Show COlDS THAT THATA A DEVElOP r f INTO I i PNEUMONIA Persistent Persistent coughs and c lest lead to is h suar guaranteed ed lory serious trouble You can stop flop them tory in the treatment of persistent slow M with an emulsified coughs end ind colds colda asthma cre creOsote te that is ii pleasant to take Creo Creo- Creo bronchitis and other forms of o e respire lD is a II new ef lozy lory lory and nd ii excellent for build v with th two fold it soot c and ing up the system slier liter colds cold flu In Ilea heals the il inflamed nH i membranes j or cad in in- in Money Ioney refunded if any cough or cold i is germ growth relieved not after according to Of Or Of sIt aU U known drug drags creosote Is Ss ree rec- directions For sale ale by all C by high liili medical as Send coupon for free simple sample cne I of the llie greatest healing agencies for tor r coughs and ond colds and ond nd oilier i ic forms of throat troubles i Co Ce C 0 Gi c cont Contains ins in addition to creosote other i ret r 1 lh f U f or healing clements duch soothe end nd heal health u c lil 1 kino t tU L the th infected membranes ne and stop the Nam irritation and inflammation tha i goes on to the stomach tom cli i ii is cb- cb into ll the llo o blood the seat of C the lite I I 1 I I CI City c 0 1 Ic trou trouble e and an nd C checks beeks cc I the ie grost I o t o bottle of the iti 1 to milT W e iM Wednesday SPECIAL IAL FRESH EGGS Strictly fresh nice big eggs 0 2 Dozen FLOUR High patent hard wheat flour 15 per Sack POUND 9 BAGS Whole Wheat Flour Graham Flour Breakfast Wh pt Chipped Wheat Corn Meal Ba Bag Fruits and Vegetables of All Varieties IW 2150 Wash Ave phone 0 or Jv I n n This Week Shoe Week V Were We're cleaning house in the Shoe p Store Shoes for the whole family i at lowered prices prices Wrights Wright's I Just fust Arrived 50 i New I Spring i Suits I 1 In the Mixtures tweeds s erg e r g e covert cloths sn snappy box models atS atHE at SHEWELL SHEWELL'S S HE WELLS WELL'S Ready to Wear 2438 Wash Ave 4 4 danger i t tir larks I H l tUa Kep ep Lit fit as a a aI I fl l b by k pl K ti tb I tract the alert alert UM first Drat nr t or r- r 1 des dor lor which La Is I 1 ach eh eh cia daj tf y om w wy way ot 0 the th j pr p lr 1004 f d ii Ii I I I I J FOR FORI f t k I C Net 15 fim RIA I PE rE or ly c cit it A tH jIMI rAs IV a III l Oi I F t S t R Rt t MOTHER Fletchers Fletcher's Castoria Castora is s a rB lin Di t 1 l i C-i js 1 11 harmless 1 substitute b f for C peasant ess su or Castor astor 0 01 P T h k oil NOT NARCOTIC I Paregoric Teething mg D Drops an and d doil f 1 JI Soothing Syrups especially prepared for Infants tin in arms and Children all ages S 1 It has been in use for more than 30 years rears to safely relieve c Pf td d Constipation Wind Colic Loss w OF Flatulence To Sweeten Stomach r Diarrhea a Regulate Bowels Aids in an the ass of Food pro pro- prom THC m- m W co Cheerfulness Rest and J I Natural Sleep without Opiates To avoid imitations always look for Cor the signature of Proven directions on each package Physicians everywhere recommend d it J Where Do You a Work W ork-a ork John and Tonight You Belong to Me le ii Hear These Songs on RECORDS PIANO ROLLS or ROLLS Buy Song Copies at the Sheet Music Department 4 Enjoy Our Better Service Glen Roberts Bros Piano Co fm tl To Serve Save ave We W have two tw etore only in Ogden and we V nd need both of them to make mak an honest living for ourselves We feel that thee theu two are no more mor than the people of Ogden and vicinity really realty need They were primarily stute started for tor the purpose of serving and ny cay ma Ing for the public ThatIs That is one secret why our stores appear appeal busier than same 01 onie in the tho th center of town where rents are art high and nd grocery stores thicker than peas peal SOME LOW PRICE SUGGESTIONS SOAP'S SOAP Large S 'S bar Padre Almond or r Lemon Toilet orS S DC e 4 CARS BARS CREM CREME E OIL OR Oil SOAP SOAP 10 BARS CRYSTAL WHITE V OR A B 8 NAPTHA SOAP 10 BARS P J AND G WHITE NAPTHA MACARONI Spaghetti I etc i package 5 OC e C 5 POUNDS FANCY WHITE MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI POUND 5 BOX SOX FANCY LONG WHITE SPAGHETTI BRAN FLAKES or PEPPer PEP package Per p ka e IOe in LARGE PACKAGE KELLOGG CORN FLAKES OR POST SHReDDeD WHEAT BISCUITS PACKAGE lie 2 PACKAGES OR PUFFED CREAM OF WHEAT RALSTON'S WHEATEN A OR GRAINS OF GOLD MOTHERS MOTHER'S OATS CHINA PREMIUM PACKAGE MOTHERS MOTHER'S OATS ALUMINUM PREMIUM PACKAGE COCOANUT A pound package kw Fresh Freh I Shredded d a io 10 e C POUND Vz-POUND CAKE DAKERS DAKER'S JUSTICE BRAND BAKING CHOCOLATE Tc 19 CAN KITCHEN KING BREAKFAST COCOA 3 POUNDS GOOD GOOP BULK COCOA 5 POUNDS FANCY WHITE CLEAN NAVY BEANS 5 POUNDS FANCY RED MEXICAN CHILI 5 POUNDS FANCY LARGE WHITE LIMA BEANS 5 POUNDS CHOICE HOICE WHITE 2 POUNDS FANCY WHITE V CLEAN TAPIOCA OR SEG SECO f 25 2 POUNDS GOOD PEARL BARLEY OR SPLIT PEAS WILSONS WILSON'S CERTIFIED 2 pounds for o 35 C BEST FRESH CREAM CREAMERY ERY BUTTER POUND 45 2 2 DOZEN LARGE STRICTLY FRESH EGGS PEAS CORNor CORN TOMATOES Good or quality I ty IOe AUt- AUt 2 CANS TENDER BEANS 25 3 MEDIUM CANS PORK AND 2 LARGE CANS SOLID PACK KRAUT OR 2 LARGE CANS FANCY TABLE YELLOW PEACHES 2 LARGE CANS SWEET BLACK TABLE 2 LARGE CANS GOOD TABLE CATSUP 25 3 CANS TOMATO HOT SAUCE lOc CURRANTS 2 large packages new SUGAR 10 lbs WALNUTS 2 Ibs lbs large sweet UNITED QUALITY MEATS STEAKS STEAKS Sirloin or Round lb Ib BOIL Choice Beef Rib lb Ib lOc PORK STEAKS lb POT ROASTS lb lSe UNITED CASH AND CARRY STORES 2212 Wash Ave 2584 Wash A Ae Me e r L J r 0 l it Ir L J x nl ZO S Farr arr Better Coal LUMP Delivered STOVE Delivered Deliver d NUT Delivered t FOR CASH ONLY This Coal is Soldon Sold on a Money-Back Money Guarantee if Not Satisfactory Asael Asa l Farr rr Coal Co PHONE or q Tickets on Sale Both War Ways JANUARY 1 l Union Pacific c ct t 28 an and d- d 29 9 47 50 Limit April 2 ly 10 low fares faro U P from pointe on the OriOn Oregon GOing LIn north ot of Ogden Orden h Returning Through January 2 end and 23 limit 15 I San FranCIsco S P 1 or W P j Make immediate I From Ogden reservations w H CHEVERS THOMPSON CORN General Agent Ticket Agent Eccles Union Station L Phone Main Phone EXChange 2500 OGDEN UTAH Stand Standard Examiner rd-Examiner Classified Ads Always Bring Results |