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Show &I-GENE.VA TIMES SHARON I The following Elders gave talks at sacrament meeting Sunday Sun-day evening: Willis Prestwich, Douglas Hawkins, Deed Rowley Row-ley and Howard Downs; also Miss Arthela Newell. Chorister jV. Emil Hansen had charge of the music. lime-Putty Stucco & Cinder Blocks Plaster and Cement OF ALL KINDS MORGAN LIME GO. 450 East 6th South Phone 1464-W Provo PROVO LOAN AND JEWELRY GO, LOANS ON Watches, Guns, Jewelry Etc. WE SELL New and Used Watches, Guns, Cameras, etc. 51 No, Univ. Are. Phone 573 Provo FOR SOOK VALUES IT'S W 0 0 L W 0 II T II t S Km BEST SELLERS A. Shocking Revelation! An Ounce of Fire Prevention Is Worth a Ton of Water OEEM HEAL ESTATE INS. AGENCY '", , 0. II. ANDERSON, Broker The Relief Society monthly social will be held Friday, July 26 at the home of President Fern Laudie. Mrs- Mary Watts will give the teacher topic. An inviation is extended every lady in the ward. Bring thimbles and enjoy a pleasant afternoon. Time 2:30- A 'fireside' chat was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Orson Prestwich, Sunday evening Richard Anderson of Salt Lake City, gave an interesting talk on Hawaii and showed pictures of the places hp has visited there. Refreshments were served to the thirty young folks attending. attend-ing. Miss Rosa Mae Finch is visiting visit-ing in Salt Lake City with her sister, Mss Lileen Finch. Dorothy Goode Weds Doyle L. Pulsipher Miss Dorothy Goode, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Goode of Vineyard became the bride of Doyle L. Pulsipher, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pulsipher of Provo, Tuesday evening at a pretty home wedding. They were married at the home of the bride's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Farrell in Orem, where summer flowers were used at tractlvely in decorations. Bish op J. Taylor Allen performed the ceremony In the presence of the immediate families of the iiiiiiniiHiiiitiiiiiiiiitniiiiiiiiiiHitiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnmiiimiiiiiiiiiiimi Come and enjoy a restful meal at GAVE CAFE American Fork I iiiiiiitmniiiiiiinitiHiiii OUTDOOR SLEEPING BAGS 32M x 77" ii nc 8Vi lbs. - ItwJ Extra heavy olive drab outer cover. Water Repelent Finish 100 Now All Wool Filling. This is a $19.00 Bag CONSOLIDATED HARDWARE GO. PROVO UTAH Perhaps the most notorious cow in all history was Mrs. O'Leary's. When she kicked, over the lantern In the barn, the cow started the great Chicago fire of 1871 which caused a loss of almost al-most $200 million. But while a cow can start a conflagration, more often a fire owes its inception to a more common couse. Misuse of electricity, elec-tricity, for instance. Every day throughout the land, defective wiring, faulty electrical connec tions, amateur repairs or the like, start fires which cause a substantial loss to property own ers. Nearly 10 of all fire losses, in fact, are traced to the misuse of electricity. 3 young couple. The bride was attired In a pretty pearl grey silk frock and wore an orchid corsage. She was attended by her mother, who wore a navy blue gown and gladiola corsage. Max Cflark was best man. The groom's mother wore black with gladi ola corsage. The happy young couple left for a short honeymoon trip, Tuesday evening. Upon their return they will make their home in Grand View. Orem Youth Serves on Cruiser Providence Ray Newell Knight, 19, machinist's ma-chinist's mate, third class, sop of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Knight Rt. 2, Orem, is serving aboard the light cruiser, USS Providence, Provi-dence, now at Philadelphia after completing an eight month tour of duty as flagship of the Medi terranean fleet- The Providence, while oper ating out of Naples, Italy, officially of-ficially visited over twelve Mediterranean Med-iterranean ports, including Marseilles, Mar-seilles, Athens, Instanbul, Alexandria, Alex-andria, Damascus and Tangiers From these ports many Providence Provi-dence men made tours to Bern. Switzerland, Rome, Cairo and other famous inland cities. 950,000,000- Statt Farm Mutual has wts4 Its policyholder! mors thu that la the cost of their u inmnuicci loo too caa ht... CsBtrWrik RULON L. BURR 326 East Second So. American Fork Pho.676 tots Fan lomnace Companies of Bloomiofton, Illinois ni:iii:iiii::t::::a::iK:isi:::ti:i::u:us:i::i:::::i:::i:::::::i:3i COMPLIMENTS From PROVO MOTOR PARTS GO, 247 West Center Street Phone 1782-3 l'rovo Utah Automotive Equipment i::n::::n:!::!::::;:m:::i::::i::t!!i!i;;:::::i:":::::::::::;:i::i::: CELEBRATE THEE3 r7. DAYS II ) OF TO SAITUKICITV JULY 1722 ., it ana 111 SfcV 3 FOR SALE OR RENT Pianos, Accordions, Guitars. Gui-tars. Phone 940R, Prof S VV. William 308 E. 3 South Prove. I buy, sell, rent, and teach. TIRE REPAIRING VULCANIZING BATTERIES BRIMHALL BROS. 121 W. 1st N. ProT I hoi 200 Mb Joseph O. Stone Funeral Rites Impressive and largely attended attend-ed were funeral services for Joseph Oliver Stone, 69, prominent promin-ent former Vineyard dairyman and church worker, who died in Salt Lake City, were conducted Friday in the Vineyard ward chapel with Bishop Taylor Allen presiding. Speakers were Pres, Walter R. Holdaway, James P. Christen-sen Christen-sen of Salem; Bishop Allen and Mrs- Malicent Wells, who read Mr. Stone's biography. Miss Alice Harding read two poems composed by Mr. Stone. Processional and recessional music and one number were played by a string quartet composed com-posed of Gloria Stone, a granddaughter, grand-daughter, Helen Jeanne Jones, Arden Lane and Verda Stubbs The Allen brothers quartet sang two selections, and Mrs. Helen Allen plaved an organ solo. S. H. Blake and Joy O- Clegg gave the invocation and benediction, bene-diction, and Arvil O. Stone, eldest eld-est son of Mr. Stone, didicated the grave at the Provo Burial park. MAKE BRICKS, Millions are needed. Start a quick CASH business, returns can start in two weeks with an inexpensive, easily hand operated oper-ated TYRA BRICK MAKER, only sand and cement and any old shed needed. Build your HOME of brick. Get a TYRA-PLAN TYRA-PLAN See what can be done. R. K. TYRA CO., WYOMING, MINN- 4t. Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To snow is not to be wise. . . But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom. wis-dom. Spurgeon. ALTERATIONS! I make men's suits, shirts and extra pants, also remodeling. Build formals, dresses and childrens clothing. See or call Mrs. Cuyler 447 No. 2nd Wiel. Proro. Phone 2276-R. Flowers From Rohbock's THE FLOWER SHOP Operated by ROHBOCK'S SONS Greenhouse & Nursery Provo Bench Phone 116 "Say it with Flowers" Landscape Artists TOP BILLING FOR 1946! Mickey Mouse VIEWER And Walt Disney FILM STRIPS In Full Color Includes Viewer and One Film Strip STANDARD SUPPLY 83 No. Univ. Ave Provo SPEAR LUMBER COMPANY PHONE 34 See Us For ASPHALT ROOFING 19S W. 3rd South PROVO $100 He who is taught to live upon little owes more to his father's wisdom than he who has a great deal left him does to his father's care. William Penn. Because right is right, to follow fol-low riht were wisdom in the scorn of consequences. THROUGH 7 6 For 76 years, Berg Mortuary has helped families of Utah County in time of sorrow. The personal touch that makes a service a cherished memory, the thoughtful attention to details that is so comforting com-forting to bereaved families these are to be found in every service conducted by Berg, regardless re-gardless of cost. L New Higher Pay for the Armyl HEW PAY SCALE IN ADDITION TO CLOTHING, FOOD, LODGING, MEDICAL AND DENTAL CAM, AND LIBERAL RETIREMENT PRIVILEGES Start fag Monthly Retirement Intern After Ban Pay 20 Yan' 30Ym' Master Sergeant ,0"A Unkt or First Sergeant $165.00 $107.25 $185.63 Technical Sergeant 135.00 87.75 151.88 Staff Sergeant . . 115.00 74.75 129.38 Sergeant .... 100.00 65.00 112.50 Corporal .... 90.00 58.50 101.25 Private First Class 80.00 52.00 90.00 Private 75.00 48.75 84.38 IN ADDITION TO COLUMN ONE OP THB ABOVIi 20 bcreoM for SsrWce Overseas. 50 faciease tf Member ofFly'mg or Glidtr Craws, 5 farecM k Par for Coco I Voani of Servfct. Highlights of Regular Army Enlistment 1. Enlistment! for 1, 2 or 3 yean. (One-year enlistment! per. mitted for men now in the Army with 6 or more months of service.) 2. Enlistment ege from 18 to 34 year inclusive (17 with parents' consent) except for men now in Army, who may reenlitt at any age, and former service men depending on length of service. 3. A reenlistment bonus of 350 for each year of active service since uch bonus wai last paid, or line kit entry into service, provided re enlistment i within 90 day after last honorable discharge. 4. Up to 90 days' reenlistment furlough with pay, depending on length of service, with prescribed travel allowance paid to home and return, for men now in the Army who reenlist. 5. Consult your Army Recruiting Officer for other furlough privileges. 6. Mustering-out pay (based upon length of service) to all men who are discharged to enlist or reenlist. 7. Option to retire at half pay for the rest of your life after 20 108 West Center Furnace and Chimney CLEANING Electrical - Plumbing - Heating Contracting Service OREM APPLIANCE ORRELL DeLANGE, Manager Across from Scera Phone 0103J4 COMPLETE RADIO SERVICE AND APPLIANCE RALPH'S RADIO 63 No. Unir. Ave Phon 618 The Home of Guaranteed Service YEARS year service Increasing te three-quarter three-quarter pay after 30 yean service. (Retirement income in grade of Master or First Sergeant up to $185.63 per month for life.) All previous active federal military service ser-vice count toward retirement. 8. Benefit under the GI Bill of Right assured for men who enlist on or before October 5, 1946. 9. Choice of branch of service and oversea theater (of those (till open) on 3-year enlistment. ENLIST NOW AT YOU NEAREST 0. S. ARMY IECRUITINO STATION Provo Announcing The Removal Of The Studio Of C. Jack Duggan From 319 W. Center, Provo, to Rancho Cheiro located on American Fork Highway 12 mile west of Power Plant at Junction of Pleasant Grove and American Fork, Highway to Timp. Cave. Drive out any time Day or Nite, and HAVE YOUR FORTUNE TOLD BY A SCIENTIFIC PALMIST AND CHARACTER AN-ALYST. AN-ALYST. ALSO DOMESTIC AFFAIRS COUNSELOR. Available for Clubs and Parties. Phone American Fork 0269-J2. Pin-It-Up Lamps Beautiful, genuine "Plexiglass" lamps with figured parchment shades made by RAILLEY Only $3.93 End Tables Make your living room more comfortable with one or two of these beautiful end tables Only $3.95 Kitchen Stools Sturdy stools with tube aluminum legs and red leatherette upholstered seats, a bargain at 3.93 Lawu Chairs Folding type .heavily built, comfortable, cool, for your enjoyment. Take one of these camping camp-ing with you. . 14.95 Electric Water Heaters NATIONAL 2 Removable Units 66 Gal. Cap. Just right for the new post-war home, and the most economical sure. You don't have to change your heater forva larger one, as you install modern improvements, im-provements, and your operating expense is no more on a large tank, than a small one. You pay only to heat the water you use, regardless of the tank size $14950 Holm FiimlsMngs Across from Scera Phone O103-R4 V SAWED FOft f Simmons ! ALL WORK GUARANTEED For One Year Expert Watch and Jewelry Repair New And Used Watches Guns-r-Jewelry LOANS ON VALUABLES Owned and Operated by an Ex-Serviceman PROVO LOAN AND JEWELRY CO. Phone 573 51 North Univ. Ave. 1 ,muui.imui.i. Hijii 1 1 11 1 .n.immnn:::::::::::a::ns::::ni:""::""::": -Manufacturers of FINE CANDIES For 75 Years- UTAH COUNTY'S OLDEST MANUFACTURER IN THIS LINE Thursday, July 18f 194g provo, ur mE oMDverrx 1 J |