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Show t Courier . VOL. X. NO. 2 Hyrum, Cache County; Utah, Friday. No?. 28, 1919. .1. New Enterprise . .iTTTTTnTijTnjri n ill H mmi II n inipyfniiinininqnTnm nTmrr1c For Hyrum Hyrum will soon boast of an Produce business. Arrangements are now under way for the establishment of a long seeded enterprise of this kind, dn the past it has been necessary for the people of. South Cache to go to Logan, or elsewhere, for much of the necessary produce, stock and Likewise in the disposhog feeds. al of many of their farm products, it has been almost impossible to ship them away and get satisfactory returns for them. The aim of the new business firm is to act " as a clearing house for all kinds of produce, both by sale purchase or exchange. All kinds of feeds will be handled, such as bran, shorts, corn, oats, wheat barley and alfalfa, in small or carload lots. Potatoes and a well known brand of fiour will also be handled. As soon as spring approaches a complete line of farm and garden seeds will be added. It will be the firms policy to give service and goods of first quality at a small profit, and the patronage of the people of South Cache is solicited, with the assurance that they shall receive their moneys value. . The business will be located in the west part of the building. Mr. A. D. Allen and H. P. Anderson are back of this enterprise. Mr. Allen will manage the business, and on account of Mr. Anderson up-to-da- te Co-o- p ; : , - Ilkai: -- k4 tngtr School, he will "only keep the books r; ; j f the new firm Th above mentioned enterprif U something Hyrum has been in need of for some time, and will fi 1 a long felt want in this community. certainly commend these gentlemen on their enterprise shown, and speak for them a big portion of , the patronage of the people of South Cache, and join with their many friends in wishing them success in their undertaking.) We THE KING and THE KID San Francisco This ought to be a short story and its title ought to be The King and the Kid. The King is Albert of Belgium. The kid is Richard Siprelle of San Francisco? eleven years old. The King had entered his automobile after his official reception at the City Hal! here and no doubt thought himself safe, surrounded as he was by Becret service men, Boldiers, and police. Enter the kid: leaping on the running board of King Alberts machine, he thrust into the Kings hand a Thrift Stamp with a card on which to paste it. King Albert, said the kid to the King, dont you want a Thrift Stamp? The boy with his natty overseas soldiers cap in hand smilingly awaited his answer. The King took the card and stamp; said Thank you, and the incident In the Kings life and the epic in the kids life closed then and there with a forward lurch of the automobile, leaving the kid behind. "I just wanted the King to know, said Richard,' what a chance America gives ns kids to learn how to save so that when the King gets back tome maybe he will make Thrift Stamps for n kids. The newspapers said that I wanted two-bi- ts for the stamp but I didnt. I am going to write the King a letter and see if he wont send me his photograph with his name on it. Needless to Bay, Richard Siprelle is in the movies, so if yon see a Picture of the King in his automobile with a kid on the running board, you will know all about it, Bel-gia- into the poultry Store Olsen of the 2nd Hyrum Drug of Chris. ward during the of the week, and got away forepart with over 40 of the best pure-breWhite Ltrhom hens. Such robberies should at once be One of the most daring burglar- reported to the city officers, who ies ever committed in Hyrum was duty it is to investigate such cases accomplished last. Sunday night or and if possible, bring the guilty , early Monday morning, when thieves parties to justice entered the Hyrum Drug Cos. Store, on Main Street. The perpetrators effected an entrance by removing an upstairs east window after which it was quite easy to go thru the building. A Missionary Farewell Social for From appearances it seems that Elder H. M. McBride will be given the intruders were quite familiar at the First Ward House, Meeting with the arrangements of the Wednesday evening, Dec. 3rd, at interior, and the location of the 7:30. A nice program is being arvarious articles they were lookranged and everybody is invited. ing for, as practically nothing Bro. McBride will leave in a few aside from the valuables taken, days to fill a mission in the Northwas disturbed, the thieves only western States. taking what seemed to them the handiest and best to carry away. It is estimated that about $800.00 BUY W. B. H. was taken from the store, comprise ing silverware, kodacks, razors, KAHNS COMMON SENSE jewelry, guns, ammunition, etc. It appears, also that the robbery Teaching of thrift and increased investment by the people of America in was well planed and carried on in government savings securities, War such a quiet way that none of the Savings Stamps, Treasury Certificates telephone operators, who have office aud in savings banks are methods adof- New York and rooms adjoining upstairs, were vocated by Otto H. Kahn for relieving the economic situation enawakened or heard the slightest gendered by the high coat of necessinoise, and the fugitives got away ties. This suggestion by the eminent partwith the booty without the slightner of the firm of Kahn, Loeb A Co. est clue of apprehension. was made in an open letter to an unOfficers are working on the case named government official at Washington. As a check to waste and certain but up to to this writing no clue forms of useless extravagance, Mr. has been found that would lead in Kahn advocated the establishment of a federal bureau of salvage which would any way of the recovery of the stoInstruct the people of the United States len articles or their possessors. or. the possibilities of recreating wealth house Burglarized d Missionary Farewell Social - Additional Locals Welcome Home Remember the entertainment at the 1st ward next Friday evening Dec. 5th. Social Party A welcome home vial will be OATS FOR SALE Apply to in honor of Dewey Nielsen given A. D. Allen or H. P. Anderson, who just recently returned from Adv. Hyrum. the Eastern States Mission, at the Before you buy Clothing, call on Third Ward meeting house Tuesday Newbold, Logan, he sure has some evening, Dec. 2nd, at 7:30. Adv. bargains. will The following program If you are looking for a time, come to the 1st ward Friday evening, Dec. 5th. Mrs. John C. Nielsen is in Pocatello valley, for a short with relatives and friends. rendered: good next Reading, C. F. Olsen Address of Welcome, Z. W. daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Golden Brown, this week. All concerned one day are doing nicely. The three wards of Hyrum celebrated separately and fittingly the fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the Y. L. M. I. A. Well prepared programs were rendered in each ward, after which rdl enjoyed themselves dancing the old time time dances, as well as the new. To more effectively represent the occasion many were dressed in old style some of the men wearing boots and knee pants, while some of the ladies wore and bussels, and representing such other characters and costumes worn in the days of "49. high-heel- ed hoop-skir- Singing, Congregation Prayer Duet. Leonard and Lola Larsen from visit , A fine he ts Notice to Light Users from the Bcrap heap. He points out Please turn off your electric lights the government In the last three that during the day and night, use just We are informed that consideryears has saved over 9500,000,000 in what is necessary, as we are now able stealing has been going on the this manner. is which two weeks, deplorsecuring lights from the Utah Power past BUY W. B. B. and Light Co. through a meter. able. In one instance, thieves broke Isra-else- n. Piano Solo, Cora Hall Sesponse, Dewey Nielsen. Dancing after program. Everybody invited.' Stop, Look, Listen! The First Ward Sunday School will give an entertainment next Friday evening. Dec. 5th, at 7:30 p. m., at the ward meeting house. An excellent program consisting of singing and dancing, plenty of good comedy, including a Farce, etc. has been arranged. After the program'refreshments will be sold and various new games introduced. Everybody is invited to come and assist in a worthy cause. Admission, Adults 25c, Children, 15c. - ct -- - r i Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Williams of Brigham City, Utah, and former residents of Paradise, came up for a visit with relatives and friends the forepart of the week. Mr. Williams also came to attend to some ' real estate businessin his former home town. |