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Show 3k bishop owes health life to and . 'Mortgage Lifter- re 1111 l'eciien ears from a COrn Srow" ln unty, Iowa. They wereptaattomie sent to the world labeled "Mortgage Lifters. They certainly measure up to this name. The smallest of the three ears Is 13 faehes long and 2 inches in diameter. pe-ru-n- a. Ministers of All Denominations Join In Recommending to Pe-ru-- na the People. Public speaking especially exposes throat and bronchial tubes to catarrhal affections. as.se Breathing the air of crowded and the necessary exposure to ht air which many preachers must makes catarrh especiaUy prevalent among their class. Pernna has become justly popular among them. the the , i On it are 900 grains of rich yellow corn, distributed in fourteen rows. On the largest ear there are 1,000 grains in sixteen longitudinal rows. The three ears weigh five pounds, and would piowJe a hearty meal for a hoise. Placed beside one of these big golden ears an ordinary ear of corn looks like a nubbin, such as is passed over and left in the shuck at a husking bee. Though ni.inj banks have failed in Iowa recently, this photograph certain ly is proof that the coin crop has not fulid. New York World. g The Friends of 3shop L.fi. Halsey. FATHER Despite the prejudn.es of the medical profession against proprietary medicines, the clergy have always maintained a strong confidence and friendship for Peruna. 1 hey have discovered by personal experience that leruna does all that is claimed for it. The Bishops Strong Tribute to Pe-ru-n- a. L. H. Halsey, Bishop C. ME. Church, Atlanta, Ga., writes: I have found Peruna to be a great remedy for catarrh. I have suffered with this terrible disease for more than twenty years, until bince I have been using Peruna, which has relieved me of the trouble. I have tried many remedies and spent a great deal of money for them, but I found nothing so effectual In the cure of catarrh as the great medicine, Peruna. feel sure that Peruna Is not only a triumph of medical science, but It Is also a blessing to suffering humanity. Every individual who suffers with respiratory diseases will find Peruna L. H. Halsey, Bp. C. M. E. Church. a magnificent and sovereign remedy. hard-earne- Peruna is the most prompt and sure for catarrh that can be taken. Many a preacher has been able to meet bis engagements only because be keeps on hand a bottle of Peruna, ready to meet any emergency that may arise. remedy An Ohio Fruit Raiser, 78 Years Old, Cured of a Terrible Case After Ten Years of Suffering. Sidney Justus, fruit dealer, of Mentor, Ohio, says: I was cured by Doans Kidney Fills of a severe case of kidney trouble, of or ten eight years standing. I suffered the most severe backache and other pains in the region of d We have on file many letters of recommendation like the one given above. We can give our readers only a slight glimpse of the vast nnmber of grate- ful letters Dr. Hartman is constantly re- ceiving, in praise of his famous catarrh remedy, Peruna. MOUNTAINEER Despite NOT SHARP ENOUGH All Precautions, Daughters Love and Elope. At Port Chester, x Y' , there is a wealthy fanner named Chailes Adams whose daughters have not the slightest trouble in finding husbands despite the fact that their father is notoriously opposed to their meeting any eligible young men Two years ago the oldest of the daughters slipped out and eloped with her lover, to the surprise and consternation of the stern parent, who tightened his watch on the girls and vowed that no other one of his daughters should be wed for a while yet. But last year another daughter did likewise. Papa Adams said things and watched Sadie, the youngest, like a hawk. Night and day he was within hearing distance of her and nev ? did be allow her to go to town without his acNo companying her as an escort. young man of the countryside was going to fool him and get Sadie. But while he was watching carefully these young men he neglected to watch Walter Washburne, the overseer of his farm Sadie and Walter managed to fall in love without exciting parental suspicion, and the other day Walter hitched up and drove Sadie to town, where they were married. Now Papa Adams is quite convinced of the truth of the old adage to the effect that love will triumph despite all. I Esparto Grass. NO BETTER ONES CAN BE MADE kidneys. Sarcasm of the Wife Not Wasted on the Delinquent Husband. Sarcasm loses nothing by awaiting the psychological moment for Its Also it oftentimes is most d fraught with the sharpness of a sword when it is contained ln a simple statement of fact. A husband given to periodical looks upon the cocktail when It contains a cherry, his glance at such times dwelling thereon for two or three successive days without interruption, arose one morning recently with a head out of all proportion to his hat measure, and a throat that felt like a limekiln. No explanation was needed when he told his wife he was going cut for a moment to get rid of tile olive green taste in his mouth; he would be back right away. All she said was: Bring a steak home with you for breakfasL He went to a cocktail dispensary and got his brace. As he was going out he met a friend, who told him he would feel better if he had another. He did feel better, so much better that he was pievailed on further to improve the state of his physical and mental being by a third diving after a cherry. He did not see his home for $ two-edge- For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Avertable PrepnraUonfor I (NO DIPHTHERIA REMEDY CANKER Nslden-Jadso- NEVER FAILS Mix Salt Lake City, Utah. Drug Co., General Agents. n n WHATS THE USE OF SAYING GIVE ME A 5 CENT CIGAR. WHEN BY ASKING FOR A i t CREMO YOU GET THE BEST CIGAR IN AMERICA "Tha World', Largest Seller" TEA r''TvTNVvTTtT'HV,V'T,rn. Salzers Yonr jrroopr return your money If you don Uke Schilling Best. National Oats Greatest oat of the centnry. Yield'd in Ohio 17, in Mich In Mo ttknudlu N. Dakota 810 tu-- i per Acre. You coo beat that record In WQ5, i we mail yon free lota of farm seed Samples and our bi catalog. tell lag ail adoutthisoat wonder and j thousands of other seeds. JOHN A. SAUER SEED CO. La Cront, " 2SSS3 Reliable assays lr 1 1 Gold and 81 76 Gold HHver. Copper . LaO Acer Gold, Retorts and Klcb Ores Bought. Ooden ftssau Co. "JLfS.tStSKr Guaranteed SEEDS qnirltlT tree Oreoory a Catalogue. Son. Marblehead. Mas NEW PENSION LAWS Apply to NATHAN BMKl-OKD- , Washington 1. C. SENT free 814FSC, f Thompson's Eye Water w. N. U.. Salt Lake-N- o. TE- A- A good deal depends on the brewing; go by the book you find in the package. Took Railroad Coal. The Kansas Southwestern a short branch road running out of Arkansas City, has opened up a conscience fund account. Some time ago the agent at Caldwell received the following letter: "Agent Will you please send the address of the superintendent of the Frisco depot, or where shall I write to make a wrong right?" The required address was given, and the following letter came as a reDear Sir When I was a sponse: small child I took some of the railroad companys coal, which I wish to pay for, as I am now a child of God. and heaven and lost souls are my only desires. In the letter was enclosed a poStofflce order for 75 cents. the manufacturers are kept busy devising new styles or improving those already on the market. The collapsible handle bag is the newest and it is generally found in walrus this leather having the preference over its numerous competitors this Beason. if you don' Tour grocer return your money Uke Schilling Beet 6. 1905 IL-sas?- WIKIS WHIHt Au UaST Beet Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. UM In time. Sold by dnjffgii nsnSESuBELC (. TEA If yo Tour ffrocw rrturn. your money UM Schilling. Bert. dont English Patrol Boxes. e The box or cabin in which a Is placed Is called In England a -- telephonium or phonium. tele-sbon- YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Lilian TH CITV. VO Schillings Best is sold as Mrs. Winslows Soothing Ryrnp. For children uwttiiUK, soften 8ammauuu,Uypaln,Luree the gum, reduce wludovUA. 26cttbuiua you like to buy everything. You cant buy everything so; it wouldnt pay to sell Cheer for Rejected Lovers. Rejected lovers need never despair! There are four and twenty hours ln a r day, and not a moment in the twenty-fouIn which a woman may not change her mind. De Finod. everything so. Your grocer return your money It yon don't Uke Brblllliur Ueu in Winter Use Allens Foot-EasYour feet feel uncouifort-ablA powder. nervous and often cold and damp. If you have sweating, sore foot or tight Sold by all shoes, try Allen's Foot-Eas- Immigration Restrictions. In South Australia there exists a language test for intending immiUnless a man can speak or grants. druggists and shoe stores, 25 ceuts. Sample write English he is not permitted to scut free. Address Allen S. Olmsted, land. Le Roy, N. Y. TEA Surely Has Never Felt Thrill. savant buried for years ln the researches of his beloved science, knowing nothing of the thrills and tremors that move tho hearts of tbousaqils of young men and maids all over the world, steps boldly into the limelight of the press and calmly announces that love is a disease and may be treated and cured as such. A French Gruve'a iiaature 1 oa each box. Who sells the best Who sells the best Who sells the best Who sells the best Uko TO CTRK A COLO IS ONE VAT lirutmi muiuliie Tamer. All dru Take Laxutlt cure. fc. W. frisu rmund the iu mey if It fall There is good tea besides ours, but not better; and ours Pisos Cure Is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of the thrnut and lungs. Wa Endblet, Vanburen, Ind., Feb. 10, 1000. Odd Collection Mania. In the course of a law case in London the judge asked a witness whether it was a fact that people had begun to collect old weather cocka. The witness said it was. MDr. Invidt 1 Kennedy' Favorite Remedy md (lvHNta and kidney dlMta fiavtHi mv lit I Albert Merrill, hark hlace, X. . 61 a buMl Knew Value of Humanity. When the Empress Catherine founded the Moscow Foundling hospital an anonymous donor sent 50,000 rubles to Its first president with this He who takes the liberty to letter: offer this to M. de Betski will have completely obtained his end if by means of this gift Russia shall at some future day have one more reasonable subject, viituous citizen, or happy man. . Your fprorrr return your money It yon don't Biblllinjt fiet. TEA miles. The time out of service for repairs averaged 12 per cent of the working time credited the locomotive. O. tea tea tea tea Sawdust Replaces Bread Crumbs. Sawdust Is now used by some Paris restaurants, the Gaulois aays, as a dressing for cutlets. Instead of bread crumbs. It costs only thirty cents a sack. c Endurance of Locomotive. A locomotive owned and operated by the London & Northwestern since 1882 had up to 1902 made 2,000.000 working is safe; no other is safe; no no other is moneyback. Go by the book. Your grower returns your money if you dont Uke Schilling' Best, Profitable I mentions. No one class of Inventions has been so profitable to both the manufacturer and the Inventor as musical Instruments and appliances for same. Numerous improvements to the piano have been a source of large fortunes, and various devices are at present being continuously applied. Radically new instruments possessing real merit are the inventions needed in this line. The public Is always ready to adopt almost anything new ln both wind and stringed instruments. Inventor. The Great Nonesuch Remedy Low Prices in Philadelphia. An interesting and amusing Instance of business acumen on the part of & German butcher in Philadelphia is furnished by a gentleman In that city. One day," says this gentleman, I inquired of the butcher the price of ST JACOBS OIL sausage. Sausage iss sixteen cents a replied he, after a moment's pound, Your grocer returns your money If you don't Uke It. I havent no hesitation; but sausage already. Soldiers Play Football. Whereupon I asked why. If he had Soldiers in the army of Argentina not the goods he should quote a price are compelled to play football. thereon. Der question iss easy to answer, replied he, without a suspicion of a If I had some of dose sausage San Francisco, is Tea-Tow- n; smile. den der brice would be d wendy cents, But I haf no sausage, no; so I weve done our part yes. makes der brice low. It gifes me a reduekshun und it costs me to make it Tea-Tow- n. r. TEA TREAT The old monk cure, strong, straight, sure, has for a large part of a century battled with and conquered AchesiPains the world over. and 50c. Price 25c. and CURE CATARRH ftfxi 11 curable diseases of the eye. eer,nose.1hrot, luis. atom aeh. liver, bowsls. kiditrys. bladder and all chrontc nervous and private disease of both sexes, and diseases of children. nod-ding- s. Not Actuated by Generosity. A precocious youngster of 5 years, countries In the living on the Park Slope, has a little sister, with whom he is compelled to matter of letters. divide bis gifts, very much to his dislike. The little girl generally comes out at the small end of the horn, and therefore, when, one day recently, he The cost of a cup of good was noticed eating the smaller of two that had been given to him, it of applies tea is about three-tenth- s excited the comment of his mother. How did you hapepn to give Elsie a cent. the big apple and keep the little one la every package of Schilling's Beat Ton la a for yourself? Mamma Is glad to see booklet! Bov to Make Good Tea. her little boy growing generous. There was a worm in the big one, Work of Silk Worms. replied Johnny. Brook-ljnonchalantly silk to works 2,300 proIt requires Eagle. silk. duce one pound of Iltim Trtmnt Corea. rUe for free symptom hat If yon en-cel- l, loueultatton ire. n TEA The manipulation of the handle Is easAnd when It has ily accomplished. disappeared from sight the bag may be carried in the hand as if it were a purse. ONNNV. HtW TEA Mexico in High Position. Mexico stands at the head of tha WHUlACr COLLAPSIBLE. HANDLE. OCMTAUH Trouble With High Ideals. Hens Biography. In the Bajonr.e (N J ) court a hen High Ideals are a good deal like airwas committed, and this entry rnada ships. They sail along beautifully for upon the records:, Name, a Leghorn; a little while and then they fall down. age, doubtful; nativity, Centerville; occupation, layer; offense, plucking; friccas-seed; disposition, eventually to be found on person, feathers. TEA Spanish-America- Thirty Years Ci new Your grocer returns jour money If you don t Uke It. V1AU1LV4 .Most people drink poor tea; dont know any better. Siwnnlure or FacSunilc Your grocer return your money if you don't Schillings Bettt. Schillings Best applies to the dealing between your grocer and you, as well as to tea and baking-powde- For Over Loss great. TEA Use tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .CoiivuImohs .feverishness and OF SlXEI. to-da- Novel Hand Bag. Handbags are considered such an essential acquisition by the feminine half of the community these days that Donkey Enjoys Plum Pudding. a Seven plum puddings hung in kitchen at Etalham, England, recently, in and ate five when a donkey walked all. and cloths of them, GREGORYS i i t Berlin Homes for Poor Girls. Berlin has ten homes for poor girls where the charge for lodging and $2 50 a month, and light Is $1.60 to for board and lodging $10 a month. For 10c and til notice l The differences in tea are worth jTour attention. The differences in dealing are worth your attention. From esparto grass, grown ln southern Europe and Spain, are manufactured printing paper, cordage, shoes, matting, baskets, nets, mattresses, etc. Espartero, the celebrated Spanish bull fighter, was so called because his father was a dealer in this grass. forConsli po- Aperfecl Remedy Raconteur. When Uncle Jabez makes a Joke, its mighty haul to tell Jes what a filler ought to do. Cause If jou laugh fore he gets Uncle Ebens Experience. "De race track man, said Uncle It rilesthrough him up a spell. Eben. don make his money by bein An then a dieutful silence comes; its till it s broke. minutes smaht hisse f. He simply lets de other Paw holds his breath Skeered half to death folks go ahead an be foolish. When uncle makes a Joke. When ordinary people tell us riddles, ; there Is fun Eut when folks happen to he rich to tell which thing is which It's Good tea costs no more Thats hard pioper to be done. An' paw. he savs. If Jabez overlooks us well be broke than poor, as a rule. We must laugh right And he polite It is strange. When uncle makes a joke. , An so ln order not to tans a chance, Your grocer returns your money If 700 don't however small. Uke Schilling's Best. Paw nas collected the whole lor An' told em over till weve got To know em one an all. Troubles Never Insurmountable. we laogh exactly when a certain Troubles are a good deal like the An' now word Is spoke Maw neednt nudge, hills on the road; no matter how bad Paw noedn t budge. they look, you can always get over When uncle tells a Joke. them. Washington Star. Jifra Troubles of Young Folks. Here are two excuses for lateness Dear and non attendance at school: Miss. Will you be so Kind as to forgive Johnny for being behind time this morning, as Le was unable to discover his sox, which afterwards proved to be in the ashpit, where they had no doubt been depposited by the family dog, which we intend to get rid of at " The secour earliest convenience "Samuel ond is even more unusual cannot come to school this afternoon as he has glued his head to the dress er and we have not been able to separate Lim yet. is In .Wvrf 4iw TEA The waste Senl fmt ttpprrrwt -tft fcsbvnoJp Ja&i 4 Jfirm Cbmhtd fumr htn4ysmn Sfcmv: Rest for the Eyes. Revival of the Album. The eye requnes as much rest as The photograph album is. about to any other organ Green is the most be restored to popular favor. For the restful color. past ten years it has been relegated to the garret, while people have hung the pictures of relatives and friends In airy bits of wire known as tho phointerjected into stray tograph With Schillings , Best, corners ofholder, bureaus or dressing tables and generally maltreated them and almistake is impossible. lowed them to be subjected to the dust and grime of the daily atmosphere. Moneyback fixes that. The now general use of the camera Write for our Knowledge Kook, A Bchhllng A has helped to restore the onoe passe Company, San Frant isco. picture album to its former dignified Millions of Homeless Persons. position on the parlor table. In the course of thirty six years The new photograph albums are dif5,000,000 persons have been cared for ferent from those of the days of long in the asylums for the homeless in ago. They are far more artistic and Berlin. easy to handle. Sometimes they are made of fine leather, sometimes of soft kid, but at all events they are not so likely to jar upon artistic sensibilities as did the velvet and plush afThe tea of this country is, fairs which were once the pride and adornment of the parlor tables of all on the average, trash. households. forsalebyalldruqq,st Signature of jattft afOU Dr XSKl HPtTCHUt d wort THE MOUTH. THROAT, STOMACH AND BOWELS. INFXftl&'&ClUibKENl Not Narcotic. TEA HILLS Bears the Promotes Digestion, Cheerfulness and Rest Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. to cure you lu 6 to U dajs. fail Always Bought As- similating HtcFotxIandHegula-toi- 2 tticSlomaclis and Dowels of These were especially severe when stooping smEY Justus. to lift anything, and often 1 could hardly straighten my back The aching was bad in the daytime, but just as bad at night, and I was always lame in the morning. I was bothered with rheumatic pains and dropsical swelling of the feet. The urinary passages were painful, and the secretions were discolored and so free that often I had to rise at night I felt tired all day. Half a box served to relieve me, and three boxes effected a permanent cure. A TRIAL FREE. Address two days. Co., Buffalo. N Y. For sale Again, one morning he awoke with Price 50 cents. by all dealers iron hands pressing into his head and hfs tongue cleaving to the roof of his Notice. mouth. His wife heard him stirring The Hickstown Debating society an- and went to the door. Your steak is nounces as its subject for next Friday she said. ready, night, "Which is the hardest, to make a small boy go to bed at night, or to GRAPES FRESH ALL WINTER. make him get up in the morning? Leader. Cleveland French Device Preserves Them for the Palate of the Epicure. NO SLEEP FOR MOTHER A clever French process by which able to Baby Covered With Sores and Scales vine growers in France are market fresh outdoor grapes all Could Not Tell What She through the winter is thus described. Looked Like Marvelous Bunchea of the finest grapes when Cure by Cuticura. ripe in autumn are cut in such a way At four months old my baby's face that to each bunch a piece of the vine and body were so cimied with sores live or six inches long remains atand large scales you could not tell tached. From this piece the stems of what she looked like No child ever tho bunch hang, an arrangement vitalhad a worse case. Her face was being ly necessary to the success of the opeaten away, and even her finger nails eration. A large number of wide mouth botfell off. It itened so she could not filled with water, is ranged in a we tles, for and weary many sleep, lights could get no rest At last we got cellar and in the open end of each Is Cuticura Soap and Ointment. The Inserted the pieces of vine stem, the sores began to heal at once, and she bunches of grapes hanging outside. could sleep at night, and iu one month The grapes do not touch the water, she had not one sore on her face or but are thus supplied with moisture Mrs Mary Sanders, 709 Spring through the vine stem, which is imbody. mersed in water. By this process St , Camden, N. J. choice varieties of table grapes are kept in perfect condition for the whole $100 on a Full House. winter. A full house greeted Dr Griffin SunThe temperature of the cellar is uniday morring at the M E. Church at the quarterly meeting service. One form and moderately low and osre is hundied dollars was raised to meet taken daily to supply the bottles with Fruit unpaid bills Richfield (N. Y) Merc-cur- the water lost by evaporation. thus carefully tended is somewhat , costly, but there are many patrons A GIVRINTIFII ft RE TOIS PILES. who willingly nay $2 a bunch for the !u Ii!d Wind Weeding r Pr itrudftig Pile Your druggist will refund money If PZt OlNiMhilT delicacy of fresh grapes in midwinter. -Foster-Milbur- mil U n DR. . i. 8HOHE8. Special Offer in Private Diseases DR. Q. W. 0HORU. TTnfortanste. of both sexes wbo are goffering from Private Disease whether caused by Igaer a lexHimate prey by the 8 barks and inoe exots or contagion bare always been looked upon Charlatans wbo poe us Hpeclullsta and rob the sufferer for worth esa treatment. PKS. K YOU TO PAY TUB ONE DOLLAR UNTIL CUKED-UNLHli Rfc 8 DO Nol V WISH TO YOt KEI l.Kft HUoRKd' KM W 1UBY CAN CURB AND DO CURB PRIVATE DI8RA8K9 IN BOTH 8KXK4 PBKVI ANKNTLY and to PKOVB their skill. In ibis etasa of allmeou. they treat aed cure such cane before the piilent is required Into pay Dra. Shore' ods dollar. Or those who prefer, aliments as the cure pr wresses. THIS HONEST y or monthly may pay the fee In tman week PLAN iF I EALlNu Wl I H THB AtFLlCTBD dealt death blow to the Cfuack and Fakir who Did you ever hear of a Fakir refunding demand ail Cash In exehanae for empty promises. lake no ohances you cannot lose yonr money If yon don't pay It out penny to a doped patient1 WEAKNESSES OF MEN are simpy tne result of enlarged or Nine-tent- h of so called Inflamed 1 R Sl'AI E GLAND lira. 8hore new LOCAL TREATMENT for such eases. INVARIo htr Doctors how maoy oases they cure under the old and useless plan of ABLY ClKi4--k treatment for thli trj.o'e We cure LonC MANHOOD Seminal Weakness Spermatorrhoea, GuNoRKHottA SYPHILIS. vaRI Of KLB and kindred troubles. In less time and for lees we never use a name or beteay money, than any Institution in the west, evey ease is confidential and Advice FREE by mall or at the otBce a secret lonsul at Ion, KxarointUoo m w6 p m; Evening I OFlOK HOU144 Sundays an J holidays ID m to IB YOU U to; DRS, SHORES & SHORES. Exoert Soeciaiists, 249 ' |