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Show MOPSY ty GLADYS PARKER WHEW I OEeiDE C (TxW ON A SUN-TAN V I 1 00h,,T D0 1 77 V THINGS I WAL-WAy J DOBDY SOX i Marty Links Home-Town Echoes By C. Kessler l(,t' At iMua cona vcai. mt wt. II Ua Iimm. ttJUKI WW THE MECUSORrtOOO COURT OF AUMAM RELAT)OxiS HOW ABOUT THE H UEAAON CRfcAM PI t e HEY1! THAT AtNT NO 5ANPWICH f THATS OUR g-COUKSE5PEaAL! sirrrtnrTA eATr FAST! MY LUNCH HOUR u ueeesrtPi $WL CJiKASO j n U GLAD rrs OVER VSTien Calvin Coolidge renewed bit membership In the City club of New York, he had to Oil out the usual lormi. After "Occupation" Mr. Coolidge wrote, "Retired." The next few lines were for "Remarks." On these the ex-President wrote. "Glad of It" Jagged Bis Memory On patient who had paid his doc-. doc-. . .man fortune In fees, was sur prised, and not a little hurt, when b called one day for a treatment and waa not recognized. He had to tell Dr. Edson that his throat needed attention. "Open your mouth." laid the doe-lor. doe-lor. The patient did so. whereupon the physician seized his hand cordially, and exclaimed. "Why. my dear Mr. Henderson, really I didn't recognize you at first!" K v A---., v- liSnl 11 , II l's J . I I I I 111- bmmmvbb''" i 'eav . p if w tj w a trw vi- ."i bt m mi bib m -m. m- JJ-w- CROSS TOWN By Roland Cod RESERVOIR NO- -' FISHING swimming SEWING CIRCLE PATTERNS JPreth ScattopeJi jbale 2) - NANCY w,-,i r u awe i vfP A DOS. A LOTS OF CAT. n r j iw. PETS. TOM A PARROT A CANARY- MONKEY TwO LOVE-BIRDS. A TURTLE AND SIX 60LDFI5H "Thafi a dumb sign! Not many gnya ever fish while swimming l" RISHT WAY, KID5, THIS LI BIGGEST MENAGERIE IN TOWN s ft - 5 MUTT AND JEFF .icee ujatH I'M WAVING TO WAVING HWrtO IS WAvlNui JOrsfl TO M6 FKOWl HER VJINOOW' By Bud Fisher VOOVE BEEN YErt. SINCE A f WAVING rtEREENCEES PAPA OVER AN B HAS rOKI5iUUcr HOUKfpCT ME TO SEE n tfJF APOAMGEDA COOE 0FSI6NMS. SEE. NOW SrtEfel WHAT NOW.I'MjWHATOTHERr oom'tA WAVING TO ME. YOU WAVING JEFF.OOYOURBf U)V6 ME?" WAVIN6 BACK. 100.' OOESTijTHATiSTME rsA vnu u . - j 2. LITTLE REGGIE By Margarita . VTI THIS VACUUM CLEANtK V SIS is NO GOOD THERE 5 (A SML HOLE tN IT! J Slimming Date Dress A BEGUILING junior date dress your best beau is sure to admire. ad-mire. Round neck and cap sleeves are edged n handsome scaiiops, princess panels give you a slim-as-a-pencil look. It will be stunning stun-ning in icy white with bold flower appliques. m w w t anna mmmas In aiTMl 11. 12. 13, 14. 16 and 18. Size 12, 3',i yards of 3o or ay-incn laonc. lake Frock for T6t little volked frock is as A sweet aa can be. and makes easy sewing for the beginner be cause it s cut all in one piece, use a pretty all-over flower print and JITTER By Arthur Pointer REG'LAR FELLERS 1 1 ' " -' Ml 1 200UE! WHAT FER. PETE3 JAKE.' MORNING BLUES "Cuh'neL" called out his friend, "how do you feel, sun?" The colonel snorted at the nonsensical non-sensical nature of the query. "Major." ha declared tartly, "I feel like h , auh, as any Suthron gentleman should feel, sub, at this hour of the mawnin'." Opportunity Hissed Mary, aged f.ve, had slapped her cousin. "God doesn't like naughty little girls." her motner tola ner, "but it you ask Him he'll forgive you." In a moment Mary looked up. with brightened face, and asked: "Mama, do you reaOy think God will forgive met" "Yes," replied her mother, 'Tm sure Be will." "Then," quickly replied Mary, 1 wish I had slapped her harder!" MOW DO W f fOUUKC W MY MAT, 16 MV UNCLE JBNT IT TO KlE. FROM ii ."rwri VIRGIL V no! voj camt 60 OUT J . A6AlM-Y0UftFEET , I?" are sgj5,N&y SILENT SAM rrsu If TAKES i A inr NtANoa well, a; vuE'oe. vief i luun m STA1 TOGETHER.! UAlT A MIMUTP. Tin. i acr a sassoft' W af i r a .A' By Gene Byrnes if a nnnn 1 OUJD trim with bright harmonizing ft rac. Panties to match. She! adore this cool, summery set Pattern No. 1514 is for sizes till and 6 years. Size 3, dress, 1 yards i 35 or 39-inch; panties, 1i yard; 2ii yut ric rac to trim. Due to an unusually large demand nt current conditions, slightly more te i required m filling orders for a few of Ik most popular pauern uumuers. Send your order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 70S Mission St., San Francisco, CaE Enclose 25 cents in coins for cms pattern desired. Pattern No. Sia Name Address ILL 'term Testa show that rinse water about as hot as the wash water will remove soap and loosen dirt more easily. Tr nsinsr a notato masher to rream butter and suear for a cake. The wooden kind is espe cially good for this purpose. In making coffee, tea or chocolate choco-late to be served iced, double the strength to allow for the ice used in cooling. Save lemon halves after juice is extracted for use in cleaning wooden drain and mixing boards, and in removing stains from porcelain. After flowering plants have faded and been removed from piazza boxes, fill boxes with small growing evergreens' or pine boughs. when nnmoldine gelatin des serts dip mold into bowl of warm water deen enough so that It COmeS up to rim of mold. This must be done quickly as gelatm is UKeiy to liquefy. GetO'SuttimSOUSasvi Heels next time you kimp shoes repaired. yOU CAN WALK FARTHER WITHOUT tiring: IaND DOMT ARSU&l 1'IA TIRED AND I'VE GOT A SPLITTING HEADACHE r ti r r i By Len Klelt , CMVT YOU HAN6 YOUR, STOCKINGS IN IV IVTTLb MORE RESTFUL. P0S1TI0M V- MORE RESTFUL, fl lz : By Jeff Hayes XL A'n more tvonv ABOUT YEAST GETTIHG SBj . .... I I 111 llll " 1 :3 sW, Hew FleiscTimann's Fast Rising Dry Yeast keeps full-strength for weeks on your pantry sne IP YOU BAKE AT HOME yon can make delicious bread any tune ... at a moment s nom with New Fleischmann's Fast Rising Dry Yeast. Always dependable New Fleischmann'a Fast Rising keeps fresh for weeks on your pantry shelf ready for quick action whenever yon want if .Tut riiooilva arwinlina to directions a the package. Get New Fleischmann'a Fast I Rising Dry Yeast today. At your grocers. ihhh'" IAHC. I Min miti 1 i inn ww |