Show U l OUSTING OF JUDGE LINDSE After Afler two or more sears lears ears o of bat bat a against his hll enemies Judge lien Lindsey has bas been ousted as of the Denver juvenile court 1 here he has served for or 25 5 5 J years ars Judge Judg LIndsey became Involved In Involved tn in a 1 bitter controversy wilh a sec Eel et political organization and lie be was made the th tar target areL el for th their lr arrows of opposition When Shen tl t the Uie supreme court ot 01 Colorado b by a vote v of of oft t to 2 had bad decided against hint with characterIstic said sahl Ill 11 n ht to tb its Jle bitt bitter end nd rh The decision i J tile most moal astounding thing I 1 ever heard Th The of or th the was an by throwing out out an entIre district In the city of or Den Den- D Denser n reton ser ret on the grounds of or misconduct or op judges and clerks of or ele election llon but without any specific evidence evidence A 1 1 fraud or Irregular voting Judge Lindsey has b become come a stormy pet pet- pct 11 1 Within the last tow few months lie be has gained the enmity of or the tho by his article on mar mar- marriage published In one of or the I C magazines in la which he be said that bootlegging in marriage Is Un- Un Under un under der del the moral code as approved Cd by the church and that thai society must recognIze the failure the remedy for or which he suggests Is marriage No doubt Judge Lindsey did himself great harm by his lila crill criticisms clams directed against the rood modem rood mod I ern em ern marriage system and and his bis S sag sug suggestion g of or free rree love lose has driven tram front him many nany of or his former friends lInt Hut he remains a strong character of or ability abi to be reckon reckoned I ed with Twenty years ears ago he was the most popular juvenile judge judge In Ih the United States State 00 |