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Show CAtorate Pioneer GALA EVENTS ENTIRE DAY; A general invitation is friends to come to, Orem for Wednesday, July 24, where here will be something doing from 10 a. m. until the wee Hmall hours of July 25. f The Orem Jaycees, headed by Keith Boyer, with Ray Hanks and Jerry Buckley as general chairmen, will sponsor jhe gala celebration. I Th-je will be fun for all, be- WEAR WESTERN TOGS AT ri- with the big parade at 'ROUGH RIDER BALL 0:00 am., aiipi- t . -1. mPrrv-RO-ruuiiu, uau irnmi. " .h dance. Valu- r I til II. 1 dUGS. JSe cash prizes for many of the tvents. LfCMTS FOR DAY; I The parade will assemble at ilO a m. on Lincoln street, just th and east of Lincoln high aiuu. . .. u :n nol The line 01 maim J1- north from Lincoln street to ffte'sharon stake LDS wards will feature "A Century k Progress' in floats from each La- There will be boy scouts in uniforms and their floats, the umim net parade, oatmng 'beauties, clowns, beautiful horses, hors-es, colorful bands, decorated bicycles, bi-cycles, etc., etc. I 1100 performance of Orem tiding club at ball park. J n-30 a.m At park, foot 'aces for young and old with cash prizes. I 12:00-1:00 Lunch at Jaycee refreshment stands. i 1003:00 Water sports' at Scera pool, with valuable prizes. i:oo.9:00 Ball games at city park- 2:00 Pie and melon eating contests at city park.' J 3:00-11:00 "Two .Girls from Boston" featuring June Allison W Kathryn Grayson at beautiful beauti-ful Scera theater. I 8:00 p.m. Ball game, Vineyard Vine-yard vs Windsor, under the lights at Orem city ball park. 8:30 p.m. Rough Rider's Ball at iimpauugua iwuci Eink, east of park, $1.00 per 'couple, extra ladies free. 1JANY FINE FLOATS j In keeping with the "Century of Progress" the ten ward floats will represent the following in-fcidents in-fcidents in pioneer history: Shar-'ob Shar-'ob ward, "Entering Salt Lake , ValleyJ; . Pleasant Vie?? . ward, I'The Pioneer Wagon plains 'Crossing"; Windsor ward, "Dedication "Dedi-cation of the Salt Lake Temple" ; Timpanogos, "Driving the Uold-fen Uold-fen Spike and Pony Express"; I Grand View, "Jacob Hamblin land a Pioneer School"; Lake Jview, "Peter Madsen Feeding f the Saints"; Vineyard, "First Settlement in Sharon"; Geneva IITSSLSSSJST Edgemont, "The Crickett and Seagull": Vermont, "The Mormon Mor-mon Battalion". Also, each ward will nomin- uaieaqueen for the day, ana an Uqueens will ride on float "Queens of Sharon" I The Daughters of Utah Pio-j Pio-j ineers will have all pioneers of j e community riding on a suit able float. ! The Orem Women's Club float f will feature "Promise of the Furs Fu-rs tare." and there will be a Boy ! Scout float. j The kiddies pet section of the 1 1 parade should be most interest-it interest-it tag, as every type of animal, j j from cat to deer is included in 1 1 those promised. Be sure and I bring your favorite pet, kiddies, j f and win some of the cash prize j The pie and melon eating con-j con-j tet will be open to anyone in I Sharon stake. if "r fine softball games have I ken scheduled for the after-I after-I n and evening, as follows: '1 5"m'' Pleasant View girls vs J Geneva girls. 1 p.m. Vineyard Senior boys 1 ; vs timpanogos Senior boys. : Pm., Pleasant Viow cees. ' P m., Vinevarrf A ve Windsor under the lights. Enroll for Merchant Marine Schooling Honorably discharitfvl vetpr- of the armed forces who c!e-to c!e-to school for a scs coin; rafeer in tv. tt c. 1 wanne hii v, ; Preference, it wps armouroted xiav hv rv, j t t. mchael. USMC, Enrolling Of-17' Of-17' Youths 16 years of ae elin'ki " who are nui ejoie for military duty may Wiy also. Trainees receive ry clothing and quarters at f.. " S. Maritime Service 'ning Station, Alameda, Caii-while Caii-while in training. applicants should write or ?a at th tt c .!! o.. , w. a. mctj iiiiiie csei v rolling Office, 1000 Geary , San Francisco, Callforn- for further details. PLANNED FOR FUN FOR ALL extended Utah county citizens IF DESIRED Reed Rowley's "Gentlemen of Swing" will furnish the music .or ine "Kough Rider's Ball" at 9:30 in the Timpanogos Skating Rink pavalion at Orem City park. It is optional whether you come "western'' or wrar i your regular duds, but be sure ' and come. . , . ... mination of a desire to establish an annual day to celebrate in the community of Orem-Sharon district. The city of Orem, Sharon stake, and the newly organized or-ganized Orem Junior Chamber of Commerce, are working together to-gether whole heartediy ior the success of this first celebration-The celebration-The Orem Riding Club, composed com-posed of leading equestrian of the community and their fine horses have been preparing for this event for some time and will make their initial appearance at the "Rough Rider Days". Geneva Ward Young People Hear Book Review Mrs. Blanche Eager and Mrs. Edna Larsen, LDS Girls advisors, advis-ors, sponsored a 'fireside chat', at the Eager home Sunday eve ning following church service for the missionary class in Sunday Sun-day school, Gleaners and M-Men of the ward. Miss Margaret Johnson gave a fine review of "Mama's Bank Account", and community singing was led by Mrs. Helen Weeks. Refreshments Refresh-ments were served the 25 present- GIRLS CANYON HOME SCHEDULE The following is the schedule for the Sharon stake girls use of Ihe M. I. A. Girls' Canyon Home: Lake View, Vineyard, Grand View, Pleasant View and Edge- Lmont will leave 5:15 p.m. Mon day, July 29 and will return Friday, August 2, at 7 p.m. VermoaVmd.me 5:15 p.m., Monday, August 5 and return Friday, August 9 at 7 p.m. Gleaner week-ends: Saturday Ju,y 2n. at 6 p.m.. returning cjq n.iv 91 at 9 n.m Sat- urdav. August 3 at 6 p.m-, re turning Sunday, August 4 at 8 p.m.; Saturday, August 17, at 6 p.m., and returning Sunday August 18 at 9 p.m The Chautauqua group will leave Monday, August 19, at 5:15 and return Thursday, Aug. 22, at 8 p.m. It is very necesfary and essential es-sential that miscellaneous groups of girls do not arrive at the home in private cars at times other than that scheduled for the group to which they belong. It is therefore expected that the girls will go on the bus. The bus fare is included in the registration fee which must be paid by all girls. Those going to the Home will meet at the Sharon stake seminary at their designated time as scheduled above. Equipment and items suggest ed for Mutual girls going to the Home: Bedding: 1 sheet. 1 pillow cast and 1 blanket (quilts and pillowp will be furnished at the horned Food: 1 glass- of jelly or jarr will be appreciated. Personal: 1 bath towel. 1 wi?l cloth and nop. '"otb brush and paste, pajamas. Ikhiso coat, sweater or jacket. 1 or two dresses (one for Sunday -'afk? shoes for hikina. tint or visor ni1H articles, snnitnrv -.-iipp!!-'- wrnh and brush cosl:rK et paper, scissors, nockot npron n 'id scarf for h ! ! 'vhHi- o" kitchen dnty k:vf.- Familv Members Em'ov Reunion --fn hnv" had a Umir miosis 'hi--week. Mr. anH Mr. Einer and cons Dean and Bert of Mesa Ar7r.ua. Mr and Mrs. A. M. ctoH of Glendale. California and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald White and familv of Salt Lake Citv. A number of familv Catherine have been enjoyed by the group SOFTBALL LEAGUE Some very fine games are being played in the various Sharon stake and Men's Softball leagues. On Monday evening the Orem Jaycees defeated Timpanogos Men 16-11 in a most exciting game, and the Jaycees showing wonderful improvemei. since the beginning of the games. In the Senior Boys league. Vineyard defeated PI. View, 20-12 20-12 in another thriller. This is the Vineyard boys first win and shows their development each game. Men's Standing in League Won Lost Windsor 5 0 Vineyard A 3 0 Vermont 4 1 Timpanogos 4 2 Jaycees 3 2 Sharon 2 2 Edgemont 2 3 Pleasant View 1 3 Vineyard B 13 Geneva 0 4 Grand View 0 5 Senior Boys Won Lost Windsor 2 0 Lake View 1 0 Vineyard 1 0 Vermont 1 1 Timpanogos 0 1 Geneva 0 1 Pleasant View 0 2 Junior Boys Timpanogos B over Windsor, (default) Lake View over Vineyard. Pleasant View over Vineyard-Geneva Vineyard-Geneva over Grand View. Senior Girls Vineyard over Grand View, 28-7. 28-7. Pleasant View over Geneva, 14-6- Geneva over Edgemont, (default) (de-fault) Junior Girls Grand View over Vineyard 33-15. 33-15. Geneva over Pleasant View, (default) .Edgemont over Geneva (default) Next Week's Schedule Men's League Monday, July 22 Edgemont vs Vineyard. Tuesday, July 23, No game. Wednesday, July 24, Pleasant View vs Jaycees at 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 24, Vineyard A"vs Windsor St 8 p.m. Thursday, July 25, Vineyard B vs Geneva-Friday, Geneva-Friday, July 26, Sharon vs Wind sor. Timpanogos bye. Soft Ball Schedule Junior Boys Monday, July 22, Pleasant View vs Vermont-Tuesday, Vermont-Tuesday, July 22, Sharon vs Lake View. Wednesday, regular game to be played Saturday. Thursday, July 25, Grand View vs Timpanogos B. Friday, July 26, timpanogos A vs Vineyard. Saturday, July 27, Windsor vf Geneva. Junior and Senior Girls Monday, Edgemont vs Grand View. Tuesday, Geneva vs Timp. Wednesday, Windsor girls vs Vermont, at 3:00 at park'-Thursday, park'-Thursday, Pleasant View vs Sharon. Friday, Grand View vs Pleasan View bye Lincoln FFA to Visit Yellowstone Park Instructor Keith Boyer requests re-quests all Future Farmers of Lincoln high school, who are interested in-terested in the trip to Yellowstone Yellow-stone Park to meet him at his home in Christeele Acres, Monday Mon-day evening, July 22 at 8 o'clock The trip will be made by buF from August 5 to the 10 and plans will be worked out at the meeting Monday evening- Bakery-Coffee Shop Opens in Orem j. A. 'Ski) Clinger and his hroth'-r-in-law. L. L- Smith, both j ,.,,1 cpn-irrmpn onpnpd a! '.I ,7no .hnn nvnr ; 'h.' weekend near Chriiiteele : Acres in Orem. j Clinger served abroad the battleship Colorado in the Paci- j f ir and Smith served in the ; Furooean theater during the j war. Francis Boren and Betty Ander-Mrs. Ander-Mrs. T. A. Triplett and Mrs. son. program and sports com Harold Brady of McKinnon, mittee. Wyoming are visiting here with Picnic dinners w'll be served Mr. and Mrs Leon Abbott and i at noon, with the afternoon giv Mr. and Mrs. Ral Triplett- I en over to program and sports iay9 Jilv tzm - OREM - THE 8TEEL CENTER OF THE WEST Volume 14 Number 23 GENEVA IN . v" V n. 5v i ' '.t.-jC:' ' ' J ".. f'i IV H ifi''' i? raft 'V:- , nM-ouut steel producing mill of the West, has begun peacetime operation for United States Steel Corporation. The mill was recently purchased from the Government Located sear Provo, Utah, the Geneva plant will produce steel for western agriculture and industry. SCOUTS TO PARTICIPATE III PARADE, JULY 24 The Scouts of Sharon stake will do their part in celebrating Pioneer Day by each troop entering en-tering a float in the parade depicting de-picting some phase of scouting. Most of the troops have been contacted concerning -ihis-n-L deavor and have heartediy expressed ex-pressed their desire to cooperate. The following wards have selected select-ed their "phases of scouting" as follows: Timp Jr. Scouts Camping. Timp. Sr. Scouts Cooking. Sharon Jr. Scouts First Aid. Grand View Jr. Scouts Fire Building. Pleasant View Sr- Scouts Signaling. Vermont Jr. Scouts Good Turn- Geneva Sr. Scouts Pioneering. Pioneer-ing. Windsor Jr. Scouts Physical Development. Vineyard Jr. Scouts Be Prepared. Pre-pared. All troops are invited to enter this parade so those of you who have not been officially notified please let this notice suffice. We would like 100 participation-For participation-For further information contact Harold K. Nielsen. Phone 2121. New School Board Member to Be Appointed Announcement is made by Elijah Chipman, clerk of Alpine School district that "Due to the establishment of residence In Salt Lake Cty, Jesse L. Sumsion board member of the Alpine School District, representing precinct one, kindly submitted his resignation to the Board July 8, 1946- This unexpired term of office will probably be filled by action of the board members of the Alpine School District at their next regular meeting to be held August 12 ! 1946" BOREN FAMILY TO HOLD REUNION Th'- descendants of Co!em;u Boren will meet Saturday A'-- i 3. at Canvon Glenn, in their a i nual family reunion. All mem bers of the family are urged !" attend, according to Mrs. O C Marriotti. president of the fatn- I ily association, Lawrenc-e Wal' ' and Alton Bigelow. vice pre si dents. William Boren, secretary PRODUCTION FOR U. S. STEEL To Speak Sunday ' ? President J. M. Steed, visiting here from California, will be the speaker at the Joint pioneer meeting of Geneva and Timpanogos Timp-anogos ward Sunday evening at 7:30 in the ward chapel The Daughters of Utah Pioneers Pio-neers are sponsoring the fine program and invite all members of both wards and friends to be present. Husbands Enjoy Canyon Party A gjda time was enjoyed by Orem Women's club and their partners, Wednesday evening, when the ladies entertained their husbands at a picnic at Canyon Glen. Softball games, picnic supper .-.nd dancing proved a delightful evening. Thicken Supper Served on Lawn Mr. and Mrs. Delos Pync were 1 ists to the Carpenter's I'liion ' '"3 and the auxiliary '45.r. the dies entertaining for their !m; nds on this occasion. Mrs. Erwin Bunnell wa mis 'ess of aeremonies during the elicious fried chicken supper rved on the lovely lawns, con 'ing of musical nurnurrs nv ''.'alter Pyne. Spencer Madsen 'lelos and Max Pyne. James Wil-'ams, Wil-'ams, Avon and Betty Dodge. A number of parties have Deer lanned by the auxiliary dur the summer season. Miss Donna Brady has left for Wyoming, where she will visit ith relatives and friends at McKinnon and Green River, for: the next three weeks. if .-- . .v V a LIUU9 VISIT PARENTS AT ROISE, IDAHO Mr. and Mrs. C. Sterling Cluff and children, Mark, Lynn and Carol, nave returned trom a pleasant trip to Idaho, where they visited at Boise with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney H Cluff, their brother and Mr. and Mrs- Grant Cluff at Meridian, Idaho, hrCluTyer fowfter near ant View residents, but have purchased a ranch at Meridian, where Grant and family live. The elder Cluff's have purchased purch-ased a home in Boise and are making many new friends. Grant is superintendent of the Sunday school at Meridian. Delightful Trip Reported Mr. and Mrs- W. P. Williams and daughter, Maurine, and Miss Carol Stubbs have returned from a delightful 23 day trip. They spent a week at MontAiry, North Carolina, with a daughter of the Williams', and husband, Mr. and Mrs. V. Talmage (Norma) Hiatt. The party spent a day at Washington, D. C. where they visited the capitol and other interesting places, at Gary. Indiana on Michigan Beach, and went through Yellowstone Park enroute home. The Williams family have left for Alpine this week, where they will make their home. Jess Cordner Home To Be Scene of Saturday Wedding The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Cordner will be the scene of a wedding Saturday evening when their daughter, Beth, will become the bride of Richard Duering, brother of Mrs. Ray Ball, of Salt Lake City. Pishop Philo T. Edwards will perform the ceremony in the nrc-i-nce of close family mem her- and friends. ' The bride has selected a pretty whitf and preen frock for her I : ;iri ;e:d will bo attended j bv Mr-- V.ilenf Camenish. a i ! i f Ve' d ! A reception will compliment: 'lie v.-iimu ronnle following the i,; ,v viih invitations is-i i-ed ''i M-vcral hundred friends i ;i relatives, by Mr. and Mrs j fnrdiicr I Following the reception.t'(? . n v.dvweds will leave for the; esnvons of Southern Utah fon thefr honeymoon, returning tc 1 Pall Lake City, where they will ' make their home. ! The bride-to-be is a graduate! of Lincoln high school and Shar on stake seminary and has been 'employed in Salt Lake City for1 rem THURSPAY, JULY 18, 1946 ACCEPT MISSION GALL TO TONGA Mr. and Mrs- Rudolph Wolf gramm (Edna Pugsley) of Sat L,aKe cny, nave accepted an LOS mission call, and will leave sometime in September for the Tongan Islands, where they will serve. This announcement comes as a surprise to their many friends here. Mrs. Wolfgramm labored for two years in the Texas mission prior to her marriage last Febru ary. Mr. Wolfgramm is well known in Sharon stake, having made his home with Mr. and Mrs. C. Lucius Laudie and attended BYU, and was active in LDS auxiliaries before entering the army in 1942. Before coming to the United States a number of years ago, Mr. Wolfgramm lived at Tonga. Flower Lovers Attentionl Next meeting of the newly organized Garden Club in Orem, to be held July 25, 8 p.m., in tne seminary building. Prospective members should come prepared to pay their dues ($1.50) ao they can draw for the orchid, Fred Augsberger is giving, giv-ing, providing there are 75 people peo-ple (don't have to be members) present. Everyone is also Invited to bring their choice of a name for the club and the author of the one chosen will receive a choice iris root from M. D. Wallace of the Horticulture Department at the BYU. The officers met last month and drew up the constitution and by-laws for the club and will have them there for considera tion by the members, also the outline for the next year's pro- (ramWe-wilt alawmake planr for the flower show to be held at the Scera theater in the near future. The speaker of the evening will be Tell Muhlestein of Pro vo, on Iris culture. Everyone who is interested is cordially invited in-vited to be there. SUNDAY SERVICES Edgemont Ward The Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Pio-neers, Edgemont Camp, will be in charge of the meeting at 7: p.m. A good program has been arranged by Capt. Sarah M. Mar riotti, who will be in charge. Sharon Ward The Genealogy organization of the ward will be in charge of the program at 7:30 p.m. Vermont Ward The Relief society, under the supervision of President Verna C. Holt, will present the pro gram at S p.m. Sunday school begins at 11:00 a.m., in Shar on ward chapel. Geneva and Timpanogos Ward will meet conjointly at 7:30 p.m. when the Daughters of Utah Pioneers, under the direction of Mrs. Daisy Nelson, will give the program. Vineyard Ward The Aaronic priesthood unden the supervision of Joseph Clegg will present the program at 7:30 o.m. Lake View Ward The Primary, with Mrs Carl j Johnson in charge, will present I the program at 7:30 p.m. All j Primarv children and their par-j par-j ents are urged to be present. nVaant View Ward A pioneer program wi!l be presented under the direction of 'be bishopric at 7:30 p.m. '' Windsor Ward The Elder's quorum, with El-: El-: TV,y Laws in charge, will give 'he program at o p.m- Grand View Ward The Sharon stake seminary will be in charge of the sacrament sacra-ment meeting program at 7:30 p.m. the past two years. Mr. Duering has spent the past four years in the army medical corps, at hospitals in both the European and Pacific theaters. JAYCEES APPOINT - EEAUTIFICATIOII v ' COMMITTEES Keith Boyer, president of the , local Jaycees, has named the following fol-lowing Centennial Bcoutification committee, to work In connection connec-tion with the' Orem-Sharon Centennial Cen-tennial committee headed by O. -' A. Anderson. -r - , ; Mr. and Mrs. M. Platte Tucker chairmen, Mr. and Mrs, 'Max Pederson, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Burr, Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas, Mr. and Mrs- Morris ; Bird and Wayne Limceford. - The duties of this committee will be. to carry out the tasks assigned to them by the general committee. This committee; ac cording to Mr. Anderson has given the following assignments to the Jaycees: 1. Draft and mail a score sheet or pledge to every resident of Orem. 2- Sponsor an essay contest at Lincoln high school this coming fall. J; , 3. Keep close tab on the com mercial signs and price boards along the highway through Orem to see they are neat, well paint ed,, sturdy and in general-good appearance. , COMMUTES DIVIDES ' ASSIGNMENT - . The Jaycee committee have al located their duties, giving Mr. and Mrs, Max Pederson and Wayne Lunceford, all road signs' north from Lincoln high school and all those south of Lincoln high school - to ' Mr. and Mrs.-Dick Mrs.-Dick Burr and Mr. ' and Mrs. George Thomas; secretary and custodian of scrapbook on progress, pro-gress, Mrs.-Platte Tucker: re porter, Mrs. Dick Burr and Mrs. George Thomas; essay contest, Mr. and Mrs. Platte Tucker and Mr. and Mrs. Morris W. Bird. The drafting of the question- aire to be sent to Orem homer will be done by the committee, as whole. " English GX T Bride Speaks to Vertiya, ' CluK Vertiya club members were entertained Friday eveninr at the home of Mrs. Carl Rowley, where summer flowers were used attractively about the rooms. '.v ; , Mrs, Robert Davis, English war bride; who came to America Ameri-ca Ori the "Queen Mary" to join her husband, delighted the group with her talk of her homeland and j)fher,, trip to the ..United States. She is very happy with this country and ...the many friends she has met. She hopes to nave a very happy home. . named and Mrs. Anton Roh-bock, Roh-bock, Mrs. Frampton .Collins,1" Mrs. Reed Hacking, Mrs. Woodruff Wood-ruff Jensen, Mrs. Alvln Rowley, Mrs- Howard Farnworth, Mt$t James Palmer, Mrs. James Jensen, Jen-sen, Mrs, Leo Poulson, Mrs. Charles Rohbock, Mrs. "Joseph Rowley, Mrs. Dean Johnson. Mrs. Lawrence Palmer,' ' Mrs. Moroni Jensen and Mrs. Marvin Meldrum. Buminffham-Burgess Nuptials Announced The marriage of Miss LaWana Burningham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burningham of Vineyard and Boyd Burgess, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Burgess of Provo, was an event of Thursday Thurs-day evening. Mrs. Burgess is a graduate of Lincoln high 'school and Sharon stake seminary. Mr. Burgess is a graduate of Wayne high school. He was recently released from 28 months service in the army, six months of which was spent in France. The popular young couple plan to make thjeir home in Provo. Hales Family to Meet Saturday Members of the Hales family will meet Saturday, July 20, at Park Ro-She with a program of sports, program and luncheon scheduled. A genealogy meeting will be held at 1:30 for all members of the family, with other events scheduled to commence at 2 p. m. Fireside Chat at Gappmayer Home Sunday Mrs. Florence Gapomayer and Mrs. Beth Moon, LDS Girls or- uaniza''on advisors will enter tain at a 'fireside chat Sunday evening following church service serv-ice in Geneva ward, at the Roy Gapomayer home, for all girl? of the ward from 13 to 17 years of age and senior scouts. A fine program has been arranged and all are urged to be present t , |