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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH SOOTH CACHE COURIER Remember taxes become delinquent at 12 oclock noon on Dec. 11. 1919 Frida's, Nov. 28, Vern Jensen is back from Salt Lake where he has been visiting for Entered at the Postottke ..yrum, Utah ai second class mail matter, udder the Act a few days. of March 3 1879 J. A. Wahlen, Publisher & Manager Local News WANTED highest Jensens Grocery, Chickens, cash price paid. Adv. Hyrum. Mens $5 00 felt Hats selling for $1.95 Adv. at Star Clothing Co., Logan. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wilson were down from Preston for a short visit this week. Mrs. Don Gill is up from Spanish Fork for a visit with parents and friends. Zina Allen is home from Ucon, Idaho, for a short visit with Mis3 kin and GUT PRICES ALE cheapest place to buy Mens Clothing and Shoes, is at the Star ClothAd ing Store, Logan. The friends at home. Mr. H. H. Jensen of the Jensen motor Co. was in Salt Lake on business the past two or three days. Mr. Hans Weeding came down from Blackfoot, to spend Thanks giving with relatives and friends in this city. a of The Hills Feature with special music will be presented at the Rex Theatre Tuesday night, Dec. 2nd. Remember the Doll Contest is on. Every penny you spend in our store gives you a vote for some little girl. Ask for your coupon. Ad. Hyrum Drug Co. Commences Sat. Nov. 29th, and Ending Sat. Dec. 6th. FOR SALE a childs violin, size, in good order and very reasonable. Enqire at this office. Adv. Highest murket price paid for Remember, when Liberty Bonds. you sell to me, you get interest up to date. A. A. Savage, Hyrum. Ad Three extention classes in Rural Sanitation and Public Health have been recently organized by the Extention Study Dept, of the Utah Agricultural College with Dr. D. 0, Porter in charge. These classes will be held in Smithfield, Richmond and Hyrum. They will appeal especially to teachers and will enable those taking them to meet all requirements of the recent Health Education law passed by the Utah So far. forty-threLegislature. teachers have applied for the work. - This Cut Price Sale we are inaugurating for the purpose of reducing our stock of merchandise. Just a few prices to let you know what kind of a Bargains we are going to give: as e , 1 Dont Pay Excessive RATES The Shepherd -- as 10-Re- el Mrs. Geo. H. Johnson and children, of Weiser, Idaho, are visiting relatives and friends in this for a few days. Mrs. Johnson also visited friends in Ogden betoie coming to Hyrum. Get the Policy Best Adapted FOR YOU ... Outing flannel worth 40c, Sale Price 10x4 Sheeting 90c, Muslin, per yard, 25 dozen Ladies hose, per pair Ladies Silk hose, per pair Come and Share in Those Wondrful Savings 1 v' GET THE IDEA? SEE ME FIRST All t Mose Lewis Dept. Store r Kinds of Insurance H. W. OAKES HYRUM, - UTAH tmmantmtmmnmmnummmuuma) We will have an m See Our Plan Book! within a few days. Positively the "Dlst potatoes grown. Leave your orders now at A. D. Allen or H. P. The Andeison, Hyrum. Phone 133 W.ad Mr. Soren Hanen of Hollywood, t t, son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Claud Jensen, Thanksgiving Mother and babe are morning. getting along nicely, but the father has been putting in extra hours in his auto repair shop on acconnt of the new addition in his family, and also to satisfy his many customers. A fine We still have a few Sweaters, Sweater Coats, and Knit Underwear for Men and Boys, and Women and Children, in fact anything in that Hue that will keep you warm." We also ladies dres-es- , have a few ready-mad- e which we will sell very reasonable. Call and see them. Williams Economy Store. Ad. has been managing the Utah Power & Light Cos, power plant in Blacksmith Fork canyon, for several years past, moved with his family and belongings to Provo, Utah, the forepart of the week, where Mr. Goodhue has accepted another and somewhat advanced position with the same company. Mr. and Mrs. Goodhue have been honored citizens of this community and have been quite prominent socially and otherwise, while sojourning in our midst, and leave a host of friends who wish them success in their new Mr. G. W. Goodhue, home. who (j Store v 24th. ' BARNS, ETC. The Misses Veda and Golda Anderson arrived in Hyrum Friday, from Weiser, Idaho, to visit with relatives and friends a few days. Since leaving home they have also visited relatives in and around Black-foobefore coming to Hyrum. - Morning: Thanksgiving: Our Doll Contest Commences, Ending Dec. MODERN HOMES Cal., paid Hyrum a visit Saturday shaking hands with friends and renewing old aquaintances. Mr. Hansen had business in Ogden and Logan and could not refrain from visiting his old home. wwf mg 1C an formal a carload of the famous Russett Potatoes Logan, Utah Opposite Tabernacle, u : Plans,. Specifications Etc., Free. Ten of our dear little girls will be happy Christmas day, for they will be possessors of ten beauti- ful dolls, the best the market put outs. All we ask of the public is to call in and see what we have to offer for sale. For every penny you spend we give a coupon to vote for some little girl the contest. Our Christmas line will be complete. Box Candies Box Paper, Nuts, Fruits, Books for Thanksgiving. in' Vote For Some Little Girl Anderson & Sons Go. The Hyrum Drug: Store The Nevj Store Hyrum 4 $ 41 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 & 4 .4 4 4 4 4 44 x i We will pay you the highest Market Prices for all issues of Liberty Bonds And will pay accrued interest to date New York Quotations .Daily. Received : In sending us Bonds send them by Registered M ail or Thru Your Bank. Check will be mailed as soon as bonds are received. New Arrivals Every Week i IN 4 Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 One Bond or a Thousand 4 J. E. & L. B. HATCH 4 4 4 OG,UANHT d 4 WE WILL BOY Phone 980 Just Received a Shipment of thirty young mens belt-temodels, single and double breasted, blues, greens browns and greys. LA 4 4 4 MS THE SHOP SATISFACTION GUARANTEED LOGAN, - - - ' UTAH |