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Show Tv- Ins HO ill: Home asnunsi. , , , . o the gi-i- NKI r n.of Mal.ti return M t! r.il . ar.iiH'Wroumi-iiurOmutie- frarrj em; riO-Y-: SUBSCKIT f -2- ,L- - r' Lf e n o v t ur . i i - i.-.- " t Tv y . .r Wiu.R.iWil n oo.-- A Manti J I'. Christcin- -u ik J $2.t 0 Que year, 0. J ell M . ' , 1 3 A ilobt. 55.x mouths. A. . lb y t Ephiaim 75 Johnson. Three months, f Neils Chreuiire A. A. Chester Advertising rateson application C. NiflB,Jif All ComraunicatUmi Spiing O. ILWl.oeh.ik V John a U- On I - A p J ? e 'Iri-oi- n-- ' -- liir i i Xf)V Kideraon r u i i id- Mis-i'Ci- - su 21.2, r- - nd, .vn. imiiian, Eldei jcmal U'i 1 to. fl'd ;gly . ; and is looking Call gain Leivis. . I h.i.justthe!!eta'n7rrr;; W btqnii ; -- Ht. ' . U i, III,. icjini uih I w .'ll i t v ' u'i- ll-- O' - 1 I 'I!-1 , l.ie )(.';! ! Of ! is:v- - I, Jlv ,ru afur I Al fed - I . htf , I Liv-d- U I C'WH . ' i.i rji.iK s , i of lountiin i,(. vi-- it ' ly t ' d;ly IH TTiP -- fiisl imbli - i- .iff v - . - I S -- , XAEa OKI.T BT ( E'liuiriftTiiriMf 1 1,1 Nit-lseii- . idso mantifaeturera of Quaker Table 8auca M Laa, Preeerres, Maple Syrup. Flaioi. r sub-H-riptio- - - tog Extracta, etc., etc. ' '' he-itit- ! toprep, injurjout isk yosr grocer far a fres saspla fortfi 1 ; i Ammoila tneTedlenta and and all it-m- e I o. Warrantei to lie free from I r-- V t Si-- by prominent physmiana aa healthful b-- 1 4 (One Teaspoonful to a quart of Flour) On the market for 10 vein and VeeomeiwCvi m s, r Uf l'lt Old Heliabl and BSt One Uakiiis lo der lUade. l- , p; ,yN 'In .j.'. 'I1 lif'1!llU-ll!l,in was of ;! (i J'a. Juab, . for this paper should lieaklfenP--- J Caritr. , oh' y t.oiti Cit'v - t .. ' tins week engaged i i p j The Home Sentinel. 'Tf'-I, r f 1SS5 o:rm:a 1 'nakc i, SUNDAY, lie o! flairs, i, ring Aii'oini'r:itiir inr, hr, Jas. T. JammXn, , , . hem be ter than new. .Give him Jen- - Pv Miki r mv'1 " d Manager Alt. ITeasanj ITiilip Iltirst A .M inti Coiti e Ti Id at not IJifed i eo i.iy Tt - cedainy. o , John Mo.ur. i. atiial. e lit IV tX , Vs j tm n , MV couilu--Kal of few bushels vc 'We will t'ke a taken as,! y l'gi' LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. Fair view Farlano McFarlan fV now. it is :t c al ' kn iwn potato on A. C. f urd eeu W hetd oc k I n d iano a C. that ther can Have your job work dorse ;t 'A fWM. K. REID, ' - Gent hS rrt tJ all Cartrr.-evert John oega.i office. tho Setinel V t f me :iS exist A. J- Mothtt it Rolxit low a el Moroni WILLIAM T. REID, At TO R N E Y - A t - L A and wtio wrnld i i the JuimMou. anv ult re Mr. Amnsa Tot er, Proprietor o crnnni'.t' af the Payson j ptel, Puyson, Fountain' Green George Tailor would not i.tl.i. r to bring Land and , Probate Attorney ilenli, Statute in 7. y offhnso & rl ua a made Jeutf uch C.'Jmen. pn Utah Couhty, pleasant r t . ; fln () tit at in a very mil h de- re conflict Mil yesterday. MANTI, - UTAH. Meetings will ho held in ti.e be. wee. th Government of the Our editor loft for a short so- the ?everal wt.rds at 2 reio k.p ni United S a es fit d t e Aiormous. Canut.. Ietekson, journ among relations and ne therefore are not prepared Henky Beai., Utah friends in County yesterto s y vviro committed the out-- r J B. Ma:ben, Vo uc. a Ro , day Mdrn.ng. ge Froaidency of the Fan Fe e But for the stke of decency D. B. Funk has a fine lot' of Fiitke of Zion. nd or ler, we do hope that law and trees t e perpet'ator-- i of this mos with.whicn ne will ne prefoul deed will be unea.llied and calendar pared for the publi i next nn s. si verb' punished. Jos. Bemus states tint while of the San Pete and Co. out hunting on tho east mountw i di wil come up a1 s V.NDICTIVENE'S, ain on Friday la-- t he Ri led a the next term of he Dt Dn ri t one year old bear which w ighed Court, in September : Horn the instriut-ion- s It app-ar.100 lbs. i to the Grand Jury in ie Disirict F, The hunters lierea out- are Motion Caf( iitiiii" Andr.-Coui t.by Chief Third e n He ginning ro supply tho.iisclve-witrt of, m Louis Ju ce Zane, that indictment J at Wm E ::ilA veni-o- n To hear of om. ftnf or unla ful ohai itatioh may m killed for S is doer It Thurmiui uluintitfs, aim le found b that i ody aeain-- t l or two. being almost dailv Oceuriente "Jacob Jom son, defen e d with sueli off use, men Itus-el- l it Co. rn. Alonzo for chargwek i the tear or for 1 fV 1 : I Jf S folf' q vji on the eiery honey for sale Jaco" .waw ssr.?ap. i: VouVolkenlmr .Ittyy. which matter, r that e d.ivf erv 10'J : WV.r Fer terms pounds, 'Johnson, plaint fl ; lowing ni look lo us, i very Also Bees, per stain, . deihod-intmuch like Unadulterated 16,00. Ap, ly to Wm. Br. ith ,"ri niiiia.1 The People, .id iveness. ai It shows ver waite, Manti City, Utah. Etc. cm. Myron Mutt, Uarcnlv. His that nly Hopor by atM District The "next session of the Sam Attorney, pla c and theadiiifl with dcf. Pote Educational Institute will Imppriers and Dealers in all kinds of plaint ff; Jacob Johnson, D has cks.m, given the Utorney r.e. ho hold at Manti on Saturday, , etc. The ptop George MoVnmns .full credit for the A-- B A R R j A G E J.ttvs: hlthv the 23th list., commencing at p. Bilbngs, it id. Riot ewunniitc.il in t outrhgm Q.7 W K l)i-- r ..The Wiveu 'ire Mattresses 10 a. u. A general attendance At ormy, jdaiotiff; at $ii(n La .e on Su Hny rm.ffiing Salt ' i1 is desired.-PICTURE RUIES J3A.DE TO ORDER. ";V Reid and Thurman A Evans, la-- t. The ruling maji be' in n: aS tilth Uwmbht under Tho ladies conference which The people, etc. o i Niels An- el ty a. we mu1-- ! conclude lilstantt'S ir&s held at the Council House c M K M A I .V s T A E E T, Appeal derson; Atys: made . is nevertheless Saturhit it in Friday and 1, plaintiff; JacobJOhi sbh Rei et was very well nttended trough lindictiAeness. day defim ,ei , nf one be tlie; to. jind D A CiiiJ Trhr T'AAW.i. Frederi k most interesting of the kind ever W Cox, iH'Ch trims patten. W WEDDING RITES. e, held ii) this stake. K Iteid, Atty tor plaintitf. . receive to F Chieloiih,a a', rs Murfn We still continue Ope of the most pleasing a Attvs: t onia wh ch has taken place at preppy communic itions signed only l' Taylor, ; Jacob .Tw1n-eolintiff tor some time, occur-e- d Manti pi lictitious. ornonyrnou? mi nes Denny. ' deft. at ihe residence of Mr, Persons whq wish their letters to Salt L'akp City, i. gtill headquait rs for Gus-.Clark rs San retq and Mrs.-GeF;. .Billings appear over4 a, iiun'dr s : W S Darke on the afteriidon it Tdesdiy ifl.iD r,nietn''r V'o$ we require CouAty--N- it . iy i jT iii W al K liist . The occasion uas the Reid, d ft. p plaintilf; correspqp.de ts( ic4 n.aine's d1 :h alp their of in kpnis nol'niro and thaj ;e ti daughter mprri'ige The very lowest rates given to school of&jcrg thrpughu j'ustensen, r.I.A,'-- , rAtty t - H Lpeljq'tp Mr, Jpel hoeipater of ter uulss this condition is co V Iv R'idi.p!aintiff . this city. j plied .vith. Jhuriuanife deft-- . For some time p -t it has been , i t Schnd. in use, soiu oy me yar i, nan an T Va Minti ixju-mumijr M E ;Hi event was cneapest Mar Luther, ri palmer such ihat Poin1 Readers rdent thbught Recor an Is, Mi; t) xt Mond y iimiuicg ers, Indepe will ope-Frames, School V K ; Reid, pla within the lealm of the po-palmer Atty Seho Asithmuri'cs,'ApnVetous at 9 . ,o,fjook..;,Tp-- ' t'dr'nviii a .JBooth SpeFers, Rays Geogfaphii.( A Ilrown, daft. hiJiD' s J but tenrt-er- Desks, the be4 anil cheape-- t in the country. Send for net whol tavdheei.'fcji; i?fd lot r to obour sale was at .tiibrncnt on'mnK-neof Biank Fbo v and ar ,wdh the price list. .Also keeps on hand .a, full sto-an- hot even tlie inveterate in still of Wo are of leceipt W N. et Bib querid es. and Welrsfits r Die'ionaries,.ue.. Stationery', Family pTices the .designated letter front E;ihr limite the Sentinel knew. , And B'HivSou .1'. VV a f - Ge S. other DWYERS PIONEER' BOOK STORE, On Tuesday T"Joel on the school question, or, more lady however, TVnincrl' 3co ' 8chool Joel dispalled yhe iht HiinrH&eTifla? storrr properly spbakirvg. alt i?xakei pity, ifta We liA v already fthoqt the matter bydeliher.itety 76 Main Street, 'totitroviTsy. m ntvd ice iVa l'ij H S. i.ldri.igi-N. A Lmjit-ho iso. Th; rtThrootaught given considerable sp.'ee tq this scpd'ng tp relations and sptup Joint Clark, ch t n letter and List ihe to invitalions few fiiends the matter, i'k include hy 'Ir. SHo m f is quite wedding. F. U. Kunncr Eq. EplAaimite uum below, hei I Vi Reader grade ; om and i8 it' deals . with otliciated and after the lengthy(i , to M . request ceremony', Jaepep parents more personalities than princi- - find congratulations were over iovern themselves. Accordingly; t A 4 .j ' ,i pies in hich the public is til rod tho happy pair were made the - ' ' EALE1I8 VUHOLESAin , Some faw, days co, optjhr lv interested, we bar it from in- recipients of appropriate many iavqtitiou, uf one of t.m schoo sertion. , useful The &QUlty and i;i , boipi mywitli II. Gobdlunn of the Geneva ani, Joines-witlr- the many a. igcntlemeu - cf . lanti,. V urserieseftil pamphlet with ifriends of Mr. and Mrs. n y' ; J HARDWARE GLASSWARE , SKVTiKrf of tie pprupentatiVe Us vesterijay tilted with testimoin fishing them a happy X1' .rlaitod Presbyterian' phape nials of the yood qualities of the voyage over the sea of life. ,,W 0 O' D E N W A Pi E, T J N W A It E, ' ' i ,tbc tha pqypbsa 6f, olserving bn various varieties of fruit repre- -' orovements wiich have roccotly a'nted by fbam, the name of t Eto, Etc, Etc, Elc. 'teen made,- etc. ,'The ir.t?rioi;'i ,fton. George Q' Canuoti U on Mr, Fred Bench drove down v ' Jh' 4 Salt Lake Cit ttoh the building, iio,' that t7his tlp list. It Hi ill le well for thosa main street this morning with a --247 k 49 East Temple Street, : ' k not kenOvqtedi.fcal with . been thoroughly . be loaded, to orchards their out large ejting mined, etc., is more tractive i,of liably fruits, suited to hay, hut a more precious load. is it ever and His cargo consisied of about 'S5 4 ; certainly ... thag r this climate. r fair facilitated for school memdaughters, JoJ: ?, 4the Y.L.M,!. Association u farposes. GeorgiTanuan and Miss Mat-ti- e bers of ( SANDERS Evans of Nephi, were majq.i'J who were hound pn, a gleaning On Monday last Mr. ify W. 1 For SUCCESSORS 'H iffeds sake we vl. Aaderson of Slanti, whilo in Six at, Logan, yesti'C'lay. Gcrgo excursion. B. (1 A N L W vf II: S htlt 'none saw friends him 0 Z JUe Creek Canyon after b'Opd, kit Manti quite unci rimoniouely hope .Deali-rsinaaet trith a pevore and painful some few dayc ,a?o, but as Ris with his freight else, according Hides, Wool, Furs.skms, m. accident, no wps chopping wood errand waaan Uportant one,,fle to Judge Zanes last, tul.qgfe he Would not h Ailis. Etc, ive i. have days unoiighTeft will axed his ax caught oti a, branch to'excjixii'hisrctipencs, sati-fR the of w that flighr.st' to price, appetit" in paid of ft tree over head and forcing v ' rabid Mormo-ea- p 'ah.j, 4 loose from the limb it cane ..Elder Munson, returning 17 k 19 W. South TemI-and members cf several Fm force with full doim striking Salt Lake street, ple a the last emigrant company, aralmod foot the aovering F. M. Jolley' ya T resumed last City. Branch House rt of th foot and two of hiB rived in Moroni or the 17th inst. evening from hiEsq.sheep herd in i Nephi. toki Ao was hreaght into w. tho mountains where he has been j, firm of Mil the Seara Sear4,of voim aaii his foot wasidrejsed He Little , accon'ipifnied by Mr ridticathfg for a aad. is doing as well as could lej 4ettwr for kia rnuXcf tho cirouir.. 4iiuniH3n, wm .vilitinj our mer cktiiti on Moa4 j Ust. . I j -- t Gar i- - - -.- dJV uni'- But vc are, not pripapC..0 readily! fasten the rihie upon - t;-n any 8ef or class of mi hich say-- : Salt Lake , The perne i ito s o. the outrage left nothin r le' ind them at conimis ionrr Mif ayF that id rtiifiariot i could It .Si It sse.of rotttni'e.-'nr ' the exet-pand tilth, whan woii.1 indie.i-nothing mor, than that th y Were Mo1 moil i, naves ' Fltoraun. a 1 tleg: re itu IPS in hum m r voui cyiiinii V uaaV - i f U : ! note, ; tv-- - -- r- rV,ttsU'k t t ; - I. - 7- f! t f (i . - G 1'X, e y ;.yNulfi ! JAiuler III. s. 11 I. 1 bUt-TAY- , Hetty vi le i IHiI-- -t t San iVic Ino i- t t on reidmsr In (;7v,d the call , h crih! SEPTEMEEll -- 7, vn-t u " an t;1 nait- r3 a.tmiUesot tint I"''"-1't tc.A.d i y ,,i v.V, J fjutr rge p.rmtra.ej i a eu mu: mi :;J 4. ill . ?--' t h?i- upon morning , in i i -Sunday h hiMobil V" to ni ive ome cf the U S. otr.C.qi.'. Gunni.-on- t,u tier T. Tuttle i r u:i.o! to .hi; wm he' mu. that n' i'i i e coi.C-li.nt ,uim L. ilfiicii. ,1 .U'Vi.ny o .o. M . .1 WrcUy ylo 1 1 Haiti. SanPeleCoi. Ik-vote- -- In- - We wire AritoinntnttJ'ir4 I Rf ilia ns. Mlr-SiOKAE- i - BT. T.OIIIS WE e BENTS IKS TEE KISS k HE&T1SS . . THE' t ass ; f RIO, COST ROOM BY, US1NS i n ml I ABLE lea Siylca, from (IS to 130. i . 1 Balm-of-Oiiea- ' Pop-clar- s d St-vie- TVs.',,': - I , OPEN Full bed ft. r In. loti eai-e- I ULLBED INGLE BED . - I h jJLD'S BED. ", 01-o- ( pi ?- K YOUR FURNI-URE DEALER JOHN liO WRY -- 3KEST SOS 33 fcon-fir- 0 iii . was-eai- i a t N'n MAUTI, ODesigns for School-house- s Porcte Barn4, Stables,' Cofriices, Interior De or'tion,T'. RJ R 'modeling of Old Hou-es- , E4 furnished on short n itic nu'es ind specific it: 'uf Speci A a'Jen iviiying pi ms tii to the given yen iiauono birld ngs. Plan furrt:d)'d tn ul. Giirrespondcn c iolfoi pSdR Wo!; HidSi.PiS; El n 1 I TAYLOR BROTHER, , m ' thi-city.b- O , , 111. AMHITIi uri41 - , Cd FtHUUTCRJ lUMVFACTU&m Kookfordi i tart! CITY FURNITURE WBOLUALX , , With all brddlnr CLOSED v-- , J J'l FOR IT. ?:s -1 -- I utages, I ( 1 w l n, , I I Vm-shoul- m h 01-4- , E i -- iOGRAP , i- !d-'r- i & c- - o b 'urk fnf hii . i . . 1 i rtlt . 8En-tinE- iJ Shoe-maKe- dsooas lidj CROOKEIIT, hay-rac- H ac-f.- . li-- .ad-pirab- ly if- . I. , I - M 1 y . - i y, ... ' few'-ilnys.- - -- -- Kan UAKJl.liS, .ANT' ktk O im1" A 0 )orrJJf 5 , , r A1 Si1-- , ami ' L T . J 'NOTICE FOR PO 3 LIC ATI?' , I . G. E. Anderson, - r- ' ni I'j in' xV v. . llit iri ! Ilf fa iq G it fry a 'alt u( lS3J - r piftuif i wh T te t .i 1'it' . ift im 'y .'1 i A'pt i,6 In , ii III- - . S Co.1 Clark, Eldradge pre-njntsJ- 15 vfi , - ntf i , j rtiots talen', - , - iy EnbiTh iiliginur Kfep your mu Home y ) i rilllZ!ii? i, e . rJ. s Copied a.iiiL eL ii-its- si 1 GALLERy; ; , mo-nmntb- tu 4,Jk-No- Pete.jj People of San j n. , . ' No. 20 56. La'iid Office at Salt L ike City, ' ' Aig ist 14', 1883, . iy tinj NOTICE is hereby given fi the following named pettier At . ; notice of his iitpntion make final proof, id suppoj ' his chiim, and that said proof be m de before the Clerk0 Conn ty Court of Sevier Court, at Richfield, Ion 8eptembc 1C:, vz: H ins P. Hansen, J1' fir the s. w. 1 c. ti-e- p. i -- 1-- n. v 1-- 4 8 w. 1- -4 ec.29 and R.2 s.e.1-- 8ec.30,Tp.23S. ie n antes the oUowtng n. to prove hm cont 4 P. 01 T, AT Ha L;,, Ifn all r'esidemo upon, and cut AVn. of, sai land, vix : Alma Ler, Raeigh Jones, o A bert Nugeley a i in fat n. v-- n Oj 1 C ae ton Id, evior County. the 8. W p5i to I, ed I H.McMastcr,W( D rk & Co. AW. ca |