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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM. UTAH And I hope hurt very wont your fathera leg Into anythin In sight. much." Oh, be THE COW responsible for one. . . . Well. a finish a d lame finish, you know that. You know But he had reloaded his revolver and set up two more bottles. This time he broke four and was better pleased with himself. As he rode, back his soliloquy was broken by a strange sound from beyond the belt of trees. The horse pricked up his ears and the boy turned in the saddle to listen. Jumpin crickets! Whats loose? he ejaculated. He knew every sound of the foothill country, but this was strange to him. A bind of snort, a sort of hiss, mechanical in Its regularity, startling in its strangeness. It came across the valley with the unbroken rhythm of a watch tick. Well, I guess It wont eat us, he ventured at last. Well just run it down and perhaps poke a hole In It. So saying, he cantered along the road, crossed the little stream, and swung up the hill on the farther side. He was half way up when a turn In the road brought him into sudden sight of the strange visitor. It was the first he had seen, but he knew It at once, for the fame of the automo- its cornin to PUNCHER Here's an story of the ranch country, the city and "over there." Its a love story the story of the master passion that drives a man onward to success for the sake of the woman he loves. The hero is a maverick of the foothills. The heroine is a city girl born to the conventions. As the boy was practicing shooting with his cayuse on the dead run along came the first automobile he had ever seen. It obligingly tipped over right behind the ranch house and broke the owners leg. So there was time for Dave and Irene to get acquainted which was to fall in love. They parted with a kiss she to go back to her city life, he to win his way up to her. CHAPTER I. The shadows of the spruce trees fell northeastward, pointing long, cool Angers across belts of undulating prairie or leaning lazily against the brown foothills. And among the trees It was cool and green, and clear blue water rippled over beds of shining gravel. The house was of round, straight logs; the shingles of the squat roof were cupped and blistered with the suns of many summers. Refuse loitered about the open door; many empty tins, a leaky barrel with missing hoops, boxes, harness, tangled bits of wire. Once there had been a fence, a sort of picket fence of little saplings, but wild broncos had kicked it to pieces and range steers had Btrag gled unscarred across its scattered bile, had then in Its stage, already spread into the farthest single-cylind- er ranching country. The horse was less well informed. He bucked and kicked in rage and terror. But the boy was conscious not so much of the horse as of two bright eyes turned on him in frank and surprised admiration. What she exhorsemanship claimed. But the words had scarce left her lips when they were followed by a cry of alarm. For the car had tnken a sudden turn from the road and plunged into a growth of young poplars that fringed the hillside. It half slid, half plowed Its way into a position among the young trees. The two occupants were thrown from their seat; the girl fell clear but her father was less fortu1 semi-vertic- nate. In an instant the boy had flung himForward, and to the left, was a self small corral, mill slabs on end or to from his horse, dropping the reins the ground, and the animal, alfences of lodgepole pine; a corner though snorting and shivering, had no somewhat covered In, offering vague remnants. protection from the weather. The up per poles were worn thin with the cribbing of many horses. The desertion seemed absolute; the silence was the silence of the unspo' ken places. But suddenly It was broken by a stamping In the covered part of the corral, and a mans voice say- ing: Hip, there Whoa, you cayuse Get under your saddle Sleepin' against a post all day, you Sloppy-eyCome to It Hip Horse and rider dashed Into the sunlight. The boy for he was no more than a boy sat the beast as though born to It, his lithe frame taking every motion of his mount as softly as a good boat rides the sea, With a yell at his horse he snatched the hat from his head, turning to the sun a smooth brown face and a mane of dark hair, and slapped the horse across the Aank with his crumpled The animal sprang Into headgear. the air, then dashed at a gallop down the roadway, bearing the boy as unconcerned as a flower on Its stem. Suddenly he brought his horse to a stop, swung about, and rode back at a gentle canter. A few yards from the house he agnin spurred him to a gallop, and,. leaning far down by the animals side deftly picked a bottle from among the grass. Then he circled about, repeating this operation as often as his eye fell on a bottle, until he had half a dozen; then down the road again, carefully setting a bottle on each post of the fence that skirted It to the right. Again he came back to the house, but when he turned his eye was on the row of posts and his right hand lay on the grip of his revolver. Again his sharp yell broke the silence and the horse dashed fonvard as though shot from a gun. Down the road they went until within a rod of the first bottle: then there was a flash in the sunlight and to the clatter of the horses hoofs came the of the revolver. Two bottles shivered to fragments, but four remained In tact, and the boy rode back, muttering and disappointed. He reasoned with his horse as he rode: Taint no use, you oP a fellow cant get the bead If he ain got the fillin' cooked meals an decent chuck. I could plug em six out o six you know that, you ol Dont you argue about it, nei ther. When Im right Inside my belt I smash em six out o six, but I ain right, an you know It. You don know nothin about It. You never had a father ; leastways' yoa never had to 1 1 ! e. 1 . ! crack-crac- k Slop-ey- e flop-ear- s. thought of disgracing his training by breaking his parole. With quick, ungainly strides the boy brought himself to the upturned machine. It was curious that he should appear to such disadvantage on his feet. In the saddle he was grace personified. For a moment he looked somewhat stupidly upon the wreck. Had it been a horse or a steer he would have known the procedure, but this experl ence was new to his life. Besides there were strangers here. He had no fear of strangers when they wore chaps and colored handkerchiefs, but a girl in a brown sweater and an oldish man with a white collar were creatures to be approached with caution. The oldish man was lying on the ground, with a leg pinned under the car, and Brown Sweater raised his head against her knee and pressed his cheeks with small white fingers, and looked at the boy with bright gray eyes and said: v ' Arent you going to do anything?' That brought him back. Sure, he Whada ye said, springing to her side. want me to do? I am afraid my leg Is broken, said the man, speaking calmly notwithCan you get the standing his pain. juck out of the toolbox and raise the car? The girl pointed to the box, and In a moment he had the Jack in his hand. But It was a new tool to him and he fumbled with It stupidly. The handle would not fit, and when It did fit it operated the wrong way. Oh, let me have It, she cried im- patiently. In a moment she had It set under the frame of the car and was plying the handle up and down with rapid strokes. The boy looked on, helpless and mortified. He was beginning to realize that there were more things in the world than riding a horse and He felt a sudden shooting bottles. desire to be of great service. And just now he could be of no service whatever. But the foot of the Jack begnn to sink in the soft earth, and the girl looked up helplessly. It wont lift It, she said. What shall we do? It was his chnnce. He was eighteen and his wild, open life had given him muscles of steel. Here, he said roughly, move his leg when I get It clear. He turned his back to the machine and crouched down antll he could get his hands under the steel frame. Then he lifted. The car was In a somewhat poised position, and he was able to swing it up far enough kto release the Injured leg. I Ill stand It, said Doctor We some cheerfulness. with Hardy, medical men become accustomed to suffering In other people. You are very kind. My daughter may remain There to In this room, I suppose? no one else? No one but the old man, he anHes asleep In the next swered. room, safe till mornln. Ill be back by that time. Thats my bed, indiMake yourselves at cating a corner. He lounged through the door, home. and they heard his spurs clanking across the hard earth. The girls first thought was for her She removed his boot and father. stocking, and, under his direction, silt the leg of his trousers above the Injury. It was bleeding a little. In the large room of the house she found a pail of water, and she bathed the wound, wiping It with her handkerchief and mingling a tear or two with the warm blood that dripped from It Youre good stuff, her father said, pressing the fingers of her unoccupied hand. Now If you could find a clean cloth to bandage it Very good, my boy, said the man. That wajL a wonderful lift. The leg is brokefwiompound. Can you get somewayyrt moving me to shelter? will pay wjvell. Lrds were unfortunate. The last Hospitality ythe ranching country is not boughtVud sold. You cant pay me nothin, he said But I can bring a light rudely. wagon, If you can ride In that, and put you up at the ranch. The old mans soused, he added, as an afterthought, but its better than sleepin out I wont be long. He was back at his horse, and In a moment they heard the clatter of hoofs galloping down the hillside. The girl rested her fathers head in her lap. Tears made her bright eyes brighter still, s Dont cry, Reenle, he said gently. We are very lucky to be so close to help. Qf course Ill be laid up for a while, but It will give you a chance to see ranch life as It really Is. He winced with pain but continued: 1 fancy we shall find It plain and unveneered. What a horseman If I could run an automobile like he does a horse we should not be here. Hes strong, she said. But hes rude. The best fields for muscle are often poor schools for manners, he answered. The boy was soon back with a wagon and a stretcher. He avoided the eyes of guests, but quickly and gently he placed the in jured man on the stretcher. I guess youll have to take the feet, he said. The words were for the girl 'although he did not look at her,'-- ' I could hustle him myself but it might hurt It is a pleasure to from Boyd Park. Everyth BOYD ? PARK WNDIDiflOt MAKERS K MAIN STREET of jewelry T ClTI Typewriters AR1 'rit,or Rented, Repaired, Soli Price $7.50 to $10oT Utah Office and School Supplv 32 W. 2nd South, Salt Lake City, Uuk SPf WJ &,!? ass ta?! toJmeover d" fS5e.WSirt 2 rood a officers commission. Get tnmJi .a few weeks. Call or write. Moler Barb! College, 43 8. West Temple St., Salt Lake OiJ DAY OF FORTY-EIGH- T Pact About Measurement HOURS of With Which Some May Not Thoroughly Familiar. Tin Bo Dr. Willis E. Johnson, In his work on Mathematical Geography," showi that portions of three days may eQUEER CAUSES OF SNEEZING xist at the same time between 11:30 oclock a. m. and 12 :30 oclock p, m,, Hard to Explain Why Simple Things London time. When it Is Monday noon Have 8uch a Peculiar Effect on at Loudon Tuesday has begun at Capo 8ome Persona. Deshnef, but Monday morning haa not yet dawned at Attu Island. Nearly Some people sneeze for curious reahalf an hour of Sunday still remains sons. There Is a clergyman who can there. What Is known as the Inever cross the road on a very hot nternational Date Line divides the day without carrying an umbrella. If days from one another this being sihe does, he Is Immediately taken with tuated on the one hundred and eightviolent fit of sneezing. Another ieth meridian. This runs due north men is similarly affected by exposure and south, but there are two slight to bright changes which have been made In it, Clergymen seem to be particularly for the sake of convenience. Another sensitive in this direction. While a day at any particular place wearer of the cloth used to sneeze 24 hours long, each day lasts on Is whenever he came near to a dead hare. A similar case Is that of a young man earth at least 48 hours, Any given as who could never go near a horse with- day, say Christmas, Is first counted, lino. date of west !m. that the day just out sneezing. But the Injured man Interrupted. Peculiar odors have been known to The people just west of the date Use, I beg your pardon, he said, that I cause sneezing. A druggists wife al- who first hailed Christmas have edid not Introduce my daughter. I am ways sneezed when Ipecacuanha was njoyed 12 hours of It when it reaches Doctor Hardj&tohi is my daughter being used in the shop, and another England; 18 hours of it whea it A reaches central United States, and It Irene, Mr. person always found sneezing necesme mister,!1 said sary Whenever he entered a roorti rebar "They east the boy. VMtrrs Is scarce In these there were violets. And there Is an ac- begins In western Alaska, Just has date of the line. then, Christmas, woods. physician who My name is Elden Dave count of a was fond of chocolates, htit could existed 24 hours on the globe, but Elden. The girl came up with extended never eat one without suffering spasms having just begun In western Alaska, It will tarry 24 hours longer among hand. He took it shyly, but It made of sneezing. mankind. Owing, however, to the Icase most remarkable him curiously bold. the Perhaps Im glad to meet you, Mr, Elden, is that of a man who, whenever he rregularity of the date line, days last more than 49 hours ; In fact, 49 hours, sees a picture of a hayfleld, immediateshe said. "Im glad to meet you, too, he an- ly proceeds to sneeze his head nearly 12 minutes. Misses Is scarcer than mis- off. London swered. TO AROUSE HEAVY SLEEPER ters In this neck o the woods. Beautiful Marine Organism. Carefully they lifted the Injured A beautiful marine organism which Writer Recommends That It Be Dsns man Into the wagon, and Dave drove With an Odor, Preferably Not to the ranch building with an un- floats In tropical seas Is not a single Tee Powerful. wonted caution that must have caused creature, but a colony of many Individuals, connected with each other like What Is the best method of waking Siamese twins, and of several different kinds. The largest and most bril- a soundly sleeping person? is a queliantly colored Is inflated with gas and stion quite a few millions of persons floats on the water surface. All the would Ilk to have answered, there other members of the colony hang from few who have not or do not coSome are small and ntinue to exhaust every scheme and Its under side. trumpet-shapeand do the feeding for method known to them to rouse some the entire community. Others are members of their famand are feelers. Still others ilies In time to eat breakfast and got resemble bunches of grapes. These to the office or school on time. are egg layers. Another kind are like With an odor, undoubtedly," tbs n long streamers and extend down into physician reeled to the water to act as drag anchors." question. The sense of smell Is the They are also armed with sting cells most easily aroused of any of the five. to slay young fishes, which they after- We have trained ourselves to disregard ward draw up to the hungry mouths noises or else we would get no sleep above. at all In a city. In the country the same sounds which we utterly disrIBeverage of Pine Balsam. egard In town would awaken us The threatened emptiness of the nstantly, says the Kansas City Star. cup that cheers, but not Inebriates, To shake a person Is more or less sureminds a correspondent that Cowper ccessful, as a rule, but often It serves was less original than many readers to only half rouse the sleeper, and he The Animal Sprang Into the Air, Then suppose in framing that line. turns over and goes to sleep again, or, Long before his time, Bishop BerkDashed at a Gallop Down the RoadIf he does wake, he is apt to be in eley applied the same encomium to a bad humor. Any really unusual noise way. drink made of pine balsam, In these Is effective, but one cant think of strange misgivings in the hearts of terms: method every mornnew his team. luminous spirit lodged and deThe It aint much of a place, he said, the tained In the native balsam of pines ing. as they pulled up at the door. When an odor Is used, however, 1 and firs is of a nature so mild and beawake. wakes at once Is wide guess you can see that for yourself," nign and proportioned to the human sleeper not too he added, with a grin. You see constitution as to warm without heat- Almost any odor will answer, If espis kind Perfume of any theres Just dad and me, and hes ing, to cheer but not Inebriate, and to faint. act soused most of the time, and I handle produce a calm and steady Joy like the ecially good. Ammonia, camphor-f- w odor, decided a lasso bettern a scrubbin brush." effect of good news, without that sinkanything with a He was already losing his shyness, ing of spirits which Is a subsequent do, but It should not be too powerfu or the awakening will be violent" Now you take the feet again. Steady effect on all fermented cordials. Look out for that barrel hoop. This Red Hair Unpopular- way now. I st Biddy's Reasoning. Bed hair, however unjustly, He led Into the old ranch house, Mistress Im afraid my poor, dar- associated with deceit, and, in Ire kicking the door wider open with his ling, little Topsy' will never recover. as we heel as he passed. A partition from Do you know, Bridget, I think the and Scotland, with ill luck a meets east to west divided the house, and kindest thing would be to have her In the highlands he who Jo a on woman when starting another partition from north to south chloroformed and put out of her miswise the say will well advised, be Bey divided the northern half. In the ery. acres, to return home and start r northeast room they set the Btretcher do I wouldnt mum. that, Bridget Journey afresh; and In Ireland on the floor. exerc Sure, she might get better, after all, haired people are supposed to Now, said the boy, Im goln for an then yed be sorry ye had her kill a 7 upon Influence the same baneful the doctor. Its forty miles to town, ed. Boston Evening Transcript. undertaking. and Itll likely be mornln before Im back, but Ill sure burn the trail, Durable Male Beauty. The Yes Artist Theres grub In the house, and you One reason why a man doesnt look a man says yes to yu "When Is wont starve that If you can cook. Into a mirror as often as n womun suggest, stop suddenly you thing (This was evidently for Irene. There does Is because he has more cvn some time and And youll probably was a note In It that suggested the fldence In the attention of his beauty. he Isnt paying much real durability girl might have her limitations.) VvkhonM Dig tM Galveston News. Mmaelre (TO BE CONTINUED.) 1 gas-lig- ht well-know- - n - Tit-Bit- s. d ke heavy-heade- d well-know- noise-makin- g 1 d |