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Show ' I at. V lationhip, according to the Mormon doctrines, God stid retains Homs Sentinel PEOPLES DRUG STORE, the happiest place even over the PAUL VON NORDEOK, PROPRIS TOT Pablithed it domestic alter and the primary Dealer in purpose of mariiage the beget- Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet. kinll, San Pete Co.U. T ting and rearing of children is Articles, Wines and Liquors not supplanted by for medicinal purposes. A Weekly Nswupaprr, b MATRIMONIAL HARLOTRY Prescriptions accurately comto the general interest of as is the cmj in far too many pounded. Christain homes. A true woman EPHRAIM, San Tetc Co.. UTAH y,lS p)eof 6 a Tote and iurround who is r rpable of willingly and trdert by until solicited, and Coanlin. tended to promptly. happily permitting her husband .t. to consorl with otner wives for a A LADY'3 LOGIC ia pure and legitimate purpose, raises above the ordinary femifrom the vet Negus, & Gentile Wife, Con nine weakness, and nature-oF. R. STROM, her ry plural marital Monogamy nnd Polyy '' she has a better relationship Manufacturer of and Dealer in tuny. to conceive and rear all kinds of I guees you will children without impairing her . EniTOK. ,be very much pleased ta hear own health or outragiug some picture Frames constantly in m Die so soon again but 1 absolute laws of her sexual na- stock and made to order in all jly must write to keep from ture. On the other hand it oc- sizes and styles. Prices to defy e than dying with the curs to me that a husband who competition. and affectionately Aits My little babe has been honestly Storo 2 doors west of unwell of late and .Lhave strives to support Mti Pleasant, Utah. MOIUC WIVlis THAN ONE ji! airaid that- it would die. still husband father uhdef my the theory of plural mar,Pj bnbit of rerhair.ing riage according to the precepts CojT0!' ub andlandi ol the Gospel embodied in the est late nigts and occasionally WANDLAXD: dunks too finely as usual Mormon faith will find it eas.h ap,heito and he leaves me with possible to live a pure life and sick child to get along as the sacred obligations of his I can. Oh if ever ft f marriage covenants 0j d together ..nd with tile manly exertioh which WOMAN' IN rOLTUAMY tdai- Funeral DirectO Xersonal s her hired half the efttM w he'll desired. ptiilgs ti.e support of a large family 2l'tJeh my Gentile husbands exacts, must lead to expand his 13 per cent. beloW Provo pr fralt oclcntort indifference; brutal lust soill' in natural channels and LakO City. t make him more true to every obe C(jd conjugal Id Ode li ilf hour I can furnibli a Of a lity inflicts updn me why I ligation! t Superior coliln, tastily lined bottoui the her from very Jir5pkn anh EAfilKit. nintjfpity superior mountings; As I have been Althotm i I had never thought with ail extra box. ippfi, my heart.)la Ring and rocking the baby it now bee.ns dufial robes fbf ghnts and ladies. lensyiy into the scunil hours of the D.sColofatiods is bean lit I have beeh turning over or at lei .A may be more inde- atoidell by Usidg my preparation CoTliill tritnmingS kept in oifaiuy mind this question of pendent itnd true to the functions hi bmogamy vs. polygamy.- 1lural of motif J liood than a monoga- Block and Caskets furnished in has hitherto .always mist spduse ban puss.bly be. At twenty-fou- r "C.Miiiage hours. per- ;n revolting to my lliTnd but iea-- t from my own knowledge of id wave begun to think "tiat per-p- s the conjugal status Of doeiw of Chester, SanPete Countv I condemned- it without Christians sfhd Gfuitilb wives 5. URG dershmding the" principles htre in Ogdetf, I utn bonvim-eCkritfu tfhich its pritlitiee is prop; that Is failOKU lafgbly a monogamy fdtlnded: Wtrbn I l harried ure, audit polygamy iii not bet-teORG ' elt that 1 wanitiu God humanity pity BOOT, SHOE, ai;d HARNESS The pjactiee of monogamy ONE MAN ALL TO MYBEL?. v in a host of case:?; width hate N AKER S. iolized almost worshipped under illy observation huSoand.-.d Harness, Saddles, Hariless-Har- d . I only adorn! my God with bait, lias Nosevv:tr, Whijis, BridleP;Vf the' rfc.il apd devotion of f'lisTERED PROSTITUTION 'H Etc. hl)les! bags, man btlth id the brothel and in the isctioit which I gaveitotthe be" now I should naftied,' home where the excesses of Repairing promptly att ilded to. 1 aud furlo.-nCalifornia Leather: are betrayed only too t0(v ?ed only for him who wo'ii, nty plainly tijldn the' pale gitllow Mum Richfield, Utah. Street, Vgin love, and in the eCstacy latts Of lntthidifeds n of Gfentiie the Almighty wites td WhOtn abusive lust has my soul I forgot jjj.'id trusted my temporal and bfoUghtilauteless dread dfeea.-fe,.;rnid destiny td the Oapfice of Weil wade I li iVe been writing raraTAH I FC;e hmiitfh being: I th .ugln this m iR'li my darling babe has Of the obligations o'f beett RAILWAY wi, t iittlif asleep in thy lap but it life foutld its 'lK,f 'itgrnity and ifs now ; A'ii niy bright feye ir 77 ML CARD. J ' botllife o'liject do Open ; it lifts its finiuls j jijitre'dfghtvu 1885. 9th; j 'tiny July ilifc' whd indul- in iHtlie appc.il for lby buii'jjses. srjd reward in Passenger TirUbb leave Nephi I kiss its t hCrub lips J tjie itch is etiiMot' dally its follows JJ PASSIONATELY TEfilVk SkNTI- aboilt fall IrOm my hand It nd ay C?Goiiig Nbrtii at 2 :15 i. m 1 will Hi Cojjl wholy a mother agabi. view4 11:45 it. m. South iii of now,' my past Mbs. NkgUSI. 1 Arrive atSaltLake at . as a rible t :40 p.m J r, ; wife, expelMic Ggd enemW Sept. 2nd, Leave i inclined to tfiink that it is 7t20a.m j th foolish and sinful to valvie leaVe Salt iTains asserigbr A BIG jiISH hTOllY. love of a httsband above the Lane dally) for the North, to ' connect with tlie U. P. Ry. and ,'6 of trod.' Sbiiiu people wor-jjjGenfful Parsons, aged 77, livh are dtliers the U. it: Nl Ry.', at 8 a. m. ; wholly betwedl f ild fcintlairvill and Be in Os fame. of the and arrive Iii SaltLake at 7 :50 pursuit C(jijvotVdto Point; bn Chattanooga lake. A down to Others id still early fehort ' hile go p. m. n d ago he rowed out oil s through the exces.-iv- e iu; iv t unit the Lee to troll for pickerel: f reight trains leave Ncph Igei :b of uii all absofbing ap- for tlie iiorth.at 7 :40 a. in. and Alter upturing several line ones steaitlte t!r for the South lit d 15; ji. ni. he potked one tliat it took him m an is, entirely wrapped up in r jj half L. hour ai conquer, lie Francis bold! Gen. F. & I Agt. 8 sole pobsessidtl of a landed ImHt liis it in without nna. JohSiIArK Gen. Snpt. rmc i? aetuatwl by feeling aid! It was bvt h four feet liny ,rnouto thoifi which ainiiiate a long ad weighed over Main Street Snilt thirty General ijices or a devotee of ivoHdiy Lake He hookCity . poUndF j v i loryl vjj insure or ed gnotier very lare one, winch t OB A WIFE THE LOVE isidl, lie . lo I 1 ten lie , wei i t home. arnil M.IiRoWN her mate is only too The dkippointnieid be felt after I.f Hooi-il'sant ten BGOTri A.AtuGWN. ,4tcessjvej iiiid wlien it has loosing tiie iast fAi was all tlie id' .tives of her keeii tht it was witii difliedlly ATTOKNbR'8 A COr'SB'H'lU at law. gn;;-j.uirl li of Fhxt isW isfence tHe jfaiihe-snesof htr that h erlitld be induced' to NatuiuaJ Iiov'n Bank, City. inti ifcbahd can ruiiher happine-- s that' night without 8. lm;al Uusinc-- in xl crush out her dearest hopes going A tbe. lake again and all Ri g'Quufies (V.'e, Territory. ri ver. But rlig,, prhiciple of trying j cbpiuFe- tlie lost sjiceial tjie.ti(iii,;ivim jti the seltle-me10? uod marriage conscientiously lie of.tie i; fates of leeea-tei- l retired', hut at midliotli local amt.firefgn an-- to 4 iliousand.s siut-night .ij,ic'. poused wottld( the cgjleptiou poil,mai.igeinent of Ci4J in hionogaiiiy frotiia ' r?lK M use talking,' be legacies. and inheritances. Attend .kd this as it seems to me bald, t 'can't sleep untied gef to Jao entries1, final proofs, contested entries) and all kinds of Land ttk )V, And yett a plural wife that piderel. Office business. Gns, teterminatidn Mi i ly wpuld loTe her. husliand was so ith & purjtjr; anti, fidelity strong tt(his family could not anl .oregamist wifdliood can Sci restrainhnn lfe went hack to 4 NOTICE. etort to know because tackle, "I So isl 4nd and begi trolling in the dark. United States Land Office, Sait Lake A haif-h.dap is little afterward ,He retrii-l:- . City, Utah, August 24', I8S5. , ura Complaint having, been entered at his marital vows ,'atid bonwith a twenry-poun- d r. if r. b thlsOfficeby Arthur.M. Campbell r the sublime, ,faitl incul-R- v picKofebi Robert IVHins foranamlon-inTpon-- l tt He old against I by the Mpriuon his Homestead, Entry No. 3991, canning THE I1ALO OF ETERNITY , rascal, si the General', plAn'r'g dated Octolier ffl, R78, uism the N. N. NV.,ls4, N. E. 1,4 N. V. the big fison the kiiehen.tcbby VN cncilofesness bf ilio con-,- j N. l II. E. Section, 2ft, iiar itb tho and ;He epulit slei jb .i t ler, you Towwhip 12 hallows i:- I relationship nnie enst, iti XI brxk EeiH Knowr I Juab Ctunity, UUih, witii a, view to (iqjiie ypud the.Uu.-ail- i and exalts and giye h another turn, the caucfellatiun of said entry; the ian I'jdlies, )n"of husbands and pinr;l w.ivt"p said parties are iierebv su. onioned There toH to ,nu yay f most of to '.teach of nd the appear at this, office on tlie '20th i q,. whether tiycnty-poi- u w;is day of September, misfortunes me one SSI, at 10 oclock he j . domestic ui to respond ami furnish Ipst pt not, ;l h; Shatter so many, hearts outihe fdy believed that it concerning said alleged ahan doniiieilt. St 5 i lifrupt such a multitude of was, and lit to Imd and, slept .. 41. C. Wall Acs, Receiver. ts throughout tho Christian like a tyill the, rest pf the It. L: Howard, Atty fi eontoatapt. In the plural re- .it 1 night. rf I a " - f p - - i David Undertaker 1 m-a- - i - - t; 1 I fco-m- newly-esphusg- - Ioimuspii Ias Coett ntlj Every DepartArrivals of ment Rritling G .od. wi.h Ikiigai .b '.owPri es ci op NotSpaso dic oiug from eerv b .t Perpetual ' F A.R M E R S New i helf. adics Dust-r- , Gloves, Cl Cart Wheel Straw Hats. j Lawns, Kin iy Ginghams and Catch Ln iius-han- Just arrived. Have you seen t!i F.t.n.u d.a.rmd M. o.w.e.r.t a.n.d and olftain a bargain. Alan Agent If not,ell and TEAS DEL S SPVRR Company. 2003. 0 II C. BIRD Times, first Class WbrkGCtaraiitml. Of-- , "fee next dbor to t Cb'fep. 'JTt'phi Oit-y- FELT BROilEItS. Ghangs It. p CJ o I to-da- y. y - l ilU-er- I. 7-- uf f ! FINISH TASTt BESI0:, FEET and EesjOBsef--- I , Corncrstcarl BuiS. - UTAH. r. VVaSV 1 mm t DANIEL 0:11,') p. 5; 10 p. ond fur our calalorun and price li.t. Wg bare been eetahlielied since ISM and ,i li.T. a so years' record. t.'ffl C2; BE17ARG , Office f ir.iiTATiond m. aiet leaven for m. ronnei -- I'.r Hie vt. Local Trains. Ogdon aI U uii) a. if. Tickets for all jioihK Fast at and Wes can ,1k; purcliasi-Ihe Depot otlbi and City Ticket office, White Hmi?d Corner, Salt Lake City. S. in ECVLES. . r , . . T. ; I. (i. Agl. W. IL Uan ckobt, Receitcr, sni This fiousekeCTGs , at fcNTiXEL office, Manti'. Prienl ask tor; ; AND TAKE NO OTHER Sold by tbB HAftRINGTON. Notary Public. All Notary work carefully attended to, , , aASfl5- - 'Ipfih.- -- 'i - C. . 4 , - tirhf , ; Glkery trifle Uekrrmanu, Proprietor, , One and a half blocks east of Main St , V. . .Utah ' 1 ' Plan tag and Sa winy done ta Order. A fad Hie of Picket WILLIAM T. UEIlX ' Lath iv stork. , M Inni Made Cofjitts in every etih Con ..'a nth, on hand. Land And Frobate Attoruey I also have facilities for rhopjiiny all kinds of yciin.. P ear! Bn I A, and Oatmeal alwaije-mhand. Utah. IbjtT. hz. Acki'uw1JKl by omp.t.nt fudc to , b. on. ot th. BEST tofe TIIE LEAST S0MT If you oil. going to buy n organ do not fail , ' ty Fw ind Surpassed iy Equalled jSletp-tf7in- g (I'H with the C'eldl'Hl ga - I J j C31O' . etc,, i'llso dealers ill' tho xetrb rated HaVi Fete White OolItu&OiH. A ' 2 j Leave Salt Lake City as follows : For Bingham and Alta at 7 a. m. , . For Ogl'Hat .lijlOp.jn. y Arrive at S.Gt Lake t'jt v : , . J roin Biughabi jukI Alta nt 1:60 Ilcudstuncut, Tohlets Wale rt ill dee, Sills, Caps, T' Rcdordi The Pad Mi: Express jj.tg'leii at MONUMENTS , i. f a0 Year C3.S. City Running by In 1 uu-.leis- i lass and EiYi5grnt tickets. The AthUtu- Express.. E'iW Hi 0 ie n..t Cats fi'ree. foV ihe use of TEE WESTERN COTIl'E MLNDOTA. ILL. ssengers, folding Second Pa , M.inilfiicUirer.- - MANTI twill S. any other harness mdkinW Cfkh, Try me An see. HoutG " 1 AmvesalSdt like City Inonlhe . lesti-aHin- 1 Leaves Ogden ilnily at il:,Mi.i, m. lU:od Sa III .like City M Dir.ct connectiun is mu! m PipjAo Denvor.fort.poaliH, Ka smsL. y Val hM peinl Ei-- t. , S " V; - ci-iT-- s, E- hr-- t SM-h"r- - . - N Tb I line at The only line between Salt Lake and Cl dr ago with but j7The ) - Salt IjAkc and Denver without , , XXLake Arche-- hi- COTTAGE On all Through Passenger 1raiiia. Only Line from Salt w lUakeh hrtrnesM everything in bitr m SEE hV IN G CARS 3 , Mtraex-- EAST AND WEST. K P I ILEMAX B I l . llai'ar! hti-hand hariiviitken price. in eXehilnct1 for new. Itinb-ee- t i t , prb-paid f.tr phtdilce iVunVesl. pells, fnrxj and tlall ami pairing A apecirtHy. U'et. good convinced tha vnd ami H Work cheaper lli.-icheapMarncS-Trti fenion aqunre deal o! Hie Meeting Shop) l ly House, Ephraim; I UtU.i Through Balt Lake City. . l-- biiin"; thb I The Only Li ne BetwxTU Vhe West .and the East Running jier-sons- 2 V assengor -- O nt g , Tli,e only line lietween , s deR-trine- s a . -o r li f! pETWB'EN T XJtahi ' o p . le ita mess I e$ the1 ,111.-0- . . 'MANTI, UTAH I trnti'st, f' ) tin.'' A i .. ,W n i attention paid to Filling the natural Teeth. Teeth care- DENVER JTrIO GRANDE fully extraclb'd. False Teeth WESTERN RAILWAY. iifeerted. ' Pfi'c'es to suit Univemillv ennceeded hi he tlie -- h. - ItoiO'e. r tplrtion 8. BAMBEHGEB, Manager II. S. KELB, Freight Agt, Special i fi-- Sttpplirt. wish to call tht attention of Bf.e of Manti and Ban IetecotUiy 'gruvnlly to the lAet that t keep contuitv on Imud a full Iln id Iieather, Harm- and Saddle. lriee as low as the loWeat. Gitc me a rail, L. C, KJAR. I t il; At-teml- and All ktlldaf Shoemakers' and llnrntses Maleev U-- . gsr s HARNESS AND SADDLE 1 p . achine Utah. Ephraim, d oentrAl r M A.CUINE HAS MUSSES, M. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Y. On and aftir Any nut 17. JSS-I-- , 1, Ahg. 20., 1385. MOtlCE iS hereby ftivett 'that trains trill leave daily, Sunday ds folio O': Gouty'v rirth ' the folluvVing-name: pettier rsrriHhd, rtf.Vi2.lr. nt Lcate Chester lias died notieh of bis inteiition td Monnti Arrive dipt to make iimt! proof in support u U'.tH) fiVitvt of life claim, dntl that Paid proof o u V.Ia th'apeti wilb'be madb biffore tliu Frohate tt EotnilaiuGieen' V ludge (or in his absence the H Vwtnt dud Itw Corfu1 jr Clerk Uf Emefy County, "10 'It llollmvay U. T.. at the County Court ' lOiO u Sr phi Arrirrat IlouSb at CasilU Dale, T., on eonfe. imnj Monday Oc tober 12, 1885, viz: Lvare atllu3 tvu .Vr(t) Hit! act of Benjamin JonfS-giilde"Uvdt fallowa if May 14th. lhSO, II. E. Nb. 0248 i! CletUantilil! "H V ttt, for the W 4 NT E. j, E. 4 N. W. 1 d(f ert1 bUllfdtrtfB u 1 NO . i, See. 14, Tp.1 IT S.. R.S E. Ji. m-iMapt) HP names ho following witu dt Moroni Arrive nesses lo provb his Continuous Leave residence upoil, and cliltivaHtm ZHU o Chester .ild land, Viz: Cliristet'Sen Arrire of, X'hesti r for At 'Stnneti Stayv OitesUn, EliaS II. COX, iVder SAivPt tr ftVtd S rier. of parts Nielsen and C.lihrieBrown all of $ reftk ffot nod Dinner at Moro Huntington, Ebjery county, U T ni. II. McMaster, Register. Nothiny but Car load lot trill Styner & Sinihions, Atty. 24 hr :e;vrired at ('henter ni.lil eion ds suii.-enut-nt- ly EWING ewing That received the highest award of merit at all exhilitionrepraaajtf together with all other kind of farming Implement and requitiMr. General agent for tlie alHiVe line of good for nouthern Utah. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION - hd-baii- - W!SN S Provo News DefoT. Books, Stationery, Magazines, Periodicals and NeWsnapsrs of all kinds. The Best Supply IloUse outh of Salt Lake City. Orders by mail solicited. CENTRE ST.; PROVO. s: . tha Don give you- outter away. come and examine the renowned Will ralaa cream tn aix lioura. MainStrect,SaltLakeCity. Nt): for CO-O-L-- E-Y Seu Arrivals at . U ' f . heait-broke- tf ImPlementa -- -S- lit-'.atm- a 0.-o- UPT TO STAY I COME M. lima a full ear load of ' iMi' t35Sl i f , ap . 4 i 1 , i Vi-cx'- xrsa nsrs a:- : - i |