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Show TUP BOX ELDER NEWS Box Elder News, LEE & WIXOM, Publishers and Proprietors. TELEPHONE NO. FEB. THURSDAY, In 39-- 9, 190s. SUBSCRIPTION. Advance, SI 29 Otherwise, SI 90 A YEAH. A child on the streets at night is on the road to distruction. Dr. O. W. Snow, Dentist, room 32, First Natl Bank bldg, f A Big Clearance sale at Holsts. Dr. G. F. Harding was recently appointed local physician on the 0. S. L. Railroad. N L Hansens shoes are better The First National bank pays per cent on time deposits, compounded quarterly, if desired, Mr. Lorenzo Jeppson has pur- e chased a orchard adjoin- Burrows ing John place south of town and will make his home there. Mr. Jeppson will go into the fruit business on a large scale, The new term for Children five-acr- it. 8e,,v'ce aD at I Buy Rubbers Instead of Medicine All the wholesome markets where hides, leather or goods made of leather are bought and sold are excited. Prices are higher and further advances are If you have a prejudice against rubbers it may be that you are not advised of the improvements that have been made. Rubbers are now made to fit every want. From gossamer weights to heavy arctics every rubber requirement can be filled. Damp feet invite la grippe, influenza and a chain of evils. It is an excellent policy to buy rubbers and cheat the doctor out of a job. Rubbers fit better and less clumsy than they formerly were. They are also easier to put on and take off. Some people say they detest rubbers. They havent had the modern kind ; thats why. For every style of shoe we have a rubber to go with it neat, stylish, damp proof. Come and investigate. ht nn threatened. Leather publications all over the world tell of shorter supplies of hides and skins and rising markets. It is too long a story to tell in an advertisement, but the gist of it all is that shoes will cost more or the quality will he less. In some instances a little will be added to the price and a little will he taken out of the quality. Under these circumstances shoe buyers should deal with someone they can depend upon. Its a poor time to buy from strangers. JVe have been fortunate in our purchases and have not raised prices yet. Good shoes at low prices for men, women and children are here. Fruit Industry. I Mrs. Meltrude H. Stohl, county recorder, has quit work at the Court House and gone to Tremonton where she will here her home, ater All kinds of stove ex-fi- ve Jos. F. Hansens All the latest popular songs taught at Mrs. Coziers Ladies clss at Academy. Sweeping reduction in every " department at C. Holst & Son. Some of our citizens are won- dering if the F. J. H . who so generously contributed that bright ( ?) letter from Brigham City which appeared in last Mondays Tribune, is District Attorney Fred J. Holton. Mr. Holton, when seen by the news reporter, dignantly denied any connection Ur knowW8e ol lhr ,rtide Mrs. Lottie Cozier begins her new term in singing for Ladies A sociable will be given in the First ward hall at 7:30 for the benefit of J. F. Hansen and John Lilly white who are to leave soon on missions. Everyone is invited and a good time is assured, for rent-AH Burt, tf Rooms to tar-Eno- uire ol Mrs. Rosetta S. Loveland, fid . Berta newspaper devole. a ,. Thurld Feb. th- column to tta description of a new at It. Academy. ink well. The funny editor of N Hansen's better L are shoes the Washington Post says he For Rknt Livery barn, with wants one if it is the kind that will dodge when you try to put Pf withut horses and vehicles, at Garland on reasonable terms. the paste brush into it. . Water and electric lights in barn; Rent New centrally located; g0d bu8ine8S. nd water:orks Apply at this office or R. C. Vi,. good k out door gs pianter8 hotel, on Mam St, $7.5 per vilfe( Utah. month, Apply at this office, tf Tailor H. Rasmussen has n agent for Corey Brothers come the agent for the Brigham Construction Company was in Laundry. Leave vour bundles ' town last Saturday buying horses with him. to be used on the canals at Twin About 40 horses were Falls, NOTICE FOR BIDS, Notice is hereby given that bought, some of them bringing as high as4i75' each. sealed bids will be received at office of the undersigned at For a Hai .k, hirrcut the county court house, in Brig- or fa go to bam Utah, until 12 oclock Bros. Full face value every time, noon Oity, Feb. 24, 11105, for Two of our local masons had ing bridge across Salt Crock, be-disagreement over the proper tween Secs. 6 and 7,Tp. 11 N., R. way to lay brick. The result was 8 W., S. L. M., according to plans specifications on file in the that one of them got laid out and ' e bounty Clerk. the other laid out $S. before a Ph c, five-ro- Important News About Shoes anti-mormo- n, ITE31S OF INTEREST. at 2, p.m., at Academy. aessssi 2Z33E OLEEN N- - STOHL HOME. Mr. Oletn N. Stohl has returned from Washington where he went to testify in the Smoot case. He was called upon to testify concerning conditions in this city and was on the stand a considerable length of time. He says that the feeling there is decidedly yet all of those with whom he came in contact expressed the opinion that Senator Smoot was entitled to his seat. In speaking of the printed reports of the investigation, Mr, Stohl says that they will cover something over 3,000 pages and will be bound in three volumes. om Dewey-buildm- f be-A- f-- ad they feel that there is a better and By order of the Board of Coun-- a cheaper way to have settled that ty Commissioners. Point Nephi J. Valentine, For Rent -- two rooms on cor-- P' County Clerk, ner of 3rd west and 5th south, fz Estray Notice. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cheadle State of Utah, of Saa Francisco, are visiting Mr County of Box Elder, , T Brif?ham City Precinct of sald and Mrs. Julius Smith, .Mrs Chea- dies parents. Mr. Cheadle is with I have In my possession the follow Ascribed estray animat which, the S. P. Company at San Fran-claimed and taken away, wil riarn and he thinks Brigham City be not sold at public auction to the high a peaceful and quiet place j cash bidder at City Estray Pound, Forest and 1st to come for a rest and to spend a north, In said precinct, on Saturday, for-vacation. Mrs. Cheadle was the 18th day of February, KKL, at the hour of I p. m. merly Miss. Sylvia Smith. . description OF ANIMAL! 100 Anent the fruit industry of Box Elder County, we are at a loss to understand why the business of evapor ating fruits Is not pntered Into here. It, must be profitable in other localities or it wonld not be carried on so exFor instance, In .Calitensively. fornia there are numberless plants, In fact they are almost as numerous as orchards. The evaporated products are shipped to the remotest points of the earth. They are sold by the tram load in Utah, and even by the carload In Box Elder County. And all this, while thousands of ton9 of fruit He and rot In Brigham City alone. It strikes us that it would be a paying investlment for a few of our largest fruit growers to send a capable young man to California to learn the business and then to erect a plant in Brigham City. If the Lord continues to bless us In the future as he has done In the past we must provide means for caring for these blessings 1 I Knudson and Early River cherry I One bay mare, appears wild; weighs 600 lbs-- i branded C 0 on left trees for sale at C-- A. Kaisers, it about thigh: end cut off right ear. r OR Sale 2 lots m with orch- - Said estrav was taken up by me In ard, good house, barn , corrals, etc, ja Preclnct 0D the 7th day of Feb You can School Program The following was the program at Camp Mission School. Friday, Feb. 3, School Amprlca al- ways do best at 1005: & & Stores FISHBURNS, at && ReclUtfob Ruby White Recitation ........ Willie Roughcore "World Song Primary Children Recitation George Chase Rec., "RobiusReturn ..VidaHansen "School of Jolly Boys Song The Brigham City Laundry For Sale or Lease 10 acres of Grammar Grade Children Exercise Klndergarden has put in Steam Power and are hay land, 2 acres of orchard with Composition "Use of Flowers.... now able to give their work the house, barns, etc. Fred Hillman celebrated dull finish. P. Forsgren. Song "Great Brown House.... . . For Rent or Lease Hote. Primary Children If you dont buy snoes made by Recitation Waldo Holland of 10 rooms furnished complete Recitation "The Bumble Bee... Hazel Laughney at Deweyville, Utah, near O. SI HAMILTON BROWN Jack Frost Song Kindergarten L. depot with livery barn in con. dont shoes you buy right. Recitation Emily White Good business center. Mr. Jepperson entertained the chil- nection. N. L? HANSEN S0L?r dren for about half an hour with se- R. C. Fryer, Deweyville. Guirsntee Everjftlrt e e. lections from the Victor talking Brigham and Tremont. Ap-plyto- A. f-- 23 f-- M-W- ma-ohin- 'Star Spangled Banner School Ite. WlteuJ'kllMHIM In the case of the Promontory Ranch Company vs. John H. White of Salt Lake City, heard in Judge Horsleys Court last Thursday, judgment was favor of plaintiff for $113. 50, the amount sued for with interest and costs of suit. J. D . Call was attorney for plaintiff and B. H. Jones for defendant. IfdLi Patronize Homo Industry C5w0LR ren-dered-- in and GIRLS MENS, l&C ALL AND EXAMINE OUR WILL GIVE A .. MUSICAL RECITAL IN TH- E- ft Opera House, FEB. Brigham City.. 17th. This will be an ex-- . Tt Dont forget the date, 8:15 p. m Opera House I, wonderful how the people are talking about the great BARGAINS they are gettlug at HOLST'S Manager, Curtain: 8:30pm $25 Come and see for yourselves. J. R. Bywater,), Cash Meat and Grocery Store, If you don't buy shoes of N. L. HANSEN you don't buy shoes rigi iWe Guarantee Every Palr.a per fOO- - Fresh and Cured Meats of All Kinds, we It IN- -- ESTIMATING THE COS E have cut the prices all to pieces. will pay you big. ....(Successor to Baden & Graehf one-ha- lf .60 Emm I. E. FRIBBLE, Agt. Brigham City, Utah. 10-ya- rd Stohl. L. HARVEY Those desiring to plant trees, please callon one-ha- lf USUAL PRICES Lorenzo --Trees from $d to NEW LOT OF BARMItlS.. One new lot of head shawls at less than price. dress goods shirt waists M 85 wrappers at Seventy-fiv- e cents. . 100 pairs of Ladies Fine Shoes at just price. 50 pieces school dress goods in lengths, worth CENTS. going at SIXTY-FIVWe will not attempt to mention the hundreds of Items on which FRIDAY, FEB. 17 TIME Is insur- Wish to announce to their friends and patrons that they have a few thousand fruit trees left yet. y 5QBBa3gaamaaaBaEtg!g!CT!aB home people can do. get the best UTAHNA. CoJ NURSERY Store on South Side Forest St Opposite 1st Natl Bank Bldg, All kinds of REPAlRIKa DORR- .- -L- eave orders at stor- e- ..AH0THEB cellent opportunity to learn wyhat our Ig Smith Bros. STOCKS 1 Brigham City Shoe Mfg. Teachers Institute will be belt in Central School building, Feb. nth, at 11 a. m. Prof. D. O. Mckay, principal of Weber Stake Academy, will addtess the tea- HOTEL SCHOOL SHOES Boys and Girls life insured, getfng your fail to will carry a full line of fresh and curei meats and a complete line of first-clas- s groceries. Brighams model hotel. Caters to the CT Fresh Fish and Game In Season traveling public. Meals 25c and 50c; rooms 50c and II. P. J. Koford, Prop Next door north of Wynn L. Eddys drug stor SHOES. CFWe make a SPECIALTY of assisted by the Best Local When dont sen & Knudsons. ance, which means insure with Continental Life Insurance the Call at N. C. Mortensen & Sons and see the pump in opera- Co. of Salt Lake City. Call on tion driven by electricity anc Stohl Bros, and be convinced, tf throwing 230 gallons of water per minute. ' An eighty acre farm with full wat er right, located in Garland can be bought for but little money Cannot be excelled in either location, quality or price. Call on Stohl Bros. , First Natl Bank Bldg. tf OWN MAKE." BOYS L Hansens shoes are better Bicycles repaired at Christen- N chers. Public invited. Best Quality Miss Estelle Jensen I 1 Ill of a building the wise selection cor. 4th east, 6th south. Enquire I Lumber means something of import Marenus B. Olsen, We still lead in BARGAINS In for ; WE UNDERSELL 1st Poundkeeper them wardance tf to the one who has to pay th fact, all. Also Fresh Henry Wagstaff, Brigham City preOysters, English bill Our stock has been selecte The Box Elder News, pub Bloaters, Norway Herring, AnLincoln J. Carter's with especial care and we know it wi lished at Brigham City, is a GREATEST EFFORT chovies, etc. suit the most fastidious. At least th: country family newspaper of merit A Play to k Play you Norman Lee is the Editor and S. Please s what our patrons tell us, and the Hill Fresh Fish Thursdays Remember the placehalf block south tabernacle. Every body.. C. Wixom the manager of the ought to know. and Fridays... mechanical department. These Our line of ' two men are evidently vieing with Oranges, Lemons, Mixed Nuts each other in the upbuilding of the BUILDERS HARDWARE and Celery. News, for both the editorial and mechanical work are admirably s very fine and well adapted for th Bone meal for chickens it will A Revelation In done. Western Publisher. est class of wotk and our prices Story, 0 make them lav. Plot Cast and Scene. CS7 For Sale Ranch of 160 acres For neatness and durability, STAR THEY ARE RIGHT patented bench land, S. E. slope,! A magnificent program has beeu ar The Hudson River bv Moonlight Full line of BRAND SHOES cannot be beaten. Two The Illuminated Tov the Store best FREE WATER, open land on all f?ns:ed talent in paging The Underground Dive C WUh years trial has established their honest Pert'tta' The little church around the comer sides, also stock and implements. SSffl- :Vegetables & Groceries. McMASTER FORSGREI qualities. Price & 50c 25c, 35c, 75c THE GIANT Joe Zimmerman will shortly Box office opens 10 a. m. day of per move his liquor business one door formance. An line of the south of his present location. He will also occupy the room where YOU NEED! Berg, the barber has held out J & Fine Shoes for MEN in Stock, for so many years, thus giving The BAZAR will open & THESE SHOES are MADE on the LATEST LASTS him frontage on both Main and after the performance andlmmdh'iy will consist vV AUCTION 80 SALE of luuch has in The We have them in the BOX CALF, VELOUR CALF, fac' ken and other domestic artlcles-some ; will street be PATENT CORONA and TAN RUSSIAN CALF. re good bargains assured. ing modeled and extended west about Ice cream, candles, lemon-2We make frames quickly with We are headquarters for Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents Furldprices satisfeet, making very commodious ade etc, wllx nishings, Groceries, Glassware, Tinware and Graolteware. factory at our LABOR-SAVINSalt Lake City, Utah. MILL. Monday, Feb. I3lh, C. Holst & Son. TWO LITTLE .WAIFS. GOME TO US FOR SHOES. SEE M HIM up-to-da- te Famous W. L. Douglas I Miller frrriT,' FARM i Viele : LOANS What we have, the Building Line. Everything pop-cor- - Public Sale C. J. Hartnell Atr.XX: ment only G ID IU w IKp all early implements household furniture noon 3 p. m., admission etc. It The evening per- - ( Novelties and Trimmings a Specialty. lull will sell at public sale at his re- Come and bring sidence southwest of Cormne on the family. Thursday Feb. 23rd all his farm Matinee Siturday after-- j e r C n. 1U fcharp N L Hansens Bhoes are better memat- - Q Dili Gash paid lor veal and chick- - The cot proceeds go' as a benefit to the Fourth ward Sunday School, Come cm at M. Hanson & s,on8' and he! p the good cause along, Write us and we will call upon you and "talk loan. We have more farm loans In Box Elder county than any otbor loan concern. Liberal treatment; libera options. Mens Hats! TB1G REDUCTION ON LADIES rmeive SKIRTSj Yours truly, ft ft M. Hanson and Sons PHONE -- 52-- 4- i -- Yours, With a Complete Stock, Merrell Lumber Co. Phone No. 8. |