Show OBITUARIES Mary A. A McIntosh Scharf Word had been received in Salt Lake City Friday by Mrs Frank Beckstead 1441 Redondo avenue of the te death deat of her sister sis sis sis- ter Mrs Mary Ann McIntosh Scharf in Ottawa Wa soD Ontario i Canada a aIE IE February Sr a 7 Mrs krs had visited here on many occasions Sarah Ann Smith Pond Mrs Sarah Ann Smith Pond 59 1835 Atkin avenue wife of ot M. M A. A A Pond and ad sister alster of George Albert Aber Smith member of ot the round of ot twelve apostles of the L. L D. D S. S church died at 12 1215 15 p. p m m. m Friday In I a local hospital after a six si weeks' weeks illness Mrs Pond was born In Salt Lake City on October 22 1878 a daughter of John Henry and Josephine Groesbeck Gresbeck Smith She received her education In la public schools of Manassa Cob Colo Salt Lake City and r i the e Brigham Young university aIe a at Provo r o She was married to Mr Pond I in the Salt Lake L. L D D. D S. S temple In la 1904 1004 and te sInce Ince that time had lived Ived in Salt Lake City Pocatello and ad Idaho Falls Fals Idaho Idao She had bad been active In L. L D. D S. S church affairs ta all during her life having served v as president SI of the Y W. W ht M. M I. I A. A of Pocatello positions First Fist L. L D. D S. S ward and In other oter She had lived in Salt Sal Lake City since 1930 and was active here in Wilford Wiford and GrandvIew L. L D. D S. S wards In addition addIton to her husband she is survIved survived sur sue by four sons SODS A. A Smith Pond Provo E. E Calvin Cavin Richard S. S and Farrel Fared Pond Salt Sal Lake City a daughter Josephine Pond and her mother Salt Sat Lake City and the following brothers and sisters Apostle Smith Winslow F. F Smith Nicholas NIchola G G. Smith Joseph H. H Smith Miss Claire Smith Mrs ides William Langton Miss Elsie Smith Glenn G. G Smith Miss Arzella Arzela Smith and Miss Josephine Smith all al of Salt Lake City Chase Smith Cheno Cal Cal and aDd Mrs Samuel Rex Randolph Fanny Ridout Gillett Giett Mrs Fanny Ridout Gillett Giett 81 81 widow of Granville Cranville Granvie Gillett Giet died Thursday at 1245 p. p m. m at her home Fourth Fourt East street Mrs Gillett Giet was vas wa born April Apri 17 1856 In Southampton England a daughter of Samuel a and Mary A Ants Ann Hart Ridout l o She came eI to Salt Lake ke keA City ay in 1864 and d had since been an active member of the L. L D. D S. S church L Surviving are one son Collins H. H 1 Gillett Giet one d daughter b Jane a Gillett four grandchildren nd fb li dren n and seven e great grandchildren I all of Salt Lake City Funeral services will be conducted Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day at 1 I. p. p m. m In i the Rose room of the Deseret mortuary 36 East Eat Seventh South street street William P. P Dayton William Wilam P. P Dayton 78 a native of Utah died February 8 in a San Diego Cal hospItal hospital hos hos- pital of ot causes Incident to age according to word received here Friday Mr Dayton was wa born at American Fork August Augst 8 1859 a son of Hyrum Hyrm and Sophia L. L Dayton early Utah pioneers He left American Fork at an early age and aDd came to Salt Lake City where he was engaged n d in ge sr the furniture business until 1930 o on when he be went ent to California Surviving are two sons Preston W. W Dayton Day Day- ton of ot San Diego and Vernon J. J Dayton of of Salt nine sine Idaho Lake great grandchildren great Falls it City id Idaho a brother oi ten ir grandchildren Charles J dr Dayton and g Mary Louisa W. W Clark Funeral services for Mrs Mr Mary Louisa Woolley Wooley Clark 89 widow of Joshua Reuben LuIsa Clark Sr and mother of J J. J Reuben Clark Jr first counselor in the first presidency of the L. L D. D S. S church will tnt be conducted Monday at 1 p. p m. m In Grantsville wi Second M L. L D. D S. S ward chapel Bishop Frank of First L. L D. D S S. S ward will wi officiate at the rites ries and speakers speaker will wi include Heber J 1 J. J Grant rant president of the L L. D D. D S. S church church I and aDd John VV V Anderson former bishop of ot Grantsville Second L. L D. D S. S ward bearers Mrs Mr Clarks Clark's grandsons will wi act as a pall pail pal pal- Musical numbers number wilt will wi be furnished by Mrs Irs Mr Miranda Miranda Tate Emma Emma Lucy Gates Bowen and the te mixed quartet Friends may call cal at Mrs Clarks Clark's old home in Monday from 10 a. a m. m until 12 1230 30 p. p m. m She died Thursday morning at the home of her daughter Mrs Esther s Clark a k Naylor 79 hirs hir D s street ft where where she h had been residing I for or the te past two and a half hal years year I Bert Bailey Bert Bailey 55 55 of 31 West Second South street died Friday In a a. a local hospital Pending t funeral arrangements m the b body fn ge le leaL aL f g was wie taken to the Larkin mortuary iu East Eat South Sout Temple street John Harrison Sr Funeral services for John Harrison Sr 86 retired Grantsville farmer famer who died Wednesday at his residence West Second North street will wi be conducted Sunday at 1 30 p. p m. m in iii the te Larkin mortuary mor- mor uary chapel East South Sout Temple street treet Interment will wl be in Wasatch Lawn burial park pari Friends may call cal at the mortuary Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- Sa- Sa from 3 until 8 p p. p m. m and Sunday front from rom 10 a. a m. m until time of services NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Office of the City Recorder Salt Sat Lake City Utah January 27 1938 Sealed proposals wilt will wt be received at this office until 1000 o'clock am a.m. am Wednesday February 1938 for maintaining patrolling and operatIng operating operating ing for tor a period of six 6 years and 7 months from March 1938 1933 to October 1944 fourteen 14 66 ampere luminous arc lamps 4 on Third South Street from State to Second East Street In Lighting District Dis Ds- Ds No 7 0 B 5 according to plans planson on file me In I the City Engineers Engineer's office Instructions to bidders specifications and forms for for contract and bond together with plans pians when prepared prepared pre pre- pared may may be obtained at the office of the City Engineer upon deposit of ot five 50 dollars The Is reserved to Te right reject any and all al bids By Order of the Board of Com Corn missioners Seal ETHEL ETE MACDONALD MACONA City Recorder First Publication Jan 1938 Last Lat Publication Feb 1938 |