OCR Text |
Show , if tn'Vri KJj n ' h" Un rl!L M n Htfl'M;? '. j sil. Ju j Jl.J Ll3 tvwy V L, r Lj rj .. 1 K'?J r-Ah- Hi ' j i J f:J-- J 1 s . ' Vol. I. The' Homs Sntins! ' p J vj f ; - ; n J JS u I LU . J jl HAij -!- L-- .J SAX TETi COUNTY, UTAH, 'FRIDAY, SFlT. IS, 1SS5. MANTI CITY Wm. K. REID, -- i:a mV.i jil; ?jan f f)V?j rlvl Lj j Lj V , Xp. 22. 4 ben and Rial as leadgS? jC th eo nmittee vv th power to all five shm.ld h" ot att nnt to nok a . ; to'af-sis-t , them. others tue time. A ' o n atf'eV LAW ciar ATTORNEY At , R. i. Andcson malu.ii.te''cxt-inPt JA,r J n man out in the 0 mtry tr d it, 5 (and I en nuracing s urn ijkx f an pot abii2 w dl eno eh unt Snnnetc Go , fcjT.'JX. " 9 I 7 4 4 was thea'al-juorhe- h lower The comft-renei 'ManU,SanPeteCoTlj. e l and ton i at 'O nun ,1 oura : c to me t at Ephraim on the co.vR link ui .1 he li l ; J We! v ImIH rm tue 1Jth day of De (meu end of h s Tu no t d. H interest A( the choir For f!i" to the i.erii D voted h ms If id e .r by WILLIAM T, JiFID. 'i no mo c)f fin'iof do Pet lyxlsm round trength of th h;ls we He--driadlulL p . ee. . Renedictio i by JMt'i. r.ch in ro uoe about U to - '.(iat. Have constantly on liud a full stork pf General yerchan,-liise- , '' C "jit J. G. Riglo. and Probata AUumov ,'n consisting of , d Uni iy 00 e of lie h l f f i E. B.' i a, U uo ie . the nulke - j -i cn CaQtncpea,, UTAH. en he' .ceii-e- o inri ' tny. MANTI, MINUTES. round, ,a fid' til- - my iads of t. . I., M. I. ASSO I.V'IOX, Mohairs, t rn'.i had di .""ar. 1. !,o - n Y. on I.. ned Prewar Jleet'ri R. Saturd.u the am1 onvi ., Of arm nr v is o paid .O v.o, V:i. H: OLSTEN, M. D Alpaca Lustres, I, at lOoMo k a. M. J.xxoc at on Conh o ml i o i t man and i rest. Ehusicwn Helen frmtrung pre- Vrafitr Fa Gingham?. siding t EPJiRABfvrn ) Air. of Tne maitcrly , cuifmncc. Singing, "Soil of the,, Ilf art Chivio.t. (),uee at Dreg Sioro L. and Primary W Manti II. the S,Y, al .North W, rd Pot? Suigeon oi the 5an s It rion- - of the San Pt te Sldkt S31 ool Choir appe that the' Clevebiia1 Clicks, CpuAuluitionx at oci w !i;y, Rjilwuv. th" ent pri-in- g ccsii min-Cotiucil s lndd at the ofZion.w . iinh-oahi ice., Moroni e'er(. Op n iip : p ni c. by a er of Plmei cla in5 and Allr d ot C t j. Fiidiv, U.'f tp Ticking; d'u .1 from 12, ni, s( to he Monday, $50 000 1? not f pmej Satur ity the tlth' and 12 d ' '.ihct SuTi Si ging ' ix no w rth more than herip, ston nd Denims, 18x5, ipepte'iiher, cam ' ' 1 I. OOO.i' ng at 10 a. m. M p. M. A. 1) gorfotd Ducks, Selesia's, Towlings ' Hyde pledging Tlje couft ren M , , B A.,M (n p'ad t y Ile tmened by Singing ' rruyer - tin Table Givers, shawls. Gloves aogept d1 Phvsician&rAccoucher. v P'- iver y M nt 1. U1 in iii rti pail-- ! sincere desire the L) Report (it run pf p..r ,R. II. tn. .A..I..M y r pre- -. Jno. Ti. laiben, singing andl la t ns Irmg Citl rexKmd?il jio As etc Ar' se O'glorioux zion, s Telegram promptly were hv dnir He decs In . id-- . a- v". Jtfih ' wae not pieent pre-- i givmi lanti. Cottcii .aip Carpet Yarns, en s. with mimit s and reports, that E.R.A-.BritjUddro-s- e P wy e iijad h I.Yjfil jCO-0.V,. a i: r. PRUNE L, pait of the progr. mine Couii.se Ait Olive Lowry pf Manti. Pres Hyde madeypen Cl ' sterj M'A. IHdc OL'b,.ut,g rG cip ral- Hats and Caps ing remarks on mailer, !i C.ty, sold si- - er M.i ry ivtclifpr h ' i Z. eL E R C A N.T I L E J general and alluded to t e inter-e-tlf- ojf Ncphh J' flirts m wliich we arejlow MANTI CITY', UTAH. , ; r qffi'St MiiJ. 9hve By s, it .nn Verbal n ports it re tl en Lvwry recf.ed t.u v bout Notions, Ktct Etc. iitiogB MerchandiseTeeth extracted, f pp1 111 a tieit : call-for. Manti THo t o r Process. Vft ill Sopih A , Ma os Vvho .t 7 Single Head -r S b O C I A T 1 0 Ndm t pirp S'fHi, 'i4 (,,&$. y arc. ( 'ut'n ft Ward R."(S. wax reioittvl bt pMn?& Re ark )) lfet Teeth, - 20 to 1,, in!t arc! Miry by rt,i r:.p Mrs. E. C.eto ; the Moroni R. S M Medii ini at'int of s. t , "i Fiaut.gii Citv, j Sprip' r r by Mrs.' Deborah Irons. Ih hi. B. Yells 01 s.tt.Ji ke, Pres, : f ' . ' nun ks were then made bv Mr-- . J. B. Mftiben, FJ Y. Five rtl Discount ft enb ot Cash pgr lifts Taylor pp of $ '.00 end ovei I iys- Lyj'r- Anny L Biglo of N p' i followed iU' out, Bext b and patriarch Biglo .of. Cli"ipe ' I Goods Customers. brief Mrs address fiom hr t) Nepln. at sold 011,8 Jiallcst' profits. Manr'pitchfdrth and ?ilr-- . E. II. W;T,RErD),Vc,i"t. pres Helen Arhistroi'i Yth L A rood ore of .T.H.WODSKOW, Switat Lf Ii remarks hv pres annoufieedthat tj e bonfereuu-wotlTcHs, Cio'-inclerks to . Mailem Cbpip sanguIIow beau i L& ahj ui yd untl the . I ' ' wait on pa-- ! " teous areihy fcgi etc Praur 19. h r to, nu ei ' day ofi.l)ei by IP becca Vai chain. tipns. at Ephraim 111 com yction wth ' 0 , 2 pm. Meti.ngcahyd to order ,r r y (lie Relief Societies, tr STCall ana se fur yourselves. 'Zidn rres. ESiminir, rO Hydfl by F F 't.C smgi eg by the i hfr. tand- with hills h Benediction by; Bp, W. T. out cb or tof dates to. rraycr by Up. Ander-o- n of Reid. l util, , Next y , JUatu- t!i 5 ,'Uiaii alt Office, .to. rainiw... the ,Joy pli bulging, Lizzie , r j j Peterson, j Further Notice we will: sell t world, thu Jxird 1ms come- - etc. o; Notary Vabiic-- a ' Office. The Hfccrm ary, Maryaiyde, the people of sin Pete end Se- PRIMARY etkr iLMirihufes of the prey ions lind fconiprises j verCounlu con erence, after n;hich the meeting convened according to (si' iarjor aijd Buitx, Ruieaus, Rcdst a lf, a- -t 2 am. Jine,swine ofShirangs, C. w. Stayner J I' l.glf appoijitmeihat a r Several from -, ftepraportS x p oatlq to id mi od cents Chairs fc Ghairs, Fub ( Calicoes, and Ene.oi 1. the 12th Rocker; and anytliing cl?" in thpi Eay JS ) Pies.dt nt Rest Ginghams, 1 2.) ecuits branches were readU afo the elena Madsen irant. Stayner Simmons, sake statist;c. gnu fyi'an ial 1 Cashmere, . lj 1 2 cents 'w In g, Da, e to do rigut. Op.s Remaikm cne then Attortn-y'fyerij 1 lntl, Leadiiit;,. reports I F 1 ' ARE IE3lAR1) CUR lb I Wareh.un. iiu other AI?o ess oUn the Tlio si firtn in h Petermisi, iirayur by made bjf Counselor I? complete. son on the financin' condi1 m o isinguig Re.iufiful, Jo .,'l'ro-gr.unni- e ot LanL.uti all On lied pt 6s he ( Relief pT1 Carpimtcrs, Harness and Shoe - Li'ne at Wboh'sale Pri, es ,w here the Cash e several hihngl n at Frool, (JoMesia & Appeal-- , acqotnpanics the ord.r deer-,m entitled. Lirscn, Ilcllep A "in by" stated rouis( s, in large varierhoiur id' Ai ,a'ms And Dont Ym hnr 'fhgt there Jditnng Patents aipltfd, fm, com Soeielyf Shp not or Wong by ty, such as Hinge-Gqily. Butt, Screws, were more th?n 5,t)()0 bushels o !'Gdilty names lacoipoiantj, Ida "Macb-enLv'1'1 Aider 00, P.anox, JJ ts, Carriage tBo;ts, CO-O- P, Main taes of. in Bititdiiujo7 grain gfaua'i Squirts CO. the '.sisters of this .stAko'and mbie gn t Fh.ime Bench. Di Snalh sf Port and Rihg IJits Street, Salt Laic City, V. Wholesale arid Retail Dealers and nianlifacWers . x O. box 587. by '. Peter roul&en and Leatliei, Rivets, I lames, o c., etc 8 not nearly as thought One Door Wes nf ' How. r UCox, to Bl, k, Salt L ike City, entiled, uoiug been much, as Uight iq 'hae " R.L. HOWAtlD Alaiia Recitation Our meeting. A by Patent will i e mvioce tliflf call School pa 'other Desk is the Best,! For term, you' rdg ' , good ", torn!, kuc) Folding , t ' late Chief Clerk, U,. Cftmi Office. remarks'1 upon subjerds (of a Barnson, ent t'ledVnDout s ay w Ik n the Sen n vel gives the ' see our Agent, Jas, Jakeman, nature. Pros Hfdc spoke late, tt' nignt by alarm it is time to be up and similar ' Lund Agent A Atl hug, Sdoti, Jemjnia subject, 20,8,4 .22,2,56 jo the doing. Uon matiers pertainj V. O, Box 303, Salt Rfciiation ov Lrarence Lo ty, City. duties of' the, officers,' g' L. M. OLSON, Sup, tcdoh-'r'Full information gAvn tin laml and m'entbci o1' the Tiie old h.f. I, bong 'orgmz Oitit.e matiersi. ll Inqliries hy 'mail well. and Lillie by iii Yjv.auSi and tion atei an ; df motherpioiupty ftn8welen, j T.XX Kefitaliou Ethel Lowry, enby djjux Next to U. S Land QjjIa c. ly wav pve buchr'insircctmn PHOTOGRAPHY s The tile I, orpii.li b? cal ula dd to t nt oidaTe I X piaver1 M, tla- sisfeis in i Heir labors and iha.ojueby 'Fpi.t Please errrember that all PicHOt J..H. UAARo; utiesd TI." Ephinim. Nrth II mn h iiapscn, Cairie Key-o- tures sent to me' to be enlarged fouiity Surveyor uld Ltmd Agt, 5Vard fSoi icty Madsen. O m and will receive' careful '''attention - jepresi nt d " '1'iUtaH rea Manti, ock,entit cdji.i g, I will deliver them to ' ahy by M's. Emma IJfohson. The Veh'pi Remarks be'seMiNg by Emnia Hansen and house. id Ran Pete County' in KKf Fountain (brg n1. socle V bjiMrs. Ohve Ijowry reporting iLe a due t.ms, for the small sum of Eph3f.o: OPidlyAnn'biuhi'S&u of Manti. n?ist r iL $2.25 including extra nice frame, sociatiwis :0 h i Mrx. EUen ard oy )LAND aUe.. rainfou A; Hyde 'expressed her plea-ur- e Otlice Iirihe Land Office Uuild-- , Dorjlisr The cl miUs'ng all complete, required TheM oti N. V.. dn meetings with tho clijkh'tn. until pictures are delivered. ing, Salt1 Lake City,, Utah. " x PicSurety w ui represent ed bv Mrs. 8i;ter Metcalf gi',e a report ol Saisfaction ' guaranteed. Association .at tures f the who sent and W.trehaln. to Rdiecca I pumaiy .1 .spoke any enlarged o. , i f Gunnisori. I Sister Irons and , without frime, tlr address by . gain,1 the inising : Voocc ons ai d t'.6 manufactirre Copelv spoke Very interestingly on receipt of ptlce. $1.50. bid .he aso?p(ikeof glean--- 1 to the ihil ren. Sister Wells Wm. F. Young, Mare .Your Furniture Repaired Ler-easure in meetPairview City. igbnd clbsf'd' hv;aying:;Wh. n J X ... . .lie s.iints were" adv.-from, ing with the children said she S.tnFete ebunty, Utah. ' ft'.-c Nativoo they were driven to a .was delighted with' ;h6 songs ahd .4 ' ' to (i "country' etc! uMraE., B. recilationx. Encouraged them NOTICE . TO CREDITORS. Are ' celebrated Sister of their obedient and i YVella spoke upon the raising of he prayerful. lightness draught, strmjgtk Of Juab de-j- ji and iA full line of our manufactures can be encourag- TJfSTATE of Soren Jaco6-odurability.', gram, silk culture' and home Pitchforth .madeverfcoaxed, Notice is lierely given found ' manufadfuries 7ge fief ally. She ing enikrk-- , PYtei5ent Madsen flt the tollovving agencies: . ' t . r 1, Wythe miifersigiied exevulorof God dlidrik for to said' felt the W ishes to announce to tbe Reopleif al-- o to matter the 'J.: of referred, R; .MeiDtrup,' Ephraim, San Pete county, the East Will 4llnl, TextaTieftt of I ' liau Fete &nl Sevier .Count concise 01 jqutes, the good instructions.' we had Soren iaCotieco, deceased, 'to, the hiking prbper I,; Tuttle, Manti, ,Utah. theCham-ber- s creditors of, ftmi All that he 'will make several tp ' perons jiavlng 17 ' Hausen ifcThti her, Richfield, Sevier out, accurate mports, etc. received. Sipgingln making ind winter county, the san to 1 during n eiainis against the deecasoti, coming Mountains. the of . , ; , Pres. , Peterson made sesme rewill Le'prepared to repair Clre exhibit then with the neuesxary , ,Th(fttulclaknr f builderBroth Brother rs In Bigler. w by Maiiufg Company, and other Furniture with marks upon the storing of grain, vouchers, within ten inontlw. after Lowrv. Olive auoh a manntr that theiook and 'also referred to .the effort Ibis of the notice, firt publication ' ' well and . Secretary pro tern. to the said executor at hisresidenc that had been made by tbe sisters j in lilt. Pleasant in the County of to raise means lo build a factory San Pete, U. T. , daniei Harrington. Farm Froie hi and Spring Mu ;ns and Cart?, Phaeione, GSi: ! and suggested that aenimitteeof Date) at IMt. Pleasant, U. T., .V Public. an Murreys. Central Br1 nch Repository,"- - T Cabriolets t seven be appointed to invesrigate ary t Augu-- 24, Mads Jevsek,1 the subject and see 'whet the All Notary work carefully attenALT 'i'AICE OITY, XJTAH. Fxeeutor of the Last Will and Try oue and you w,!l havjour seemed to he in refer- ded to. I de- of Mre. Javl-ewhole set repaired. Woruom ence to the matter. Pres. Peter- Office at Sentinel office, Man'i. JAMES B GLA'-S- . Manager ,w at Heaidenee and at Alt Maiiv 11. Utali. son I, nominated Presidents I. Hi y prices - t -- -(' .- e d o o f 1 . 1 O.-i- p V i I ,8i-,-li- in-t- an I T' , nd-'egs,- iu , 1 '..- , I - 1 ' i . f $unwn. hii-iiinu- . x 0o$. ft ' -- i . , 1 dL-Minn- IIou-e.'Ma- nt ! ie - h 'o-t- y-- of - coin-iiiHi- c gr. 13 , i- - I ihOti'-v'- ! T-- ..'.. 1 1 O- j I Bea T its T J - , g fc-- 4 - 4 -- ! r y I -- , r st . , , 1 , -- . - , - BlrdxflL6w;3 11 af-'.ib- :K;P8knei - ' 1 ti ly II 7 i - ...... i no f l14 tv j -- i ' (nyyv oni 1 . i pre-idiu- TITTTYrnTYTt T U-- - , Ij I h-j- r Ti''' 1 1 v it-- - I 1 1 ? . Fm-oe- t FURNITURE , - ' i-- A t . ( t 'I--- -- 2, ! i T-mp- -- It' Ie , E-sa- y- . s t , t f . Wa-tefisko- - ol a-- -- - sxll&sr t Npiy Bcau-t.fuHdA- i rd-d- l, y.-- p iiiisto'iiid, -, n :.- - i M t . -,4 e- t fr ? n, 1 - H 1 . Bene-ditio- Mr W:! pro-pec- W-r- k 1 1S8-1- . . ts n, , '(3 R' E |