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Show .s L within the Itorders f the Ter- NOTICE OF FINAL Pri' ritory, if net in i ho wlnde Rocky .xa U. S. Lanl Office at 8?; Mountain region. 4t may give JO ib6o. Ai-- ;. Utah Tein an impetus to the idea off City, Notice is here y given that t!. a fin lnamyaciunng tiers haw institution on the warm stream following named t, tn-.intention of filed notice which from the Lowry c in final make support is proof paid to have Bpring, and which final er.r secure and their fall it claims, feet. a of eighty Finally, would naturally draw the trade thereof ; and that each of aaid and traffic from the whole Sevier proofs will be made before the valley a well as from Piute and Probate Judge of San Pete Counthe southern part of Emery ty, Utah Territory, .or in his before the County Clerk of County to this point, thus in eaid the not trade County on Tuesday the creasing only the Ry. and merchants but bene 15th day of September, A. D. 1885, at the Court House in Manfiting the public generally. From what has been statei ti City, San Pete Co., Utah Ter. and fr ni other relevant points vix : John A. Erickson, Homewhi'-brought to bear stead Entry No.5343, Tor the E $ might Sec. 26. Tp. 1 i S, R 4 E, in the m i ter we belieVo that there is scarcely an enterprising and names the following witnesscitizen in the county but wha es to prove hia continuous resi can readily per the utility of the dence upoh, and cultivation of, enterprise, and who would be un said land ; viz : Christain Olsen, Anders An; willing in case die ma; ter was Lars Larsen, and Charles derson lend to worked sm p'Operly up, cor in the way of practical heli Rigoy, all of Fairview, San Pete That the ruilroa 1, even in its un County, Utah Ter. Aaron D. Squires, Homestead fin idled state,-an- d Unfavorable location, haB been, and is, o Entry No.50'2, for the E S W great benefit to the cltizens.o i N vV i S E i Sec. 23, and N E this County Cannot be success i Sec 26 Tp. lb S, It. 2 E., and id fully denied. In vfew of till- - names the following witne.-se- s then, and iir consideration of the prove his continuous residence fa t that a. continuation of the upon, and cultivation of, said foad would mutually benefr, land j viz : Ebas DcMill, F. M. Cox, F. W. all parties Concerned, we see' no bar to the initiative being tak n Cox, and Ezra K. Funk ; all of and the good work commenced. Manti, San Fete Comity: Utah What do the business mVjn and Ter. reter Chridetlsen, Hdmestead Capitalists, think of ' this?' We have heard from so the: arid they Entry No 3660, for the ldls 1, 2, say let us have the rarlfodd anc 3, and 4, Sec. 6; Tp. 16 S, it 3 E as soon as practical sOme proper arid names the following witness es to prove hi Continuous resi manufacturing institutions. detuce Nature has done a great deal upon, and cultivation bf, to 1 8an Pete, and if Iter citizens satd land ; viz : Edmund Edrhunds; Eli-;b- a will but strive to develop and utilize her inate qualities and Stfevens, Laihb, ahi Henry natural resources she nftry feasily William Lunh, all of Wales become the peer of any county San pete County, Utah Ter Elis.ia D. Statement in the Territory. No. ST59, for the ft 4 N The Homs Ssntinsl Published Shoe and - tata-blii-hi- ( Uanti, San Pete Co.U. T ng jryj r .4 Weekly Newepajer, Devoted to the general interest of tfeepeepleof San Pet anil lurround-ingCounti- e. THE S. P. V. RY. In a recent interview with representative of the Sentimki,, Mr. S. Bamberger, managing director of the 8. P. V- lly., itafod that the company was anxious that tlie road should be vontinued on south at least ns tarns Manti. He also observed of the that so far as the road is at present concerned it is scarcely paving expenses ; hence the company docs not feel a nthusi.istic about prosecuting tho extention as they would if tho patronage and the business outlook were better. The company, however give assurance that they will extend the road on to Manti, providing the citizens fitf the county will m.ke the from Chester to this point, ?tadeestimated that Owing to the texture of the soil, the Compara live smoothness of the fmmtry, Btc. that the grading between Chester and Manti cfouid bo done by fifty men in three months. If w5 assume that there are three thousand men in ihecuunty that ro intere-te- d in the extention of the road and Wc haven't the what slightest doubt but ihfCr'e ftre ut least that niririberffor feven citizens of the northern part of tlie county can icadfily ieo that their business would be greatly facilitated and the naf kei value of theft preduoe really A1? tlie late Ladies feonfererfee theroad was completed to tbo County Scat aVid to the which Wvas held in this city (the Salt friirics south and who Iheitfe by the way is Worthy the Would bd Willing to. assist the attention of even the most stalfintci prise in a praciieaf way by wart ffri'ule conference)' the scfb assisting in p'uslring tho wLrk, , ect of' rearing a fo'ao'ry WL the grade could b6 finished 4 Uv mentioned and, a commitfoc rivas ielr man performing one appointed to look ihto the profine half days wofk, or; if! Ve priety aqiL feasibilityof the scheme, trisiftno that there ate 4, JOllthat this 6f 3,000 men in the cou ity matter is being agitated is that wduld be willing to assist ominous of good results ns it In the enterprise,' the work could bespeaks U public upinioi in bo finished each iriiih per- favor of the enterprise when it is due forming and, one eight days 'fairly started. AVith all deference to woik: . the ' efforts While the average man is of tlii ladies we fully fcdverso to pfeffoiriung gratuitous b'dievfc that the enterprise o! labor in favor of corporations or building a factory is well wofthv institutions that have been wont ih attention riiid vigorous efforts fo pay fot evon the smallest of jOiir business men and capiservice, we titill believe that when ta usds and nothin short cif furnish the desideratulfl iff the advantages and utility of fhv the road extended to the countys needs having Hu irieultufa resourced hie main poults of Our county ,aro properly considered and when fnie. nenayegoty coul ilrp'us- the matter is Jurought squarely its, supt'fio salt mine-;- , an before the people either by call- - excellent grazing country, and in fact a county which amply pays rig mass meetings for the sdnie husbandman for his toil matter or the other ing by jneuns a, united! spirit could be while the season for labor lasts : Impelled and the work woiitd be blit, as the Sextinei his before gone. Of course in the event of stated, the material wealth and definite steps being t takep it prosperi y of tlie county are not would necessarily have to be KRriy to lie gteatly augthedted understood, tlyougli a tacit until f.jctoritts or industries lire agreement, if nut by contract' established thus providing a that the ly. , company would means for cpjitinuous winter employment (iihd obviating the purchase all of the rightjof-w-r for the road and complete tl1 necessity (of spending through tract' as speedily as poss.ble the winter tlud which it has after the grading was done. t.ikpn the whole( summer tii earn. t , In prosecuting the grading, ljj There is im croud reason whv iuay luippen that some business Sm Pete, witlr.lier rjidmal ud- men auj persons who, are vantages hd her frugal pdiple t rank with the. forc-tdirectly interested , in shipping, should most of our Tcmtyyy ; be would etc. cou'' quite traveling, it and does not do several times to thpir require a very jrilling uota of the ,wprk in order, that great stretch bf tho imagination jibe completion may be, e$ po- to cause yp.e to believe that a pew financial growth is sited ; still it,, may not be pise era in close hand. at in tnis to anticipate regard, sinfe theoretically at least, all ,bona jfido citizens are supposed, to be NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION equally interested., u u ' . Some of tho advantages of No. 2075. laving tho road completed to Manti may briefly be stated as Land OtTtCv niSalt Lake City, Utah, follows.: A terming. or deput fSepteuhf l2f 18$.",. lore would greatly, facilitate the Notice is hereby given t hat C the eettler hav filed rijiight and passenger traffic to following-nameito make Anal nd fromJManti and the southern notice inof hia intention proof aupppor of hia claim, and t It the of county generally, part that faid proof will he made before would expedite the transporta-lio- n the Register am Receiver at Salt of the U..S. mail. It wonld Lake City, on (Saturday, October , viz: Thonfas H, Thoma, 4, assist in theimaterial growth of Hdmestead EntryiNo t48) for the would in tend that it ar city S W1-48 W WHN1.2 and to tourists and visitors $ draw 8 W 1.4 8 W Sec S,Tp 138, R 7R ' He hatnes the following wltuesves lea already quite attractive local- to prove his continuous resUieuce would also It popugive ity. upon, and Cultivation said 'I jiml Writy to Funks lake which by viz: R. Robert-- , E.of,Waiiih, f! ho way, owing to its mountain Kimball, Rod f. Rarnett all of Salt r. t , ras surroundings and its unique Lake Ceunty,Utah. II. most of ono Register; is JcMstert jpitfition cco3-:iblJakes Sir! A Lctre Atty's for jiitvirfisciu9 App. 27 - bu-ine- f t thi-wi- ll di-e- us . y , . d -- 1SS-5- N ( 3 1- -4 Headqu ifters porium 6hould now eonsult Our Pric List of Lubricating Oils and Binding Twinas befor wher and thui Sara Money. IiTFLQ Will find our iIAIlSr'V SHOE nnd HARNESS Makers Os, M- . - nj , , - Attv. NOTICE United State .Uud Offlce,.Salt Lake City, Utah, August 24, 138-i-. Complaint having been entered at this Office by Arthur M. Camptiell against Robert Rollins for abandoning hi Homestead Entry No. 3951, dated October 31, 1S7S, upon the N N. W. 14, N. E 14 N. W. m! N. W. N. E. 8eetion.29, Township 128outh, rsnge 1 east, in Juab County, Cvali, with a view to the cancellation of said entry; the said. parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 2nth day-o. at 10 oclotk September, a. to respond and furnish a&id alleged abaa. donraentz t .r U. 0. WAPliAca. Receiver, 2 1-- f 4 1SS-5- tei-concerni- v U.1 D?l o Prs T cr -- 2. t t: CO t o J 3 K a P a a, v ,be in n By I' , rite v in a iat InPq-- Pf lul tVv. K. RtllD, ATtORNEY-Al-LAl- (cnQ, ATanft, 0 loll Sanpete Co., Utah. at Court Office I .d .f Hone t NOTICE OF FINAL nuti 2070' U S. Land office at Salt LakoC:; ?e(? U .T.,Sept. 4 h, 1885. Nbtice is hereby given V, 81U ;he following named FMt: have filed notice of their initu , - d, rn' Territory of Utah Cohnty of an Petej Coi3! 1 In the matter of the esfiJ .l Henning P.Peel, Deceased, j d'i for Publicri: 'on of time ap.hott-6for proving will, etc. ( Pur uant to an Older of Court inade dh the first dai r ' September, 1885. notice is her Jerei giveh, that Monday, the 2lt cich of Sfeptember,l885, at li o'ck'ntoi a. tfi. bf said day, at the Ctd il Room of said tlourt at xditv Court IIoU.se; in the thumb-pitSah Pete, U. T. has been appju my ed as the tl.fi time and plan jtin proving the will of 6 rid Henrnay! P. Peel, deceased, and forhe.iri 'lit the applicat oil of Hans Pou, my and Laurenty Lrisen forthekunog anefi to them of Letters te!i:uiiia try wheh and where any per- sn i interested may appear and or ave test (die snme. ps Datea September 1st, 1SS5. ller 22 . John Reid, Ckittu t 22 ESTATE. v Ndtich is heteby iven, That in pufsuance to an, order of thb Court of the County ofSdn Pete, Ter. of Utah, made on the 3 1st day b'f August 1885; in the mater of the estate 'df M D: deceased, tlie undersigned be administrator of estatf; vill pell at public auction, to .he highest bidder, for cash, and subject to cdtifirmatiod by- said robate Court; bn Monday, the 21st day of September 1885, at J 1 oclock a. m: at the frorit door f the Court House in Manti, County of San Pete, all the right, interest and estate title, the said M. D. itam-ileto- n at the time ,of his denth, and all tlie tight, title nd interest tliRt the said estate iias, y operation of law or otherwise, acquired qtjher tfian or in addition to tKit oflhe said M. .1). -- lambleton, at ihe time of his eath, in and to all that certain ot, piece or parcel of land situate ying, arid being in the Laid County of Sail Pete, Ter. of Utah and bounded and described r5 ollows, to wit: Lot 1 Block j)3 as platted in pla.A-.Mant- i City Survey ; being tlie former lionie of said deceased i.( Terms arid conditiqns of sale cask. Ten percent, pf the purchase money to bc paid to tHe auctioneer on tlie uiy of said; balance on coririrmaiion of sale by said Probate Court! Deed al expense of purchaser, r ,1 tuTpER T. Tuttle Administrator bf the. estate of M. D. Hamblet on, deceased, . .Vc AH'S. NOTICE. ssasr NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL T.-Rei- 6tock O LSON.Quperitendant . Wm. A bnyUi j - Henry Lamb, Charles Gudriersen, and Alfred Lamb, al of Wales, San! fete Coiin ty, Utal. Ter. II. McMaster, Register. Wm.T, Reid Attv.for afipplicaht. Ilarli-ileio- fcveS E3m-poriuomplata and alwayB Bottom prices. headquarters. In fact tha JOINERS and CARPEMTEIPS Place where you get what you want and at Figures never "ATool, Etc. above its value VlTheat, 1rice. Market t at highe-taken always ' - x 4 Jppi 1-- d . Em C-i- an l-- . f Makers Sec. 7, S E j 8 E 4 Sec. 6, W f S W Sec. 5, Tp. 16 S R 3 B, riml uaies the following witnesses to prtive his continuous ufidn.and cultivation off. eaid land ; viz : William jd-i- Joiners and Carpenters Jf H Ephraim NEi Lanib4;,- V Har ne - Mereantilt Association, Ephraim, Have net found, their Lots prices, Square dealing and Attentiveness to the Best Interests of their Numerous patron Tht ab-een- Editor Ik. UU.RBIS3T0S, Lubricat- i ing Oils os -- i i ERCANTilK "rpHRAiM: "a NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION No. 20G3. Land Office at Salt Lake City; U; T.- , Aug. 26., 18851 MOTICE is hereby given that May' 14tli, for .the W. 2071. .Land Office, at Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 7, 1885. Notice is hereby given that tlie following named settler have filed notice of their intention to make final proof in support o their claims, and( (Hat said proof will be madq before the Judge, or in his ab'sericcj .before the County Clerk at NepHi;Utah. bn Saturday Oct, 17th 13, viz. , Edwar! .Elmer, II. E. 7068 fortheWfft Wi airj N W, 1 S W i sec.. 23 arid ft E S E , i N. E. , T . lo & R2W, Hegiames.tae following iSO, Hi E. No. 0246 ft; E. r , the following-namesettler as filed notice, of his interition :o make final jiroof in support of his clainix and that said pfoof will be made Before the Probate Judge (or in his absence the County Clerk bf Emery County, tHe County Cburt U.- . T.. at Ilouse at Castle Dj(le, U. Tff on Monday October 12, 1885, viz: Benjamin Juries, under the act of sec. d port bf theif claims, arid final entry thereof and each t 6 said proofs will be iriade Iff the Probate Judge of San H1 re County Utah Ter., or iri hif fence, before the County Clerk said County on the 17 iky October, A. D. Cw, House Manti City.U. T. J..1 Mads Neilsbn,. Homes! end Ei i in try No. 5957 for the S W i ft th 2 wit- c'. -- f1 1885-atSth- c -- 21, Tp. 15 ,R4 Eand nameiu the following witnesses to ProB continuous residence up cnltiyation of said land vii P Neils Neilsen, J. T. S, Allied, U.0. Allred, and Jeni Hanson al l?is arid; of Spring City, San Pete Count) .;fe i Utah Ter. ; Jacob Chii 'ten sen'. Homestead Eiltrv No. o 735 , for the W . 1 W. nessed to ptcye his riontin-iioud,Fec. 14; Tp.,17 S.. R. 8 JEl. upqn, and cultivation ft E ; nanies tlie followihg wit- rbsidpnce ft W 14 and E of, sjdid land ; ii : Jariies T..el-listenesses to prov. his continuous 2o, Tp 14 8 R 4 E, and nanVOj Gcrge. Howard, resilience upon, and cultivation HAer jr., B. .Uck e;, Tho iritis .J. he followiiig tvifriesses to Pro('f;e. xis continrious residence upon, of, said land, v.jz : Chflstbnsen Schp-fieljr,' all of Nephi, Ju1 and cultivation 9f,said land, yi 5at Oiteson, Rlias H. Cox, Pedfer abj'yCo, Utah; .. , Nielsen arid CharlesBrown' all of Also .prooAvill 'he made, .her Wm. Burnside, Thos. Burnsid,A Samuel Shelley,, and Jam luritirigton, Emery county, U,T fore the Register o Receiver at I1;.McMaster, , Register. Salt Lake Ci(y, Utth, on Satur- Campbell, al,l of Mount Pleasanter )f & Simmons, Atty. Ter. 24 ga Stayner day Oc. 17th 1885 ; viz : George San Pete County, Utah is Register, II. McMaster, W Boyd, IItE 6118, for the. S E yi Applicant! V WM.T.REiD,Atty.for sep, 36,Tp.) S R 17 V NOTlBfe FOR PUBLICATION. iof S .H and lots 2 qnd 3, andS E" 4 of 26 No. 2,060. rfc' S W I Sec T.USll-and Office at Salt Lake City, m PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR .He names the folloling 2056. August 4(h. 1885 No. pi his Notice is hereby give that the residence' pijove and ctiruvous --and Office at Salt Lake Cty v, upon, cutivatiqn t- ollowing nmed settler has JUed laud, viz: Mrs. James Utah, August 13, 1885. notice of his intention to make Notice i hereby given. thatMy Ferguson, v Enoch W: Tripp, inal proof in support pf his Samuel .named sc titer has following Boyd, Francis J. Varney claim, and that saiq proof will all of Ibepah, iwticc of hif. intention to vuikcfud ;; Utah. .; e made before the Probate Judge " McMaste proof i n .support of hin dgvnans ;tl,1 IL Renter, of Sevier County, at T. C or Clerk iof said proof will be mad,, bejo Bajxet, Atty.for appli tints. the as Richfield, on Octqber 5, 1885, rereiver at 26 LakeRegister and Saieirdnf viz: Christian Larsen, H. E. j City, Utah, on 691 for. the E. $ N. W. and September 25, 1885, viz: Xaures .o PLAN1NO W. i N. E. i sec. 32, Tp. 23 S. R. Barnwm, D. S. 8411 for the y v it W, , to do all kindiof 1 4 N. TP. 1 4, Lot 4 and N I am prepared He names the following, wit enstoni work In the line of Planin. S. IF. H Sec. 5, .Tp.l2 S.,R- lS f nesses .to prove hia continuous Moulding and Sawing oct the shot. lie names I he following witi'-'e- . possible notice, and oil reason a b, to residence upon, and- cultivation resulew jirove diit continuous termsi Also all kind? of Lumbei : Swen viz lav& said land, said of, Borgquist Pickets, Mouldings, aiitl everythin, vponundculttvation of Soren Christensen, Ole Petefe-etonJSchai used for house finishing. viz: Richard J. Burra r tl and Peter S. Greco, all of RichD. Swazcy, Mona, Utah, on ME A'TRIAL. GIVE field, Sevier County. Elias ll: Raisons, Clark H. I ' . H. McMaster, Register. ' 'ons of Salt Rake City, Utah BKN'.HANSOJI,"Prop. S. W .Darke & Co Attya for H. JIcMabtkr, Be8l8tt Blain St,, hit. Pleasant, San Pete 21 Claimant;. C, .Bailey, AtUy, county, U, T, , s -- le 1-- 2 1-- 4 ( t ,jyit-neses,- to . o-s- i ' b'A r- 1 i - . - n . 1 . tf - |