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Show ns. boyd now BRIEF REVIEW OF AVOIDED AN JPERAT A OfJ WEEKS EVENTS J. H. Monroe, famed after the civil war al the Drummer Boy of Shiloh," is dead at Peoria, Ill. at the age of 70 years. He entered the northern army at the age of 10 years from Burling- ton, la., and sevred in company I, Sixth regiment, Iowa volunteer infantry. Moose hunting was resumed in on November 24, after a susMaine RECORD OF THI IMPORTANT of four years. The large numpension IN ITEMHAPPENINGS ber of " these animals killed in former IZED FORM was an open season when there years annually caused fear of tlieir extermination. Homo and Foreign News Gathered Charged with defrauding the United States government out of more than From All Quarters of the World, $1,000,000 in freight rates, two oil reand for Busy Men fineries and five railroads have been Indicted by the federal grand jury at Muskogee, Okla. INTERMOUNTAIN. WASHINGTON. oband with Ninety airplanes pilots A final study of the selective draft servers for each will be used for forest protection purposes during the records just made public fixes the milicoming year in Oregon, Washington, tary strength of the United States at California, Montana, Idaho and Wyo- 19,000,000 in potential military manming, according to decision reached power. Postmaster General Burleson has apby the committee of the western forand conservation service. proved pending bills to reduce the rate estry s letter postage to a Seventy-fivformer soldiers and of local other citizens of Centralia, Chehalis penny an ounce. A letter for delivery and Olympia are searching for alleged within the postal limits of the office Industrial Workers of the World in in which it is mailed would take a stamp instead of a stamp. and around Bordeaux, a Thurston Director General Hines and the county lumber camp. Evidence that William Carlisle, fugi- United Brotherhood for Maintenance tive train robber, who escaped from of Way Employes and Railway Shop the Wyoming penitentiary several days Employes have leached a new wage last Friday, is in agreement by which the men will get ago, was time and a half- for overtime after the hands of the chief of police. The body of an unidentified man, eight hours. Tl.e new wage agreement hands and feet tied and a bullet hole affects 400,000 men. Senator King of Utah, author of the through his forehead, was found in a shallow grave on the prairie north- resolution recently adopted by the senate asking the state department to west of Pueblo, Colo. Four men were held in connection supply all the information available with the killing of J. N. Burgess, state regarding the Jenkins case, believes highway commissioner, and George E. that that intervention may be necesPerringer, Umatilla county rancher, by sary to restore order in Mexico. The United States aerial mail carbandits who held up the Claremont ried 2,226,720 letters in September, tavern a few miles from Portland. Pleas of not guilty were entered in Its best month. During September 172 the superior court at Chehalis, Wash., trip were made out of 174 attempted. Embargoes on wheat and wheat by ten alleged Industrial Workers of the World charged with the murder of flour will be lifted December 15, it Lieutenant Warren 0. Grimm, one of has been announced by the United the four former American soldiers States grain corporation. killed in an Armistice day parade. FOREIGN. s A restraining order preventing the A plot to assassinate Premier strike called for November 21, of Coloand overthrow the monarchy has rado coal miners was Issued at Den- been discovered at Athens and many ver by District Judge Frank J. Morley. arrests have been made by the authori' ties. DOMESTIC. James Sapienza, concrete block manPractice of economy and the ufacturer of Irvington, N. J., shot and reduction of consiuuptlon to a minikilled his wife in bed, but the murder mum as a means of lowering the high charged against him may be dropped, cost of living were urged by William as he claims he was dreaming of kid- P. G. Harding, governor of the federal reserve board, in an address before the napers and shot while asleep. Canadian club at Toronto. $50r000 Pontiac Alcarta, IClng Segis H. bull John owned The socialist press of Paris is threatArfman, by prize of Middletown, Ky., wras killeC by ening a general strike for Christmas swallowing a nail, according to the re- in protest against exorbitant prices asked for French toys which are enport of veterinarians. Retail clothiers, in accounting for tirely out of reach of the working the prevailing high prices of mens people. thousand American The sixty-fiv- e clothing, at a hearing at Boston bemust be left in the in dead of France on necessaries fore the commission now cost until the would occupy suits graves said they that spring life, French are ready to exhume their own even more. New fork on November 24 witnessed dead, which it is hoped will be before its greatest parade of any one people. January 1, 1922. All Ireland is organized and under More than 100,000 Jewish men and woHebrew arms, says the London Daily Express, men marched to an age-ol- d disdirge in protest against alleged mas- in commenting editorially on thecorrea of closures Ukraine. special English in the sacres of their people Fifteen persons are reported to have spondent who is investigating condilost their lives in a fire at Ville tions in that country. The minister of finance of France Platte, La., Saturday night. A dance lothas authorized the of second floor on the in was progress a restaurant building where the fire oc- tery loan of $800,000,000, to be dividcurred, and most of the casualties were ed in 8,000,000 bonds of $100 each. The bonds are to be Issued on Decemdue to the rush to escape. The Illinois State bank of Crete, HI., ber 15 and will yield 5 per cent. Every on Saturday failed to open. It was quarter prizes will be allotted. The opinion is growing in Japanese announced a warrant charging embezzlement had been issued for the miss- army circles that the retreat of Adasing cashier, Gust Krachie, in connec- miral Kolchak and the increasing in of Bolsheviki Siberia the cendancy more of with than $400,000. tion thefts' reMore than $100,000 in Liberty bonds are so menacing that Japan cannot the main indifferent, Shimpo says'. Jljl was secured by robbers who cut their Beginning December 1, Antwerp wil way into the vault of the Farmers as the American port Savings bank at Rockford, Ohio, and supercede Brest On the same day the embarkation. of looted eighteen of sixty deposit boxes service will be Etates United postal of the vault. Paris to Coblenz. from transferred Authorization has been given by The specialists who examined WilGovernor Samuel R. McKelvie of NeE. (Pussy-foot- ) liam Johnson, the braska to George A. Williams, chief camAmerican league to of the state bureau of markets, was whose eye injured during launch a state-wid- e campaign for the paigner, a students demonstration against .him establishment of public markets'. recent in London, found Mr. Johnson Three men were killed, one mortalunable to see with it. ly wounded and several others .foore utterly Jack Johnson, former heavyweight or less seriously Injured at Bogalusa, of the world, has been champion In a members of between clash La., the Loyalty league and a group of la- matched to fight Carl Morris of Tulsa, Okla., at San Luis, Mexico, it is anbor agitators. nounced. Charged with criminal syndicalism, The first political convention of the J. E. McCadden, secretary-treasure- r of the steel strike committee for presidential campaign opened at MexiYoungstown district; John Kllnski and co City, November 20, with 500 deleFrank Koraskl, coal organizers', were gates from all parts of the republic. The Democratic league was estabarrested at Youngstown, O. An improvised still in which Inmates lished. The American delegation to the of the naval prison at Portsmouth, N. II., have been making liquor from peace conference will sail for home apples, raisins and prunes was dis- on December 5 or 6. The British delecovered by members of the Prison gation will probably leave Paris about the same time. Welfare league. The election in France is a veritable Discovery of a plot to assassinate landslide against the Socialists. It state and police officials who federal, have been active in prosecuting I. W. means not only the downfall of the W. and' union of Russian workers disorganizing element in France, but members has been announced at New the beginning of a concerted final attack against anarchy all over Europe. York. , , Ohia.TI suffered from a trouble which caused me much suffering, and two Canton, iem doctors decided that I would have to go through an operation before I could get well. My mother, who had been helped by LydiaE. Pinkhanra Vegetable Com pound, advised me to try it before submitting to an opera- tion. It relieved me from my troubles to I can do my house work without any difficulty. I advise any woman who is afflicted with female troubles to rive. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable a trial and it will do as much for Mrs. Marie Boyd, 1421 6th them. N. Canton, Ohio. E., St, Sometimes there are serious conditions where a hospital operation is the only alternative, but on the other hand eo many women have been cured by this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, after doctors have said that an operation was every woman who wants necessary to avoid an operation should give it a fur trial before submitting to such a Com-tou- nd trying ordeal. If complications exist, write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for advice. The result of many years experience is at your service. Usea Shorthorn Bull Ton will increase the and improve the quality of your calves by nsing a registered Shorthorn bnll The calves will make better gains and sell for more per ponnd at the market. The heifers will make better breeders and better milkers. Shorthorn steers top the beef markets and the cows make high milk records. Write for Information to the American Shorthorn Breeders Association 13 Dexter Park Ave. Chicago, 111. Weight PATENTS E Coleman, Watson Patent Lawyer, Washington; D. 0. Advloc and book free, ilstes reasonable. Highest references. Bestserrloee. c a package before the war c a package during the war c a package first-clas- e NOW nt nt THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! - Veni-zelo- An Oversupply. bothers them in the Orient also, but in a different way. A gentleman .who bad returned from India remarked. The worst thing about the place is the nuisance of numerous servants.' Why, when I was at Bogglywallah I had four servants to look after my pipe alone. Four servants to attend to your The help problem piper les. The first one brought it to It; the third me; the second filled Ht it And the fourth? Oh, he smoked it. I never could abide tobacco In any form, you know. WOMEN HEED SWAMP-ROO- T . ! d . Thousands of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it. Womens complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. Pain in the back, headache, loss of ambition, nervousness, are often times symptom! of kidney trouble. Dont delay starting Kilmer's Swamp-Rooscription, obtained t, treatment. Dr. a physicians pre- at any drug store, may needed to overcome be just the remedy such conditions. Get a medium or large size bottle immediately from any drug store. However, if you wish first to test this ffest preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., N. Y., for a eample Binghamton, bottle. When writing be sure and this paper. Adv. mention Consistent Development. has become of the little boy ffho amused himself by placing bent pins for people to sit on? "He has grown up to be the man wno scatters glass in the street and Who laughs when a tire is punctured. What An Girl. What did you marry 'or, my dear; love, money, position or Mrs. Olden what? Mrs. Brldey For a husband. COLDS bed k! Sped INFLUENZA' kill the cold at once d when the bill was introduced, says A Londoner. The titterers did not know that the rat has been described as the most expensive animal maintained by man. He costs In damage anything up to $200,000,000 a year as much as the whole government subsidy to the farming industry. He spreads bubonic plague and other diseases among men and animals alike. He is of no earthly use except as a scavenger, and there the remedy is worse than the disThe fiat has gone forth; he ease. must be exterminated wherever he shows his head in stacks, in granaries, In warehouses, In the holds of vessels. The mouse, too, if less harmful, is just as useless as his big relative and the only living creature which will regret his disappearance Is the cat. cascaraQjquinih caSavcs Standard cold remedy tot 20 years -- is tablet form oaf, sure, so opiates 'breaks up a cold la 24 hours relieve grip la 9 dev. Money back if it foils. The gsaulno box his a Red p with Mr. Bill's picture. Stmrrr Airship Construction Complex. Some interesting facts regarding the work required in building a large modern airship is given In a recent issue of the Engineer, which states that the general problems of design are closely allied to those of naval architecture; although the airship designer must be a highly skilled engineer and also must have a knowledge of textile technology. For the work of construction, owing to the multiplicity of parts required, a very efficient shop organization is necessary. In a rigid airship structure, excluding the machinery, there are 20,000 different parts, a total length of structural material 'of 20 miles of wire, and more than 2,000,000 me--chanl- rivets. Entirely Incredulous. I can make you young again, said the doctor. I dont believe It, replied Farmer I used to think I was Corntossel. jes as young as anybody when I was dancin the tango up to the town halL Something to Boast Of. But it didnt amount to nothin, an I Im not bragging or anything. dont believe the doctors is goln to Yes, yes, go on. do any better helpin me fool myself But I do want to say that I have than the dancin teacher did. been a landlord for 17 years and in all that time I havent had a single comOne Exception. Do you serve only soft drinks? plaint filed against me by a tenant. Well; we can give you a glass of A Sure Bet. hard water." Boston Transcript. How did you make out at the Different take different people yesterday? Fine. I didnt go. views. Anti-saloo- n A,Health:Biiilding Food , with HILLS At Alt Dr long-planne- Just Rats. For want of a pied piper of Hame-lin- , the British board of agriculture is using the next best thing to get rid of the rats and mice a bill. The house of parliament tittered A blend ofwheat :anci barley preparedito di gestfeasHy2and.nriake and keep people strongl i-- . There's a Reason $ |