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Show it! 61 w i! Kathleen Norris Says: That Too Late Feeling Bel) Syndicate. WNU Features. . ,v --4 w uousnaoLD Chair Set to Brighten Kitchen A TMsV persons try to advise hot-headed youth; it it the tragedy of all the feuralions that hot-headed youth never will listen." By KATHLEEN NORRIS T F A GIRL could only see I things now as she'll 1 surely surely surely tee them a few years from now! wails Rosamond's mother. "The man admits to '47; Rosamond is almost 18. She says she will be married on her birthday. He has been married before; he has sons older than she is; he must depend de-pend on her small fortune, for he has none of his own, and no job, and yet she is completely infatuated with him, and nothing noth-ing her grandmother and I can say is of any use." Well, poor Rosamond must be left to her fate. If the feels like that, and allowed to ruin her life in her own way. We parents can't lave our children from their follies. If love and advice and example have no effect, then sometimes they have to be allowed to go over the whirlpool and swim to shore afterward after-ward u best they may. I But Fd like to know more of Rosamond's Rosa-mond's background, and satisfy my tuspicion that something was lacking lack-ing in her training, that she can be to utterly beyond Influence and control now. Where did her mother tail her? Somewhere, you may be tery mre. f A for seeing things in youth as i We tee them a few years later hot different this world would be if : t could! Row many miserable young mistakes would be avoided, how much we could save ourselves! Older persons try to advise hotheaded hot-headed youth; it is the tragedy of tn the generations In turn that hotheaded hot-headed youth never will listen. Now Wants Baby Back. , Barli Louise, a college girl in w tows, went on certain free-and-B9 house-parties a few years ago 4 did "what all the others did." other words she entered into a toe-affair with a man she hard- knew and didn't care about par-Wtaiy. par-Wtaiy. The result was a heart-Men heart-Men family in Minnesota, to "Men the returned in disgrace, and l mall baby's concealed arrival hastT ditsnnsitlnn tra. .In. J girl married, discovered that w could not have more children, went to the town where her M Bwed. She saw a small, fairy-BW fairy-BW girl with a wistful, search-J search-J We face. The neighbors said t her foster-parents weren't too her. And the mother was Mt She came back home, as Md come in the beginning, to me for having advised Wm. And yet adoption, in keCMM' certWy gives a baby "w cnance than to be raised I ,v unmarried mother and Z wlth toe 8tm inescapable illegitimacy. toe iri wh toW me rtj'?8UlM ex relations to her hefi didn,t concern anone Ulan .1 mere is Bettv. another RASH, WILLFUL ACTS Few people like to take advice. ad-vice. This is particularly true of the young and headstrong. A girl who thinks she knows better than anyone else cannot can-not be reasoned with; sometimes some-times there is nothing to do but to stand aside and let her go through with her foolish plans. Miss Norris tells of an 18-year-old girl who is determined deter-mined to marry a man 47 years old, with two grown sons. He has no job, nor any income. It is hard to see why she is so infatuated with this middle-aged man, but so she is. Nothing her mother or grandmother can say has any influence on her. It is obvious to everyone that Rosamond is in for a heartbreaking experience. experi-ence. Many other foolish, willful people are suffering needlessly, needless-ly, continues Miss Norris, because be-cause of stubborn pride. F or instance, a woman quarreled with her brother years ago. She is now a widow, and her brother a widower. He has two small children. This brother and sister would like to help each other, but pridp stands in the way. Quarrels over wills divide many families. fami-lies. The occasions for flare-ups flare-ups are numerous, and longstanding long-standing feuds develop all too often from trivial circumstances. circum-stances. On the other hand, concludes con-cludes Miss Norris, everyone has frequent opportunities to make amends for the harmful acts of life by little deeds of kindness and thoughtfulness. Vegetable Preparation Required Asparagus Beans (String, Wax) Beans, Lima Beets Cabbage, Brus sels Sprouts Carrots Cauliflower Corn on Cob Corn Greens Parsnips Turnips Peas Pumpkin Squash Sauerkraut Wash, orecook 3 minutes. Wash, string, cut or leave whole; precook S minutes.. Shell, grade, wash; precook S minutes, then pack....... Wash, retain stem; cook 15 muL. sup skins, pack.. Remove outer leaves, wash ; orecook S minutes, add fresh water Wash, neel: orecook i minutes, pack hot Remove outer leaves, wash; precook 4 minutes, pack.... Remove husk; precook S minutes, pack .. Cut from cob: orecook & minutes, pack Wash, steam to wilt. pack loosely Wash, pare; precook S minutes, pack . Shell, grade (use young); precook 3 min, pack loosely Cut in nieces, steam or ha Ira untu tender, pack. Pack cold, add salt. no water PROCESSING Bet Watts Pt Cxker Bath Mia. Mis. Us. 180 180 180 120 120 120 ISO 210 210 180 90 180 180 30 40 40 ss 40 40 35 35 80 80 60 35 60 60 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Chart Your Vegetable Canning Course (See Recipes Below) J" young mother, who had a gWarrel with her brother, when m. v oun8- Jut a few about hot the girl he loved, and 1m7 -". nu mere was to tween toem forever, neither side would break W can't break down, even ikTr need each other I Zm ha been widowed, and 7mau Birls to raise, and il ' husban n the war. SS5rBorrternalcares- n hL ' apolSy nd regret A endJed 10 r-i Mam Louisa and m. vi hi Vinwvi Betty "CI I Warned in dUgncs.' aren't the only ones. Which one of us doesn't look back at some foolishness, fool-ishness, some indiscretion, some mistake of youth with bitter regret! Just to have been ordinarily polite to mother, as she worried and pleaded. plead-ed. Just to have gone back that evening, eve-ning, and surprised dad by spending spend-ing an hour beside his sick-bed, reading to him. Just not to have written that angry letter. Just not to have cultivated that dangerous friendship, against everyone's advice. ad-vice. Just to have forgiven and forgotten for-gotten the unintentional slight, or the accidentally overheard criticism. crit-icism. To have made less of the tangible thing Grandma's opal breast-pin or Aunt Lizzie's Canton set and more of the spirit of giving giv-ing and sharing. It is a strange heart indeed that does not remember scores of these omissions and stupidities, some o( them seemingly slight, some of them affecting our whole lives. But what we must also remember, remem-ber, in hours of compunction and remorse, is that all about us are other opportunities for kindness and thoughtfulness, chances to save ourselves our-selves fresh reason for regret in the years to come. Sometimes I fancy that generosity today actually actual-ly wipes out those old mistakes, and that to have learned the lesson is more important than the painful way in which we had to learn it. To say "I was wrong, and that that is past I start from here to go right," is to have mastered a very important impor-tant mystical secret. There is nc blunder, stupidity, sin of youth that may not be wiped out and forgotten; forgot-ten; and, if we will have it so, may not be turned from loss into gain. Home-Canned Vegetables Yes, that canning season has come around again. Gardens all over the country are bursting and blooming with their bounty of peas, corn, green beans, beets, car- k rots and greens. It's time to stop being the proverbial pro-verbial grasshopper grasshop-per and become the busy ant who wisely laid in provisions pro-visions for the winter. Well-laden shelves give a wonderful wonder-ful feeling of plenty when the earth becomes bare and unproductive. You can simply go down to your canning cellar and select the vegetables vege-tables that go bast with the meal. There's particular Joy in this if you've raised them yourself and watched them grow by degrees, but even if you haven't done your own gardening, you'll enjoy those hand-picked hand-picked foods. What Is Processing? When we speak of canning vegetables, vege-tables, we often use the word processing. proc-essing. This simply means that you can the food, placing it in sterile jars and apply a high enough temperature tem-perature to kill the micro-organisms and then seal the jars so no more can get in. If you're new at this canning business, busi-ness, remember these two important impor-tant points: get produce as fresh as possible (this is where having garden of your own helps so much) and trying to observe to the letter the rule of getting the vegetables from garden to can in two hours. Rule No. 2 is to have all your equipment ready so that there will be no time lost once you start the vegetables on their way to the jars. Essential Equipment. You will need these pieces of equipment to make your canning program run as smoothly as possible: pos-sible: clean jars with caps, tongs with which to remove re-move the jars from the canner; towels; newspa pers, a large kettle for pre-cooking the vegetables, spoons, small paring par-ing knife, pot holders, and of course the canner, preferably a pressure cooker. You may also find a funnel fun-nel essential, and it's nice to have a teakettle with a spout so that you can pour hot water into the jars after aft-er they are filled. The day before you actually decide de-cide to do your canning check over the above equipment list and see that everything is laid out and ready. The jars should be checked for nicks and cracks by running a Prickly Pear Killer. The Australian town of Boonarga has a memorial to an insect. This is the Cactoblastis Memorial hall built by farmers to honor the tiny insects which freed thousands of rich acres from prickly pear. The weed from North and South America bad a strangle hold on 30 million acres of Australian land by 1923. In the Argentine. Australian scientists tracked down the Cactoblastis Cacto-blastis cactorium insect Within seven sev-en years the last big belt of prickly pears in Queensland has gone. i LYNN SAYS: Make canning time ran smoothly: smooth-ly: Have the jars ready by figuring fig-uring as closely as possible the number you will need for the amount of fresh vegetables you use. These amounts of fresh vegetables veg-etables give approximately 1 quart of canned produce: 4 pounds of asparagus; Vh pounds beets (whole) ; 2Vi pounds of carrots; corn (cut from the cob), 8 ears; 6 pounds of greens; 4 quarts unshelled lima beans; 4 pounds green beans; 2 pounds of string beans; 2V4 to 3 pounds of tomatoes; 4 pounds of tomatoes (for juice). After filling jars, always run a spatula down the sides of the Jar to eliminate air bubbles. Use large pans of water and colanders to make washing and preparing the vegetables easy for canning. LYNN CHAMBERS' MEND Liver Loaf Mashed Potatoes Buttered Spinach Bran Muffins Hearts of Lettuce Salad Blueberry Crisp Beverage finger over the top edge, and then washed in hot soapy suds and rinsed in clear hot water. Pressure Cooker Desirable, Although the time table at the top of the column gives time for proc essing in the hot water bath, it should be remembered that the pressure cooker Is the only method accepted by most authorities includ ing the department of agriculture. Why is this, you ask? First of all, there is danger of botulism in foods that are not properly prop-erly processed. This particular type of poisoning comes from the soil, and when present in the food and not destroyed by processing, they produce a toxin which is a deadly poison. A pressure canner is regarded re-garded as the only means of providing pro-viding temperatures high enough to kill the botulinus bacteria. You may alsq ask why the pressure pres-sure canner is recommended for vegetables and not considered essentia essen-tia (though it is desirable) for tomatoes to-matoes and fruits. The answer is that vegetables, and also meats and fish belong to the non-acid group. In acid foods, the bacteria can be killed in a reasonably short length of time by boiling-water bath temperature, tem-perature, but in non-acid foods, much higher temperatures, as you get in the pressure cooker, are necessary. nec-essary. Use of Pressure Cooker. Prepare the raw vegetable as directed di-rected on the chart given at the top of this col- I'l1 ' ip umn. Pre - cook iY4f H vegeiaDie to shrink it somewhat some-what and make a more attractive pack. Save the cooking liquid to fill the jars. Allow Al-low head space of about inch at the top of each jar except in the case of corn, peas and shell beans which need 1 inch because they swell more during cooking. Also add salt if desired, about 1 teaspoon to each quart. Pour boiling water into canner to a level of about 2 inches, or follow manufacturer's directions. Seal or partially seal the covers on the jars, then place them on rack in pressure canner. Adjust cover of canner and fasten tightly with clamps. Leave the pet-cock pet-cock open until a jet of steam comes from it for 7 minutes. Check to see that no steam escapes from anywhere any-where else except the petcock. Then close the petcock and allow al-low the pressure to rise to designated designat-ed temperature. Then, . and only then, begin to count your processing process-ing time, checking often to see that the temperature does not fluctuate. When processing is finished, turn off the heat and let the pressure gauge come down to zero. Open petcock gradually, remove lid away from you and set jars on several thicknesses thick-nesses of cloth towels or newspapers, news-papers, away from a draft. Never taste home canned vegetables vegeta-bles which you think may be spoiled. Your sense of smell is the best guide in telling you if the vegetables vege-tables are good or not. If you are slill using the hot-water hot-water bath (or processing, follow the cooking times as directed, and always boil the vegetables in an open sauce pan for 10 minutes before be-fore tasting or using when ready to serve. Released by Western Newspaper Uoioa. NEEDLEWORK PATTERNS WANT to give your kitchen a "face lifting" treatment? Here's a colorful and bright three-piece three-piece kitchen set of chair seat, back and work stool that are beau tifully simple to make. Use a red and white checked fabric. ASH MB 0 ANOTHER I A General Quiz The Question For eomolete euttlnt and (Inlshbii In structions for the Decorator's Kitchen Set (Pattern No. 6736) send 20 cents la coin. your nam, address and the patters sum- Dus to-an unusually large demand and current conditions, slightly more time Is required in nuing orders lor a few oi ins most popular pattern numbers. Send your order to: 8EWINO CIRCLE NEEDLEWORK 101 Mtiitoa St., Baa Franclieo, Calif. Enclose 20 cents for pattern. No Mr Address Tlol Id Ssl SicpfwLl A gushing matron approached James Cagney, the movie star, and tried to sell him on the movie possibilities pos-sibilities of her offspring. After extolling her daughter's virtues she added that she was "such a sweet, lovely little thing." Cagney saw this as a convenient way out and explained that he rather went in for the rough and ready stuff on the screen and that her daughter would be out of place in such an environment, "Your daughter," he concluded, pouring on the oil, "has such pure, fine qualities." "Ob," said the lady unabashed, "I am sure something could be done about that. You do so many wonderful things In Hollywood!" Rocket Ascended Over 41 Miles, Above Stratosphere In the United States, the first man-made object to pass beyond the stratosphere was a rocket fired secretly at White Sands, New Mexico, on October 23, 1949, says Collier's. Developed by the GALCIT organization of the California Cali-fornia Institute of Technology, this rocket, the starting weight of which was 680 pounds, was pro pelled by liquid fuel to a height of 235,000 feet, or over 44 miles, ac cording to the radar equipment that measured its flight. Sound Waves Jump Owing to some unknown meteor ological condition, sound waves sometimes "jump" great areas. For example, the explosion of an ammunition station in Holland In 1923, although heard for distance of 530 miles, was inaudible be tween 65 and 115 miles. fMllllIjli;" MGHBtEWmiiX Older people I If yon haren't the . Umin oa ghould becu your diet Uekt the natarml A&D Vitamin and nerffy-butldinBr. -natural oils yon eed you U find . tood-toed ft 0 Scott's Emuliios ' elpt build stamina, energy and reitetawes to cold. Sem this wonderful difference bo . Scott'i st your druggist's today f 9 k IQM0RI0W miCsi 4-VEGETABLI -" LAXATIVI , na. tiMctta (ETA250X sinBiamfa TCMf 5 MUSCULAR ACHES STIFF JOINTS MO MUSCLES SPRAINS STRAINS BRUISES SLOAN S LINIMENT 1. When was the Gregorian calendar cal-endar introduced? 2. Does the flying fish actually fly? 3. The United States has award ed how many Congressional Med als of Honor for heroic action dur ing the war? 4. Will a bullet fired horizontally reach the ground as quickly as one dropped from the same height? 5. William Wordsworth was poet-laureate of England 7 years. Did he write any poetry during that period? 6. What is the crime record for the average day in the U. S.? 7. What was the purpose of the round table at which King Arthur's knights sat? 8. What does the existence of he sphinx and pyramids prove to modern science? 9. Where is a dam three times greater than Grand Coulee and shasta dams combined being planned? 10. Two of U. N.'s security council delegates, Dr. Najera of Mexico and Dr. Velloso of Brazil, are called call-ed "switch hitters." Why? The Answer $ 1. In 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII. 2. No; the hatchet fish is the only fish that flies. 3. It has awarded 406 medals. 4. Yes, because of the equal pull of gravity. 5. Not a line. 6. There are 12 accidental killings, kill-ings, 18 murders, 31 rapes, 163 aggravated assaults, 149 robberies, 562 cars stolen, 881 places burglarized burglar-ized and 2,371 other thefts. 7. To indicate that they were all equal, no one sitting at the "head." 8. It gives credence to all the "Seven Wonders of the World," jvhich, owing to their destruction, might otherwise seem mythological. mythologi-cal. 9. A billion dollar dam has been proposed to span the Yangtze gorge about 300 miles east of Chungking. 10. These delegates have spoken in both English and French. Ancients Took Vegetables To Venus as Offerings Early offerings to Venus, goddess god-dess of love, were big flowery cabbages cab-bages :nd even leeks and garlic. Originally she personified beauty in nature and was the special pro- teeter of market gardeners around iRome. Later she became a goddess of brilliant beauty, had a planet 'named for her, was associated I with the golden apple of mythology. mytholo-gy. The diamond came to be v n as the Venus stone because ::s starlike brilliance. I Cupid, her little boy who never grew up, is supposed to have descended de-scended from Chaos, that confused : state of the universe before time was counted. Gef Afeiv Tire Protection at One-half Price at OfJMM E R months can be dangerous months if your tires are not In first class condition. The heat from hot pavements puts terrific strain on all tires. Those with thin treads or weak spots are almost certain to fail. You can eliminate this hazard and get new tire protection at half price by having your tires repaired and recapped at your Firestone Dealer Store or Firestone Store. Firestone Factory-Method recapping gives you exactly the same tread made of the same materials that you get on a brand new Firestone De Luxe Champion tire, or a Firestone Transport Truck tire. Firestone, and Firestone only recaps your old tires with a new tire tread. ' Firestone Factory-Method recapping is done by highly trained craftsmen exclusively their workmanship Is guaranteed. Your Tracfor Tires, Regardless of Make, Will Give Up To 16 More Drawbar Pull When Retreaded With The famous Firestone Ground Grip Tread. , FIRESTONI TRANSPORT FIRESTONI 0ELUXI uiuilnu m. , ...- -jt . As r Ml iSV l J:'' - .T - hX ? : f v - t litttB tt tin "VoU ttralout" turf Mow4j wmm Cwlsfeb MM, firatlon. tin BuMw Ok k4i It's Plain Horse Sense . . . When you get animal Tacrine made as carefully as human vaccines it stands to reason they do a better job of protecting your livestock. That's why Cutter Vaccines & Serums are effective, dependable, for stock diseases. They're made with all the scientific cart that Cutter gives its human products. And when it comes to protecting animals worth hundreds of dollars on the boof, this extra safety means extra savings Use Cutter Products regularly your animals are worm it! If not available locally, order direct from Cutter Laboratories: Berkeley, Denver, Helena, Ft Worth, Los Angeles, San Antonio, Seattle. Use CUTTER VACCINES & SERUMS |