Show Today II l II ami lit I the ho r I S In May Ial TJI Leate c Is Mr lr Mr Waln MC loo Warn ins In ing lr 1 n nv I 1037 by The Star Still Co 8 S 8 SV W V Straus warns that build nr log Ing of oC apartment hotels and offIce buildings has bas been boon overdone o Mr II I Stabler of the Metropolitan Life ure J I said alJ lc Ie same saml a year ye r earlier SUCh aro are nc- nc ary to i enthusiastic But Dul there Is no reason roa on for Cor throwing over Stocks of or II deAl Ing In building no need for builders to worry 1 If Ir you OU saw n a keeper Ieper give Birc Ills Itla lil I elephant enough hay h y for ono one meal you OU would say y That elephant wont won't need any mor snore more hay bay fo 10 fora a week weI Come back hacic In an hour I you'll find the elephant ready I for Or more bore I II TIke T the elephant this country I has a It gigantic capacity to absorb I In Suppose New ew York Cit City for Cor or In- In Instance stance has lIas built twenty thou thousand living apartments In the Iho past year One OnO year hence h there will willbe willbe willbe be twenty new rich people to fill flit them Item all It Is 1 something liko 1110 the talk about the saturation ot of the automobile bus bus- bus business In Incas iness ss One Ono old car Is 1 I junked junkel two new nw cars II ole arc built buill rho The danger la is not much with willi tlc the of oC a now new apartment house or office build build- log as a with do tho owner of Ih the out ot of date dah It may have to Come Comedown comedown down i Britain moans because It cant can't compete with merlean moving Ch riia Chaplin ma may comfort his Ills nativo natho land b by going back there to make pictures when his troubles end They make you OU pa pay In income como tax there thIe but b t they dont don't let your OUr angry wHo ito lot lot- Im Impound pound tin up and remove remo from your control all of o your money Chaplin would cheer the British b by o opening t a n studio somewhere on the southern coast of or Ingland where It is warm warm In winter no prohibition lUon Paris and Monte Car Car- Carlo Carlo lo 10 nearby Governor Go Ritchie of or Maryland himself a candidate widely dis dis- dis discussed dis cussed In connection with the tho thoI I Presidential nomina nomina- nomination nomination tion says say Governor Smith mith of oC New NewYork NewYork NewYork York Is s 's the tho outstanding Dem- Dem Democrat Dem Democrat In the States Stalls On the other hand Mr tir Ir Milton editor of of- of ortho the tho Chattanooga News says Sas G McAdoo Mc is the tho thoon on only I man for tor Democrats to 10 nom font nomInate nominate Mr Milton lImon says Governor Go Smith cann t bo ho n nominated be be- be causo be-causo alls causa the Iho country 1 Is 70 per cent dry dl- and r-o r wet cn c n be bo elected to the presidency Governor Smith Smiths Smith's friends sa say any wait wn wa and see Mr OIl M 1 M- M Mn n n Is paying oft the country's heavy war debt as part of oC the job he be undertook when ho he secretary of tho the tn treasury aur JI H understands finance and Un- Un un under der dex- hi his management the Jillions billions or of pUblic debt m mIt It away It Ie Mr I o D at the present rate Uncle Undo Sam wont won't owe a dol- dol dollar dol dollar lar 25 5 years hence Mr Mellon tries also to protect the people In if t th th-r earnings with with- widows wid ons on's children and the tho old especially tally but that Is it harder work You cannot force people to lo be bo wise Treasury agents watch red nd pros pros- prosecute sellers of oC fraudulent securIties securities flIes But in spite of or all 1111 effort Mr Ir Mellon shows that five hun bun hundred bundred hun hundred dred mUllo mIllIo a year ear are aro taken dishonestly from the public say say- savIngs sayIngs sav savings ings John D 13 Rockefeller still has the tho New ew York stock Block change c hange hango scat Beat ho he bought in 1883 44 years ears ago o lie He never ne Used it keeps It perhaps to remind him of ot old days das and when he ho was making baking money for tor himself heror before ho he began spending his mullion million In Iii Rockefeller foun foun- foundations toun- toun foundations Institutes fIghting thIs thIs- case ilia-case lis eos for ease for tor other That seat which probably cost Mr Rocke Rocko- Rockefeller Rockefeller feller lOlls less than ho he could sell lell now non for tor If It he holds It a little longer it will be worth The 1100 seats scala of or the tho 1100 1100 stock tock exchange members more Inore than now whIch would surprise gentlemen that started the exchange lon long ago rhen was vas a 11 fortune fortuno and anda anda anda a million something g to be bo talked of oC In III whispers Now we wo move Ul UI to the billion bUlion Ullon begin work at III 10 o'clock Molt toIl lop at 3 and there never ne can cane e moro more than 1100 ot or them That ThatIs Is somethIng for labor unions to aim alm at Including a value alue for membership In the union It must bo be remembered how how- however however ever that while the broker bokel works front from 10 a II m nt to 3 P II l m he wor wor- worries ales ries from 3 p in m to 10 a m in Dont Don't envy y h him the i or of o the till Unit Unit- United United United ed States There is lio io guessing LIfe Insurance Incurance alone amounts to eIghty thousand millions of dol- dol dollars dol dollars lars mrs It was increased by moro more Ihan sixteen billions In 19 G It Ir IrUle the Ule worl workIng ln lives of tho e able and In insure In- In sufficiently provident pro to sure themselves eH ere rc worthy eighty billions what Is the value of all the farms farm Oil ll wells and other h The Tho railroads of the United States will sp nd a billion dollas dolla's Ihl thIs year oar on additions to their l oLe etc which means new ne neIth Ith created |