Show COAST TEAM TO SHORTEN SEASON HOLLYWOOD Calif Jan Jait 2 21 23 By The Associate A D Di Directors rectors ot of o the tho tb Pacific Coast Cout Coa t base base- baseball baseball ball lI league meeting hero her Monday fonda adopted a playing schedule schedule of 27 weeks and opening March 29 23 for tor forthe orthe the 1927 1921 season r on but deterred deferred ac- ac ac action action tion until today on the proposed major minor major I league draft agree meat ment A report on the tho agreement was read rend by President Harry A Williams inthe Till Tue league lIas ha more cash ca h In the treasury than ever er in ill its lis isis his lory hi-lory tory 01 according to 10 the annual reo i-c- re report port submitted by Wil Williams hams liams Inch Irish former New ew York Giant Johnny Rawlings fprmer PI ate and Alvan Olson formerly of oC the tha Dodgers were on hand looking for or possible berths In the league Perry OBrien O'Brien outfield outfield- outfielder outfield outfield-cr er Cr secured from Dallas Dallu by Port Port- land Portland also was present to have hi 11 first rt chat with his new bosses boxes |