Haws Be motto we the have adopted fore, For E. M. Wvatt 49. ye prepared, for ye know not when the Scbreock49, Meldrura 34, for justice F. marshal, quiz cometh. of tbe peace, Fred Nlhart 49, for restudents have com- corder, The Tenth-grad- e E. G. Porter 49, for treasurer, pleted the study of zoology and have J. C. Gates 49. begun the study of botany. The text John R. Horspool was appointed books being used are GrayH Lessons of South Calls Fort In Botany and Bergen's Rocky road supervisor Nets Anderson was appointed road R. L. Mountain Botany supervisor lor Mantua, Feb, 8, 1905. To My Valentine: Time was I lived folorn, alone, Yet deemed my heart was all my own. You came with eyes divinely fair, Now' in my heart I have no share. For you it beats it you adores, Your name is there it must be yours. Yalentinely yours, Wynn L. Eddy. At The Eddy Drug Store, WYNN L EDDY, Prescription Druggist,- - OUR STOCK 1 ar ar be-gu- g. omen Baby Carriages has just arrived for the spring trade A large stock to select from It will pay you to see '"Our Carriages2 and get Our Prices2 before buying. X WITH The Bank of Brigham Gty, Brigham City, Utah. & DUMBECK, QARTHEY PLUMBING. ELEPHONE 92. -T- 219 LORENZO N - - Salt - State St STOHL JOSEPH AGENTS FOB- gaaBMBSg sxaagan - Room 22- Telephono No. 22 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDINC. THE BANK OF BRIGHAM CITY CAPITAL $50,000.00, The Oldest and Strongest Bank In Box Elder County. Accounts and Correspondence Solicited, All business given prompt attention J. M. Jenson, President. Homer J. Rich, Cashier DO YOU WANT Homestead Entries and proofs; To buy or sell Real Estate; Titles examined and conveyed, Reliable legal work; IF SO CONSULT FRED J. HOLTON- Utah, Brigham City, Dr. L. H. Harding Dr. L. H. Berg DENTISTS WIDERBORG BLOCK, Brigham City, - Utah. Sugar Beet Land For Sale. in whole or In part, located one and miles north of the Garland Sugar factory. For In100 acres one-ha- lf formation call on PAUL STARK, Brigham If you dont buy HAMILTON you UTAH. STOHL AT HOME. INSURE dont buy N.-- L. J-- We Guarantee TREMONTON, N Continental Life In surance Co of Utah S0LDby Stohl Bros. Furniture Co. Lake City. Utah STOHL BROTHERS. HAVE JUST RECEIVES L. HANSEN Brigham, CALL OR WRITE Home Industry, In speaking of home industry, the Brighaiu Llty Laundry should not tie overlooked. This institution was started about a jear and a half ago by a blight young woman without resources, other than pluck and energy. She did such excellent work that she was soon compelled to hlie help to BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH take care of it. A bout a year ago she married and since that time her husband has been In charge of the business At present there are five peo- THE INDEPENDENT FIRE ple employed, and several hundred INSURANCE AGENCY OF dollars worth of machinery has been Installed. Steam power was put in a BOX ELDER COUNTY, short time ago, and electric irons are used. A great deal of money that was heretofore sent out of town, Is kept at The very best Insurance at consishome by patronizing this worthy en- tent rates. Not too low this year and terprise. too high next not too anything-ju- st To or Is call write right. convincing. - wc OGDEN, UTAH FARM LOANS Proprietor... d Snow-vill- to right parties. can furnish detailed information. rlnqulre at It was found impossible to arrange In 1 he and rount tbe votes until Legislature. y result will be published later E Some guessing has been inpresent , both maskers and spectators, enjoyed the affair very much. dulged in as to why Representative Fishburn had withdrawn H. A number of people came in from B. No. 53, providing for the reGarland to attend the masquerade. gulation of municipal elections. County sell on time, with half down, COMPTON ART GALLERY Will be FOR RENT on MARCH 1st, 1905. The nicest EDWARD B. KIRK, location in Brigham City Comer 1st South and Main Sts. Lee & Dunn, to-da- y just east of one mile from Prefer to sell for cash; but will KBSBSga My Beautiful Suit of Rooms Over the d perfect work. tffF Price S12, returnable in 30 days if not bench Utah, Ground and Trees in first class condition. 0,980. A real bargain, - ( Bearing Trees, years old. We are informed that the reason for this is that Mr. Fishburn disThe Board of county commissioners covered that in its original form met in regular session Tuesday Febru- it failed to cover certain important ary 7th.- - All meuiteis present. points which he wished, to embody The application and bond of Theo in urday. it. Therefore it will be cord to at Auderson retail ire liquor ORGANIZEA HORTICULJohn K. Flint and J. M. Boothe was bond and rected to cover this additional Deweyvllle granted TURAL SOCIETY AT ONCE. of Honeyville were in town last approved. ground and subsequently reWe were surprised to read in the last Monday. Applications for position of gardener Mr. Fishburn is very issue of tbe Deseret Farmer that there LorenSo Jensen and John P. at couit house grounds presented by presented. Is no State Horticultural Assn io John McRoberts and Andrew Wetter-gaar- sanguine as to its reception in Utah. This Is a woful lack of enter- Jeppesen of Mantua were in town were deferred. the house. Missionary Experience. prise. No wonder Utah Is discrimi- Saturday. cf James Qoll as conA letter from Elder Chris Simon-seResignation nated against In the matter of freight H. B. No, 96 by Panter, is an act of Willard gave stable of Malad precinct, and recomUlrich Stauffer who Is laboring In the Aalborg be and express ratps It would just the News office a mendation that George N. Smith be to require the county commissioners Conference In Denmark conveys call as unreasonable for a disorganized pleasant appointed was not passed upon. to iurnish justices of the peace of the pleasing Information that be enarmy of men, each for himself alone, Saturday. E. Communication from J. joyed a delightful trip across the Lynch their to go out and fight the enemy. The H. P. Thorsen of Bear River relative to claim of Dr. Lynch for ty- the lawsrespective counties, copies of Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea enacted only possible result of such a campaign the Inby Legislature was and is now enjoying good health. He would be defeat, provided the enemy City was in town on business last phoid Investigation, Ifclerk its various sessions. This act pro- relates one of his experiences, that of at another claim to structed that reply was organized; and that Is Just the is filed the matter will be vides that session copies shall be pro- listening to a debate between ten Men that Szturday. situation with commerce. of D. Garland Galvin vided justices of the peace, free of Moimon Elders, and ten Protestant Mayfield our fruit dealers do business with aie Mormons Communication from Myron J. Ministers. The bad iecelv-ethoroughly organized, and also our was seen on our streets one day Richards relative to the cost of addi- cost, just as soon as they shall have a challerige from the Ministers and been competitors are thoroughly organized. ast week. was and to of bound. referred tional right it happened that Andrew Jensen, printed way What headway then can we hope to with power to act. Assistant Historian of the Church, Oliver L. Wilcox of Garland Coramr. Hart, We No. make without a united effort? 98 is H. an act B, by Kinney were of was visiting In that neighborhood, officers preReports county are glad the Deseret Farmer has raised pent three days in Brigham sented Section Revised amend the of and and upon him fell the labor of defendto 32j2 approved. timethe point. It is a vital one and Valentine reported that a Statutes of 1898, relating to executions ing the Gospel. Elder Simonsen says Coinmr. this week. an ly. With the assistance of such of way on east side of Bear River, and the time in which same that the Information brought out DR. RICH FITTING UP Martin L. Hunsakerof Elwood right Influential journal as the aforesaid may issue; the Corinne and Bear River between gave him a clearer Insight into the it reads as follows; . The party in beauties of the Gospel NEW OFFICES. Deseret Farmer, our horticulturists attended priesthood meeting here road, would cost about $1200. than he had should be able to organize a society Commr. Hart reported that he had whose favor judgment is given may ever bad before. He send9 Hllsen For the benefit of his patrons and second In strength to none in .the Saturday. to Jet Nelsen instructed Alma the all his to friends at home, and asks friends Dr. Rich is fitting up a beauti- west. John L, Edwards of Willard Wilson family of Bear River city have at any time witnin 8 years after the for their faith and prayers in his bedate of entry thereof have a writ of ful ground floor office in the old post meetPriesthood some were attend to was which half. absolutely the supplies Hansen up carries Edward L. office building which he will occupy execution issued for its endorsement; necessary. in the near future. This would seem to famous Tennent shoe that took ing Saturday. The reason the First National The Salt Creek bridge must be fixed either in the county in which said us to be a most praiseworthy move, the J. C. and Andrew Madsen of at once, and the clerk was Instructed judgment was given or in any county Bank continues to grow is beat the St. Louis medal gold for of all classes tbe sick should not be tfHoneyville were in Brigham City to advertise for bids for constructing in which transcript thereof has been cause its stockholders are comcompelled to climb stairs, many being Fair. the bridge. last Saturday. the office of the posed of money lenders not borunable to do so. The doctor has seThe following deputy assessors were filed and docketed inCourt UTAHNAHOTEL cured very commodious apartments . rowers. John G. Wheatley the Honey- appointed at a salary to exceed clerk of the District not In the residence of E. W. Dunn where in Brigham on $2.o0perday: Alfred Ward, Willard; ville was merchant The one place for comfort, elegince he will reside and have a night office. John Finn. Union; J. A. Woodworth, Excellent meals business Saturday. and convenience. Corinne; P. M. Iverson, Bear River served at 25c and 50c. famwife and Leslie Watkins, City; II. M. Holler, Garland; H. B lorgensen Orchestra Concert. relatives are Coles, of Promontory and!Rawlins;Frank visiting ily Logan, Lack of space In this issue prohibits If you don't buy shoes of Peck, Fielding, C W. Robbins, in Brigham this week. a more extended report of the JorgenWilliam Ball, Kelton; A. E. sen Orchestra Concert at Willard last i Peter M. Hansen of Elwood Zundel, Plymouth; William Lind, N. Monday evening. We are assured by j was over to attend Priesthood Junction; John E Montgomery, Yost penple who were present that it was and Clear creek; N. C. Jeppesen, Man you don't buy shoes rlgh meeting last Saturday. a veritable treat. We shall give an' tua; John Standing, Collmston and We Guarantee Every Pair. extended criticism In next issue. A Peter A. Ne'oeker and b. N. Beaver Dam. Miss Ella Box was apdeputy In the assessors office. Cook of Willard were in town pointed Amellatiraehl was appointed deputy Saturday on business. county clerk for three months. On motion of Commr. Hart, which was Seymour L. Miller and 4 seconded by Commr. Jones, the appliTHE "19 00" WASHER M. of Penrose were Miller liam cation of County Clerk Valentine to ItmV ma- . efficient most and visitors easiest have Miss Maud Jensen appointed as Saturday. Simplest, Brigham COME AND SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY chine for washing ever invented. assistant in his office was rejected, of Rosette, Jonathan Campbell and the appointment of J, W. Hanson The 1900 Washer is a thoroughly prac- OUR PRICES ARE THE VERY LOWEST. Utah passed through Brigham as deputy was ratified. machine for washing all tical Idaho to his the kinds and grades of materials, from Dr. E. A, Rich was appointed counway to Tuesday on & finest lace to tbe coarsest fabrics. It Is con- look after his sheep interests. ty physician revolves structed on scientific principles. It T- R Thomas was appointed janitor Mr. E. R. Sherman and Mr. A' which renders the rotary on at the court house. e in a movement as easy as the wheels of Goss, of Tremonton were J. Louise Ingram was appointed depuwash bicycle. The 1900 washer will Brigham City last Thursday and ty county recorder, and Lizzie Nebe-ke- r any garment without boiling, without scruband Lou Horsley assistants in the Friday. bing and without wear and tear. There is absolutely no need of using recorders office, all for two months. do to any chemicals. Soap and water are the only necessary things Application for deputy county atSchool Notes- 8 labor-savin- ORCHARD, one-thir- visiting relatives here this week. - FARM COMMERCIAL s, in MAN- Edward B. Kirk of Ogden has for sale: s, THE BOX ELDER NEWS HONORED, Champerty. Mr. and Mrs. Junius Watkins By far the most original and among Special Referee George F. Goodwin, who was appointed by the supreme of Li gan are visiting relatives m the neatest of the costumes, was that worn by Mrs. T. M. Edwards of Garcourt to investigate charges aain-.- t this city. land, representing The Box Elder Rtoy H, Joues, an attorney of Box ElHon. J. D. Peters and wife and News. It was very tastefully created der county, made his report to the court yesterday. In it he exonerates Mrs. Oleen N . Stohl went to Salt Lake out of material which had been run Jone9 of forgery aud champerty. Sev- City throngh our printing press at the time Tuesday. our last paper was issued, and coneral allegations were made against Jacob Jeppson of Teton City, tained about fifteen loipiessions of Jones, hut at or before the hearing all News. This is the first occasion upon of them were withdrawn except these Idaho, is visiting in this city with which our paper has been thus adorned two relatives and friends. by a beautiful woman. We hasten to The referee found nothing to sustain our appreciation of the comexpress Petersen Mantua of was J. F. the accusation that Jones bad been thus paid us by this estimpliment The specifications in Brigham Saturday. guilty of forgery. able lady. in the charge of champerty averred Winners of prizes were not desigGeorge Harper of Honey ville nated that Jones bad entered into a contract last evening for the reason that with one L. H. Berg to continue from was down last Saturday. so many votes were cast in favor of a corrupt motive of passion and interH. L. Steed was over from such a great number of costumes that Sheriff Josephson of Box Elder county returned to Brigham City last night taking with him Frauk Sparks, for whom he had been looking for two days. Sparks was arrested on a charge of housebreaking but it Is generally understood that another more serious reason for his arrest and return to Brigham City existed. This other matter had to do with enticing away from her home a girl belonging to a well known Brigham City family. This girl came to Ogden Saturday and the sheriff had knowledge that she came to Ogden In response to a letter from Sparks. On her arrival In this city she was met by a Greek who took her to a house near tbe corner of Twenty-fift- h and Grant avenue. Sheriff Josephson and Police Officer Morrissey followed tbe couple and when tho Greek came awav they arrested him. Heimmediatedly explained that lie was acting for George Kakos, (mother Greek, who had gooe to Salt L ike The sheriff was after Sparks and learned that Kakos knew where Sparks was biding. He placed the first Greek in custody ana Saturday night went to Salt Lake where be located Kakos and yesterday hrought him hack to Ogden. He promptly showed Officer Morrissey where Sparks o mid be found and the officer made tbe arrest. Sheriff Josephson, Sparks and tbe girl all returned last night to Brigham City. Tbe particular charge on which Sparks arrest Is based was that he entered the room of a private house in Brigham and got away with a pair of shoes, but the officers believe that they stopped an elopement, and saved tbe girl from committing a serious mistake. They refuse to give the young womans name. S. L. Herald. The foregolDg Is a reasonably correct version of the affair; as nearly correct as Is necessary at this time. In connection with this matter we take occasion to commend Sheriff Josephson for the masterful detective woikdoneby him in tbe case. We made the remark once before that when the sheriff goes after a man be stays with It until he gets him, and we reiterate the statement now. TO THE RIGHT DAY. rs Mr. and Mrs, Carlos Holst are of Forgery ST. VALENTINES nounced a success by. all who attended. It was a motley crowd of merry-makegathered in quest of an evenings diversion and entertainment, There were representatives from all quarters of tbe globe kings, courtiers convicts, slaves, Indians negroes, clowns, weary willies, and aho a number of fine ladles, dancing girls and flower girls; there old maids, farmers, cowwere nur-eboys, rough-ridernight, day, sky, stars and stripes, winter, summer and many other characters too numerous to mem ion. The crowd wa9 exceptionally quiet and orderly for such an There were immense aggregation. fully 500 people in the hall, of them being masked. There was no attempt to elaborate costumes, but there were a number that were well gotten up and very pretty. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hadley went to Salt Lake Sunday. Mrs, Geo. Gidney returned home from Ogden Saturday. Oluf Jensen of Bear River City was over last week. Chris Jensen of Mantua was the city Saturday, JONES. Bank Building.- - AN OPPORTUNITY The mask and charater ball at tbe Academy of Music last night was pro- City, Monday. Stohl Furniture Co., First National A Brilliant State Auditor Edwards was up Sunday, John Pingree of Ogden was here Sunday. Judge W. W. Maughan was in town Tuesday. Dr, L, H. Berg visited Salt Lake City Tuesday . Bishop Stohl went to Salt Lake Dont buy a Washing Machine until you have examined NUMBER 43. tity, Utah. shoes made by BROWN shoes right. HANSEN Every Pair.. WANTED. Hides, pelts and furs. Highest cash pr;ce will be paid on delivery Apply to my residence Just, north of the Tannery, 4th ward. fiO FRED HILLMAN, |