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Show PAGB FIVE UTAH. let US rit Gods." Those who would know the possibilities othe English language should procure one of these boiks and read It. We reproduce the Lrt chapter herewith. SAMPLES-- . you buy dress goods or silks "Utah extends from 37 degrees to 42 degrees north latitude, and from 109 degrees to 114 degrees west longitude and is an almost exact square, three hundred miles each way. has an area of 87,750 sqjare miles, or 52,601,-60- 0 acres, of which 2,700 square miles, or 1,776,200 acres, are water. It is II, 420 square miles, or 7,3o8,800 acres larger than Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey and Delaware all combined; and there is no region of equal area on the globe, that s with more abounding and diversified riches of resource and We sell Moneybak silks CSb Bond Taffeta You run no risk on quality. the over-flow- Advance styles in the new wash goods for summer are about Utah was first settled by a detachment of Mormons, under the leadership ot Brigham Young, in July, 1847; and there is no stronger argument lu favor of the Mormon claim to divine revelations and inspirations, than the fact that they should have been led through nearly turee thousand miles of unexplored wilderness, Infested at every step by hostile savages, to such a Land of Prjmije, where every ready. W. H. WRIGHT & SONS CO. OGDEN. UTAH. promise finds so glorious fulfillment. Guided by the Jehovah-swaye- d pillar of of cloud by day, and pillar of fire bj of Operations Appalling Increase in the Number ow Year-HWomen May Performed Each Avoid Them. good patronage. the Jorgensen evening Monday orchestra of Brigham gave a concert in the basement. They were assisted it Every yard guaranteed unqualifiedly. silks. Women in Out Hospitals Thursday, Feb. 2nd, the Willard dramatic association, unuer the management ot B. F. Jones, played "The Female Detective." It was a good play and deserved a better house. On Friday and Saturday evenings the Morgan Dramatic Co. played "The Plunger, and the "Jack of Diamonds. The company was a good one and never before has a company played two nights and had such i SEND YOU Before WILLARD. The Denver and Rio Grande Rail-r-a- d it, distriOu, big to- ;..ir edition compi.s ng 13 c (ll ;l m,tg.uiue-lo.os on of tLa'i l 1 Douau entitled "UUL- -A Pi. pi,', to a Mountain walled 'Treasury of the Awardtd Highlit Honort World' Fair. Highlit fasts U.S. fiovt Chemists earnest seeker, its recources are as boundless as its limits, and as varied as the hues that bathe Its sunsets in prismatic splendors. a Here is indeed! What is tnere that the imagination of man can conceive, or his eye. heart, soul, stomach or pocket can desire, tnat Utah does not yield, or cannot offer? Is it scenery or climate? Is it health or wealth, fertile farms, bonanza m'nes, or lovely homes? Is it opportunities for profitable investments, or oppiitngs for all varieties of labor and of enterprise? Let a fresh chapter begin the brief ' reply. Ute-opi- by Brigham talent. John Zundel and MLs Clarissa two highly respected young people of this place, went to Logan last evening where they will be marA reried in the temple the at will be given Friday ception home of Abraham Zundel in their honor. Success to the couple. A daughter was born to the wife of T M George Woods last Friday. Going through the hospitals in our ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all feel '1905. Willard, Feb. 7, large cities one is surprised to find such gone and a large proportion of the patients lying mgs, they should remember there is one beds women tried and true remedy. on those snow-whit- e ANOTHER RAILROAD. The following letters cannot fail to and girls, who are either awaiting Dr. Roche of Corlnne has success or recovering from serious opera- bring hope to despairing women. Mrs. Fred Sevdel, 412 N. 54th Street, fullyjompleted his canvas among the tions. v Why should this be the case? Sim-pl- West Philadelphia, Pa , writes: farmers for the guaranteed 500 acres thembeoause they have neglected Mrs. Pinkhami of beets necessary to iusure the con- selves. Ovarian and womb troubles DearI was in a very serious condition when I increase teron the among are certainly wrote tn you for advice. I had a serious womb struction of the railroad, whose of trouble and I could not carry a this women ovanan oreep and country they minus will be six miles southwest of tlfe unawares, but every one of child to maturity, and was advised that an them upon com was my only hope of recovery. I the Corlnne depot. The sugar those patients in the hospital beds had operation to the hospicould not bear to think of pany will unquestionably build the plenty of warning In that bearing-dow- n tal, no wrote you for advice.goingdid as you infeeling, pain at left or right of structed me and took Lydia E. Plnkhams same In time for the beet crop of this the womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in Vegetable Compound; and I am not only a farmers and land owoer3 and the year the small of the back, leucorrhoea, diz- wefi woman today, but have a beautiful baby are. jubilant over tbe prospect, as ziness, old. I advise all sick and flatulency, displacements of the girl six months women to write you for advice, as many of them have suffered severely womb or irregularities. All of these suffering much for me. done to have of alfalfa symptoms are indications of an un- you from the or of ovaries the condition of East Miss healthy Ruby Mushrush, which is now so low in price and a womb, and if not heeded the penalty writes: Ind., Chicago, railroad This on market. the has to be paid by a dangerous operation. Dear Mr. Plnkham; drug will open up a"fine tract of land to- When these symptoms manifest them" I have been a great along until you are menstruation ana ovai wards tbe lake on which hitherto no selves, do not drag suband to go to the hospital three month ago the doctor, after using the beets could be grown owning to the obliged on me, said I had an abcess on the mit to an operation but remember e same to of the cost and would have to have an operation. hauling great that Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable ovariemother wanted me to try Lydia E. Pink-haand no doubt an early date will Compound has saved thousands of My Vegetable Compound as a last resort, women from surgical operations see a numerous and thriving not and it only saved me from an operation When women are troubled with ir- but mad me entirely well." established on these lands menstruor regular, suppressed painful which the owners intend to place on ation, weakness, leuoorrhoea, displaceLydia E. P nkhams Vegetable Comment or uloeratlon of the womb, that pound at once removes such troubles. the market. Ogden Standard. efuse to buy any other medicine, for bearing-dowfeeling, inflammation of (or flat- you need the best. There can never be too much the ovaries, backache, bloating Mrs. Pinkhara Invites all sick women ulency), general debility, indigestion, advertising in the paper for the and nervous prostration, or are beset to write her for advice Iler advice and thousands to editor or the reader. Ads means with suoh symptoms as dizziness, lassi- medicine have restored Mass, in tude, exoltabllity, irritability, nervous health. Address, Lynn, first the for for both, money Where Othera Fall. Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Campeund Succeed payment of space used and for the second in bargains offered. Senator Smoot has answered all the New Jersey women want the legisChamberlain's Coush Remedy the bachelors to that lature questions put to him about his matprovide a law Mother' Favorite rimonial and private affairs. It is ladies be the taxed. Why dont shall The soothing and healing properties doubtful if there are many men in them? of this remedy, its pleasant taste and marry the Senate who would be willing to prompt and permanent cures have do as much. made it a favorite with people every Ourea Ooldsi Prevents Pneumonia It is especially prized by where. U. S. Representative Baker oi New HEALTH mothers of small children, for colds, York declined a railroad pass. Mor- Means the ability to do a good days croup an i whooping cuugh, as it al ris Shepherd of Texas has introduced work, without uudue fatigue and to ways affords quick- relief, and as it a bill to make the use of railroad passfind life worth living You cannot harmful contains no opium or other es by members of Congress a punishhave indigestion or constipation withas be it confidently given diug, may able offense. The bill will no! sail out its upsetting the liver and poto a baby as to an adult. For sale lluting the blood. Hitch a condition but Mr. through Shepherd is on the may be best and quickest obtained by by the Eddv Drug Store. right tack, and mixing metaphore, Herbine, the best liver regulator tbat should lead the flock. Mrs. D. the world has ever known. W. Smith writes, April 3, 1902: 1 use and find it the best medicine VEGETABLE SICILIAN Kennedys Laxative Honey and Tar Herbine, for constipation and regulating the Cures all Coughs, and sxpeis Colds from liver I ever used." Price 50 cents. tUs tystsm gy gsotly moving tbe bowels. ,kld by all druggists. l, 1 X re afraid Give Your Stomach a Reit dying n:h why dont they let the tax night, Israel of old wandered forty Your food must be properly digested assessors appraise their property at yeaislQ searohofa piuinised land and assimilated to be of any value to full value. its that would hardly make a cow-lo- t in you. If yo.r stomach is weak or diseased take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Utah. It digests what you eat aod the Startling But True. Lift all New England and New stomach a rest, enabling It togives hor-ifirecupered People the world over were m-life and grow strong York bodily a mile above the level oi ate, 'ake ini on learning ot the burning of a -of the sea. Add bve thOoS mil leet to again Kodo cures our stomach, gas, m which theater six Chicago heart palpuaiion and all nearly blotting, hundred people lost their lives, yet the height oi Mount Washington, auu digestive disorders. Sold by the Eddy seven thousaud to tnat of Mount Mit- Drug More. inoie than five times this number or chell. Thiow in dozens of other peaks over 3, COO people died from pneu. The chaplain of the senate began all punching hules in mnnia in Chicago during the same fully as high, his prayer the other crowns. the with their day with the folsnowy sky year, with scarcely a passing notice. Pile lowing on hundreds quotation: up, everywhere, Every one of these cases of pneu"There is so much bad in the best hundreds of mountains from ten to monia resulted from a cold and could ot us fourteen thousand leet high Exaghave been prevented by the timely use - fold all the wad nu tones so much good in the worst And fiftyof Chamberlains Cough Remedy. gerate cf us Amerand and eastern of gieus gurges A great many who had every reason That it hardly behooves any of us and multiply them by scores. to tear pneumonia have warded it off ica, To talk about the rest of us. Send and cataracts cascades leaping hy the prompt use of this remedy. and the senate immediately took up down a thousaud and dizzy foaming The following is an instance of this the impeachment case against Judge promls-couslToss chaunels. in, precipice sort: Too much cannot be said in parks larger than whole States Sw.iyne. favor of Gnamberlains Cough Remedy la the same, east; and and especially for colas and influenza. GROUP of I know that it cured my daughter. gardens of giant statury, statues with the Begins symptoms of a Comaud genii aud gnomes, Pilaus, Laura, of a .evere cold, and I believe gods mon cold; there is chilltne-s- , sneezing, aud mousters, saved her life when she was threatened Centaurs, thousands of leet hign .. down by sore throat, hot, skin, qulok pulse, with pneumonia. W, D. Wilcox, Loof winds and waves aua hoarseness and impeded respiration. Sold by the Eddy ages on ages gan, New York. Give frequent small doses of Ballards waters. Cap all toe mountainwhirling Horehouud Syrup, the child will ciy Drug Store. -tops with everlasting ice and lor it) and at the first sign of a oroupv Ballards Another New York millionaire has snow, and clutne their snaggy sid.s ciu.li, apply frequently to throat the Liniment liui-ir- . .Sgow of valuable lorosts married the girl who nursed him with waving Mrs. A. Vhiet. New Castle, Colo., Fill ail the vaiicy- - t m lie nr uik-aThis is more through an i.lness. writes, March 19th. 1901; "I think and us, orchards wau feet g.irdi economical than marrying one of the Ballards llmehuund Syrup a wonder-- f il re n dy. an so pleasant." 25c, 50c ueuding vineyards aud grain-holdsoriginal Florodora sextette. beneath the burdens ot their own and 81.00. Sold by all druggests. Afraid of Strong Medicines. maguiticeut fruitage; and dot the Many people suffer for years from uorizon bounded pasture lauds with m the rheumatic pains, and prefer to do so Uucks and herds, waist-deeA T? TT GST Underrather than take the strong medicines very wautouuiss of plenty. not lay the whole vast area witu gold and usually given for rheumatism, knowing that quick relief from pain Silver, zinc, copper. iead and iron ores; Renews the hair, makes it new again, restores the freshness. J ust may be had simply by apply ing Cham- mat hie of a huudied hues; anthracite, for it always what you need if your hair is faded or turning gray, berlains Pam Balm and without takibituminous and cauuei coal; salt, sulcolor. hair, Stops falling restores the also.lt?gtcgKgtn; ng any medicine internally. For phur, soda, lime, aspbalium and gypsale by the metal other sum; and nearly every Eddy Drug Store, and mineral in human use. Through A young Iowa bachelor found countless wondrous canons, pour water-powwith out a couple of weeks ago that mighty rivers to run all the world's machincarv ing a turkey is just like court enoughSmite d laboratorthe mg his best girl -- he is sure to get ery. and let unnumbof ies Omnipotence, bulh of them in his lap before he ered healing floods gush forth, rich in Pub miracle-workin- g gets through.-Weste- rn virtues for the allevlisher. of the sorest "Ills that of iation niduy As the dazzling flesh Is heir to. I of the wnole transcendent -jewel E. T. Lucas, Wlngo, Ky writes, April hunout the twenty-fiv- e spread scene, iiatb, 1902; "For 10 to 12 years I bad of that miles majestic dred square been afflicted with a malady known a lake, whose waters the iLcta. Th itching was meet un- aud mysterious wea.tu enough to pay solution in hold beatable; I had tried for years to find of the world, oebts national all the relief, having tried all remedies 1 for every man, could hear of, besides a number of aod leave a fortune child irorn Cape Cod to aud woman doctors. I wish to state that one Dam. Aud over all throw the single application of Ballards Snow Yuba under a climate unsurpa-se- d of glory Lininientcured me completely and perclimbid death and sin since heaven manently. Since then I have used the aud the translucent splenliniment on two separate occasions for into Edeu, more radiantly saphir-ea- n skies of dor ring worm and tt cured completel thau ever bent tnetr crystal armi2oc, 50c and 81.00 bottle. Sold by all beggar hem es above the oruggisis. es.or of Il our millionariss y Cor-inD- com-munlt- smal-notmue- d ,, 1 n itmsnomTAR Hair Renewer rock-ribbe- wnasnsza jjaaBBaraaaaxiiraiMffigsagiiei THE Denver & Rio Grande AND THE Grande Western. Rio THE SCENIC LINE TO bosom- Glen wood Springs, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all points east Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with ell SOUTHERN 3 xNap Bay encuant-e- d whoe on or the Lake Como, of tnat ranch shores lay the bogjs Claude bunej-steere- r, Melnotte And you have a poor, faint to an idea of Ilodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or BRISHRM OITT. puny approximation Utah! of gold It is a land where mountains from runs that ore, silver and and thousand dollars to five to dollars fifty the ton, wall in valleys that yield Is from sixty to eighty bush. of wheat, a hundred bushto seventy-fivtrom hundred to els of oats, and from five oi potatoes, to bushels hundred nine the acre- -' Ills a land where every man makes his own rain, and the rewards of crops never fail; whero the as tiw decrees of sure as are industry on beauty 3 God; where wonder ire ids rush o mem . e ueels, and nch.-- DOtS STRICTLY A BANKING BUSINESS Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent DIKKCTOKS: Lucius A. snnw Oleeo N. Ktnhl, Nels Jenson, lobri L Edwarns 'Norman Lee, Alma Vwn, Peter M Hansen LorbxzoN. Sistui., John D. Peter President. Cashier EfiEYisKlDNEYCUEE BUKm Kiduya aod Hiad- i- ! -- I 3 DENVER Who will say that Perry people are not pros; erous? If anyone has made use of such language, they have misjudged the people. Tiro, beautiful meeting house that they have erected, tbe extension whloh will be made in tbe near tutureon tbe school building, and many new residences tbat are being erected, corporations in land and water that have been organized all go to show tbat the people are enjoying prosperity. The latest corporation is the Ferry Electric Light and Power Company. At a meeting held February 6th articles of iucorporaticn s were signed, and formulated to govern tbe Perry Electric Light & Power Company. 82500. in stock waa subscrib'd and indications are that within the next 60 days Perry will discord its coal oil lamps and replace them with the more modern electrio light. Call us hayseeds, or what you majt, Perry prosyerity has come to stay. Mr. Quayle of Treasureton, Idaho, who purchased the Tippets estate intends to make his this home. There will be a sociable given In the Perry meeting house and amusement hall ou Friday the 10th both aftenoon and evening under the direction of the 59th quorum of seventy. A meeting of the Ferry Electric Light and Power Company has been called for Monday February 13th at 7 p. m, in the meeting bouse, for the election of offloers and subscription ot stock. Mr, Boothe Home B. F. Boothe has returned from bis California trip, and reports a very delightful visit. He went as far south as Los Angeles, aud concluded that It was not worth while from a business view to look any far ther. He says that everything desirable in the way of property has been gobbled up by the wealthy men, aud what they have got they haug on to like grim death. The only thing that Is free down there is the air which is of a splendid quality. Mr. Boothe returns much improved In health. Again-Post-mast- er An effort is being made to locate John B. Stewart, aged 16. formerly of this city, for whom it is said that $1,000 is wailing. This is in the shape of an insurance policy left f6r him by Peter Stewart, the boys father, who died recently at Spokane. Des eret News. , In the District court of the First Judicial District of the State of Utah, In nod for the County of Box Elder. Millie Lunders, plaintiff, vs. E. O, Landers, defendant, Summons, The State of Utah to tbe defendant. You ie are hereby summoned to appear tbe above entitled court witblu twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, If served within the onunty In which this action Is brought, otherwise within thirty da)8 after service and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, Judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of tbe complaint, which, within ten days after service of this summons upon you, will be filed with tbe clerk of said court. J. D. Call, attorney for plaintiff. P. O. addres: First National bank building, Brigham City, Utah. be-fo- In the District court of the First Judicial District of tbe State of Utah, in and fur Box Elder County, State of Utah. Caroline C. Nelson, Plaintiff, I vs. SUMMONS. Fred G. Nelson, Defendant, j The State of Utah to the said defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, if served within the county In whlcli this action is brought, other wise, within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, Judgment will be rendered Rgainst you according to the demand of the complaint, of which a copy Is herewith served upon you. Geo. R. Chase, Attorney for Plaintiff. Post office address: Room 4, Union Block, Brigham, Utah. First publication Jan. 19, 1905. f-- chair cars. SLEEPING CARS Personally DINING CARS Conducted Excursions. Service a la Carte on all through trains. For rate, folders, tree illustrated booklet, etc., inquire of your nearest ticket agent specifying tbe Rio Grande route, or address I A BENTON Chamberfams i in buying a cough medicine tot children never be afraid to buy Chamber eure is lain 's Cough Remedy. There Is no danger from it, and relief andalways whooping for colds, croup Intended coughs, is It follow. especially It is not only these diseases. ongh, and Is the best medicine In the world for as soon the cough appears, as croupy when but. for cure given certain croup, .vill prevent the attack. Whooping cough is not dangerous when this remedy harmful drugs, and may be given as directed. It contains no opium or other adult. to an to a as confidently baby given u or bate at tne Eddy Drug Store. G- - A- - s.i?'Lk. Ci.y, u, MONUMENTS? Order NOW TO INSURE DELIVERY FOR A Safe Medicine for Children. 'V' and To Denver, Omaha, Kansas City St. Louis and Chicago without change. Free reclining AND Cough Remedy - yxm ' OGDEN ORDINARY e ' LINE TRAINS Via Three Separate and Distinct Scenic Routes PULLMAN flea-gi- gltb-tongu- SHORT Splendidly Equipped Fast Trains Daily between THROUGH J, uied a id PACIFIC and OREGON The only Transcontinental Line passing through Salt Lake City PERRY. Y - ! ayhjUn J Decoration - u also manufacture -I- RON FENCES - V - swfts-c- t, t j Tickets, reservations, and full Information can be obtained from C. A. Walker, General Agent, MS. & iw' ' - " '' r PfSACI. H BOTT 1 kind. OS. JOHN 'YvVi to Chicago and the East over only double-trac- k railway betwe the Missouri River and Chicago. E h cellent service In every particular. I One of these trains, the Overlai H Limited, is the most luxurious tra in the world. Electric light throughout. Direct connections at Omaha The North-Weste- rn Line to St. Pa ijand Minneapolis. - Sons. j 1 Chicago & North-Weste- rn fy 33 West Second South St., Atlas Bldg,, Sait Lake City, Utah. t |